What do you associate with "being Filled with the Holy Spirit"? This topic has caused great confusion in many churches. About 20 years ago, following a mild stroke, Cynthia's father lost his ability to talk normally. The recovery process was slow and frustrating. He went to different churches seeking divine healing. At one place, he was told to repeat certain words after one person. He had to do it faster and faster. This is how he could be filled with the Holy Spirit, leading to speaking in tongues and healing. He left that church in total frustration and disappointment.
Some teach that when certain persons lay their hands on you, then you'll be filled with the Holy Spirit. You'll begin to speak in tongues or experience other supernatural phenomena.
One can engage in long discussions on these issues and experiences. But again, we want to focus on what the Biblical teaching on being filled with the Spirit is.
I. Lord's will for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
In chapter 5, Paul instructs the Christians at Ephesus to be imitators of God, to live a life of love and a life of children of God. And then in v17, "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." They are to know the Lord's
will. What is it? V18,"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." The Lord's will for the
Ephesians Christians is that they be filled with the Holy Spirit. Please note, its not to be baptized with the Spirit, or be sealed with the Spirit, or to be gifted, but be filled with the Spirit. What does it mean?
1. We need to remember the fact that we already have the holy spirit within us. In 1 Corinthians 6:19,"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" We have the holy spirit within us. Not 1/10, 1/5, 1/3 or 1/2 of the Spirit, but the Holy Spirit in his entirety is in us. When we first placed our faith in Jesus Christ, God placed the spirit within us. He is either there or not there.
2. The Meaning of being filled with the spirit. If the spirit is inside us, what does it mean to be filled with the spirit? I think of the analogy of a gas tank. Its full of gas. But in order for the car to move, the gas needs to be delivered to the engine, the transmission in the right gear. We already have the Holy Spirit, we already have the fuel needed for power, insight, wisdom, guidance, courage and comfort. The question is: how do we get the fuel flowing so we can live as God intended?
Paul used drunk on wine to contrast with filled with the spirit. When a person is under the influence of wine, or is drunk, he is helplessly out of control. Some have interpreted the verse to be filled with the spirit as spiritual intoxication. You are totally under the spirit's control. Your anger, bitterness, hatred and other sins will all disappear just like that. No, this is not what the Bible teaches. You see when one is under the influence of the spirit, there is self-control. John Stott
writes, "We can indeed agree that in both drunkenness and the fullness of the Spirit two strong influences are at work within us, alcohol in the bloodstream and the holy spirit in our hearts. But, whereas excessive alcohol leads to unrestrained and irrational
license, transforming the drunkard into an animal, the fullness of the spirit leads to restrained and rational moral
behavior, transforming the Christian into the image of Christ. Thus, the results of being under the influence of alcohol on the one hand and of the Holy Spirit of God on the other are totally and utterly different. One makes us like beasts, the other like Christ."
John Stott calls our attention to four aspects of this phrase: be filled with the spirit.
First, this is a command in the imperative mood. Be filled... Not a casual or gentle suggestion, but a firm command. Its like other commands: work hard, speak the truth, be kind, forgive one another. It demands obedience.
Second, its plural. That is, its not referring to one particular super spiritual person, or certain groups of Christians. But everyone, every believer is to be filled with the spirit. If you are a Christian, then you are ordered to be filled with the spirit.
Thirdly, it is in the passive mood. Let the Spirit fill you. What hinders the spirit from filling us? Sins. We are to constantly getting rid of sins in our lives. I cannot be filled with the spirit if I have known and
unconfused sins in my life. I cannot be filled with the spirit if my life-style is contrary to God's character. To be filled with the spirit, I need to be sure to confess and take care of the sins that have emerged in my life.
Fourth, be filled is in the present tense. Not a one time experience, but continuous, on going. Take walking for example. You remember how a child first learns to walk? He struggles to put one foot forward, then pulls the next one up. One step at a time. In a few weeks' time, it becomes so natural. Same with being filled with the spirit. I am to be obedience in small every day things. Everyday I need to remind myself not to gossip, or speak negatively about someone behind his back. I am to be kind and gentle to those I disagree. To stay away from books, magazines, conversations, TV shows and movies that can lead to sin. I have to know what some of my weaknesses are, and then on a daily basis, ask God to help me overcome. You see, as I involve myself in this process of getting rid of the sins in life, to replace them with godly characters, being obedient, I'm also being filled with the spirit. Simply put, my daily obedience to God is the means by which the Holy Spirit flows into every aspect of my life, so that I can live as God intended. When I let the Spirit take control of my life, this is being filled with the Holy Spirit.
II. Filled with the spirit is manifested in our harmony with God.
What happens when one is filled with the spirit? There are four participles following “be filled with the Spirit”: speaking to each other, singing and making melody to God, giving thanks to God, submitting to each other. Two are directed to God and two to men.
1. Worshipping God.
"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord." When we are filled with the Spirit, there is harmony between us and God. There is joy and a new song in my heart. It motivates us to worship God individually. And when we come together in public worship, there will be joyful celebration of God's mighty acts both within and outside our lives.
2. Thankful heart.
When we are filled with the Spirit, there is also a thankful heart towards God. V20, "Always giving thanks to God the father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." When I am in the complaining or grumbling mood, I know I am out of touch with the spirit, I'm not in the right gear. If you show me an ungrateful person, I'll show you a person who is disconnected from the Holy Spirit.
We have to note that the word “Everything” does not include the evil and anything that God abominates. We don’t thank God for the evil and suffering in life. But we can thank God for working in those situations for his good purposes. Like we studied last time, his purpose is for us to become like Jesus Christ. We can thank God for working in those situations to make us a stronger and more mature person. We thank God for who he is. Gratitude is always a hallmark of the spirit's working in a person.
III. Filled with the Spirit is manifested in our harmony with each other.
When we are filled with the spirit, it affects our relationship with God. It also affects our relationship with people around us.
1. Affects our speaking.
V19,"Speak to one another..." what is the first thing that happens when I am filled with the spirit? I'll speak to others, I'll relate to those around me. This is a vital part of Christian fellowship.
Is there someone that you don't talk to? Maybe he/she has hurt you in the past, or someone very different from you, you simply dislike him. Maybe you just want to stay with the same group of people all the time. Or some of us may be by nature very quiet. We don't want to talk much. But the scripture is very clear on this. Speak to one another. If you are to be filled with the spirit, start talking, and relating to him/her.
Through words we can express our care for each other. With simple and gentle words we can convey our love and acceptance of the other person.
2. A melodious heart.
How are we to speak to one another? "With psalms, hymns and spiritual songs." I don't think Paul wants us to speak as if we are in the Opera. Yes, there are times we may communicate through songs. I think of the choir. They not only offer their praises to God, in many songs there is also a message for us. This is the reason we are to listen attentively to what the choir is singing. We sing when we come together for fellowship or small group meeting.
But there is also a more basic and broader meaning in this passage. Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs can all refer to harmony with each other. A harmonious melody as we relate to one another. You see, we can speak to each other, but it doesn't mean there is harmony.
I have found myself in many situations, sometimes with fellow Christians, other times with family members. Yes, we talk, but we can almost use the knife to cut through the atmosphere.
However, when we let the Holy Spirit take control of us, he'll also point to us those strained and broken relationships in our lives. It could be with someone in our families, at work or in this Christian community. His spirit will prompt us to take the first step towards the healing of such relationships. It could be a phone call, or a word of apology. Its not easy but necessary. Sometimes this is the reason we secretly do not wish to be filled with the spirit. As I take those painful steps to rebuild relationships, I will also begin to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
3. Submit to one another.
V21,"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." When I am filled with the spirit, when the fuel flows in my life, I will submit to those around me. An aggressive, self-assertive and brash person cannot submit to anyone. But the holy spirit is a humble spirit. When we are filled with the spirit, we will display meekness and gentleness.
What is the motivation behind this submission? Out of reverence for Christ, or for the fear of Christ. Out of reverence for Christ, I will also be submissive to Him. When I truly submit to Christ, I will also submit to others.
Whom do we submit to? In the rest of chapter 5 and chapter 6, Paul tells the husbands and wives to submit to one another, wives submit to their husbands, children to their parents and employees to their employers.
In this passage we clearly see that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, it will be manifested in our relationship with God and with men. When the spirit is in control of us, we will love God and men. We love God by worshipping him and being grateful to him. We love men by living in harmony with each other and submitting to one another. Isn’t love the first fruit of the Holy Spirit? When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, when we are in control by the spirit, we will manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
It bothers me greatly when I see Christians living in discord with each other. Its like driving a Ferrari at 35mph because you don't know how to shift into the right gear that we take you to light speed! You see, we have all the power, wisdom and courage we need to live as God wants us to. Yet instead we insist to go our own way.

Rev. William Hsueh
Nov 28, 1999 Houston Chinese Church, Houston,
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