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在今天早上,我和大家來看另外一種憐憫。我們一起來聽保羅與我們分享,他如何是神恩典、憐憫的一個領受者。當保羅寫信給提摩太的時候,他年紀已經大了,而且他也知道隨時都會被羅馬政府處死。所以,一方面他在那裡指示年輕的提摩太,在以弗所如何的牧會,在另外一方面,當我們看他這兩封信,他也在反省他的人生。今天,所看的這段經文,在開始的時候,他說: 我感謝那賜我能力的、我們的主基督耶穌。結束在十七節:願尊貴、榮耀歸給萬世的主、萬世的君王。開始是在感謝,結束的時候是稱讚。這就是他的一生。因他是領受憐憫的領受者,他的一生充滿了感謝。讓我們進一步的來看他的感謝。

I •  我們理應感謝神賜的福份。


首先 為能力,就是內心的力量。當保羅回想他的生命和他的事奉,他知道如果沒有耶穌基督給他能力,那份內在的力量,什麼也不能做。我們往往稱保羅是最偉大的使徒,或者稱保羅是對西方哲學、文化有最深有影響的一位使徒,但是保羅自己一點也不知道,這些都是以後的事情。但是保羅那時所知道的,如果沒有耶穌的能力、力量他什麼也不能做。他唯一所知道的,他就是完全的依靠耶穌。

保羅感謝的 第二件事 :耶穌算他、看他、認為他是忠心的!忠心的意思就是可靠,能夠將一件事有始有終的做完。保羅也知道,是耶穌給他這個力量、能力,使到他有忠心,不是因為他本身就是一位很忠心的人,乃是因著耶穌的能力,認為他是有忠心。很多時候,當我們開始工作、一份事奉,我們充滿了熱忱、興奮,我們要改變這個世界、我們要改變神的教會、要改變團契、要改變小組,我們要把新的觀念帶進來,我們要使這個群體更加的活潑。但是,在很快的時間之內,我們失去了我們的忍耐、灰心,慢慢的我們就溜走了、 不見了 !保羅知道,這都是因為耶穌基督給他的能力,他就不能寫下這一句話:「美好的仗我已經打完了,當跑的路我已經跑完了,所信的道我已經守住了。」他有開始、有結束。他知道他在服事裡的忠心,都是從耶穌基督那裡來的力量。

保羅 第三件 感恩事,耶穌派他事奉祂、服事祂!「服事」這兩個字,是一個很普通的字語,可以指著任何的服事、服務。但對保羅來卻是非常的清楚,他知道這一個服事—就是使徒的工作。但是對我們來說,這份服事可以包括許多方面,可以說在教會裡做長老、主日學老師、團契主席、或小組組長、或團契同工、或一個傳道人。我們都是被耶穌分派來服事祂的,祂派我們做現在做的事。

「海地」的地震發生之後,奧巴馬總統就派了兩位前任總統克林頓、布希做特別的大使,成為這次賑災募款的主要領導人。當他打電話給這兩位前任總時的時候,兩個人分別回答都是一致、非常簡單,就是一句話:「我能做什麼來幫助你?」換句話說,當他們收到總統來的電話,他們就只有一句話:「你要我做什麼?」在保羅被耶穌遇見時,他的一個問題 , 「你要我作甚麼 ? 」這就是分派的意義。耶穌分派保羅做使徒,我們也記得我們的服事,也是耶穌在那裡分派我們。這是一個榮耀、一個特權。當然講了這句話,我們做牧師的、長老、執事、團契同工,特別是主席的,我們要記得千萬不要,在別人的生命裡面扮演神的角色。所以當我們邀請您服事的時候,我們一定會跟您說:「請您好好的禱告。」看看是否是神的心意要您去做這件事?千萬不要因為是牧師要您做,您就去做。特別是因為你是主任牧師,所以你說,我就去做,這種觀念是要不得的。因為我們牧師是人,不是神!只有神能夠分配、分派您去服事祂。既然是從神來的一種分派,祂一定會給我們力量,使我們能夠忠心來完成祂所託付給我們的。

保羅為了要我們明白他這個感恩的表現,接著下來他用了三個字來描寫他自己。第十三節 , 首先他是褻瀆神的人,在他信主之前,他都在那裡說耶穌的壞話,他也逼著門徒,也要在那裡褻瀆神的話。第二他是迫害人的,他是一個非常凶惡的逼迫者。他在信主之前,他唯一的目的,就是要抓住那些信徒,要毀滅這個所謂耶穌的運動。他描寫他是「口吐凶言」,只要一聽到他名字,第一世紀的信徒都會害怕的。他也稱自己是 凌辱 的人、他對信徒充滿了仇視,但是這樣的一個人,耶穌給他力量、耶穌認為他是忠心、耶穌分派他去做使徒。對這樣一個罪人,給了他使徒的使命,如果您是保羅?您不感恩的話才怪!

II •  我們理應感謝神賜的憐憫


保羅說:「然而我蒙了憐憫。」他說了兩次。第一次在十三節,第二次在十六節。雖然他對神有這樣的態度,雖然他對神的子民有這樣兇暴的行為,然而神仍然的憐憐憫他。然後他領受了神的恩典。十七世紀的一位清教徒說:「保羅被神的憐憫抓住了!保羅是一個蒙憐憫的人!」他是怎麼樣蒙恩?除了剛才說他被神看為有忠心,派他服事。然後十四節,「 我們主的恩典,隨著在基督耶穌裡的信心和愛心,在我身上越發增加。」如果我們看英文的翻譯版和原來的意思的話,這裡說恩典很豐富的流出來了,這是一個河流的形象,當一個河水往上漲的時候,在那裡往下流,它將兩岸的物質、雜物、樹枝一起的帶走,如果河水流的很快的話,就會變成一個破壞性的力量。但是這裡保羅說,神的恩典像一條河一樣的湧流出來,所帶來的不是毀壞,所帶來的是什麼?所帶來的是信心、愛心。就像這條河流到他的裡面,也將信心、愛心一起的帶進了保羅的生命裡。保羅清楚的知道,在他裡面現在有的信心和愛心,這都是神恩典所帶來的。以前他是一個不信的人,他以為他自己很虔誠的拜上帝!他現在知道,雖然虔誠,但是他是完全錯誤的。在他信主之前,他是沒有任何的「愛」,他唯一有的就是「仇恨」,就是要把這些信徒除掉。但是這個恩典的河流,流到他的生命裡面,將信心帶給他,代替了他以前的不信,把「愛」也帶進來,代替了以前的「仇視」。保羅知道,他的信心、愛心越發的增多,越來越多,都是因為這個神的恩典!我們也是如此!有時候有沒有聽見自己的見證:當我的信心越增加、當我們越來越愛神的時候,我就怎麼樣、怎麼樣!別人聽的是感覺是什麼?你真的很好,成長很好。看看您這些年來,您的信心越來越多、越來越大、您的愛心也越來越多了,給人的感覺您好了不起?但是我不是您,所以我不能像您一樣這樣了不起!但是,保羅在這裡說:「我信心的增加、我愛心的增加、我對神、對人的愛,這些都是神的恩典所帶來給我的。不是我的努力,不是我的功德。」因此,我沒有什麼可以誇口的,都是出於神的憐憫。

III. 我們理應感謝神賜的福音


這裡說的 第一句 :這是可信的,就是基督穌降世為要拯救罪人。這就是福音的縮寫,這就是福音: 耶穌基督降世就是為要拯救罪人。我們簡單來看這句話的內涵: 首先, 這句話的內容是真的、是可信的。上次我們提到假的,因此也有真的教義,這裡再一次被提醒福音的信息,福音的可信的、真的。因此,任何的思想、宗教,跟這一個福音有抵觸的話,都是假的。這個福音,要成為所有宗教、哲學衡量的標準。 第二、 這個福音的特點,值得被接納的,是完全可以接納的。這個意思是福音本身是完整的、這個福音是普世性的。無論您去那一個文化,把這個福音帶過去的話,這個福音是完整的、足夠的。不錯!我們要用別人明白的方式來傳遞福音,但在這個過程裡面,這個福音的內容是不能夠更改、沖淡的。我時常覺得,我們住在美國的,我們要特別的小心,我們要真的學習,如何將福音能夠傳給在中國人、非洲人、中亞細亞人、其他文化的人,而且我們傳遞的內容是他們能夠明白的。因為有太多的時候,我們住在美國太久了,我們所傳的那個福音,往往是這個文化裡面的一個小文化,我們將它當做福音在傳遞,福音本身是完整的、是足夠的、是不能被沖淡的。我們當中大學、研究院、研究院之後畢業的,我們一定要學習如何向一個高中生、初中生、小學生或小學教育者,來傳講這個福音。


在最近幾年,在美國有很多大學,先從東岸的大學開始,有一個叫做 Veritas 座談會。是一些基督徒的團體,將一些被人尊重、信耶穌的有名哲學家、科學家帶到校園來,座談會最主要的目的,就是能夠清楚的將這個福音,傳給在學校的大學生。他們用的字句不一定是我們熟習的、他們傳講的方式,也跟我們禮拜天講道不一樣,但是,信息卻是非常的清楚。耶穌基督降世為要拯救罪人。這個罪人可以是一位佛教徒、可以是一個回教徒、可以是一個無神論者、或是一個無知論者,那一個罪人也可以是您、是我。這一個福音,為著所有的人、所有的罪人。這個福音的 第三個特點 :基督降世為人。祂降世意思就是說,在祂降世之前,祂已經存在了。祂在成為人之前,祂是神!是這位神成了人來到世界,這就是我們說的「道成肉身」,這是基督教核心的真理—「道成肉身」,神成了人,住在我們的當中。這個福音還有 第四個特點 :都是在這段經文裡的,一定要有個人的應用。當保羅說出這一句:「可信靠的這句話」基督降世,為要拯救罪人。祂馬上加上一句話,在罪人中,我是個罪魁,我是那個最壞的那一個。他一說了耶穌基督為要救贖罪人,馬上就有一個個人的應用,我就是那個最壞、最壞的罪人,我就是罪人的老大哥。當然,我們可以說,保羅可能壞,他對基督徒的仇恨、教會的迫害,但,不是最壞最壞的罪人吧!他不是第一個罪人,如果我們分析、思想。我們馬上就分析了,保羅不是這麼壞。如果我們跟其他的壞人相比,大概不會站首位,他很謙卑吧、你看看保羅不會像其他兇殺者、說謊的、假冒偽善那些人更壞吧?保羅一定不會像多年前西岸的帢爾斯‧邁森那樣壞吧?大概也不會像近代歷史的獨栽者的凶惡,殺數以萬計的人吧?保羅一定太誇張了?但是,有一件事我們要注意,當我們來到基督的面前,或基督來到我這裡時,在祂的光照之下,我們不再會做任何的比較了。是嗎?在祂的光裡,我們唯一看見的,就是我自己的罪惡。因此,我的不配。只看見自己的敗壞。在基督的光裡,我們不再會跟人比較了,我們看見的我是何等的邪惡?



IV. 我們理應感謝神透過憐憫 顯明衪 的屬性



在這裡我們看到,神對人的憐憫,絕不受人的心態、行為影響的。我們做父母的就能明白,我們孩子還小的時候,他們說的一些話、他們做的事傷害我們很深。我想父母都聽過這樣的話:媽!我不喜歡妳了、妳是世界上最惡的那一個母親,其他的母親都讓他們吃這、吃那,但是妳就不給我吃這、吃那,妳是最凶惡的母親!妳是一個最不懂時事的母親或者父親。妳是一個最不懂潮流的母親,我用的這個電腦,妳都不懂,還是用專為老人家設備的電腦吧!當您去問什麼是「Face Book」,他會告訴您千萬不要加入。好了,我們剛剛明白「Face Book」,現在又有了「Tweeter」可不可以幫我設一個帳戶?沒用的!你不會的!我們聽到這些話心裡就不喜歡了!孩子會講這些話。





在一九一八年的東京,有一個叫Tokichi的人,因為他犯了許多的凶殺案,他被吊死刑,在他的一生裡,關在牢獄中廿多次,是一位硬漢,好幾次在監獄中,為要約束他,將他從天花板上吊下來,腳指剛好碰在地上,,在他接受判刑前,有兩位宣教士,一位叫 Miss West 、一位叫 Miss McDonald 送給他一本聖經,因著這本聖經,Tokichi信了主。有一次當Miss West跟他談到聖經裡受苦的事,在哥林多後書八章九節裡說「你們知道耶穌本來富足, 卻為你們成了貧窮,要使你們因祂的貧窮成為富足。」後來他寫了這幾句話:「大概在今生沒有人因我的貧窮而成為富足。或者在將來,在這個世界上,可能有人聽到在這世界最兇惡的一個暴徒卻被耶穌的大能拯救了!可能那個人聽見了這個故事,他可能也會悔改,歸向神!」在死之前,Tokichi說了最後的一句話:「我被潔淨的靈魂,今天回到神的城市裡。」神透過祂的恩典,拯救了這個自稱為世界上最凶暴的人。正如在一千九百年前,神的恩典拯救了另外一個最大的罪人—保羅,如果是這樣,神的恩典可以臨到每一個人。基督降世為要拯救罪人—像您、像我這樣的罪人,都是祂的恩典,如果您還沒有被祂拯救的話,是不是今天是您的時候?您可以來!快來接受祂的拯救!


Date:   01/17/10

Text:   1 Timothy 1:12-16

Title:   Mercied

Theme: Since God has lavished His mercy upon us, we are to be thankful.



The news media is filled with images of destruction and death in Haiti . It is heart wrenching to see the death of at least 50K people, and many more severely wounded. Tragedies as such can bring out the good in human, galvanizing government and individuals to reach out to help. In less than two days, just a few clicks on our cell phones, with a choice of $5 or $10 donations, several millions of dollars were raised and sent to the Red Cross and other agencies. These are acts of Mercy, acts of compassion.

This morning we want to look at another form of mercy. We'll listen to Paul as he shares with us his being a recipient of God's mercy. By the time Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, he was considered advance in age, expecting his imminent death. On the one hand it is a letter to remind and instruct Timothy, the young minister at Ephesus . On the other, it is also a reflection of his life and ministry. This passage begins with ‘I thank him…. Christ Jesus our Lord,….” And ends with vs.17, ‘To the King of ages….” From thanksgiving to praise. It give us a snapshot of his life, a life full of gratitude because of being a recipient of God's Mercy. We'll take a closer look at Paul's gratitude.

I •  Give thanks for the blessings received. Vs.12

This passage begins with an outburst of gratitude. Vs.12, “ 12 I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service,” Paul thanked God for three things.

First, for the strength, inner strength. As he looked back in his life and ministry, he knew that without Christ's empowerment, he could not do anything. We call him the greatest apostle, or the apostle that has the most profound influence on the western culture. Yet, Paul knew nothing of this. All he knew was his total dependence upon God.

Secondly, Paul thanked Christ for considering him faithful. Faithful means dependable, trustworthy and ability to complete a task. Paul recognized that it was Christ who gave him the strength to be faithful. Very often we start a ministry or project with great enthusiasm and excitement. We are out to change the world or the church, the fellowship or small groups, bringing new ideas and vitality to them. But before long, we've lost our patience; we get disappointed and then quietly slip away. Paul knew it was strength from Christ that he could say, 2 Tim 4:7, “ 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. ..” He started and completed the task given to him. To be faithful in ministry requires strength from God.

Thirdly, Paul thanked God for appointing him to His service. The word ‘service' is a generic term, it could refer to many kinds of Christian services. To Paul, it is a clear reference to his apostle ministry, but to us, it could mean the ministry of an elder, a deacon, a minister, Sunday School teacher, a leader or co-worker in the fellowship or small groups. We are appointed by Jesus Christ to serve in these capacities. After the earthquake that devastated Haiti , president Obama appointed former presidents: Clinton and Bush, to be special envoys to spearhead the fund raising effort. It was an honor and privilege to be appointed by the president. Likewise, we also need to remember that we are being appointed by none other than Jesus Christ. It is a privilege and honor to serve. When it is an appointment from God, then we know he'll give us the strength to be faithful, to complete the task.

However, to help us understand this outburst of gratitude, Paul used three words to describe himself. Vs.13, “……”First, he was a blasphemer. Before Paul was converted, he used to speak evil of Jesus Christ. He forced the disciples to blaspheme against Jesus. He was a fierce persecutor of the church. His one goal was to arrest the believers and destroy the church. His words and actions intimidated the Christians, just the mention of his name would bring great fear among the first century believers. He was full of hostility towards Jesus and his followers. It was to a person like this that God called and appointed to be an apostle. To a sinner like this, Jesus gave him the strength to be faithful and appointed to him the apostolic ministry. This is the reason for Paul's outbursts of gratitude. Let's continue to look at his experience of God's mercy.

II •  Give thanks for the grace received. Vs.13-14

If someone repeatedly insults you, hit you and intimidate you, full of hostility towards you, would you like to take this person out for lunch? I will definitely stay clear out of his way. But God doesn't operate this way. Paul said, “But I received mercy…” he said it two times, once in vs13, the other time in vs.16. In spite of his attitude and behavior towards God and his people, he received God's mercy. A 17 th century puritan said that Paul had been bemercied. In today's language, we may say, Paul is mercied. How so? Vs.14, “ and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

When a river overflows, it will carry with it whatever is on both sides of the banks. Nothing can stop its movement. Now, when the river of grace flows into Paul's life, it carries with it not devastation but faith and love. Paul knew it was God's mercy, grace that brought him faith and love. Previously, he was full of unbelief. He considered himself a devoted worshipper of God, but now he realized that he was wrong. Previously there was no love, but full of hostility. Now, with the river of grace gushing into his life, it brought him faith, replacing the former disbelief. It brought him love, replacing hostility. Increasing his faith in God and love for God and men.

The same is true with us. Our increasing faith in God and our love for God and men, are all his grace. It had nothing to do with our own effort and merit. It's all grace. Nothing we can brag about.

III •  Give thanks for the gospel entrusted to him. Vs.15

Last Sunday we learned that the commandments were in accordance with the gospel. In vs.11, “ ….in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.” Paul now returns to the gospel he referred to earlier. “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” This is the first of the 5 trustworthy sayings in the pastoral epistles. This saying is the gospel in a nutshell. Let's briefly review what the gospel is.

First, the content is true and trustworthy. Last week we learned that there are true and therefore false doctrines. Here we are told again that the gospel message is true, it is trustworthy. Since this gospel is true, then any teaching and ideas that are contrary to it is false. This is the standard against which other religions and philosophies are to be measured. Secondly, “deserving of full acceptance…” Meaning the gospel is complete and universal. No matter what culture we go to, this gospel is complete and adequate. Yes, it is important that we communicate the gospel in a way that people in another culture can understand. However, the content of the gospel must not be diluted. We need to learn to communicate the gospel to people in China , Africa, Central Asia and other cultures in ways that they can understand. Those of us who graduated from college, and graduate schools, need to learn how to communicate the gospel to a high school graduate, or someone with a elementary or middle school education, or without an education. When I am in China , the greatest challenge is to teach or preach to individuals with little education. Yet I have to constantly remind myself that the gospel is for everyone.

In recent years, on different college campuses, there is this gathering called “The VERITAS Forum”. Christian groups will bring to campus some well known and respected philosophers or scientists to discuss matters of faith. The purpose is to clearly present the gospel message to the college students. The terms or communication styles used may be different from our Sunday sermons, but the message is clear: Jesus came to save sinners. The sinner can be a Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist or Agnostics. This sinner is you and I. This gospel is for everyone.

Thirdly, when we say Jesus came into the world, it implies that he has a pre-existence. He is God who came into the world and became man. He is God incarnate. This is the core of the Christian message. Lastly, this gospel must have a personal application. The moment Paul finished stating this gospel, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,..” he added this, “…of whom I am the foremost.” He was the number one sinner. We may say, yes, Paul may be bad by persecuting the Christian and the church, but he couldn't be the worst sinner. If we compare him with the murderers, the liars, the hypocrites, there must be some who are worse than he. I think Paul couldn't be worse than Charles Manson, or some dictators in our history, right? But there is one thing we notice, when we come before Christ, or when Christ comes to us, in the light of his light, we stopped all comparisons. All we can see is our sinfulness and, therefore, unworthiness. We only see the enormity of our corruption. You remember the story in the gospel about a Pharisee and tax collector going to the temple to pray. The Pharisee prayed, Lk 18:11ff, “….God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.' Sound familiar? I am so glad I am not like him. What about the tax collector? He could only say, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.”

John Stott told the story of Thomas Bilney, a British scholar in the 16 th century who was converted through this verse. Bilney was searching for peace but could not find it. Bilney wrote, ‘But at last, I came upon this sentence of St. Paul in 1 Timothy 1. “It is a true saying, and worthy of all men to be embraced, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am the chief and principal.” This one sentence, through God's instruction and inward working, which I did not then perceive, did so exhilarate my heart, being before wounded with the guilt of my sins, and being almost in despair, that even immediately I seemed unto myself inwardly to feel a marvellous comfort and quietness, insomuch that “my bruised bones leaped for joy” (Psalm 51). After this, the Scriptures began to be more pleasant unto me than the honey or the honey-comb …'

I am certain many of us can attest to this. There was a day when Jesus opened our eyes and we saw our sinfulness. Then we heard the good news that he came to save sinners like me. This may have happened last week, last month or many years ago. But isn't it true, whenever we think of this, our hearts are warm, and there was this comfort and quietness.

We now come to the last section of this passage. Why did God shower Mercy upon Paul?

IV •  We give thanks for the reason God showered mercy upon us.

As we have noticed that two times Paul wrote that he received Mercy (vs.13,16). Paul also tells us why God's grace was upon him.

1 •  God's big heart. Vs.13. Paul said that he received mercy because he had acted ignorantly out of unbelief. He recognized that before Jesus appeared to him, his was ignorant of God's heart. He had no faith, he did not believe in God's word. He did not know what he was doing. He was sincere, but he was walking down the wrong path. He was like those false teachers, confidently teaching something that was wrong. Because he was ignorant, God did not hold him to that. God did not keep a track record of Paul, 3 strikes and you are out. God's mercy is not affected by how we treat Him.

Most parents understand this. When our children are young, they have said words that hurt us. Such as: I don't like you anymore, you are the meanest mother on earth, you are so out of it, how come you can't be like so and so's mother? When such words come from a teenager, it really hurts, right? There is a chinese movie about a mother. She moved from the village to the city and made her living as a nanny. For this reason the son and his wife looked down on her and pretended not to know her. Yet she never gave up loving and helping them. Why do parents tolerate such abuse? We would say, the children are ignorant. They don't know what they are saying. One day, when they grow up, they will understand. It's ok. Sometimes, the older one gets, the more we'll brush aside comments and behaviors that seem to hurt us. we'll say, its ok, he doesn't know what he is saying or doing. Likewise, God knows that we are ignorant and so he doesn't hold it against us. You see, God has a big heart. He is not a bean counter. Second reason for God's mercy,

2 •  God's patience. Vs.16. “But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life.” Paul is saying, that God was merciful to him because of his patience. And more so, God is demonstrating this patience to others that will come to believe in him. In other words, God is saying, look at Paul, if I can be patient to a person like him, a blasphemer, persecutor and a violent man, I can certainly be patient to you. God not only has a big heart, but he also wants to demonstrate his patience and love toward them. God is telling the world if he can save a person like Paul, there is hope for every sinner. if God can save an intellectual, a morally corrupt person, a communist party member, a diehard evolutionist or atheist, he can certainly save you. There is hope for all of us. No one is beyond his reach.


  Paul knew that he was the worst sinner, yet God showered him with His mercy. He was mercied. He experienced God's strength, appointment to be an apostle. He experienced God's grace, tolerance and patience. Having received such mercy and grace, his life was one filled with gratitude. He deserved nothing, yet he was given much. It's all free, all grace.

  In 1918 in Tokyo, Tokichi was hung for the many murders he committed. He had been sent to prison more than twenty times. He was as tough as men get. On several occasions, the prison guards had to restrain him by hanging him from the ceiling with his toes barely touching the floor. Before receiving his death sentence, he received a New Testament sent by two Christian missionaries, a Miss West and a Miss McDonald—resulting in the criminal's coming to know Christ.

Before his death, he wrote, “….But perhaps in the future, someone in the world may hear that the most desperate villain who ever lived repented of his sins and was saved by the power of Christ, and so may come to repent also …….” Tokichi died on the scaffold with great humility. His last words were, “My soul, purified, today returns to the City of God.” 9

God through his grace had reached a man who called himself “the most desperate villain who ever lived,” just as he had reached “the worst of sinners” 1,900 years before. God's grace can reach anybody .

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—number one sinners like you and me. It is all by his grace. If you have not already come, you can come now! 

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