Date: 12/14/03
Text: Matthew 10:1-42
Title: The Mission of Kingdom of God (2)
Theme: As God's kingdom continues to expand, it is a mission with a high price.
The kingdom of God is where God rules. When God rules in my heart, there is his kingdom. When he rules in your heart, there is his kingdom. When he rules in this church, this is his kingdom. This kingdom is never a static entity. It is dynamic, constantly moving from one person to another, one family to another, one city to another and one country to another.
Last Sunday we studied the mission of this kingdom. What learn that the motivation behind the expansion of God's kingdom is seeing people as they are, caring for their needs and praying to the Lord of the Harvest.
This morning we'll continue to explore the essence of this kingdom Mission.
I. Compassion for people drives us to the Lord.
When we see people as they are, as sheep without a shepherd, we develop a deep compassion. This will bring us to the Lord and pray that he will send out workers. You see, in every part of the world, God has always prepared individuals hearts, and they are waiting to be brought into the kingdom. From beginning to the end, this is God's harvest.
Yes, we pray to the lord of the harvest, but this doesn't mean that this is all we do. As we pray, we know that God will send workers out, yet there is also human responsibility. We can take part in the church mission ministry. We can find out how we can help so that people around us and away from us will have the opportunity to hear God's call. We can also take part in short term mission, broadening our vision and learn to see the world as God does.
In chapter10, we noticed that the ones Jesus taught to pray, are now being sent by him. It still happens today, right? You pray faithfully asking God to send out workers to bring his people into God's kingdom. Then one day, you feel the tug and hear the voice, "I am talking to you. Are you willing to go?" Sometimes prayers are dangerous, right?
II. Compassion for people leads to the delegation of ministry.
In vs. 1, "And he called to him his 12 disciples…" Now Jesus is about to invite the 12 disciples to take part in this kingdom mission. In vs.2 they are called the 12 apostles. The word 'apostle' means the 'sent' one, the representative. Jesus'' apostles means they are sent by him, representing him. In vs.40-42, we learn that when individuals give them a cup of water, it is as if done to Christ. As a group, they are known as the apostolic community. Their words are to be taken as Jesus'' words. Later, their spoken and written words are considered as words from Jesus, from God: authoritative, to be considered God's words and are included in the Bible proper.
Therefore strictly speaking, there are no more apostles today. For no one is given the authority to be Christ's spokesman, representing him, because Christ's words are in the scriptures. However, Jesus still calls and sends men and women, giving them the task of bring people into his kingdom.
III. Compassion leads to the training of the 12.
Jesus called the 12 and about to send them out. Before he did so, He gave them his authority and he taught them. He gave them instruction before sending them out. This is part of the training the disciples received. The same is true today.
When God calls you to bring his harvest into his kingdom, the first thing we need to consider is training. God has and will continue to use different seminaries to train and equip his people before going out to the field. I am glad to see our church is supporting 8 or 9 young men studying in varying seminaries, preparing themselves for future ministries. Yet, training can start now. We can diligently attend Sunday school classes. Beginning next year, twice a year, we have asked Logos Seminary to come and offer some extension courses for us. These are excellent opportunities for us to receive training, right at where we are.
1. Immediate Mission 5-16.
In his instruction to the disciples, Jesus first calls their attention to the immediate mission objective.
a. It is narrow and focused. They are told to go to the Jews first, preaching to and teaching them of the kingdom of God. However, as the kingdom continues to expand, it also reaches the non Jews as well. Later we read about Jesus reaching out to the Samaritan women and how her village came to know Jesus Christ. Then there was also the story of the healing of the Canaan woman.
The Kingdom mission begins with the house of Israel, and expands into all parts of the world. Again, there is a simple principle operating here. The kingdom is to expand from me to people around me, from my family to families around me, from one city to another, one country to another. If we are thinking of going out there, whether it is another state or another country for short term mission, we start at where we are first. If I don't tell those around me about Jesus Christ, it makes no sense for me to go to other places to share the gospel there.
b. Besides a narrow and focused mission, it is also a mission that continues to express Jesus'' compassion for others. Jesus preached and taught the people, so would the apostles. Jesus healed the sick, so would the apostles. Jesus cast out the demons from those possessed, he confronted the evil power, and so would the apostles. Their mission was an extension of Jesus'' compassion. They were to be channels of God's grace to the sheep without a shepherd.
As the kingdom of God continues to expand, Jesus'' followers are also expressing the compassion of Jesus Christ. We continue to preach and teach the good news of the kingdom of God. Wherever Christians and missionaries go, we see the building of schools and hospitals. Several major hospitals in this and other cities, are the result of the Christian churches. Many of the well known hospitals in china have their origin in the Christian missionaries. To this day, we are the channels of God's grace and mercy to people that he brings us to.
c. The immediate mission for the apostles is a life of simplicity and humility. They were to live a simple life as they travel from one place to another. The apostles were told to be prepared for traveling light. So how about their living? They would be depending on the hospitality of others. For the self sufficient tax collectors, fishermen, this requires humility. In such moments, it is also when they would have to trust the lord for his provision. Many of them have heard Jesus'' teaching on trusting God to provide for the daily needs. Now, they are to put it in action.
Having said this I would like to make an observation. Many of the missionaries go out into the field in faith, trusting God will provide for them through the churches and friends. Very often, missionaries trust God for the extra money they need to meet some special situations. I feel it is important for us to give generously to our missionaries so they will not be lacking in their needs. We give so they will be able to concentrate on the ministry God has entrusted them and not to worry about the daily necessities.
2. Broader Mission. 17-42
Besides the immediate mission, Jesus also showed his apostles what this kingdom mission is like.
a. Persecution (16-33). Jesus taught them that he, their teacher would face mistreatment and misunderstanding. Therefore as his students, the apostles, should expect the same: mistreatment and persecution for the kingdom of God. This is what he taught them in the Sermon on the Mount: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness. Don't expect an easy life. But there is also comfort when facing persecution. The heavenly father will be looking out for you. Your life is in his hands. Without the father's permission, even the sparrow will not fall to the ground. Since he knows the number of hairs on our head, we are very precious to him. Don't be afraid of those who can hurt your body but not your soul. You are in God's hands.
When you are brought to the court, don't worry about what to say. The Holy Spirit will give you the right words. Mission of God's kingdom is not easy. As we are sent to bring God's people into his kingdom, to bring in God's harvest, the devil does not like it. He would do everything he can to make it difficult. Persecution is to be expected. Yet, don't worry, we are in God's hand.
There is one observation here. From time to time we hear Bible study leaders or pastors say, "I did not have the time to prepare for this sermon or this talk or this Bible study, but I know the Holy Spirit will tell me what to say, please also pray for me now." If I would to say this, you know what the Holy Spirit would say to me? William, I have told you last week to spend more time to study and prepare for this message, and you didn't listen to me. You are on your own now.
b. Disharmony in family (34-37). There will be persecution as one follows Christ. Wherever the kingdom of God goes, it will also cause disharmony in families. There will be conflicts of world views and value systems. To some devote Jews, to follow Jesus Christ means the ultimate betrayal of a person's family. To many Chinese families, following Jesus Christ is seen as neglecting one's family responsibilities. When you follow his call to go to far away countries, you may be perceived as uncaring and irresponsible towards your family. This is hard for Chinese Christians. Sometimes, we have to make a choice.
c. Cost of discipleship (38-39). In his earlier teaching, especially in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had already hinted that to follow him is costly. It could be persecution in the form of being taken to the court. Here, is a declaration of the cost. To follow Christ is to take up the cross. To the first century listeners, the cross could mean only one thing: death. Today, we look at it as a decoration or a symbol. But in that society, it is death. To use modern term, "And whoever does not take his electric chair and follow me is not worthy of me."
Kingdom mission is not a cake walk. Yes, it is motivated by compassion. When we see people as they are, sheep without a shepherd, being harassed and helpless, we begin to pray that God will send out workers to bring them back to the great shepherd. We love and show compassion for them. We are channels of God's grace to the poor, sick and the helpless. Yet in return, we are mistreated and misunderstood.
The teaching in Matthew 5-10 is an explanation of the church history in the last 2000 years. As followers of Jesus Christ learned how to live in a fallen world, they have also become instruments of God's kingdom expansion.