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Date: 4/4/10
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
Title: So What?
Theme: The resurrection of Jesus Christ will remove the numbness of today’s Christians.
We have heard parents say: Now finish all the food on your plate, because those poor children in Africa are starving. The response? So? Did you hear that John next door got 2400 on his SAT? or Mrs. Wang told me that her daughter got into Harvard with full scholarship. What was the typical response? Oh interesting, So what, or So….?
In the Chronicles, we read such headlines:
iPad went on sale yesterday. So what?
De la Renta heaps praise on city’s fashion sense. So--?
The wealthiest Houstonian and philanthropist, Duncan, died on Tuesday. Some may say, So?
In our culture, there seems to be an epidemic of numbness towards people or events around us. Is this unique to us? Now, let’s get on the time machine and go back to the first century. You are watching the Jerusalem Broadcast Company or the Jerusalem Chronicles:
First the international news:
Wang Mang temporarily overthrew the Han dynasty of China .
Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka are the first to put Buddha's teachings in writing,
Rome was engulfed in fire.
Volcano Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum .
Some responded with What? Others with, so what?
Now switch to the local news:
Apostle Thomas finally arrived in India .
The Christian churches had their first meeting in Jerusalem
The Christians and the Jews continue their drifting apart.
Paul, a former persecutor of the Christian church, turned into a believer. (mmmm, interesting, now what?)
Again, some will say Wow, others So? How about this news item?
Paul argued and offered proof that Jesus had actually resurrected from the dead.Will this have shaken the citizens of that first century? Not really, for some were asking this very question: So what? You said Jesus has risen from the dead, So?
I have a feeling that some of us, or many of us, may be asking this question: so what? What has that to do with me? This is a very good question and as a matter of fact, the entire chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians is trying to answer this question.
In verses 1-11, Paul wrote that Jesus died, buried and rose from the dead. His proof was by bringing out the eye witnesses. The post resurrection Jesus appeared to one woman first, then to Peter. Later to his 10 disciples all at once, another time when Thomas was with the group. He also appeared to 500 people in one setting. And, lastly he appeared to Paul. Paul is saying, you have doubts about the reality of resurrection? Go ask those eye witnesses. Then, Paul went on to answer the So What of resurrection in verses 12-19. Yes, Jesus had indeed risen from the dead, now what? What has that to do with me?
Paul wrote that if there was no resurrection, then all the testimonies of the eye witnesses were fraudulent. If there were no resurrection, then there is no gospel message; there is no future hope. If there were no resurrection, then our faith is misplaced. Calvin further explained that non-believers eat and drink, do whatever they want to do while on earth. Using contemporary wording, they are having a blast on earth. While the believers restrain from worldly pleasures for preparing for the future reunion with Jesus in heaven. In light of this, if there is no resurrection, we are really the saddest people on earth. Why can’t we just live and let live?
Now, in 20-26, Paul continues to answer this question of So What? What has Jesus' resurrection to do with me? In these few verses, I will point out how Jesus’ resurrection will affect us in 4 areas.
I Jesus' Resurrection affects our world view.
If there is no resurrection, our world is basically what we see and touch. It is a closed worldview. There cannot be a God, and therefore miracles, including the resurrection, are impossible. We try to explain the entire phenomenon we observed from the perspective of materialistic evolution. Let’s take love as an example. Why would you fall in love with this person? You see, when that special person appears, your brain secretes a chemical. This is what makes you fall in love. If your significant other asks why do you love me? The answer is, “when I saw you, this chemical was released, so I fell in love with you.” This also means that when the chemical disappears 6 to 7 years later, we’ll also be falling out of love. Our love for someone is being reduced down to one or two chemicals. This doesn’t fit the world we know. Yet because our world is purely materialistic, so we can only use what we can see and touch to explain life.
Now, with the resurrection, it is totally different. Our world is no longer confined to what we can see and touch. On the contrary, it is an open system. Besides what we can see and touch, there is also the spiritual, supernatural world. Being an open system, we can now talk about God. His existence is no longer impossible or improbable. If there is a God, then the resurrection is certainly a possibility. We can also explain our emotions of love with the fact that we are created by God in his own image.
II Jesus’ resurrection vindicates all his sayings.
While on earth, Jesus made many distinct and exclusive statements about himself. Let’s take a look at some of them. “I am the bread of life.” If he lived and died, then his teachings can be taken as some kind of spiritual food, or spiritual chicken soup. It’s good for us, but if we don’t take it, we probably will not miss it. But having risen from the dead, it’s no longer just spiritual food, but food that we cannot do without. Our very survival depends on it.
I just can’t help but think of the men and women I met in Shangdong. They had to have those white buns 3 times a day, each time eating 2 to 3. They just can’t do without it. At times we feel there is an satiable hunger within, feeling restless and unsettling. We thought a change of career will settle this, but no, it remains there. We thought a new relationship or more money will work. They may make us feel good and complete for awhile, but soon that hunger starts to return. Why? Because we do not have the bread of life. Jesus is the bread of life, the only one that can truly satisfy our deepest needs.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one....” If there is no resurrection, this could easily be the wishful thinking of a first century sage. We can even say that most religious leaders think they are the only way, and Jesus is no exception. Now, of all the religious leaders, Jesus is the only one who rose from the dead. So, this is no longer a wishful thinking, but a realty. If we want to go to the maker of heaven and earth, we have to go through him. Jesus is the only way. It is very exclusive, and not all roads would lead to Rome.
Then there is the saying, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,” If there is no resurrection, one can easily conclude that Jesus' spirit, his ideal will continue to live on, just like Confucius and other great teachers in the past. Now, because Jesus had risen from the dead, he broke the human cycle of death and decay. Its not just his spirit is alive, but he as man, and as God, lives on. He died and now lives. Yes, there is still death and decay, but one day, the dead will rise from the dead and continue to live on. This brings a new dimension to life, there is something we can look beyond death, and there is hope. We don’t just live and let live. How we live here on earth will be a rehearsal for how we spend eternity. We will look at the temporal from the eternal perspective, and begin to learn what is really important in life. This will force each one of us to ask this question: do I know where I will spend eternity? This leads us to the next point.
III Jesus’ resurrection confirms our resurrection.
Vs.20-22, “ 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” Paul emphasized the fact that Christ had truly risen from the dead. So those in Christ, those who believe in Him, will also rise from the dead. And then in vs.23, “ But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.” From this and other passages, we learn of this order. When a believer died, his/her soul is with the Lord immediately. On the day when Christ returns at the end of this world, the decayed body will be resurrected and be united with their souls, forming the new and glorious body. Then those who are still alive, the bodies will be transformed, will be taken into heaven into God’s presence and spend eternity there. This is the hope of the gospel message. Our world is not just what we see and touch. The eternal life with God is just as real as the world we can see and touch.
Therefore, when we hear that Jesus had risen from the dead, it is not just so what, but it will have an eternal effect on us. When I know that one day I will be with God, then while on earth, I want to live a life that is pleasing to him. When I know that one day I will see him face to face, I will then make sure my life on earth is holy and blameless. So one day I’ll see him with no regrets.
IV Jesus' resurrection affirms His kingship over all.
Vs. 24-26, “ 24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” This means that at the end of the human history, Jesus will have total victory over Satan. From the scriptures we learn that at the beginning of human creation, Satan was there. He tempted Adam and Eve and caused them to be disobedient to God. Ever since then, Satan is like a parasite in God’s kingdom. Whenever and wherever God works, Satan would be there to interrupt and disrupt. Jesus' death and resurrection gave Satan a fatal blow. Yet, he still wields his influence in this world but his power over us has been eliminated. For this reason, we are constantly entangled in a spiritual warfare. But Paul reminds us that there will come a day, when Satan will be completely defeated. This parasite in God’s kingdom will be completely removed. However, because of Jesus'' resurrection, he is the king already. Whether or not we like it, He is king over us.
So? Do you know what it is like to live at home and not be willing to listen or obey one’s parents? There will be countless arguments every day. No matter what your parents say, they will not be taken seriously. There is the constant challenge of authority. Some parents say, “I give up. I’ll let him/her do whatever he/she wants to do.” When we hear such statements, we can almost feel the pain of the parents. However, on the other hand, how about the children who refuse to submit to their parents’ authority? They are equally miserable. How do we know? Just to listen to their conversations with friends via facebook or Tweeter, or blogs. They too are frustrated, scared and feeling insecure.
I thought of an event that occurred almost 30 years ago. Cynthia and I were part of a group of 9 bringing suitcases of Bible to a certain country. In those days, it was against the unwritten law of that country. One of our suitcases was opened and the Bibles were confiscated. Even though we were not given any troubles, yet nonetheless we were nervous throughout the entire trip. We were not in the mood of doing any sightseeing. You see, when one is not in accord with the authority, it is difficult to be at peace within.
The same is true in our relationship with God. Yes, He is king over all. This is an objective truth and fact, independent of your or my agreement. The risen lord is the king of kings and Lord of lords. He is the king over all areas of life. Facing this king, our options are very limited. We either say yes to his kingship over us, or we say no. When we say no, we will experience internal turmoil and it is often expressed in frustration, anger and impatience with people around us. When we see an angry person, we can generally conclude that he must be at odds with God, with the King of kings and Lord of lords. On the contrary, when we submit to this King, we will be at peace with him. When one is at peace with God, one will also be at peace with others and oneself.
Do you remember your first two days of driving that new car? The new car smell, the new car shine, the new car feel? You wanted to park it far away from other cars. You remember how much it hurt when it had that first scratch or dent? (especially you are the one that caused it) A few weeks later, the newness was gone. Now it’s just another car. The wow has now been replaced with so, or so what?
There are some who may feel the same about Easter, or for that matter, Christmas. We remember the excitement of the earlier Christmas and Easter, but gradually it has become another Christmas, another Easter. Not only this, sometimes we feel the same about our faith. In a recent issue of Christianity Today is this article: Healing Church numbness. There is an epidemic of numbness among the Christians. To heal this numbness, one has to begin with Easter. You see, if there is no resurrection, then such a numbness is normal, there is no need for healing. But, if there is resurrection, if Christ has indeed risen from the dead, then it makes all the difference.
Because Christ has risen, our world is no longer just what we see and touch. Besides the material world, there is also the invisible, spiritual world which is just as real as the material world.
Because Christ has risen, everything he taught and spoke is now true. Not just some spiritual chicken soup, but without them, we live in the dark, aimless and meaningless.
Because Christ has risen, when we put our faith in him, we too will rise from the dead. Death is no longer the last stop in life. At death, our spirit will enter God’s presence and into eternity. There is life after death. We live in between two Easters. Christ has risen and we are waiting for the day when the dead will also be resurrected.
Because Christ has risen, he is king over us now. There will also come a day, when his kingship will be recognized by all creation. As we follow this king, as we obey him, we’ll begin to experience the full and abundant life he has promised us. Can anyone imagine not following or joining the ranks of a victorious king?
He is risen. It is not so what? But instead, wow, am I glad he has risen from the dead.
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