In the Beginning

Genesis 1
Our belief in a Creator God will affect how we relate to the world and people around us.


In a New York Times best selling book:"A History of God: The 4,000 year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam", author Karen Armstrong writes,"When one conception of God has ceased to have meaning or relevance, it has been quietly discarded and replaced by a new theology, it becomes clear that there is no objective view of God. Each generation has to create the image of God that works for it." In other words, each generation is trying to create God in its own image. God is no longer an objective being, but a product of our own imaginations or faith.

Even though we live in a very secular age, people are still 'thirsty' to talk about God. Everyone has his/her idea of what God is like. Paul Hill had such strong convictions about his faith in God that he shot and killed an abortion doctor and his body guard. One doctor, Curtis Boyd, considered himself religious, yet had no qualms about performing abortion. He said,"I perform abortions because of my religion." It's indeed confusing when there are so many god-talks. Whose God is the real one?

The early Christians certainly recognized this problem. That men were describing and defining God according to their own standards and experience. To counter this trend, the Apostles' Creed was formulated. This was to guard the essence of the Christian faith: A faith that is based on objective revelation from an infinite God.

Last Sunday we discussed God's existence, his power and his close relationship with men. Today we'll look at the second phrase in the Apostles' Creed: the maker of heaven and earth. It sounds simple and straight forward. But we have much problems with it. As Christians we know we should believe in God as the creator of heaven and earth. Yet we don't know what to do with the evolution theory. We feel uncomfortable in classes that teach evolution. We recognize the tension between faith in God as the creator and our attraction to Science that seems to advocate evolution as the only logical explanation to the origin of the universe. Even if we believe that God created the universe, we are hesitant to identify ourselves with those who openly and verbally advocate creationism in school. Sometimes we feel that if we side with the creationist, we are committing intellectual suicide.

What do we mean by God as the maker of heaven and earth? Is it an intellectual defendable position? This morning we want to see that not only its logical and reasonable to believe in God as the creator, but such faith will affect the way we relate to the world around us.

As we explore the meaning of God as the creator, it behooves us to first remember some very basic principles.

I. Principles to remember.

1. God is there and not silent.

Last week we discussed about God's existence and that he is not silent. He revealed to men truth about himself and the world in words we understand. These words are recorded in the Scriptures. He is there and is not silent. This is the first principle. Because this infinite God speaks, telling us about himself and the universe, therefore we can know him and the world. And because He is God, what he speaks is true. However, He has not told us everything about himself and the universe, therefore what we know is limited. We know only what is revealed to us. Even though the revelation is limited, yet what is revealed is true.

Consequently we have the responsibility to do our best to carefully study the bible to learn and understand what He has told us about our world. The second principle:

2. God's clear revelation about the creation. (What he has told us about his creation.)

First, there is a beginning. He is the creator of all. Genesis 1:1 are these majestic words,"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."

Listen to this description,"When time began-- perhaps as long as 20 billion years ago-- all mass and energy were compressed almost to infinite density and heated to trillions upon trillions of degrees. A cosmic explosion rent that featureless mass, creating a rapidly expanding fireball, It has been cooling ever since. At first the universe was an impenetrable haze...the universe cleared and everyhere blazed with light." This sounds like a modern paraphrase of Genesis 1:1. But it's not. It comes directly out of June 1983 issue of National Geographic. Science may explain to us part of the process of this universe's origin, but not who is behind it.

In J.I. Packer's words, the message in Genesis 1 and 2 is this,"You have seen the sea? The sky? Sun, moon and stars? You have watched the birds and the fish? You have observed the landscape, the vegetation, the animals, the insects, all the big things and little things together? You have marveled at the wonderful complexity of human beings, with all their powers and skills, and the deep feelings of fascination, attraction and affection that men and women arouse in each other? Fantastic, isn't it? Well now, meet the one who is behind it all!" As if to say, now that you have enjoyed the works of art, you must shake hands with the artist; since you were thrilled with the music, we will introduce you to the composer.

Secondly it was an orderly creation. There was no hint of randomness. Let's take a closer look at the order of creation:

Day 1 Light v3-5

Day 2 Sky v6-8

Day 3 Land/Sea v9-10

Vegetation v11-13

Day 4 Sun/Moon v14-19

Day 5 Sea/Air Animals v20-23

Day 6 Land animals

Man v24-26

This order is no different from what is proposed in the evolution theory. We need to take notice that each category is a distinct creation. For example, God created the plant kingdom, he also created the animal kingdom. Among the animals, he created the sea animals, the air animals and the land animals. They are all distinct. One kind does not evolve into another. This may explain why even to this day, there is no hard evidence, other than speculation, of the missing link that is supposedly between the various major life forms. Man and the animals were both created. But man was separated from the animals because man was a special creation. In v26,"Then God said,'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness....'" v27,"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created him." As if the author of Genesis was afraid that we may miss the point, in repetition, he writes that we are made in God's image, in His likeness.

There is a God behind the universe. The universe had a beginning. God created this universe. It was an orderly creation. He distinctly created the physical world, plants and animals.

3. God's silence regarding the creation.

These are specific acts of creation. But we are not told the details of this creation. The third principle is that God is silent about many aspects of the creation. For example, were the plants created in the mature form, or in seedlings. Were the various animals in infant form and then grew into maturity? Were there variations within each kind of plants and animals? Are the horses we see today, the same in form and size as those at the time of creation? After the various kinds of plants and animals were created, was there room for changes and some form of evolution?

Or what does 'day' mean? Does it mean a 24 hour day or a period of time? Since God is almighty, he can certainly create the world in 6 days. But he could have also created in 6 periods of time.

In areas where the bible has clearly spoken, we are to firmly believe. But in areas where the bible is silent, there is plenty of room for scientific discovery and discussion. However, the conclusion must not contradict with what is revealed. In areas where God is silent, there is also room for disagreement among Christians.

We can still ask, does it really matter to us today if God created heaven and earth? Does it matter now what happened so long ago?

J.I.Packer suggested three implications when we believe in God the father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

II. God as creator helps our uderstanding of Him.

When God is our creator, then we have a creator-creature relationship with him. It means that we are dependent on him. He does not need us. He does not have to create us in order for his love to have an object.

When He is my creator, I'll take him seriously. During the last twenty years, in this country, there has been an emphasis on God as our friend. It is true that he is our friend, but we tend to treat him like a buddy. When we worship him, its as if we come to a friend's house. We don't come on time. We dress too casually. We may dress better when we go to work, to a wedding or a dinneer. We have a rather sloppy attitude towards God.

If I come to worship my creator, it'll be different. I'll watch my time. It's hard to imagine being late when you have an audience with the president or an appointment with your supervisor. How much more so when we come to worship our creator. When I have an audience with my creator, I'll also pay attention to what I wear. I don't mean that we turn this into a fashion show. But what we wear, often is a reflection of how important we think he is.

When He is my creator, then I will recognize my finiteness and limitation. How dare I define or describe him according to my standards. My understanding and knowledge of God must be based on what He has revealed.

II. God as creator helps our understanding of the world.

Since God is the creator, therefore this creation belongs to him. It's not ours. Moreover, in v28,"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Men were commanded to be stewards of what was created. We are given the responsibility to take care of it.

We are not too good at this, isn't it? How sad it is to see our abuse of the world. Trees cut down without reseeding the area, leading to soil corrosion and other damages. This is most obvious in the disappearing of the rain forest in S. America. Then there is river pollution, thinning of the ozone layer, uncontrolled killing of certain animals are all evidences of men's failure as good stewards over God's world.

As Christians, we must take an active role in protecting our environment from abuse and misuse. We can begin by paying attention to our neighbourhood's recycling projects.

God not only created the world, but it was also a good creation. V31,"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." It was good according to God's most perfect and absolute standards. Since it is good, we must not see the material world as evil. To some Christians, the only thing that matters are spiritual things. Anything material is bad, not important. This is wrong. We not only need to take care of what God has given us, but also learn to enjoy his creation, the visible material world. As Christians, there is no need to cause a division between the material and spiritual world. They are both God's creation.

III. God as creator helps our understanding of ourselves.

When God is my creator, he also becomes my master. As I look at the events and circumstances in my life, I will humbly accept what he brings and allows to happen.

Since God created me in his image, then I need to remember that I have intrinsic value. My value, self-worth does not depend on how well I studied, how successful I am in my career, where I live, what kind of house I live or what kind of car I drive. I am valuable because I carry with me his image.

Every person is valuable. I will refuse to look at you as an ABC or OBC, what school you go to, what degree you have, whether you are educated or not, a doctor or janitor, handsome or ugly, handicapped or non-handicapped. It makes no difference whatsoever. Because you carry God's image in you, therefore I will not use you as an object for personal gains. I'll treat you with respect and love. I'll treat you as a person with value and dignity.

Many years ago, Francis Schaeffer shared an experience he had at UCSD. He was on his way to the platform to give a lecture. In the hallway he saw a young man, with dirty clothes and long hair sitting on the floor. Schaeffer went over and stooped down to talk to him. Later, the student asked, "Why did you bother to talk to me?" Schaeffer replied,"I love you because you have God's image in you."

Yes, I am made in God's image, but I also know that because of sin, this image is distorted. Therefore as a child of God, the purpose in my life is to be obedient to his instructions so as to restore God's image in me.


I believe in God the father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. The phrase: Maker of heaven and earth is simple yet profound. It goes beyond the origin of the universe, it affects our relationship with the physical world and with people around us.

You see, without the faith in God the creator, Many of the basic human questions will remain unanswered. There is no ground or basis to take care of our physical world, other than survival purpose. Without this faith in a creator God, there'll be no answer to who is man, other than a product of evolution. Is there worth within him, or is he just like any other animal or object, with no purpose and value, only to be used for our own personal gain. Without this faith, we would not understand why we are so angry over the Tien An Men massacare or the Holocust in WW2.

When we believe in God as the creator of heaven and earth, we find a compass in him. A compass that helps us understand our world and showing us also how to live.

Sunday May 30th, 1999, Rev. William Hsueh, Houston Chinese Church, Houston, Texas.