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沒有太多的牧師在他的教會講今天我們讀的這段經文,如果他講的話,會眾會說:「他又在埋怨他的薪水不夠了」。如果有一位外來的教員來講這篇道的話,有些會眾可能會說:「一定是我們的牧師要他講這篇道的」。所以,你可以看看在很多教會講道的記錄,你會發現缺少今天所讀的這段經文。在提摩太前書,我們看到保羅寫信給提摩太,告訴提摩太教會是神的家,所以在這個家的成員,應該知道如何怎樣行事為人,因為他們以前都不是信主的,沒有教會的經驗,然後信了主之後,來到這個教會,應該怎樣行事為人?應該怎樣做事?造成一些的困擾。所以保羅對提摩太說:「我寫這些給你要你知道在神的家應當如何行事、為人!」 在過去的幾個月,我們看到在神的家要如何的敬拜,敬拜的時候要怎麼樣的禱告、在教會裡要如何的對待不同的人。今天這段經文是講到如何對待教會裡要傳道人及牧師們。


1 •  牧者需要被關顧 (v.17-18 )


甲•  尊重


乙 •  酬勞



我非常的感謝神!我今天講這一篇道,不是出自個人的需要,乃是出自一個責任,要將神的話語全備的、完整的講解給會眾聽,我也非常的感謝神!在過去這些年的服事,不論是聖路易斯、曉士頓也好。我巴不得說過去服事過的幾十個教會,我沒有這種機會,數來數去就只有這二個教會,在經濟上從來沒有被虧待過。我特別想到先前的那個教會,每一年教會在做預算時,總有一位長老來到我這裡,問我今年的生活怎麼樣?明年的家庭有沒有有額外的開支,我們可以放在明年的預算裡。我想到有一次有位弟兄來跟我說:「我剛剛這個週末在書店裡看書,我就想到您。我也知道您喜歡書,我就買了這本給您。」當我聽到的時候,就想到加拉太書第六章六節:「 在聖道上受教的,應該和施教的人分享自己的一切美物。 」心中非常的感動、溫暖,真感覺到被關懷。


2 •  牧者需被督導 (v. 19-21 )

然後讓我們來看十九至廿一節:「控訴長老的事,除非有兩三個證人,否則不要受理。常常犯罪的,你要當眾責備他們,使其餘的人也有所懼怕。我在神和基督耶穌以及蒙揀選的天使面前叮囑你,要毫無成見地持守這些話,行事也不要偏心。」不錯!牧師們要被尊重,但如果一個牧師犯了罪,那怎麼樣?如果有人說:我看見薛孔偉牧師 … 。這個人該怎麼做?告訴另外一個人?或告訴所有的人?或告訴另外一個牧師?告訴另外一個長老?在這段經文的一個基本的原則,如果有人要控告一個傳道人,或領導、執事、長老也好,一定要二個或三個的證人,這是要保護這些的牧師,不要被一些破壞性的謠言所摧毀。因為我們看見好些的例子,因為謠言而破壞一個人或毀了他的服事。因此在新約跟舊約聖經裡,有些非常嚴謹的原則,來保護一個人的聲譽和人格。如果有人要控告的話,一定要二個或三個的證人。這裡也非常的清楚,如果沒有二、三個見證人,連聽都不要聽。



3 •  牧者的選擇需要謹慎 (v. 22-25 )

最後讓我們看一下,首先看廿三節:「因為你的胃不好,而且身體常常軟弱,不要單單喝水,可以稍微用點酒。」這一段的經文,令很多聖經學者頭痛的,為什麼出現在這裡?前面後面講的都是很嚴肅的事情,為什麼在這裡跟提摩太說“我知道你的身體不太好—胃,有胃病應該喝一點酒。所以我們時常說,我送一瓶酒給你,他們一定解釋說:「這是提摩太酒。」與普通酒不一樣。因此在有些的翻譯本裡,把這句話放在括號裡面,因為不曉得與上下文的關係是什麼?我相信到現在沒有一個人可以給一個完美的答案。所以我們 估且把這一段話 當作保羅在寫這封信裡面時的稍稍離提的一番話。這在保羅書信裡,有時會看見的,很有系統邏輯的寫一番話,忽然會跳到另外一句話,然後再回來。這裡保羅關懷教會裡的健康,同時他也關心提摩太身體的健康。有許多的解釋,教會的狀況使提摩太擔憂,甚至影響提摩太身體的健康,特別影響到他的胃。所以保羅說,你喝一點酒吧。我們可能也會想到,只有勸提摩太喝酒,因為那個時代酗酒是一個很普遍的事,所以在保羅許多的書信裡,都勸導信徒遠離酗酒的事。提摩太看見他的四周圍有這麼普遍酗酒的現況,所以他就下了決心,酒一點都不沾唇的,採取了完全禁酒的立場。所以保羅可能因這個緣故跟他說,喝一點酒對你的身體是好的。





當我在兩個禮拜前準備這篇講章時,想到三件事情。第一個,這是我在廿八年的服事裡,第一次講解提摩太前書,從第一章第一節一直講到第六章最後一節。第二個,在我服事的教會裡,這是我第二次講這一篇的經文,第一次在十九年前四月在聖路易斯教會講過,第二次是在今天這個教會。第三件事,當我在去年底和今年年初準備今天講道的安排時,就是那個禮拜講那一段的經文及那一位講時,我從來沒有想過這段經文剛好是今天輪到我講的,又整好是在我剛剛表示了我退休計劃的二個禮拜之後。早堂有位姊妹說「你真的沒有故意的安排今天講這篇道嗎?」老實說,我真的沒有,但是二、三個禮拜前,看了這段經文,噢!是我要講。我看到神的工作,也看到神的幽默感,我感到非常的驚訝!人怎麼樣安排都安排不到的。真的也叫我想到,神如何的帶領我們生命裡的事件,就如在箴言廿一章第一節:「 君王的心在耶和華手中,好像水溝的水,他可以隨意轉移。」祂在那裡轉動。

我想我們也知道,特別是你看到程序,我們的教會物色二位傳道人,一位是帶領 Pear Land 的工作,一位是帶領、負責這個教會英文堂的講道和青壯年的事工。再過不久,可能又要再尋找一位傳道人。我心中的禱告、願望,乃是我們在座的每一個人、教會的長老、執事、與弟兄姊妹,將這段經文深深的藏在你們的心中。在這些聘牧的過程中,我們要小心,要帶著一個分辨的能力。當神在祂的時間裡,將那適當的人帶到我們中間時,教會的眾弟兄姊妹們,我們好好來關懷目前和將來要進來的牧師們。我們要尊重他們,給他們足夠的待遇,我們也要儘我們所能的保護付他們的聲譽。當他們犯罪的時候,也要有勇氣,很公平的照聖經的原則,把這些罪指責出來。這一段的經文,要做為這一個教會在今後幾年的進入另外一個階段的時候,做為我們的座右銘及指南針。


Date:   09/12/2010

Text:   1 Timothy 5:17-25

Title:   Pastor and I

Theme: Since the church is God's household, therefore there are high expectations for her leaders.


  From time to time different pastors would share with me their ministry experiences. A pastor's wife said that Her sister in Canada would occasionally send her some really nice jackets and coats. However, she would not dare to wear them in the church, for this may affect her husband's salary.

  This is from a pastor who served in a church in the Appalachians . One thanksgiving, the church gave his family a turkey and ham. He was very touched with this kind gesture during the holiday season. Come December, when he got his pay check he noticed the amount was less than the previous months. He asked and the treasurer explained, “we deduct the cost of the turkey and ham we gave you last month.” If I didn't hear it myself, I would think it was some kind of joke circulating on the internet. In many churches, subconsciously we still have this attitude, “Lord, you keep him humble and we'll keep him poor.”

  Not too many pastors like to preach in their respective churches on the text we read today. If they do, the congregation may say, “He is complaining about his salary.” Now, if a guest speaker preaches on this text, some may say, “our pastor must have asked him to preach on this text or topic.” It's a no win situation.

In 1 st Timothy, we learned that Paul wrote to Timothy to say that the church is God's household, so Timothy and the believers needed to know how to conduct themselves in the church. In the last few months, we learned how we are to worship, to pray and to treat different people in the church. Today's passage is about how to treat the pastors.

Some of us may ask, what has this to do with me. This should be the elders and deacons' responsibility. This topic matters to you because first, this letter is meant to be read to all the believers, not just to a certain group in the church. Secondly, one day, some of you will be serving as deacons and elders. At that time, you will be playing a very important role in the treatment of pastors, be it here or in another church.

  It is with this spirit that we come before God's word. We are to let God's word direct and dictate how to conduct ourselves in his household, especially in our relationship with the pastors.

I •  Pastors are to be cared for.

Vs.17,18, “ 17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, "“The laborer deserves his wages ” In the New Testament, an elder and pastor are the same. Many Bible scholars take this passage as a reference to full time elders or pastors. There is another similar verse in Galatians 6:6, “ 6 One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who teaches.” These two passages tell us that we are to care for the pastors among us.

What does it mean to treat them with double honor? In John Stott's words, it is generally accepted as respect and remuneration, or honor and an honorarium. Paul is instructing the believers at the Ephesian church to honor and to give their leaders adequate remuneration or honorarium. The reason is given in vs.18. The first part of vs.18 is from Deut 25:4. The second part; “the worker deserves his wages” are words of Jesus. Paul is saying that pastors are to be cared for through proper respect and to be paid what he deserves.

  1.   Let's first take a look at respect or honor or respect. I remember a godly sister who once said, “I don't want to criticize the pastor for he is God's servant.” Apparently she respected the pastor, but in reality, there was fear. How dare I criticize someone whom God has called. This is not a healthy attitude.

To respect means not to belittle the person but relate to him politely. Respect also includes listening and accepting the person for who he/she is and not trying to change him or her into your ideal minister.

Having said this, also a word to myself and those in full time ministry. Yes, on the one hand we are respected because of our ministry and position. However, on the other, we must, through diligent and faithful work, do our work well, to authenticate this respect. We are to show and prove to the congregation that we deserve such respect.

  2.   Then there is the matter of remuneration, or in today's words, salary. The scriptures instruct us that the pastors are to be paid for their service. There is really no set standard on this. Some have suggested that the pastor's salary should be the average of the congregation's salary. Pastors are not to live above or below the congregation's living standard. The point here is that he needs to be paid adequately.

I learned that in some churches in China , the pastor is paid only about 300 RMB, that is about $40 to 50. I feel sad about this. If the church does not have the financial resources to do so, it is certainly understandable. But in many of those churches, the average income is at least 5 times more than what they pay their pastors. For this reason, I know one pastor who set up a foundation with the sole purpose of assisting those pastors in need. He would also go to those churches to teach them the proper way of treating the pastors.

I am very thankful that I preach on this passage not because of personal need, but because of the responsibility to preach the whole counsel of God. I am also very thankful that in my former church, every year during the church's budget time, one elder would come and ask me about my financial situation. Do I see any special family needs in the coming year that the board needs to take into consideration in budgeting. I also think of an incident when a brother said to me, “I was in the book store the other day and I thought about you. Since I know you like books, so I got this for you.” These situations touched me and I felt cared for.

It is good to remember that as we become members of this community, it is our responsibility to make sure the pastors among us are respected and paid adequately. It is the church's responsibility to take care of their pastors so that they can concentrate on their ministry.

II •  Pastors are to be held accountable .

Vs. 19-21, “ 19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. 21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality. ” Yes, pastors are to be respected. But what if the pastor sins? What if someone says, “I saw pastor Hsueh……” Do you go about telling everyone, or tell another pastor? The general principle we find here is that there needs to be two or three eyewitnesses. This is to protect the minister from malicious rumors. Rumors can ruin a person and his ministry. For this reason, both in the Old and New Testament, strict guidelines are set to protect a person's reputation and integrity. If there is any accusation, there must be two or three witnesses. It is clear here that without the two or three witnesses, don't even entertain the accusation.

What if the pastor refused to repent? In vs.20, we read that he is to be rebuked before the congregation. Paul also instructed Timothy when such a rebuke is carried out, to make sure it is fair. Don't be partial on this.

On the one hand pastors are to be respected and honored. On the other hand, when pastors sin, the sin has to be pointed out. This certainly requires courage and fairness. As we look around us, so often we see that the congregation or the church leaders fail or refuse to confront or discipline their ministers. Then they leave the church for another church and repeat the same offense, hurting the sheep under their care. This is sad. When a minister erred, the church, the leaders and the congregation need to have the courage and fairness to point out the sin and to exercise proper discipline. Why? Because the church is God's family, the house of the holy God. It is a place where sins are to be properly dealt with.

III •  Pastors are to be chosen with great discernment.

Let's first take a look at vs.23, “ (No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.) ” Bible students are often confounded by this verse. Why would Paul put this rather personal instruction in the midst of a serious passage? I don't think anyone has come up with a totally satisfactory solution. So we just take this as one of Paul's digression in his writing. Even as he is concerned about the church's spiritual health, he also has Timothy's physical health in mind. Maybe, the church condition had affected Timothy's health. We don't know what Timothy's health problem was. We only know that he was told to drink some wine. In those days, drunkenness is widespread. In several of Paul's writings, he instructed the Christians to stay clear of drunkenness. Timothy may be reacting to the social situation and took the abstinence stand. Paul cared for Timothy, and suggested that drinking some wine could be beneficial for his health.

Vs. 22, “ not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure. ” This is about choosing and appointing a leader, the pastor. Paul tells Timothy, don't rush into it. If this person later turns out to be the wrong one, then Timothy would be responsible for it. Vs.24, 25 give the reason for not rushing into it, “ 24 The sins of some men are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later. 25 So also good works are conspicuous, and even those that are not cannot remain hidden. ” Some sins are obvious but other sins take time to show up. When we see obvious sins in a person's life, we'll refrain from choosing that person as a pastor. But there are sins that take time to surface. Therefore be very careful and discerning when you appoint someone as your pastor.

I have heard this from different churches. “When we first interviewed him, he was everything we wanted. Now, 1 or 2 years later, he seems to have become a different person.” What happened? Could it be that during those short visits, we only saw the good and positive? Could we have only focused on the person's ability and skills, neglecting the person's character?

This applies not only to pastors but to leaders at all levels of the church. In 1 st Timothy, when Timothy writes about elders' and deacons' qualification, we notice, with the exception of elders having the ability to teach that it is all about a person's character. We tend to do things just the opposite. We are attracted by the person's oral communication skills so we say he is dynamic, and we are easily impressed by the person's people skill. When we focus on the skills and abilities, we may have neglected the character issue. We have seen pastors with great gifts and skills fall into sins ultimately. It is the character that matters.


  As I was preparing for this sermon during the last two weeks, two things came to my mind. First, it was the first time in my 28 years of ministry that I have preached through the book of 1 st Timothy. Secondly, it was the first time I preached on this passage in the church I am serving. And thirdly, when I setup the preaching schedule late last year and early this year, I had no idea that preaching this passage will fall on the Sunday after I shared with you my retirement intention. Personally, I am awed at how God directs things in life. Proverbs 21:1, “ 1 The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”

  As you know HCC is in the process of seeking two pastors. And soon will begin the process of seeking another one. It is my prayer and desire that we approach this matter carefully and with great discernment. And when in God's timing He brings them to us, the church is to take proper care of them by respecting and providing them with adequate salaries. The church is to protect the present and future pastors and to courageously confronting and disciplining when they sin.

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