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日期: 04/18/2010

經文:提摩太前書 3 : 1-7

題目: 教會領袖十則 ( 二 )




   上星期講完 道之後,有一位弟兄發電子郵件給我有下面一句話: “ 在今天這世代,我們基本看不見能夠被人尊敬的人或機構。 ” 這句話是多麼正確。我們對那些在領袖職位的人,我們不信任也不尊重,包括了我們的總統,他的顧問,參議員和眾議員等。 基督的教會也沒有例外。會眾 抱怨他們的領袖包括了執事,長老和牧師。教會的領袖也同樣在埋怨沒有人尊重他們,沒有人聽他們。

非常誠實的和你們分享,我深深覺得這都是從我們作領袖的開始。 我們沒有領袖該有的樣式,也沒有做我們應該做的事。 去年年初的時候,一位十分受人尊重的香港牧師陳喜謙寫了一本書,書名叫做 “ 教會為什麼不像樣? ” 書裡的主旨是講到教會領袖,牧師,長老,執事對今日華人教會很多不健康的情況要負很大的責任。我完全同意他的主旨。也因這個原因,我服事越久越體會到提摩太前書和後書的重要,當我們讀 提摩太前書 3:1-7 時,不是單單 10 項建議給長老們,乃是給任何要做教會領袖長老和或牧師的人的標準和資格。不僅如此,上個星期也有一個弟兄跟我說,這些資格質素也都是他管理他的辦公室的原則。他也提到許多非基督教作家往往將這些原則標準納入最暢銷的工商管理書裡。 因此,如果你是一位公司的管理者,或者如果你有自己的公司,我也鼓勵你按著聖經裡原則去經營你的公司。



5.    他的身教

在這一段有關道德的質素,品格的經文裡忽然冒出了一個提到做事的質素。就是做領袖長老牧師要善於教導。在使徒行傳 20 章一開始讀到作長老其中的責任是要保護會眾免受虛假教義的攻擊,讓能夠傳講教導神的救贖計畫,為了保護會眾 作長老牧師一定要讀神的話語,這樣能夠輕易分辨出虛假的教義。不是單單知道神的話,並且要以他作為一個標準衡量所有其他的教導。長老也要能夠將神的真理傳遞給神的百姓。保羅在提多書 1 章 9 節繼續的說“堅守那合乎教義、可靠的真道,好使他能夠用純正的道理勸勉人,並且能夠折服反對的人”。教導有很多平台,比如說可以是講道,可以在主日學,可以在小組或是家庭的範圍裡教導神的話。


6 •  他對喝酒的習慣

第六個資格是關於人喝酒的習慣。 他一定不是個酗酒的人。 我們知道酒精是作用是像鎮定劑。它可以使我們失去對自己的控制。 這和自我約束是相反的。

在舊約聖經有許多警告不要飲酒過量。做祭司的特別是嚴禁在職行任務不能喝酒。在利未記,酒精是主要原因導致亞倫的兩個兒子獻上不該獻的火祭,導致受到從神來的處罰而致死亡。箴言 31:4 也指示國君王和掌權的不要喝酒,免得他們忘記了國家的律法而沒有幫助被欺壓的人民。擔任領袖地位的人要有清醒的頭腦而不是讓酒精困擾他們。

同樣,保羅也強調作為一個屬靈領袖,長老和牧師不能酗酒,這是一個要求。在 2 月 24 日,德國信義會最高領袖瑪戈主教因為喝醉酒開車被逮捕,因而辭去這個最高領袖位置。他說 “ 我的心很清楚告訴我,我不能繼續留下來 ” 。不單只是他的心,聖經在這方面的教導也是很清楚。


7 •  他的性情

第三節 “. .. .. 不打人,只要溫和,與人無爭 ... 。 ” 一個作長老牧師的屬靈領袖必須是沒有任何暴力,不爭論反而要溫柔。在 6 章 4 節,我們看到有關描寫假教師的話語, “ 他是自高自大,一無所知,反而專好問難爭辯,由此產生妒忌、紛爭、毀謗、惡意的猜疑 “ 。這裡所講的假教師他們驕傲、與人爭論,剛好跟做長老和牧師的相反。

我們要記得,首先先看溫柔,要記得溫柔並不意味著講話聲音細柔。我曾聽到關於我的評語“薛孔偉是一個很溫柔的人,因為他講話聲音很細柔”。 當我年輕時,我也相信這一些 一直到我想起電影教父一,你還記得馬龍白蘭度講話的聲音是何等細柔是不是,但是他卻是一個殺人不眨眼的兇手。溫柔常常被形容為滿有恩惠的人,可以輕易被人教導,被人帶領,不嚴厲,不暴躁。 這是耶穌用來描寫自己的質素。馬太福音 11:29“ 我心裡柔和謙卑,你們應當負我的軛,向我學習,你們就必得著心靈的安息 ” 。 一個溫和的人,是與自己與別人都能夠有和平。 在哥林多後書 10:1 保羅說 “ 我,保羅, 以基督的謙遜溫柔勸你們 ..” 。溫柔也是聖靈所結的果子。

有了溫柔的話,其他兩項就比較容易處理:不打人, 不爭論。打人 可以是暴力,也可以是指著言語。 我們知道,別人的話可以讓我們哭,使我們失去了自尊。 最近 Holly Graf ,一位美國軍艦的艦長被解除職位。 原因是她經常對下屬有言語暴力。許多水手描述他的話是如何傷害了他們的自信和報效國家的心意。

大約兩年前,一名搬到另一州的前教會會友打電話給我。那天下午他與我這樣分享 “ 在最近一次的執事會議上,我們的牧師大發脾氣,敲桌子也對執事吼叫,你說 我該怎麼辦? “ 我聽了之後覺得非常難過。因為我知道這不是一個單獨的事件,因為在不同的教會也有相類似的事情。當牧師長老有這樣的行為的時候, 誰還願意在教會服事呢?一個屬靈領袖、長老和牧師不論在任何情況下,對任何的人都不能夠有身體或言語的暴力。

爭論乃是不停的跟人辯論爭吵,這已經不是要表達我的看法,仍是我要說服你,我要你有跟我一樣的想法,這樣跟人爭來爭去。爭論會破壞合一與和睦,是神不喜悅的。聖經在這一方面有非常清楚的教導,一個有暴力,經常爭論的人不能作長老或者作牧師。我想到一個幾年前去世的牧師朋友,我知道他在執事會被欺負被誤解,但我從來沒有看見或聽到他發脾氣或抱怨。當我們談話的時候, 他常說不要緊,神知道。他是一個很溫柔的人。 如果你要做長老或牧師的話,在你生命裡必須有能控制自己脾氣的證明,而且也要有證據表明你一天比一天,一年比一年的更加溫柔更有耐心。

8 •  他的理財觀

在這封信書信裡經常看見有關金錢的議題,很明顯在當時以弗所教會金錢是一個重大的問題。在這裡非常清楚明確指出一個作長老牧師的,一個屬靈的領袖必須不能貪愛錢財,不要貪心。既然如此,對 錢態度應該是如何呢? 在大約一個星期前丹鄧肯的追悼會,(丹是休斯頓石油商和慈善家),他的妻子如此說 “ 丹非常清楚瞭解他得到很多錢,目的是要如何將這些錢施捨捐出去給別人。 ” 這也是 聖經的教導,我們從神那裡得到,好使我們可以給出去幫助那些有需要的人。

作為一個教會屬靈領袖,這也是我們對錢財的態度。不要為自己拼命賺錢,為個人利益看著自己 銀行帳戶數字越來越龐大,或看見教會的帳戶越來越多錢。 我們的態度不是為自己積蓄錢財。相反我們的態度應該是這樣:神給我們越多,我們越是幫助有需要的人。 同時,我們要為神給我們許多機會奉獻錢財幫助有需要的人感謝。 我們越多,我們越有更大的責任幫助有需要的人。 有時當其他牧師告訴我他們教會有多少儲備金,我聽了之後心中非常不好受,因為我覺得這不是好管家。神 給了我們為了是要我們也可以給出去。

幾年前,我聽說有個教堂開始一個建堂工作。該教堂領袖作了一個決定,用在新堂的每一塊錢都要再拿出 1 塊錢捐給海外宣教事工。我也知道有些教會在每年財政年度結束時,看一下剩下多少錢, 然後決定將這些錢奉獻給哪一些機構。這是對錢正確的態度。 一個領袖對錢財的態度會反映在教會的優先次序上。 請記住,我們的心是跟著我們的錢走的。如果我們的錢都是在銀行裡的話,我們的心也會停在銀行哪兒。

9 •  他管理的家

第四節說 “ 好好管理自己的家,使兒女凡事敬重順服。”第五節“人若不知道怎樣管理自己的家,怎能照料 神的教會呢?”。 保羅在這裡看地方教會如同神的家,就好像自己的家。 一位長老牧師是教會領袖,他是要好好管理神的家,要以一個僕人領袖的身份要以身作則管理。他在哪裡得到這樣的訓練?在家裡。 當我們管理好我們家的時候,我們就會被我們的妻子和兒女所尊重。他們聽我們順服我們,不是因為我們是一個暴君,而是因為我們是溫柔,是個屬靈的家庭領袖。 如果在家裡,我希望我的妻子來服事我,我一個手指也不會動的話,我在教會便很難成為一個僕人領袖。 如果我看到在家裡有一個骯髒的紙在地板上,然後我跨過去的話,我怎麼能夠在教堂做一個僕人。 這也就是保羅所說的, 如果你要在教會成為一個僕人領袖,從家裡開始。我永遠記得 Howard Hendricks 的話說 “ 如果在家行不通的話,千萬不要帶到外面去 ” 。如果一個人不知道如何管理他的家,不要指望他能夠管理好教會。服事是從家 裡開始。 對於所有做長老和牧師的妻子們,你們有一個非常重要的角色,你們心裡最清楚知道你的丈夫適不適合作一個長老牧師,適不適合作僕人領袖。

10 •  他靈命成熟

在第六節“ 初信主的不可作監督,恐怕他驕傲,就落在魔鬼所受的刑罰裡”。這裡是講到一個作長老執事的一定是個信徒,一個人不單只承認而且擁有在基督裡的信心。我們 千萬不要忽略這一點。 有些時候我們看長老和牧師的行為表現,我們會懷疑他們是不是真的信了主?作為一個長老或牧師,不單只是一個信徒,而且不是初信的基督徒。監督這個字翻出來是長老,是一個比較上了年記的人。一個人有人生也有屬靈經驗的人,他也有足夠的時間讓信心生命裡紮根。 一個人在信主很短時間內成為長老牧師有其危險性,其中一個是在太短時間給了太多的責任。 這很容易導致驕傲。一個屬靈成熟的記號乃是謙卑。 謙卑是看到別人比自己好比自己強。謙卑乃是指 我不堅持我自己的權權力或是地位。 謙卑也是不堅持別人一定要像我一樣的做,一樣的想。謙卑的人沒有這種“我知道比你多,你懂什麼?”的態度。 我們也注意到,溫柔和謙卑也是聖經對執事長老的一個要求。如果我們代表神做神的工作的話,要謙卑,要溫柔。

結論 :

在最近的聘牧委員會會議上,有個成員問了這樣的一個問題,我們應該問介紹人哪些問題?,然後我開始尋找我曾下載的檔案,其中有個檔案列出 總共有 30 個問題。然後我就看到今天這段經文。 這裡主要講的有 10 的問題,當我們正在尋找一個屬靈領袖,長老也好牧師也好,在這裡或在其他教會。有 10 個你該問的條件。

我們要知道這個人的聲譽是如何?他婚姻的狀況如何? 這是人的生命有沒有彰顯出自我約束的證據? 他有沒有接待有需要的人,那些沒有能力回請他的人? 他有沒有在教會做教導的工作?他飲酒的習慣 如何 ?他有沒有 控制自己脾氣的證據?別人有沒有看他為一個謙卑又溫柔的人? 他是不是很慷慨幫助那些有經濟需要的人?他的家人對他有什麼評語? 在這個人的生命裡有沒有看到屬靈成熟的記號?或者最近 10 年來有沒有看見任何的改變?在哪些地方 ,你看到他的謙卑和溫柔?

當然這些都是很高的標準,也是每一個教會正在尋找的長老和牧師。但是有誰能這樣說我都達到這些資格 ? 現在我們稍微從另一個角度看一下這段經文,這裡豈不是在描寫我們 的主耶穌基督嗎? 當他被審判的時候,沒有人能找出他有任何的罪過。他是完全無罪的。 他是那最優秀、謙卑、和溫柔的榜樣。他也稱自己是好牧人。

現在,這個又好又大的牧人尋找人來牧養他的羊群。當總統奧巴馬差派一個人到另一個國家代表他會談和談判,他要找誰?他一定要找個能和他思想信念相似的人。同樣,這個 大牧人也是如此。他正在 找 像他一樣的人來牧養他的羊群,他的子民。 因為這緣故,他給了我們這些標準資格,是要我們跟隨的。當我們在生命裡培養了這些資格的時候,我們就可以開始能夠牧養他的羊群,就是按著他的方式。

我知道 我們很努力的嘗試,可是很多時候,我們會令別人失望。 我們做會眾會對我們的長老和牧師感到失望, 然後呢? 這些失望都是要幫助我們教我門指向教會真正的牧人,我們的主耶穌基督。 人的牧人會失敗,但我們的大牧人卻永遠不失敗。因為 這個原因,身為這個和其他教會屬靈領袖、長老和牧師們,我們的主要任務是不要把人對帶到我們這裡,不是要別人聽我們的話,而是把神的子民帶到我們的主耶穌基督那裡,那一位又大而好牧人。

Date:   04/18/2010

Text:   1 Timothy 3:1-7

Title:   Leadership Qualities (2)

Theme: Since church is God's visible kingdom on earth, therefore the leaders are held to high standards.



After last Sunday's sermon, one person emailed me these words, “ Today we essentially have no recognizable, respectable authoritative figures or institutions.” How true this statement is. We don't trust nor respect those in leadership positions, including presidents, his advisors, senators, congressmen and congresswomen. The Christian church is no exception to this. congregation members complain about their leaders; deacons, elders and pastors. The leaders complain that no one listens to them.

To be totally honest with ourselves, very often it started out with leaders. We are not what we are supposed to be or do what we are supposed to do. Early last year, a well respected pastor in HK, Chan Hay Him, wrote a book called, “ ??? ?? ???? His main theme is that the church leaders, pastors/elders and deacons have to take a large responsibility for the unhealthy condition of today's Chinese churches. I completely say amen to this. For this reason, the longer I am in the pastoral ministry, the more I see the importance of 1 and 2 Timothy. What we read in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 are not just 10 suggestions or recommendations for elders, they are standards and qualifications for anyone who is being considered to be an elder or pastor in a church. Not only this, as was brought to my attention by another brother last week, that these qualifications are standards by which he manages his office. Many non-Christian writers would incorporate these qualifications in their best selling management books. So, its not just for church leadership. If you are a manager in your company, or if you have your own company, these are qualifications to go by.

Last Sunday, we studied that as an elder or pastor, one is to be a person of good reputation, a husband to one wife, having evidence of self-mastery and Hospitality.

Before we continue, we need to remember that because the work of an overseer, an elder and a pastor is noble, it is doing God's work on God's behalf, therefore as leaders, we a re held to high standards.

5.   Teaching ministry. In the middle of moral qualities; good reputation, fidelity in marriage, self-mastery and hospitality; a single ‘professional' qualification is mentioned. The leader, the elder or pastor is to be able to teach. In Acts 20 we read about one responsibility of an elder is to guard the congregation from the attack of false doctrines. In order to guard, the elders/pastors will have to study the word. They are to be students of God's word so they can easily spot false doctrines. Not just knowing God's word and to set it as a standard against the false doctrines, the elders must be able to teach and communicate the truth to God's people. Paul further expands this in Titus 1:9, “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” There are all kinds of platforms for teaching. There is the preaching, teaching Sunday School or in small groups or family setting.

  In this and other churches, it is always an encouragement to see many believers involved in the church's teaching ministry; teaching adults, youth and children. We certainly understand that not everyone can teach, and that not everyone who teaches is an elder or pastor. But every pastor or elder should teach.

6.   Drinking Habits. The 6 th qualification is about the person's drinking habits. He must not be a drunkard. As we know, alcohol is a depressant. It can make us lose control of ourselves; the very opposite of self-mastery.

  In the OT there are plenty of warnings against excessive drinking. Priests were forbidden to drink while on duty. We learn in Leviticus that apparently alcohol was the cause of Aaron's two sons offering unauthorized fire before the Lord, leading to their punishment from God. Proverbs 31:4 instructed the kings and rulers not to drink, less they forgot the country's laws and be oppressive to their people. People in leadership positions are expected to be clear headed and not let alcohol confuse them.

   Paul also highlights this as a requirement for the spiritual leaders, elders and pastors. On Feb 24, Bishop Margot Kaessmann, the leader of Germany 's Lutherans, resigned after she had her driving license revoked for driving while intoxicated. She was found to have a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit. She said, "My heart tells me quite clearly that I cannot stay," Not only her heart, but the Bible is also very clear on this.

  Paul is not advocating that we cannot drink, or advocating total abstinence. He is talking about self control and moderation. However, if you are prone to alcohol's influence, a little sip can cause you to lose control and be hyper, then the best thing to do is to stay away.

7.   Temperament. Vs.3, “….. not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome,….” An elder/pastor, a spiritual leader must be not violent, and quarrelsome, but gentle. In 6:4, we learn that the false teachers, “ he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions,” Just the opposite of the elders and pastors.

It is good to remember that gentleness does not mean you are soft spoken. I have heard quite a few comments about myself: William is a very gentle person because he is very soft spoken. When I was younger, I bought into it, until I remember the movie Godfather I. You remember how soft spoken Don (played by Marlon Brando) was? Being gentle is often described as gracious, the capability of being easily led and taught. Not stern, harsh or reactive. This is the quality Jesus used to describe himself. Matthew 11:29, “ 29 "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." A gentle person is one at peace with him/herself. Paul wrote in 2Corinth 10:1, “ I, Paul, myself entreat (appeal to) you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ..” it is also one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

  Once there is gentleness, then the other two can easily be taken care of. Not violent and not quarrelsome. This can be physical or verbal violence. We know that others' words can make us cry, and lose our self-esteem. Recently Captain Holly Graf, commanding officer of a US warship was released of her duty. The reason: being verbally abusive to her subordinates. Sailors described how her words destroyed their self confidence and their desire to serve the country.

About two years ago, a former member of our church called me. He had moved to another state and that afternoon he shared this with me: “in a recent deacon's meeting, our pastor lost his temper, banged on the table and started to scold the deacons. What should I do?” I felt so sad for this. For I know that there are similar incidents in other churches. With pastors or elders like that, who wants to come and serve in such a church? A spiritual leader, an elder and pastor, under no circumstance, is to be verbal or physically abusive to anyone.

  Being quarrelsome means repeatedly entering into arguments with others. This is more than expressing my perspective. I want to convince you to come to my side. I want you to think like me. It goes back and forth. Quarrels ruin unity and harmony and are not pleasing to God.

  The scripture is so clear on this; an elder/pastor is to be a person without violence and quarrelsomeness. I think of a pastor friend who passed away a few years ago. I knew that from time to time he was mistreated and misunderstood in the deacons' meeting. Yet I never heard him losing his temper, getting mad or complain. He often said, it's OK, God knows. He was a gentle person. If you are an elder or pastor, there must be evidence that you are controlling your temper. There must be evidence that each day you are more gentle and patient than the day before.

8.   Attitude towards money. In this letter, we learn that money was a major issue in the church at Ephesus. Here, it is clearly spelled out that as an elder, pastor and spiritual leader, one must not be a lover of money. One must not be greedy. So what is the proper attitude towards money? In Dan Duncan's memorial service about one week ago, (Dan was an oilman and philanthropist in Houston), his wife said, “Dan understood that he had been given much money, and the purpose is for him to give away.” This is the Bible's teaching, we are given, so we can give to help others in need.

  As a spiritual leader in a church, this is our attitude towards money. We are not to hoard money for personal gain, watching our bank account, or for that matter, the church's account getting fatter and fatter. The attitude is not that we keep saving the money for ourselves. Instead, our attitude should be this: the more God has given us, the more we are to give to others in need. And we are to thank God for the opportunities that we can give. The more we have, the greater is our responsibility to others. Sometimes when leaders in other churches brag to me about how much reserve money their churches have, my heart literally sank. This is not stewardship. God gives so we can give out to others.

  Some time ago I heard of a church starting a building project. The leaders of that church decided for every dollar they spent on their new building, they would donate one dollar to mission work. There are also churches, at the end of the fiscal year, that would take a look at their surplus. Then decide to which organizations to donate the surplus money. This is the right attitude towards money. A leader's attitude towards money will be reflected in the church's priority. Remember, our heart follows the money. If all the money is in the bank, that is where our hearts will be.

9.   Family discipline. Vs. 4, “ He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?” Paul looks at the local church as God's family. It is like one's own family. An elder/pastor is the leader of the church. He is to manage God's family as a servant leader, to lead by example. Where does he get the training? At Home. When we manage our family well, we are respected by our wives and children. They listen to us not because we are a tyrant, but because we are gentle, servant leaders at home. If at home, I expect my wife to serve me hand and foot, if I do not lift a finger at home, it will be very difficult to be a servant leader at church. If when I see a dirty paper on the floor at home, and just walk over or around it (expecting my wife to pick it up), I cannot be a servant at church. This is what Paul meant. If you are to be a servant leader at church, begin at home. I always remember Howard Hendrick's words, “if it doesn't work at home, don't export it.” If a person doesn't know how to manage his family, don't expect him to manage the church well. Ministry begins at home. To the wives of elders and pastors, you have a very important say in whether or not your husband is suitable to be an elder or pastor.

10.   Spiritual Maturity. Vs.6, “He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.” It is assumed that an elder/pastor must be a convert. A person who confesses and professes faith in Christ. Don't take this for granted. There are times when we look at elders and pastors' conduct, we would question are they true believers? As an elder or pastor, not only must one be a convert, he must not be a recent, new Christian. The word for overseer means a person who is advanced in age, an elder. A person with life and spiritual experience; with enough time to let faith in God become rooted in one's life. The danger of being an elder/pastor soon after conversion is too much responsibility too soon, which can easily lead to pride. One important mark of spiritual maturity is humility. Humility means seeing others better than me. Humility means I don't insist on my rights. There is none of that “I know more than you; what do you know” attitude. We notice that both gentleness and humility are among the qualifications we expect from leaders. If we want to do God's work on behalf of God in God's church, BE GENTLE AND HUMBLE.


  In a recent pastoral search committee meeting, the members asked, “what kind of questions should we ask the references?” I looked up a file which I downloaded several months ago. There are altogether over 30 questions. Then I came upon this passage in 1 Timothy. There are basically 10 questions or 10 qualifications to look for in a spiritual leader, an elder and pastor in this and other churches.

  We want to know about the person's reputation. What is the quality of his marriage? Is this person demonstrating evidence of self-mastery? Does he open his house to those in need, those who cannot afford to invite him back? Does he teach? How about his drinking habits? Is there evidence of him controlling his temper? Do people around him consider him as humble and gentle? Is he generous in helping those in need financially? What does his family say about him? Do we see spiritual maturity in this person? Or has he changed much from 10 years ago? In what ways do you see his humility and gentleness?

  These are certainly high standards, and every church is looking for such elders and pastors. Yet who can claim to have arrived? Now, as we take a second look at this, if we look at this from a different perspective. Aren't these qualities a portrait of our lord, Jesus Christ? At his trial, no one could find anything he was guilty of. He was sinless. He was humble and gentle par excellence. He called himself the good shepherd.

Now, this Good and Great Shepherd is looking for someone to shepherd His flock on His behalf. When president Obama sends someone to another country to represent him in talks and negotiations, whom would he look for? He wants to make sure this person thinks like him, with similar convictions. The same with the Great Shepherd. He is looking for someone who is like him to shepherd His flock, his people. This is the reason he gave us these standards, qualifications to follow. By developing such qualifications in life, we'll then be able to shepherd His flock, His way.

  Yes, we can try real hard, yet there will be times when we will let others down. And the congregation may feel disappointed with their elders and pastors. Such disappointments should point us to that great shepherd for this church, our Lord Jesus Christ. Human shepherds can and will fail, but not our great shepherd. For this reason, we, as spiritual leaders of this and other churches, our charge is not to bring others to ourselves, but to our lord Jesus Christ, that great and good shepherd.

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