Rom 12:6-8; 1Cor 12:4-11
Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to each believer for the purpose of
building up His church.
When we think of the Holy Spirit, we tend to fall into
two extremes. One is to associate him with the supernatural, such as healing and speaking in tongues. We interpret noise
and activity as his presence and power. The other extreme is to treat the Holy Spirit as if he were non-existent, staying
away from anything that seems supernatural.
In my last two sermons, we've learned how the Holy
Spirit works actively in each of us. He convicts us of our sins and brings us to Jesus Christ. He is our assurance that
we belong to God. He assists us in our understanding of God's word and the truths in daily living. And he actively helps
and enables us to become more holy, more Christ like. Moreover, he is called the comforter and encourager.
You see, the Holy Spirit never calls attention to
himself, but always quietly and forcefully works within us, pointing us to Jesus Christ.
Up till now, we have been looking at the Spirit's work
in our personal lives. This morning we want to see how the spirit works within the church.
We'll be looking at this simple truth, that the Holy
Spirit gives gifts to the believers to build up the church of Jesus Christ.
What does Paul say about the spiritual gifts? 1Cor
12:1, "Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant." Its almost like Paul's saying that you could
be ignorant about many other things, but about the spiritual gifts, don't be ignorant. Pay attention to what I have to
say. Romans 12:6, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…….", 1 Corinthians 12:11," All these are the
work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." Here we are told that the Holy
Spirit gives 'gifts' to the believers. Since these 'gifts' are from the Holy Spirit, they are called spiritual gifts.
The spirit decides to give which gift to whom. Lets take a look at what some of the gifts are. In the
NT, there are all together four passages that provide information about the nature of the spiritual gifts: Romans
12:6-8, 1Cor 12:4-11;28, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Peter 4:11. Since the two gifts mentioned in 1 Peter also appeared in the
other passages, we'll just look at the listings in Romans, Corinthians and Ephesians.
1. Listing of spiritual gifts.
A. Romans 12:6-8.
As I read these gifts, I'll also briefly
define each gift.
First, there is the gift of prophecy. Not always
associated with future events, it's the ability to speak forth God's truth, quick to discern if certain ideas are in
accordance to God's word. People with this gift can be blunt, easily offensive.
The gift of Service. People with this gift are willing
to meet others' physical and material needs. I think of those who quietly and faithfully serve in the kitchen ministry. Or
the man with all kinds of tools in his trunk so he can help the stranded motorists.
Teaching gift. Individuals with this gift are good in
communicating biblical truth. Their style and content helps others understand God's word. They spend time reading and
studying the word.
Gift of exhortation. The Greek root for this word means
to come alongside, drawing closer. Those with the gift of exhortation are effective in comforting and encouraging
others. People with problems like to gravitate towards them, because they care and are good listeners.
Gift of giving. People with this gift are usually very
generous in sharing oneself, one's time, finances and possessions with others.
The gift of leadership, or administration, or ruling.
This refers to those with the ability to understand goals, plans and how to take steps to achieve those goals, looking
at the big picture, the overall direction. They are effective in delegating responsibilities to others.
Mercy. Individuals with this gift often show great
compassion for those who suffer physically or emotionally.
B. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11;28
Gift of faith. Individuals with this gift often have
great faith in what God can accomplish in given situations. The gift of miracles includes healing, special ability
to heal the sick, sometimes through their prayers or laying on of hands.
Speaking in tongues. The word tongue literally means
speaking another country's language. When the spirit came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost, they spoke in
tongues. That is, they began to speak in foreign languages. Many Jews from other countries were able to understand the
apostles' message in their own language. Speaking in tongues can also mean speaking in a language that is directed to God.
The NT guideline is that whenever someone speaks in tongue, there must be an interpreter.
C. Ephesians 4:11
Gift of Apostle. They are the ones who saw Jesus and
followed him. They were called by Jesus with a particular purpose: to bring the gospel message to the end of the world.
By definition, such a gift no longer exists.
Gift of an evangelist. Being effective in sharing the
gospel with others, helping them come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. We can think of David Wu who in his short
lifetime brought many to Christ.
These are the spiritual gifts we find listed in the NT.
I would like to make two observations about these gifts.
First, some of them are supernatural, such as healing, and speaking in tongues. Others are quite ordinary: ruling, exhortation, giving or mercy. These gifts seem to differ from the natural talents.
Secondly, there is no one complete listing of all the spiritual gifts. These four passages all seem to be selective rather than exhaustive.
2. 'Gifts' are given to every believer.
In 1Cor 12:11 we read,"...and he gives them to each
one, just as he determines." No one can say, "I am no use, I have nothing to offer, because I am not as gifted as others."
The Bible clearly tells us that each believer is given one or more spiritual gifts.
How do I know what gifts I have? I don't think Paul
designed a survey form for the first-century Christians, telling them to fill out and identify the various gifts. As
one becomes involved in certain ministries, personal experiences and other's input can confirm if we have certain
gifts. For example, if you teach or lead a Bible study, it won't take too long for others to tell if you are gifted in
teaching. If I think I have the gift of exhortation, but no one ever comes to me with their problems, then I better have
second thoughts about this gift.
Nowadays, there are also various survey forms to help us
identify some of our spiritual gifts.
What is the purpose of these spiritual gifts? Romans
12:5,"so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."1 Corinthians 12:27,"Now
you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." In both passages, Paul used the imagery of a body. We
are members of one body. We each use our gifts so that the body can function properly. Ephesians 4:11-13, "It was he who
gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare
God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in
the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." This passage
clearly tells us that spiritual gifts are given to the believers so that Christ's body, the church can be built up,
believers will grow into spiritual maturity, full of Christ's love and holiness.
For example, those with the gifts of teaching, through
sermons, Sunday school and Bible studies, help us to understand and apply God's word to our daily living. Those
with the gift of service quietly work behind the scenes, watching the little ones, cooking and cleaning, maintaining
the facility, bringing food to the needy. Those with the mercy gifts, will call our attention to those in pain and
suffering of.
And then, last but not least, we all live in a very
difficult world. We each have our share of problems, struggles and frustrations. And we need someone who will
listen to us, let us cry on his or her shoulders without judging and condemning us.
When we each begin to use our gifts, this body of Christ
will be built up, and become more like Christ.
Again, I would like to make several observations. First,
in God's eyes, the church, this and other churches, are very important. This is why he has given us spiritual gifts to
build up the church and not for personal edification. In our present society, I see a very disturbing trend. When we
attend church, we come to enjoy its programs and ministries. We often ask if my needs can be met. How this church can meet
my infant, toddler, pre-teens, teenagers and elderly parents' needs. It's important that some of these needs are met. But
what is even more important is how God can use my gifts to help this body of Christ grow into maturity.
What if I am not using my gifts in this community? Two things will happen. First, this body of Christ will not
function as it is meant to be. Secondly, at first I maybe enjoying the fruits of others' serving and teaching. But
after a little while, discontentment will begin to surface, followed by complaints. I feel it's important that we re-adjust our focus. God has given you those spiritual gifts so
that you can help to build up this body of Christ. And for this reason, in recent years when you become a member of this
church, we also help you to identify some of your spiritual gifts.
Second observation. It's important that each person will
use his gifts fully. But in any church, at any given time, there may be ministries for which we can't find persons with
the right gifts. In those situations, we must not excuse ourselves saying that since I don't have this particular gift
therefore I cannot serve. Yes, if you have the gift of teaching, it will be easier for you to teach, or easier for a
person with the gift of service to help out in the kitchen. But we must also remember that there are times we serve and
teach because of needs and responsibilities. I may not have the gift of evangelism, but as a believer, it is one of my
responsibilities to tell others about Christ.
Thirdly, God has gifted us differently, but we must also
remember to continue sharpening those skills. Those with the gift of teaching, you need to continue to study God's word
and learn how to effectively teach and communicate truth to others. Those who are gifted with exhortation will learn how
to counsel and help people in different difficult situations. Those with the service gift may need to learn how to say 'NO'
to others so we can better prioritize our life.
Fourthly, about the supernatural gifts. Since the
purpose of the gifts is to edify the church, one must ask about the role of speaking in tongues and healing in a local
church. Paul specifically stated that speaking in tongues does not build others up, but only benefits the one who
speaks in tongues. Therefore in many churches, such gifts are not encouraged. We want to focus on the gifts that motivate
and serve the entire body of Christ in an orderly way.
Lastly, and probably the most important thing is that
the fruit of the spirit, must be the foundation of all spiritual gifts. Whenever we exercise our gifts, there must
be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Do you remember the days when you went to a book store
down the street to buy your books? Then came Barnes and Nobles. They were bigger and carried more books. They also
had sitting areas with an adjacent Starbucks. So people flocked to it, thus leading to the closing of smaller stores.
Then came which not only sold books, but CD's, videos and you name it. The one that is the biggest and with
the most wins.
Don't we sometimes feel the same about church? Churches
that are big and with the most programs win. People flocked to them because that is where their needs are met. You see,
we Christians are not immune to consumerism. Our leading question is: What is there for me? We want to see which
church can meet all of my needs. So churches begin to compete with each other, to see who can come up with the most
comprehensive programs. Instead of, it becomes
Certainly it is important that our needs are met. It is
this church's responsibility and challenge to meet our deep and real spiritual needs, bringing us to God's grace, and
establishing a loving relationship with Him. However, what is equally important is how I need to exercise my spiritual
gifts to build this church.
We are so glad that God has brought you to this church.
We definitely know that he has given you certain spiritual gifts to help this church to grow into spiritual maturity. We
are also thankful that many of you are already using your spiritual gifts helping each other to become more Christ-like.
Sunday Nov 7th, 1999, Rev. William Hsueh, Houston Chinese Church, Houston, Texas.