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Date: 09/25/2011
Text: Titus 1:5-9
Title: Leadership Quality
Theme: Since the visible church is God’s dwelling place on earth, therefore those who serve as leaders are expected to be blameless in all areas of life.
While I was in China last year, I noticed this school: 干部训练分校。 It was one of the college level schools for training future Party leaders. I also learned that there are schools to train first, second, third and even fourth generation leaders. This way, the country or the Party can be assured of uninterrupted future leadership.
I immediately think of applying this to churches. If we are able to train 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th generation leaders, than we won’t have to worry about where our future leaders will come from. If we are to train future leaders, where do we start and what do we teach? I am certain we each have our opinions and conviction on this matter. This matter of leadership is further compounded by the global phenomenon of distrust for those in leadership positions.
I understand that when we come to passages like the one before us, we may respond by saying that this is about the elders. Since I am not an elder, therefore it is not relevant to me. Yes, it is about elder’s qualification, but this letter is to be read by all believers in the 1 st century and the following 20 centuries. In this passage we find God’s word instructing us on what to expect from individuals who serve as leaders of his church.
Before we go into the main text, I would like to make several simple observations. First, in vs.5, Paul wrote about appointing elders in every town. It is plurality of elders, not one elder but more than one. Church leadership is composed of more than one person. Second, in this and the parallel passage of 1 Tim 3, we notice that church leaders includes elders and deacons. However, the scripture is silent on the structure of the church. Is it governed by the congregation, by elders/deacons? Since it is silent, there is room for different polities. Thirdly, leaders are chosen from those who have already demonstrated certain character and personality traits.
I Church leaders are expected with high standards because the church is God’s household.
Vs.6,7, “ if anyone is above reproach, ……… For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach… ..” An overseer, an elder, is to be above reproach. To be above reproach, is also translated as blameless. It is not being perfect, but living a life of integrity so that no one can accuse us of being inconsistent in those behaviors. It is about having a good reputation in public.
I remember people frequently sharing with me the following thoughts. Some as recent as a few weeks ago. “I became a Christians in this church. After coming here for a period of time, I saw someone I know is actively serving in the church or is some kind of leader. I know of his personal life and how he does business in the community. He is like two different persons. I am very disappointed with the church.” Some had left the church because of this. The scripture tells us that leaders are to be without blame.
Why such high expectations from a leader? Because he is a steward, a manager in God’s house. A church is not a social organization, a gathering of people with similar ethnic background. Rather it is a visible place of God’s invisible kingdom on earth. The church is God’s dwelling place on earth. For this reason, high expectation and requirements are necessary for those who lead and manage this place.
In the following, I will do my best to avoid repeating what we learned in our study of 1 Timothy in 2010.
II Leaders are to be blameless in their marriage and family life.
Vs.6, “ if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers ….” The elder, the leader, is to be faithful to his wife/spouse, and respected by his children and they, too, are believers.
A few years ago, in another church in another city, it was discovered that one deacon had another woman in another country. So consequently he was asked to resign from the deacon position and subsequently disciplined by the church.
In most social organizations, people don’t care about your family life. As long as you are willing to take up responsibilities and are skillful in carrying out the duties, it is fine. But in God’s economy, He expects and desires the leaders in His church to be blameless in their family lives.
For us at HCC, we need to ask the following questions. If I am elder, deacon or an advisor or coworker of a fellowship (I trust that I have included everyone, right? J ), am I exerting the right influence that my children have come to know the lord, is my wife/husband attending the fellowship functions, are we coming to church and worshiping as a family, or husband and wife? if I cannot influence my family to love God, to worship God together, to attend the fellowship functions, how can I influence others to do the same? God is not just looking for someone to serve, but someone who is blameless in his marriage and family life.
At the end of vs. 6, “…. and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination .” This means that the leader must not be accused of wild uncontrolled life-style, and unwilling to listen to anyone. It is not possible for such persons to take care and feed God’s people.
III Leaders are to be blameless in personal characters.
In vs.7 and 8 Paul listed 5 conducts we are to avoid, and 6 we are to embrace.
“ He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. ”
Not arrogant. An arrogant person is self-loving. Thinking highly of himself and can be very opinionated. Not flexible in accepting and considering others’ opinions.
Not quick tempered. This word appeared only here. Easily irritated by people and situations. We read in the Chinese news report that in WZ, a young man because of a parking problem, ended up hurting the other person’s 18 month old baby, plus the mediator. A temper without control is destructive for relationships. Pro. 22:24, “ 24 Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man,” 29:22, “ 22 A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression.” A quick tempered person drives people away, thus not suitable to be a leader in God’s house.
Not Drunkard. A drunk is someone who cannot control himself when it comes to alcohol. But besides addiction to alcohol, in our 21 st century setting, this addiction can also be applied to drugs, TV, Internet, or gambling.
No violence. The scripture clearly prohibits physical violence to another person. Besides the physical, words can also hurt. Words can be so sharp and cut so deep that it can break a relationship causing someone to leave the church. As I shared last year in our elders and deacons installation; Words are meant to heal, encourage and build up another person.
Not greedy for gain. A leader is not to be greedy for personal gain. We are not to seek more and more financial gain. In 1 Timothy, greed for money means turning money into an idol. This personal gain can also refer to power and fame. Power and fame by itself is not evil. When it becomes our idol, then it is wrong.
After listing behaviors we are to avoid, Paul continued on with 6 behaviors leaders must embrace. A leader is to be hospitable; meaning to receive guests on behalf of the church. A lover of good; loving and pursuing whatever is good and beautiful. Not bad mouthing anyone. Able to control oneself. this is often referred to the ability to control one’s emotion, thinking and behaviors. I like this verse in Proverbs 25;25, “ 28 A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” Without self control, one will be vulnerable to all kinds of influences, letting others dictate our thoughts and behaviors.
A leader also needs to be just and fair. He is to speak out for the weak and defenseless ones. Making sure that people are treated fairly and justly. A leader is to lead a holy life, meaning he is to reflect God’s holiness, grace and compassion. And then the last conduct we are to embrace is self-discipline. This is also one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Self-discipline is a form of self-mastery; knowing and pursuing what is right and pleasing to God. Without self-discipline, it will be difficult to avoid those wrong behaviors and embrace the positive behaviors.
IV Leaders are to be blameless in their commitment to doctrinal orthodoxy.
After listing personal character and conduct to be expected of leaders, Paul moved on to emphasize doctrinal matters. Vs.9, “ He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. ” We notice that the leader/elder is to hold firm to sound and healthy doctrine, a reference to the truths taught by the OT prophets, Jesus and the apostles. There is a body of truth that is essential to the church. Besides knowing and believing these essential truths, a leader is to instruct others and correct what is wrong.
What does this mean to us? As leaders/Elders, we are to know the essential and core doctrines of the Christian church. This means doctrines we cannot compromise, doctrines we are willing to die for. Such core doctrines include the Trinity, salvation by faith, the second coming of Jesus, final judgment and eternal life. These are being regularly taught in our Sunday School and Sunday sermons. Besides, this we also need to know what are some personal convictions or convictions of this and other local churches. Issues such as church governing structures: by elders, or elders and deacons, or by congregation, the role of women in the church’s leadership, manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in a local church and others. We respect convictions that are different from ours. However, if we feel strongly about our personal convictions, then we may have to find a church that has similar convictions as ourselves. Each leader is expected to hold firm the essential and non-compromisable truths.
Since I like cooking to a certain extent, I have always been interested in the chief Chef of the White House. This person is in charge of the daily meals for the president and his family. The chief chef also has to prepare meals for guests and foreign dignitaries. The food has to be good and healthy. The recent Chief chef had served both president Bush and Obama. She came to this country from the Philippines when she was 23. She worked for few years as the ‘Salad girl’ in different hotels in Chicago. She was hired as an assistant chef in the White House in 1995. And then 10 years later, she became the main chef. She was known for her hard work, focus, imperturbable demeanor and culinary talent displayed in the kitchen. She shied away from publicity and interviews. Such a personality, character traits and skill brought her to where she is today, being the chief chef in the White House. Such discipline and quality are required because of the important nature of the work. She obtained the job because she had already possessed the needed requirements. Her job is a confirmation of what she already possessed.
The same is true with elders and leader in God’s church. This is God’s household, his visible dwelling place on her. How can we expect less from those who serve as leaders? God wants those who are without blame in their family lives, personal and character traits, and holding onto doctrinal orthodoxy to serve Him. So, where does the training start? It really starts the day we become Christians. As we grow spiritually, we learn to develop a family where God rules. We develop personality and character traits that reflect God’s holiness, Mercy and compassion. We study the Word so that we know those doctrines well and are be able to instruct others. These are marks of spiritual maturity.
You see, we don’t develop such qualities so that we can be leaders one day. Rather, being an elder, deacon and leader in a fellowship group is a confirmation of our spiritual maturity. God seeks mature believers to manage His household on earth.
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