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日期: 06/13/2010
經文:提前 3 : 14-16
當然這不是廿一世紀的一個問題。在第一世紀,在以弗所的教會明也有相似的問題。在以弗所有一個女神,叫亞底米,所以一般認為以弗所是亞底米神的居留的地方,是她的家。在那裡也有許多的居民,靠著這一位女神做生意,維持生計。在拜她的廟宇裡,有許多淫亂不道德的事情。但是在這城裡,有人認識了神,他們相信了耶穌,進入了教會的群體裡。 但是他們不知道在這群體裡該怎麼樣?很可能他們將過去的價值、和習慣帶了進來,造成二個價值觀的衝突,導致了混亂、矛盾。因著這樣,使徒保羅就寫這封信給提摩太,告訴在以弗所教會的人,什麼是教會?在教會裡應該如何行事為人! 在剛才讀的經文裡,我們看到一個很基本的真理,神已將他救贖的計劃顯明出來。神已經在人類當中,做了祂的工,所以那些相信祂的人、跟隨祂的人,要按著祂的方式、祂的樣式來行事為人。在這一段的經文裡,讓我們一起來看三個問題:一,什麼是教會?二, 在教會要如何的行事為人?三,教會的信念是什麼?或一個教會的信仰告白是什麼?
I 教會是神的家。
保羅提到他想來看他們,“如果我來晚了、耽誤了,我就將這些寫給你們。叫你們知道在神的家應該如何行事為人?這個家就是永活神的教 會、真理的柱石和根基。”保羅很簡單的說:「教會就是神的家、神居住的地方。」所以當信徒聚集在一起的時候,這就是神的家了!當我們認識耶穌的時候,我們就與神和好,神就將我們領養到祂的家裡,我們成為祂的兒女,成為祂家的一個成員,我們在耶穌裡是弟兄姊妹。所以,我們有時稱呼是主內的弟兄或姊妹,某某姊妹、某某弟兄。因為在這個神的家裡,我們都是兄弟姊妹。
還有一點我們要注意:就像我們生在自己的家,沒有機會去選擇誰是哥哥、弟弟、姊姊、妹妹,是不是?我一生下來,就已經有了哥哥、姊姊在那裡,或者你一生下來就是那個第一,然後有弟弟、妹妹,你沒有選擇的機會,他們就是你的兄弟姊妹,已經在這個家裡了,因此弟兄弟姊妹就要知道如何合睦相處,對嗎?在神的家裡也是如此,我們也沒有機會選擇誰是我弟兄、是我姊妹。如果有個選擇多好!我要這個、我不要那個。但是我沒有那個權利,我們一被神領養之後,這些弟兄姊妹就已經在我們身邊,我們也在他們的身邊,所以我們要學習彼此相愛 。 我們千萬不要讓自己在家中的兄弟姊妹關係,或者缺少那個健康兄弟姊妹的關係,來決定我們在教會裡要如何與兄弟姊妹相處。我們要讓神的話語,來指示我們、引導我們在祂的家裡怎樣與人和睦相處。
1 是屬於永活的神。
2 是真理的 彰顯
十五節清楚的告訴提摩太說:「什麼是叫教會。」不是一個社交的群體,將一群思想相同、價值相同、種族相同、背景相同,然後一個禮拜中大家聚在一、兩次。不是這樣的,這是神居住的地方、這是神的家,屬於這個群體的人是要在耶穌基督裡像弟兄姊妹一樣的彼此來往。 不是分享我們自己對聖經的亮光,乃是在一起追求學習那客觀又絕對的真理。然後在我們學習這個真理時,我們也向我們周圍的人傳講這個客觀、絕對的真理。這不是一個普通聚集的地方,在這裡面不是一群普通的人,因為這批人是屬於神的人、屬於那永活的神。那又如何呢?竟然我們有那一個身份,竟然這是一個很特殊的地方,那又怎麼樣呢?
II 聖徒要按神的家規行事為人。
讓我們稍為看一下:這一個在神家要如何行事為人?我在不同場合跟大家分享過,我們都很清楚知道,北美的華人教會是一個很特別的群體。在北美的華人教會裡,充滿了很能幹、有恩賜的人,在社會裡都很有成就的一個群體,差不多每一個人都像一條龍。為此,我們要感謝神!但是有一個危機,在北美華人教會裡一直存在的,乃是將我們在社會裡做事的方式慢慢帶進了教會裡面。在國內也有相同的問題。 很多在海外的留學生信了主,回國之後在教會裡服事,不小心就將在國外社會做事的方式、價值觀帶進教會裡。千萬不要誤會我說,社會做事的方式沒有一樣是好的,我們要相信神那一個普遍性的真理,在社會裡許多事是我們可以學習的。
首先這是一個禱告的地方。 第二章提到公眾的禱告,一定要有聖潔、敬虔。禱告跟生活是分不開的。我想到有些處境,包括我自己也犯過的錯誤,在聚會的開始,我們都好好的禱告,求神來帶領我們、幫助我們、求神饒恕,然後就開始我們的討論。在很短的時間,就變成了一場爭吵,在許多的教會裡都有這樣的現象。這是錯的!這是不對的!我們在公眾對神的禱告,一定要有一個敬虔生活來支持。
第二,我們來到一個敬拜的地方,要有合適的衣著。當然按著城市,文化、標準是不一樣的。在馬安峰的教會,或夏威夷的某個教會,他們牧師講道時,可以穿著短褲和夏威夷的襯衫,他們也可以穿著我們年紀大一點的人所謂叫的「拖鞋」來講道。會眾也可以穿著非常輕鬆、隨便的衣著來教會 (去婚禮總是比去教會穿的更盛重)。但是,聖經裡沒有給我們一個清單,只是是要穿得合適。那條規矩是:不要讓我們的衣著造成另外一個人的困擾,試探,不要分散人對神敬拜的心。
第四在教會裡有敬虔的領袖。不錯,神是教會的頭,是這間和其它教會的頭。祂也將男的、女的領袖放在教會裡,來保護這個教會、照顧這個教會。在上個月我們有三次的機會來看長老、執事的資格。相信我們看提摩太三章一到十三節的時候,我們看到長老、執事的那些要求。在這裡沒有提到長老、執事要做什麼,也沒有提到他們辦事能力是什麼?除了提到長老要教導之外,在這一段經文,那個重點,是講到在教會裡做領袖的品格、他的純正 ----- 言行一致。我們的社會是看您的履歷有多長,您有多少的經驗、辦事的能力有多強。我們的公司不太重視你對家是怎樣,因為那是您私人的事。您在家中如何對待您的孩子,那是個人的事,與公司無關。但是,當我們看聖經的時候,聖經對領袖的要求是他的品格、言行一致。神關注的您是怎樣的一個人,而不是您多能幹。我時常的體會到,神所關注的是我薛孔偉是一個什麼樣的人,我的品格是什麼?我有沒有言行一致?而很不重視這個人講道的能力有多好、辦事、領導能力有多好、多強、多弱?當然這些都是重要,但不是神看重的,因為在這十三節的經文及其他經文裡,神所看重的,是一個什麼樣的人。
我知道在最近這幾個禮拜,長執會在提醒大家為了要來的長執的提名、選舉要禱告,這是一個很好的建議,讓我們面臨這一個時候,要我們好好的為教會禱告,求神給我們有智慧,選出那一位適合的人、有好品格、言行一致的弟兄和姊妹們。我們時常有人說:「這一些都已經決定好了。不過是蓋一個圖章而已。」我希望沒有一個人 有 蓋圖章的心態。如果您有蓋圖章的心態的話,那些選舉、提名就是沒有意思的事。等到您幾個禮拜看到那個名單時,當您在同意不同意、贊成不贊成時,您要好好的禱告,按那聖經的標準、神的心意來選出合乎神心意的人。
當我去國內的時候,雖然我是去做教導的事工,但是每一次,沒有例外的,我是那被教導的人。 國內的信徒、傳道人對神的忠心、熱忱讓我深深的感動,看到那些剛從神學院畢業的年青傳道人,最多不超過廿四歲,看見他們在服事裡的擺上,在他們服事的一些教會,特別在農村裡面,手機是不可關,因為關手機是表示你不屬靈。傳道人的意思是什麼?隨傳隨到。當我們北美的傳道人埋怨我們很辛苦時,有時包括我在內,當我們面對這一批年青的傳道人時,我跟他們說,你們的問題是我沒有辦法幫助,我遇到的問題比起你們的話,是「小兒科」。當我看見年青的傳道人的熱忱和擺上時,我也隱隱約約看到中國教會的前途。看到他們對神福音的熱忱,因為福音的緣故,他們不怕這些攔阻、難處和痛苦,他們不委屈,我跟他們說,你們是一批教會不配有的傳道人,教會虐待了你們。我心中對他們有一種敬佩。他們在服事的路上剛開始,這是我要學的。
III. 信徒要持守真理的精髓.
這一個教會—曉士頓中國教會,是神的家!是真理的柱石、真理的根基,當我們聚在一起的時候,讓我們知道該如何行。教會是神的家,在神的家裡的弟兄姊妹知道該如何行。然後還有一件事,在這個教會裡的信仰是什麼?我們非常的慚愧,我當中很多的人不熟悉我們的信仰。在國內的教會有一個特點,很多教會,每個禮拜天他們都會背使徒信經,當你聽到幾十個人、幾百個人在那朗讀使徒信經時,那種震撼是說不出來的。當我們看十六節:“敬虔的奧祕真偉大啊,這是眾人所公認的,就是:「祂在肉身顯現,在聖靈裡稱義,被天使看見;被傳於列國,被世人信服,被接到榮耀裡。」”在聖經裡提到奧秘,特別在新約裡,只有一個意思,就是有關基督耶穌的事。在舊約裡是隱瞞、隱藏、不清楚的。在新約裡是完全被解開出來了 。
當您在讀十六節時,您大概可以體會到這跟使徒信經很相似,可能在當時的教會裡,在基督徒的群體裡,有些基本信仰的核心已經慢慢的傳開了,這裡是講耶穌是神!道成肉身,祂在世上祂是無罪的。然後在祂死後,藉著祂的復活,印證祂是真的王,完全的義人。復活之後,如使徒行傳第一章八到十一節的記載祂被天使所看見,祂被傳遞到世界各地方 。 換句話說,我們對教會要有一個崇高的觀點,這會決定我們在神的教會該如何行。這 一切都是被神的 救贖 所托住。 你看,都是因為神先主動行動了,故此我們要有他所喜悅的行為。我們的態度與行為是對神在我們身上所作的一個回應。
在這幾節經文裡,我們學習到什麼是教會,看到教會裡該有的標準,該有的告白及信仰的告白。神主動的在這世上實行了他那救贖的計劃。 他差他獨生子耶穌來到世上,這是道成肉身。 耶穌為我們死在十字架上,然後第三天從死裡復活,40天後升天,將來要來審判死人及活人。這信息要被傳到天下,被眾人所相信。您看見從開始到末了,都是神的工作,因為是神的工作,所以您和我被領養進入這個家庭裡面。因為是神的工作我們在這個家庭裡面與弟兄姊妹一起敬拜神。因為是神工作,所以我們在祂的家裡也要知道該如何行。這是神的教會,所以要用神的方式來做神的工作。
但更重要的在這個聚會的地方裡面有什麼樣的事情發生?我剛才提的那個教會裡,我看了他們在周刊裡的報告事項,特別注意幾個報告事項,什麼時候有一個特別禱告會,特別要為升學的學生面臨考試的壓力禱告。禮拜二、四早上的禱告會是改成早上六點鐘到七點半,又提到教會有訓練幫助弟兄姊妹如何去醫院探訪。這個教會的建築物,可以反應出它裡面住的人的價值 。 但更重要的是在這裡面人的行事為人要反應出這教會是神的家,是屬於神的,是真理的柱石和根基。
Date: 06/13/2010
Text: 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Title: House Rules
Theme: Since God has made known His redemptive plan, therefore His followers are to behave in a proper way.
In May, I visited a church in China . In one part of its facility I saw signs such as: keep the place clean; make sure no flies are in the rooms. After the Sunday worship, groups of volunteers were seen picking up the left behind bulletins and mopping the floor. During the weekdays volunteers came to clean and maintain the different parts of the church yard. I also think of a church in Houston that I visited several years ago. I was deeply impressed by the beautiful flower arrangements that dotted the church. We, too, have standards to maintain this facility that God has given us. However, keeping a church building immaculately clean and in top condition is only part of the picture. Yes, a clean church building is important, it gives people a good impression and reflects the values of people that gather there.
Now, how about the other way round? As people look at the believers that gather in this and other church buildings, can they tell anything about our values and priorities? I learned of a church that several years ago, occupied a two story building. Then there was a severe conflict resulting in a split; and the church was divided into two churches. One church occupied the upper floor, and the other downstairs. Can you imagine being the pastor of either one of the churches? This and other situations that I shared with you about a month ago, reflect a reality that many of us Christians do not know how to conduct ourselves in church. Or for that matter, we may not know what a church is.
Again, this is not a 21 st century issue. In the 1 st century, the church at Ephesus seemingly also had the same problem. You see, Ephesus was known for its idol goddess, Diana. Ephesus was goddess Diana's house, dwelling place. Many of the citizens made a living out of her, and there was also sexual immorality associated with her worship. Now, some of the citizens of Ephesus had come to know God and Jesus Christ. They were uncertain what this new community should be like, and might have brought in some of their old habits and values. This then led to a clash of two different value systems, causing conflicts and confusion. In light of this, the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, asking him to instruct the Ephesians believers what a church is and how to conduct themselves in this church. In this passage, we'll learn the truth that Since God has made known His redemptive plan; therefore His followers are to behave in a proper way.
I • Church is God's household.
Vs. 15, “ 15 if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth.” Whenever the believers come together, God is among us. It is a place where God stays, where God is to be found. It is known as God's family:
When we come to faith in Christ, we are reconciled with God; and consequently being adopted into God's family, becoming his children. As members of this family, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Like our earthly family, we don't get to choose who is our brother or sister. Once we are born into our parent's family, we learn to live with and love our siblings. We are not to let our own sibling or lack of a healthy sibling relationship dictate how we should relate to one another. Instead, we are to let God's word dictate how we are to live with one another in love and harmony.
1 • Church of Living God.
This place of worship is also known as the church of the living God. It means that this belongs to God. When we had our health day in April, or during a youth event this past week, we saw participants wearing certain specially made T-shirts. It tells others that we belong to this group, this community. The same is with the church. When we come together, we are wearing specially made T-shirts to show that we belong to God. Except that our T-shirts are invisible. Instead people will see our humility and gentleness when we interact with each other. When they see us in this community, they will recognize, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. This is what they will notice.
Now, there is more.
2 • Manifestation of truth.“…a pillar and buttress of truth.” It says that the church is like pillars holding the truth, or the foundation on which the truth stands. However, strictly speaking, the Truth doesn't really need us to hold her up, right? This truth can certainly stand on its own. What Paul is explaining to Timothy is that whenever the believers come together, God's truth is to be shown and clearly seen. If anyone would ask, where can I find truth, the objective and absolute truth, we are to be able to point them to the Christian church. Telling others, if you want to know truth, come here. For it is in the Christian community, that we learn and proclaim the truth about God's existence, His holiness, His love and faithfulness.
We don't do it too well in this area. Among the 21 st century Christians, we show little interest in Truth. We want to see how the Bible can help me to have a happy marriage, instead of how I am to obey God's word at home. We want the scriptures to show us how to have a successful business or career, instead of how we are to be obedient to God's word at our work place. We are timid about our faith because we are afraid of offending others. We dare not proclaim that Jesus is the only way to God for we are afraid of offending other religions.
In vs 15, Paul reminds Timothy and us about the true nature of a church. It's not a social club where people of like mind, values and ethnic background come once or twice a week. This is the place where God dwells, it's his family. The ones belonging to this community are to relate to each others as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. It is not a place where we just share our personal insights about the scriptures, but where the objective and absolute truth are studied and proclaimed.
II • The church of God lives by God-given house rules.
Now, since this is no ordinary gathering, no ordinary place, then what? Vs.15, “.. ” Paul makes it very clear that he wanted Timothy to tell the believers at Ephesus that since the church is God's household, a pillar of truth, then those who belong to this church need to know how to conduct themselves in this community. The church is not to reflect us, rather, just the opposite, we are given the task, the challenge to reflect that the church is God's family, the pillar of truth.
We want to first take a look at the thought of how we shall conduct ourselves in God's household. It is a well known fact that NA Chinese churches are full of talented and gifted people. They do well and have great accomplishments in the society. We are to be thankful about this. However, the danger is that we may bring into the church the secular way of doing things.
Several months ago I read in a well known Chinese Christian magazine an article about the role of a senior pastor. The author wrote that the most important role of a senior pastor is to cast vision to the church members. Nowhere is mentioned about his preaching responsibilities. The senior pastor has become the CEO of a business enterprise. So, how should we conduct ourselves in God's church? Do we play by the same rule as the world around us, or should our operation reflect that this is God's family, pillar and foundation of truth? In chapters 2 and 3 Paul wrote about behaviors to be expected in God's household.
First, this is a place of prayer. Our public prayers must be accompanied by holiness. I think of situations when we begin the meetings with earnest prayers. Yet, soon into the discussion, it has become a shouting match. This is wrong, not right. Prayers are to be followed and backed up by godliness,
Secondly, we come to this household of God in moderate dress. The standards vary from culture to culture; city to city. At Saddleback church in California , or a well known church in Hawaii , the pastors may preach in shorts and Hawaiian shirts. The congregation may come in very casual attire, much more so than they would attend a wedding. Yet, the general rule of thumb is what we wear must not lead others into temptations. It must not draw attention to ourselves, or distract others from worshipping God.
Thirdly, there is order in this family of God. Men and women are all created equal, yet we have different roles. Like a healthy family, the father and mother are equal in every aspect, but their roles are different. We'll have more on this topic on a later date.
Fourthly, leadership in the church of living God. Yes, God is the head, the leader of this and other churches. However, He has also placed men and women in positions to guard and care for the church. Last month, we took a closer look at the qualifications of elders and deacons. As pointed out, when we look at 3:1-13, there is little mention of an elder or deacon's ministry skill, with the exception of teaching for the elders. You see, the society looks at how long your resume is, and your strengths and abilities. They may care little how well you treat your spouse and children at home. However, the biblical emphasis on leadership is the person's character and integrity. God cares more about what kind of person you are, then your skills and ability. In recent weeks, I understand that you have been reminded on different occasions about the coming nomination and election of the elders and deacons in this church. As you pray for the process, ask God to give the church council, pastors and the congregation the wisdom necessary to select men and women with Godly characters and integrity.
Fifthly, the motivation of our ministry. What motivates us? Higher attendance? More name recognition in our community? In the 3 rd and 4 th verses of chapter 2, it reminds us that our motivation is Evangelistic. It is God's desire, his heart to see that all become saved. It is His desire that all should come to know His truth. We often ask: what is God's will? Here, in black and white, it tells us that God wants all to come to know him and be saved. If this is his desire, dare we desire otherwise? When I go to Asia , even though I go there to teach, but without exception, I am the one who is being taught. I was taught and touched by the zeal of many believers that I have come into contact. It was their desire to share the gospel with people around them. A pastor gave a Bible to the former vice mayor of a city. Later, this mayor gave the Bible to a TV broadcaster and said, “this is a book you must read. If you are not a party member, you must believe in this faith.” Later, this broadcaster started to come to church. One time I was in a taxi with a student. Soon after we got in, he started a conversation with the driver. And before long, the topic was about God, Jesus and the Christian church. This is how the gospel message was passed on from one person to another. We come here to worship and many of us are involved in various ministries. What is our motivation? May God's desire to have all men come to know him also become our desire.
This church, HCC is God's household, pillar of truth. Therefore when we come together, we are to make sure our conduct and behavior are in line with what has been revealed to us in the scriptures.
III • The church of God holds onto an essential body of truth.
The church is God's family, and the believers are expected to conduct themselves as taught by God's. There is one more thing, that is the content or the core of our faith. What our faith is all about. Vs.16 is the gospel, God's redemptive work in a nutshell. Vs. 16, “ 16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.” In the NT, the word ‘mystery' means the truth about Jesus Christ that was hidden in the OT and is now made clear to all. This verse tells us that Jesus is God and became man, it is incarnation. He was the righteous one, without sin while on earth. His righteousness was affirmed by the Spirit in his resurrection. After his resurrection, he was seen by angels, as recorded in Acts 1:8-11. The message that He is the son of God, that he is God, is being proclaimed to the end of the world and this message was believed. He was taken up to heaven. This is very similar to what is known later as the apostle's creed. In other words, we need to have a high view of the church, this high view will dictate how we should behave in God's church. Yet what holds all this together is God's redemptive work. You see, because God has first acted, therefore we are to act in a way pleasing to him. Our attitude and behavior in church is a response to what God did to us and for us.
From the three verses we studied today, we learned that God had taken the initiative to act in our world. He sent his son, Jesus Christ to us; this is the incarnation. Jesus died on our behalf, and God raised him from the dead. 40 days, Jesus ascended into heaven. this message was then proclaimed to the end of the earth and believed by many. From beginning to the end, it is God's work. Because of God's work, we are gathered in this community of believers. Because of God's work, we have come here to worship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Because of God's work in us, we respond by conducting ourselves properly in his household. In this church, in God's church, we are to do God's work God's way.
As I said in the beginning, I was impressed by the clean and well-kept church building. It revealed the value of the people that were in the facility. Yet, what goes on inside the church is equally important. I noticed some of the announcements: prayer meeting for those who are facing the pressure of college entrance exam; Tuesday and Thursday morning prayer meetings from 6am to 7:30am; training for hospital visits and so on. The church building can reflect the values and priorities of its occupants. Yet what is even more important is the conduct of the believers that truly reflect the truth, that this church is God's household, pillar and buttress of Truth.
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