Study Questions
of God・s Kingdom (I)(II)
Matt. 9:35-38; Matt. 10:1-42
1. a. Do you agree that we see the same world but what we see is often worlds
apart? Why do you think it is so? Or do you think fact is fact, what you see is
always the true picture?
b. Are you by nature see a glass half full or half empty? Can you give some
2. a. What does Jesus see when he sees the crowd? Matt.9:36.
b. Is it more comfortable to focus on our little circle of relationship? Our church?
Other Christians? What is missing from this picture?
b. As we look at the :crowd; around us, what do we see? Do we see through our
own fear? Intolerance? Judgment? Pride?
c. What do you think Jesus sees on Main Street, in Chinatown, in Houston, in
U.S., or the world today? Who are the lost and the harassed? Are they the
sheep who desperately need a shepherd?
d. Are you willing to see as Jesus sees? What effort do you need to make in order to do that? What do you need to do in your prayer to ask God to do?
3. Jesus did not just :see;, He responded with compassion. What is your definition
of compassion? How is it different from :pity;?
a. What are some of the characteristics of someone having compassion in his heart?
b. What is the difference in doing good without compassion in your heart? What motivates you to serve?
c. Or do you think you are or our church is more indifferent to the lost and the harassed around us?
d. How can you change how you respond to those that Jesus see as those
without shepherd? v. 36.
4. Jesus・ first command is to pray the lord of the harvest. 9:38
a. Why did Jesus ask us to pray? If the need is there, should we not become
the laborers that the harvest needs? Who is in control of the sending?
b. If the harvest belongs to God, what is our role in bringing those who He has prepared into God・s Kingdom?
c. Are you prepared and equipped when God calls on you and wants to send
you into the field? What can you do to prepare yourself?
5. How should we prepare and equip to be His workers if God call on us?
a. Can you suggest the many ways we can do to study the Word of God other than reading the Bible?
b. What plans can you make to be more equipped to be His worker in your daily study? Monthly? Yearly?
c. What are your spiritual gifts and talent you have that can be the vehicle of
caring and healing as commanded by Jesus?
d. Do you thing you need to be more supportive to the laborers that are in the
field? In what way do you need to adjust? In prayer? In finance? In caring?
What are some concrete suggestions do you have?
6. Does Jesus・ instruction to go to the ・lost sheep of Israel・ applicable in the 21st
century? 10:5,6.
a. Have you gone to people you are in contact with about God・s Kingdom? To family members? To friends? Co-workers? Fellow student?
b. What is the message we are to bring? 10:7
7. Why do you think Jesus tells of the hardship and obstacles before the followers?
a. What comfort and rewards do you expect if you are persecuted because you are followers of Jesus?
b. Have your profession to follow Jesus caused family disharmony? What do you have to overcome? Has your faith become a witness to bring other members to God? Can you share your experience?
8. Can you summarize what we have learned how to be a citizen of God・s Kingdom?
a. In our priorities?
b. In our ethical standards?
c. In our obedience?
d. In showing compassion?
e. In Christlike?
f. In not of this world?
g. In the expansion of God・s Kingdom?