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日期 :   2/14/10

經文 :   提摩太前書 2:1-7

題目 :   立根本地,望眼世界


主 旨 : 要禱告的呼召,引導我們向所有人傳揚福音



引言 :

   今天是非常難得的一天,因為西方的情人節和東方的農曆新年初一都是在同一天,真是名副其實的東西相遇,這也是我在講道生涯 28 年來第一次所遭遇的這也對我們講道的人造成莫大的困難,你從那裡可以找到一些經文同時可以針對情人節也針對農曆新年呢?因為我知道自己的有限,所以我就讓一些講專題的專家來給一些的答案,但在這個時候我還是回到我所熟悉的提摩太前書的講解。




I •  我們被召在公眾敬拜時要禱告

在二章的 1-3 節「因此,我勸你最重要的是要為萬人、君王和一切有權位的懇求、禱告、代求和感恩,好讓我們可以敬虔莊重地過平靜安穩的日子」。在這裡講道有很多不同形式的禱告,譬如說為一些特別的事情而求、對神的讚美對神的感恩,對我們來說在ㄧ個崇拜裡裡很重要大概是教會的音樂是現代還是傳統的,或者講道是很活潑的很多動聽的故事還是很多的教導,但是我們大概不會多想到禱告在崇拜裡的重要性吧,但是聖經卻清楚的告訴我們當我們聚在一起敬拜的時候禱告的重要性,並且也告訴了我們要如何的禱告。

1 •  為所有人禱告



2 •  為領袖禱告


3 •  為平安生活禱告

我們要如何為君王和掌權的人禱告呢?在第一、二節的下半段說「 好讓我們可以敬虔莊重地過平靜安穩的日子 」這是我們都喜歡的平靜安穩度日,這也不就是我們追求的夢嗎?當然我們就要為掌權的人禱告好叫我能夠好好的追求我的夢,在夢裡要一切平安順利平安無事的度日這也是典型的一般老百姓的夢。但這並不是這一段經文所說的意思,因為在帖撒羅尼迦前書的第四章 11 到 12 節「又要立志過安靜的生活辦自己的事,親手做工正如我們從前吩咐過你們使你們行事為人可以得到外人的尊敬,自己也不會有什麼缺乏了」。這段的經文意思是說我們要求平靜安穩的度日好叫信徒們能夠很自由的活出那有榜樣的生活,讓這些還沒有信主的人能夠說神的好話,那就是我們在一個平安安靜的生活裡使我們能夠為基督作見證,基督教信仰最有力的發言人乃是我們如何的生活。

英國的一位聖經學者 William Barclay 曾經講過一個英國非常著名的不知論者的生物學家 Huxley 的故事,在他晚年的時候被邀請成為退休會的貴賓,在禮拜天早上許多貴賓都去了教會,當然 Huxley 沒有去,他單獨一個人就找另外一個人談話,這個人知道很簡單但很活潑的基督教信仰。 Huxley 对這個人說,好不好今天你不要去教會,你就很簡單的告訴我基督教信仰對你的意義,並且你為什麼要作一個基督徒,這個人說 Huxley 先生你知道我任何的理由你都可以很快就把他破壞掉,因為我沒有這樣的智慧跟你來辯論。 Huxley 溫柔的說:今天我不會跟你辯論,我只要你很簡單的告訴我基督對你的意義是什麼,這個人就按照 Huxley 的要求講述,當他結束的時候就發現在這個年老的 Huxley 眼中有了眼淚,當然我們不知道 Huxley 最後的結局是如何,但是我們要禱告過這平靜安穩的生活好叫我們的敬虔和莊重能夠把別人指向耶穌基督,我們如何的生活是基督教信仰最有利的見證人。


II •  我們被乎召而禱告因為這是神的心意 ( 第 4-6 節 )

現在我們來看神呼召我們為萬人禱告的基礎是什麼,在第 4 、 6 節裡告訴我們神是偉大的並且他是永恆的真理

1 •  神的心意

在第 4 節裡說「 他願意萬人得救,並且充分認識真理 」,神的心意要所有的人萬人都得救,從他的憤怒裡從罪的綑綁中被拯救出來,神的心意也是要萬人都充分明白他的真理就是有關神和人的永恆真理,使神的心意讓你、你、你都能得救,但是在另外一方面聖經裡也非常清楚的記載有關神揀選的教導,在以弗所書第一章 4 、 5 節「就如創立世界以前,他在基督裡揀選了我們,使我們因著愛,在他面前成為聖潔,沒有瑕疵。他又按著自己旨意所喜悅的,預定我們藉著耶穌基督得兒子的名分」,在帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:13 節也說「主所愛的弟兄們,我們應該常常為你們感謝 神,因為他從起初就揀選了你們」,這一些的經文都非常的清有其他經文補充,如我們今天讀的第 4 節「 他願意萬人得救,並且充分認識真理 」,約翰福音第三章 16 節「神愛世人,甚至把他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生」,一方面神願意萬人得救但是在ㄧ方面也清楚的告訴我們他揀選了一些作為他的兒女,我們有時候想用各種的方式解釋緩衝或修補這兩個好像互相抵觸的真理,但是我時常覺得要解決或是處理這樣的問題是超過我們能力範圍,我想我們一定要承認我們沒有ㄧ個人能夠完全的明白神的心意,所以我們一定要在這兩者之間要有一個平衡,一方面要知道神的心意是要萬人得救,但是另外一方面他也揀選了我們做他的兒女,我不需要知道誰被揀選誰沒有被揀選,但是我卻知道我的責任是將神的愛、神的福音要告訴所有的人。

2 •  惟一的神、惟一的中保

在第 5 節說「 因為 神只有一位,在 神和人中間也只有一位中保,就是降世為人的基督耶穌 」,在過去的幾個星期我們經常在教導這個真理就是只有一位神,如果你要去神那裡的話只有透過基督耶穌,除了耶穌基督之外沒有任何人或神可以把我們帶到神那裡去。在 80 年代電影演員珍芳達與英國的主教見面,主教說你知道耶穌是神的兒子,芳達說「對你來說可能是,但是對我來說確不是」,然後主教跟他說「那樣的話,他要嘛就是要嘛就不是」,只有一位神而且只有一位耶穌基督能夠把我們帶到神那裡去,不是所有的道路都能夠把我們帶到天上,耶穌是唯一的道路。

3 •  惟一的贖價

在第 6 節說「 他捨了自己作萬人的贖價,到了適當的時候,這事就證實了 」,在路易士的童話集裡獅子、女巫、和衣櫥的書裡,有一個有關愛德蒙的故事,這個小孩子被白女巫綁住的,根據協議所有的版圖包括愛蒙都是屬於這個女巫的,為了要叫愛德蒙得釋放自由,亞斯藍獅子就獻上了自己代替愛德蒙被犧牲,但是按著協議的前提,任何ㄧ個無辜無罪的人如果甘心樂意為有罪的人死的話他會從死裡復生,亞斯藍獅子就是那個贖價使個愛德蒙的生命可以得到拯救得到釋放。在我們來到神 面前認識神之前,我們也都受撒旦綑綁,我們沒有任何能力去抵抗罪,但是神差他的兒子耶穌基督死在十字架上,他就成為了贖價使我們得釋放,因為他的死和復活使我們從罪的權勢裡被拯救出來,耶穌就做了那個贖價救贖了我們。


III •  神呼召我們向萬民傳揚福音 ( 第 7 節 )

有關神的真理就把我們帶到第 7 節「 為了這事,我也被派作傳道的和使徒(我說的是真話,不是謊言),在信仰和真理上作外族人的教師 」。有一段時期,只能在美國才能喝到可口可樂,但是這個公司卻對自己的產品有萬分把握,他們知道只有ㄧ個可口可樂,他們做了什麼呢?他們就派了代表或是宣教士去到非洲、印度、台灣、中國等世界任何有人的地方,哪裡有人公司就派宣教士去,現在你可以在你想不到的地方可以看見可口可樂,因為這是唯一獨家的產品,他要讓世上每ㄧ個人都要看見都要經歷,可口可樂是在亞特蘭大喬治亞ㄧ個地方性的公司,但是他確有ㄧ個全球性的使命。保羅被委派去外邦人當中宣講福音,為什麼呢?因為神願意萬人得救,為什麼神有這個願望呢?因為只有一位神在神和人之間只有一位的中保,只有一位做了贖價使我們能夠從撒旦的權勢下被拯救出來,就是因為這個原因保羅和所有的信徒都被委派向所有人向萬人去宣揚這福音,這是ㄧ個普世的使命,我們的世界必須要比我們自己要更大,不錯我們是ㄧ個地方性的教會,但是卻是有一個普世的使命,神的世界要成為我們的世界,這就是神的世界這也是我們的世界。



   當我回想信仰的旅程的時候,我發現在生命有很多時刻我有時相當幼稚,當我的青少年同伴正在度過叛逆期時去看電影或 party, 我一點都不知道是怎樣一回事,有一件事情我記得相當清楚是在高中開始的時候,我在ㄧ次 Oswald Smith 的聚會裡受到感動因此我將自己委身給神,在那時候老實說我真的不知道我做了什麼也不知道委身給神到底是什麼意思(回想一直到今天,我生命裡有很多周圍發生的事情我一點頭緒也沒有,也不知道是怎麼一回事),但是有一件事我記得很清楚就是在那一聚會之後就是那次委身之後,不曉得什麼原因我就開始每天為非洲禱告叫福音能夠傳到那個地方,可能在那時候非洲常被稱為黑暗大陸,但是同時也在那時候神放在我心裡有個意念就是我的世界必須要比我自己更大,在今天經文裡我們學習到神願意萬神得救,因為這個緣故所以當這個緣故當我們聚在一起敬拜他的時候我們要為萬人禱告,這一個為人禱告的呼召就導致了普世宣教,要將福音傳遞和宣告給所有的人,還有兩個星期就有幾個姊妹教會第一次主辦的差傳宣教年會,我願意鼓勵你們參與這樣的聚會讓神透過不同的講員來擴充我們的視野,讓神的世界成為我們的世界,但是當我說了這些,同時我們也要記著這一切的開始都是禱告,不錯我們在這樣的ㄧ個地方禱告,但是我們卻是要為萬人禱告,我們是ㄧ個地方教會但是卻要有一個普世宣教的使命,這一切都是從禱告開始要為萬人禱告,當我們在一起敬拜的時候,在禮拜天小組或是團契讓我們首先要為萬人禱告因為這是神所喜悅的。



Date:   02/14/10

Text:   1 Timothy 2:1-7

Title:   Local Church with a Global Mission

Theme: The call to Pray leads to proclaiming the gospel to All.



  Today is a rare occasion when Valentine's Day falls on the same day as the first day of the lunar Calendar. It is truly the East meeting the West. This is the first time in my 28 years of preaching and it has certainly created a tremendous problem for us preachers. Where can you find biblical texts that address both Valentine's Day and the lunar New Year? Since I know my limitations, I'll let the experts in topical preaching come up with a solution. Meanwhile I'll just stay with what I am familiar with: back to 1 Timothy. J

  Recently, in a conversation one individual said to Cynthia and me, “lately we have been visiting different churches.” I am certain we have heard and may have said this when we first came to this or another city. This is good and important, but we want to make sure it won't take too long. For we have seen individuals after one or two years, still visiting different churches. In the process, we would say, “the music was great and the church would not even let us know ahead of time who would be the worship leader”, “I like the sermon here, no one can preach like him” or “I really like their small group or outreach ministry.”

  When we visit churches, we do have something back in our minds that we are searchng for. In our study of 1 Timothy these past few weeks, we learned about the importance of truth and correct doctrine in a local church. In chapter 2, we begin to learn about what is important in public worship. In this passage is the truth that when we come to worship in a local church, God calls us to pray. The obedience to this call will lead us to a global mission.

I •  We are called to Pray in public worship. 1-3

1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,” What is important when we come to worship? It is Prayer. God calls us to pray. I have yet to hear people say, “I like this church because of their prayers.” However, the scripture clearly tells us that when we worship, first of all, of utmost importance is that we pray. There are different kinds of prayers; praying for specific needs, praise and thanksgiving. The scriptures also tell us how to pray.

1 •  Pray for all. Isn't it true that at times, or most of the time, our prayers are rather self focused? We pray for the sick, the unemployed, those in various kinds of crisis. We pray for the ministers and church leaders. These are all good and important. Yet God's word further instructs us that when we come together to worship, we are to pray for all. Not just those in this congregation, but for everyone. In Aberdeen, Scotland is a church that has a prayer meeting every Saturday evening. In the front of their prayer hall, is a board with the names of all the missionaries they support. The prayer meeting started with praying for the sick and the needy ones in their congregation. Then someone would start to pray for the city of Aberdeen. Soon followed by prayers for the entire Scotland, then the British Isles. Someone else would start to pray for the missionaries and the countries they were serving. Besides being a prayer session, it was also a geography session.

Lately I am following this prayer guide: the Global Prayer Digest (or ???? ).Each day one would pray for a minority group around the world. For illustration purpose, I'll point out some minority groups in China. There is the Salar group in the Qinghai province. The Bonan group in Ninx ia province, known for the knife they produce, Xibo known for their language translation ability. As I follow this guide, it is a prayer session and also a lesson in anthropology and geography. When we come together in small groups and fellowship groups, we may want to use resources like this, so we'll pray for one group of people around the world. When we pray for all, it pleases God. Who else is included in this All?

2 •  Pray for the rulers. Very often we have the tendency to pray for the rulers, governors, mayor and the presidents we like. Its good to remember that when the Holy Spirit through Paul instructed the church to pray for kings and those in high positions. The kings of that time were among some of the most violent emperors and those in high positions were notorious for their corruption. Yet believers were told to pray for them. It pleases God when we pray for our presidents, governors, congressmen and congresswomen, senators and mayors.

3 •  Pray for peaceful living. Now, why do we pray for the rulers? 2b, “… that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” Ah, we like this, peaceful and quiet life. This will motivate me to pray for the rulers so that I can pursue my American dream, without stress or conflict; typical middle class suburban dream. But, this is not the meaning here. In 1 Thess 4:11-12, “ 11 and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, 12 so that you may live properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.” this means that we ask for peaceful conditions so that Christians can freely live out exemplary lives, so the non believers can speak well of God. That is, in peaceful conditions our lives can be a witness for Christ. You see, the best spokesman for the Christian faith is not our words but the way we live.

William Barclay told a story about the well known British biologist and agnostic, Thomas Huxley. Toward the end of his life, he was a guest at a retreat in a country home. On Sunday, most of the guests went to a church. Naturally, Huxley did not go. While alone, he approached a man known to have a simple and radiant Christian faith. Huxley said, “Suppose you don't go to church today. Suppose you stay at home and tell me quite simply what your Christian faith means to you and why you are a Christian.” The man said, “ but, you could demolish my arguments in an instant. I am not smart enough to argue with you.” Huxley gently replied, “I don't want to argue with you; I just want you to tell me simply what this Christ means to you.” The man stayed and did as Huxley had requested. When he finished, there were tears in the old agnostic's eyes. We pray for peaceful living so that our godliness and dignity can point others to Jesus Christ. How we live is the best witness for the Christian faith.

II •  We are called to pray because of God's heart. 4-6

Now, we want to look at what is the basis for God's call to pray for all. Vs. 4-6 tells us great things and eternal truth about God.

1 •  God's divine desire. Vs.4, “ who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” God's desire is for all to be saved, to be saved from His wrath, to be saved from the dominion of Sin. God's desire is for all to know His truth; those eternal truth and knowledge about God and human. It is God's desire that you, you and you be saved. On the other hand, there are also clear teachings about God's election. Ephesians 1:4,5, “ 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,..” 2 Thess 2:13, “ 13 But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved, …..” These and many other passages clearly instruct us that God has chosen us to be his children. This is an irrefutable truth in the Bible.

This truth of God's election is also complemented by passages like this. Vs.4, “ who desires all people to be saved…” John 3:16, “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” On the one hand, God wants all to be saved. On the other hand, he has chosen some to be saved, to be his children. Many of us may try to find ways to reconcile the apparent differences in these two truths. It is difficult to have a definitive solution to this puzzle. However, I feel that solving this puzzle is beyond our ability. We have to keep the two in balance. On the one hand God wants all to be saved, and on the other, he has chosen us to be his children. It is not my responsibility to know who is chosen and who is not. But it is my responsibility to tell all about God's love and His gospel.

2 •  One God and one Mediator. Vs.5, “ For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,..” we have discussed this in several of my sermon in recent week. There is one God. And if one wants to go to God, it has to be through Jesus Christ. He is the only middle person between God and men. In the 80's Jane Fonda, the actress, met with Archbishop of Canterbury. The archbishop said, “Jesus is the son of God, you know.” Fonda said, “Maybe he is for you, but he's not for me.” To which the archbishop replied, “Well, either he is or he isn't.” there is only one God. There is only one Jesus Christ that can bring us to God. Not all roads lead to heaven. Jesus is the only way.

3 •  One ransom. Vs.6, “who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.” In the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, is the story about Edmond, being captured by the white witch. According to the Deep Magic, all traitors, including Edmond, belong to her. So, in order for Edmond to be freed, Aslan, the lion offered himself to take Edmond's place and was sacrificed. However, according to the Deeper Magic, when one who is blameless willingly dies on behalf of the guilty, he may return to life. Aslan was the ransom paid to save Edmond's life. In Lewis' book, Aslan, the lion, always symbolized Christ. Before we come to know God, we were captured and under the control of Satan. We were powerless to resist Sin. But God sent his only son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross. He was the ransom paid for our release. Because of his death and resurrection, we were freed from Sin's power and dominion.

III •  We are called to proclaim the gospel to ALL. Vs.7


When we come together to worship, God calls us to Pray for all. This call is based on his uniqueness; that he is the only one God, there is only one Mediator and one ransom. And this lead us into vs.7, “For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.” Paul is saying that because God desires that all men are saved, we are to pray for all. This desire for all to be saved is based on the uniqueness of God. There is no other God like him; therefore all men need to hear him.

There was a time, in the mid 1880's; when we can find coca cola only in America. However, this company was so sure of its product; that there was only one coca cola. So what did it do? It sent out representatives or missionaries to Africa, India, Taiwan, China, and all over the world. Wherever there are people; the company will send ‘missionaries' there. Now, you can find coke in the most unlikely places. Because this is one of a kind product, it deserved to be seen and experienced by every person on earth. Coca Cola is a local company in Atlanta, Ga; but it has a global mission.

Paul was commissioned to proclaim the gospel to the gentiles. For what reason? It is God's desire for all to be saved. Why such desire? There is only one God, one mediator between man and God, only one ransom paid to free us from the power of Satan. This is the reason, Paul and all believers are to proclaim the gospel to all people. It is a global mission. Our world must be bigger than ourselves. Yes, we are a local church, but with a global mission. God's world is to be our world. This is God's world, it is also our world.


  When I reflect upon my Christian journey, I recognized there were times in life I was rather naive and clueless. When my peers in the youth group were being rebellious by going to movies or parties, I had no clue what was going on. It was at the beginning of my high school years, I was moved in a service with Oswald Smith as the speaker; resulting in dedicating myself to God. Again, I had no clue what I was doing and what its real implications. (Come to think of it, even to this day, there are things going on around me that I am totally clueless L ). However, there is one thing I still remember vividly. Shortly after that rally, for whatever reason, I started to pray for Africa every day, that the gospel may be proclaimed there. May be in those days, Africa was considered the Dark Continent. For some reason, somehow God instilled in me at that time, at that age, that my world must be bigger than myself.

  In today's lesson, we learn that since there is no other God, so He desires all men to be saved. For this reason, when we come together to worship, we are to pray for all people. This call to pray for all leads to the global mission to proclaim the gospel to all people. In another two weeks, there is the Mission Conference organized by our sister churches. I want to encourage you to take part in this event and let God broaden our horizon. Let God's world be our world. However, having said this, it is important to remember that it all starts with prayer. Yes, we pray in this location, but we pray for all people. We are a local church, but with a global mission. It all starts with praying, and for all people. When we come together to worship, be it on Sunday, or in small group and fellowship group levels, let us first of all pray for all people, for this is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.

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