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1 奉我們的救主神,和我們的盼望基督耶穌的命令,作基督耶穌使徒的保羅,
2 寫信給因信主而作我真兒子的提摩太。願恩惠、憐憫、平安從父神和我們的主基督耶穌臨到你。
3 我往馬其頓去的時候,曾經勸你留在以弗所,為要囑咐某些人,不可傳別的教義,
4 也不可沉迷於無稽之談和無窮的家譜;這些事只能引起爭論,對於神在信仰上所定的計劃是毫無幫助的。
5 這囑咐的目的是出於愛;這愛是發自純潔的心、無愧的良心和無偽的信心。
6 有些人偏離了這些,就轉向無意義的辯論,
7 想要作律法教師,卻不明白自己講的是甚麼,主張的又是甚麼。
8 我們知道律法是好的,只要應用得恰當。
9 要知道律法本來不是為義人設立的,而是為那些無法無天和放蕩不羈的、不敬虔和犯罪的、不聖潔和世俗的、弒父母和殺人的、
10 淫亂的、親男色的、拐帶人口的、說謊話的、發假誓的,以及為其他抵擋純正教訓的人設立的。
11 這是照著可稱頌的、榮耀的神所交託我的福音說的。
引言 :
去年教會的主題是:「與神連接 --- 個人的生命」。今年的主題:「與神連接 --- 教會生活」。今年許多的講道,是從提摩太前書而出。
當我在學校的時候,最怕的就是是非題;對老師來說,批卷比較容易,也可以知道學生明白多少?有些的學生 — 像我一樣,最不喜歡是非題。當然一看到那個題目就在想是是?還是非?越想就越糟糕,最可怕的,就是最後的一個項目,就是所有上面的都是對的!英文是 All of above ,一看見就要命了!因為這個緣故,我也不喜歡性向的測驗,譬如說,某某人是很容易饒恕別人,對還是錯?如果有一個中間的話,我們許多人都可能會選中間的。但是您有沒有注意到,在課室之外、工作場所之外,在我們社會文化裡,我們不多講是與非、對還是錯?大概會說都可以,條條道路通羅馬,不管您相信什麼,不管佛教也好、基督教也好,都會把您帶到同一樣永恆的終點。雖然每一個宗教有不一樣的地方,但是結果都是一樣的。如果您說,不一定的吧?是有一個真的宗教,那別人會說你太偏激了,這是另外一個時代的想法,現在我們不這樣想了。我想很多人在聽、或看過「 阿凡達 」這個電影,每周未仍然在賺好幾百萬,也成為這幾年人們最多談論的一套電影。在這部片子裡有許多的詞句,都是從東方、西方不同宗教裡收集出來。這個電影有許多不同的主題,但其中一句很重要的就是「只要你有愛就可以了」。這個電影正如其他社會的潮流,想除掉不同宗教的特色、對與錯的關念、真跟假的關念。我想我們每天學校裡、工作的地方我們都會很熟悉這個關念,不論您在東方、西方,要建立一個更加包容的社會、一個和諧的社會。但當我們今天看這段這經文時,我們好像看到一幅另樣的圖案。
I 有信心者表達他全心全意依靠神
第一、第二節,是保羅書信裡的問候的話語。「 奉我們的救主神,和我們的盼望基督耶穌的命令,作基督耶穌使徒的保羅,寫信給因信主而作我真兒子的提摩太。願恩惠、憐憫、平安從父神和我們的主基督耶穌臨到你。」這是很普通、經常出現的格式和話語。當然我們可深入研討這兩句話,但今天我們只是簡單的看一下。這封信是保羅寫給提摩太,在寫這封信的時候,保羅是在馬其頓,提摩太在牧養以弗所教會。保羅跟提摩太有很親密的關係,保羅是提摩太屬靈的父親,所以他稱提摩太是真兒子。除了這個之外,保羅也有一個很強烈的信念,他是在基督耶穌的命令之下,耶穌委任他做使徒,使他成為耶穌的代表,使他成為耶穌的使者。保羅清楚的知道,這是耶穌的下屬。
然後,保羅在他的問候裡寫,「願恩惠、憐憫、平安臨到你們」,讓我們稍微解開來看一下 ; 恩典就是從神那裡來的我們不配得的好處,請求神不要將我們配得的來對待我,乃是以祂無條件的愛來對待我。憐憫是神的愛、神的供應。平安是超越環境內心的安寧。您有沒有思想過 : 在生命裡沒有神恩惠、沒有神憐憫、沒有神賜的平安,會是怎樣 ? 如果神按著我配得的方式來對待我的話,我相信我今天也不會站在這裡,也相信我們當中沒有一個人今天會坐在這裡。如果沒有神的憐憫、愛,我們從那裡得到陽光、雨水來生活在這一個地球上?在這個經濟困難的時期,在我們的事業、健康都不穩定,沒有一件事在我們的控制掌握之中。如果沒有內心的平安,生活將是混亂。在這簡單的兩段經文裡,看到一個真理,我們是完全的要倚靠祂!完全在祂的底下,沒有祂不行!
我相信我們有許多人每天都用電腦,工作、家裡都用,或者您每天開車。如果我來到您那裡,問您可不可以將您的手提電腦借我?或您可不可以借我,您唯一的車給我?我答應您,我一定會好好的保護好您的車,您的電腦,您會借我嗎?問題不是您放不放心,問題是您不能沒有那台電腦、您不能沒有那部車。在不知不覺的當中,您和我已經將自己放在電腦和車之下,沒有他是不行的。您有沒有去過沒有接網站的地方 ? 您會想盡辦法上網,是嗎?馬上您會在附近找有沒有上網的店舖,就算一分鐘要十塊錢美金,您都會嘗試的,對嗎?因為,在不知不覺當中,我們已經離不開這些東西了!我相信保羅也是這樣的說。我們在神的下面,我們倚靠祂,沒有祂就不行了!慎重的想一下,沒有神的恩惠、沒祂的憐憫、祂的平安,怎麼生活?不可想像!一個跟隨耶穌的,與神連結的,是每一刻我們都需要祂!
II. 有信心者擁護正確的教義
3-4 兩節裡,「我往馬其頓去的時候,曾經勸你留在以弗所,為要囑咐某些人,不可傳別的教義,也不可沉迷於無稽之談和無窮的家譜;這些事只能引起爭論,對於神在信仰上所定的計劃是毫無幫助的。」在這裡,保羅的意思是第一世紀的信徒,有一個整體的教義,是他們把握住的。就如去年我們分享過,我們要守住那從前一次交託給信徒的真道,真理、教義。在以弗所的教會就有人進來教一些其它的教義、其他的道理。所以保羅對提摩太說,你要咐吩這些人,不可以教一些其他異類的教義,這些不正確的教義。我們聽見了,大概會問,真的這麼重要嗎?真的教義、假的教義,又怎麼樣呢?為什麼不能包容一點呢?為什麼要提摩太去阻止?
在七零年有一個電影「男士的禮拜五」,這個電影是根據魯賓遜漂流記的故事而拍的。這位魯賓遜有一位朋友,在這張片子裡,是擁護宗教多元化的一位,他這樣說:「喜歡怎麼樣敬拜就怎麼樣敬拜。只要是真心的,神都不在意的。」怎麼樣敬拜都沒有關係、只要真心的就可以了。我們聽到了就會問:「真的嗎?」難道神真的不理嗎?只要您敬拜就行了!不管您是佛教也好、伊斯蘭教也好、基督教也好,只要真心敬拜我,就行了!是嗎?大概不是吧!因為這個緣故,所以保羅告訴提摩太說,不能讓這些人繼續的在講那些教義。第四節說這一些沒有意義的談話,這一些無窮盡的家譜的討論,是我們要避開的。什麼是神話,家譜 ?
或者我們也看過逹文西的密碼的書或電影。這個人在達文西的圖畫裡發現了一個密碼,然後去解這碼,發現耶穌沒有被釘在十字架上,是另外一個人,真的耶穌跟一個人結婚,然後到法國南邊的一個小城住下來,然後他們的後裔就在那裡生活,然後慢慢的成立了一個組織,叫做 Opus Dei— 天主教裡面一個部門。這些不是真理 — 是另類的教義。
還有,摩門教、可蘭經,這些共同點是什麼,這些都是聖經之外的一些寫作,而且裡面所講的都是跟聖經裡的教義裡有矛盾。因為,在聖經 , 基督教的世界觀裡有神,有真理!說的話都是真的。聖經是神的話,在聖經講到神的事、耶穌的事、創造的事、人的事情,都是真的,任何的教導,如果與聖經是矛盾的話,那就是另外一種的教導、是錯誤的教導,我們不要花時間在這些的事上,因為對我們成長是沒有幫助的。但是我們要知道這一些的教義、這些電影、或去看「阿凡達」的電影,為的是您可以與您周圍的朋友對話,透過跟他們的談論、電影也好、書也好,能夠把他們指向另一個真正的道理。所以您要知道您的朋友、特別是沒有信耶穌的朋友,他們在看什麼樣電影、連續劇、韓國的連續劇也好、國內的連續劇也好,我們要知道為什麼被吸引住看,當您討論的時候,把他們帶到另外一個真理上,那個真正的教義。我們要記得,神是真理,所以他不可以與自己有任何的矛盾。
III. 有信心者正確的應用誡命 . 7-11
讓我們看看第七、八節:「想要作律法教師,卻不明白自己講的是甚麼,主張的又是甚麼。我們知道律法是好的,只要應用得恰當。」這裡又把另外一種人帶出來了!不是那些教假教義的人,這些是教導律法的人。這裡提到他們很有把握的在教導,但是不知道自己在教什麼。他們「吹牛」的本領實在很大,很會講話、很會教,很有把握的,但根本不知道在教什麼?我們都碰過這樣的人,是不是?說不定那個人就是自己?他們在那裡教神的律法,教的是錯的。在加拉太書裡有些教神的律法,他們在教什麼?他們教的是 救恩等於信心加上守律法。在以弗所的這個教會,保羅沒有清楚的告訴我們他們怎麼樣的在教神的律法。可是在這段經文裡告訴我們,對律法的正確態度是怎麼樣的。律法是指著神的命令,特別是神給人的「十誡」。在這段的經文裡,首先提到神的律法、神的誡命,是好的、對的。在改革宗的傳統裡,律法,就是神的十誡有兩個功能,第一是,律法能夠將我們的罪現出來、第二是,律法約束我們這些錯誤的行為。改革宗的加爾文他又建議第三個功能,律法使我們知道神對我們的期望,神要我們如何的生活。當我們讀十誡的時候,我們就知道如何的生活在這世界裡,我們要愛神!我們要愛人。
在第九至十節,是一條清單、罪惡的行為。「要知道律法本來不是為義人設立的,而是為那些無法無天和放蕩不羈的、不敬虔和犯罪的、不聖潔和世俗的、弒父母和殺人的、淫亂的、親男色的、拐帶人口的、說謊話的、發假誓的,以及為其他抵擋純正教訓的人設立的。」這段的經文裡所列出來的行為,很明顯的是相當極端的行為,但是您仔細的讀這兩段經文,其實是十誡的反影。前面講那些無法無天、不敬虔、犯罪的、聖潔、不聖潔這些都是侵犯了十誡的前面四條誡命,沒有遵神為大。這裡講的弒父母的,是違背了第五條誡命。你當孝順你的父母。殺人的,犯了第六條誡命,不可殺人。淫亂的,違背了第七條誡命,不可姦淫、同樣這裡講親男色的,在英文的翻譯很清楚,生活在同性戀裡的人,這同樣也侵犯了第七條誡命。不可姦淫。在這裡我需要多講兩句補充。在西方很多的人要用聖經使我們的行為合法化。一個城市最高的領袖,是一個公開同性戀者,當他在就職所發的誓言、手是按在聖經上面,這個人在傳遞一個清楚的信息,當然在美國的社會裡,任何官員,包括總統、參議員上任時的誓言都是手按在聖經上的,這個意思是我怎麼樣帶領這一個群體,我最終要向神負責任的,所以是手按在聖經上發誓的。但是上個禮拜所看見的,這個城市的市長發誓,除了向神的承諾,還有另一個信息,我現在這個生活方式,也是聖經所認同的,如果不是聖經認同,大概就沒有人敢將他的手放在聖經上,是嗎?您看見了那樣的信息?但是當我們讀到這段的經文時,無論您怎麼解釋,無論您看那一翻譯本,聖經有一個非常清楚的行為標準,什麼是對、什麼是錯的。指出同性戀的行為,跟神的福音是不相稱的,是抵觸、違背了神的命令。不單如此,還有拐帶人口,在當時的社會,是奴隸的販賣,用今天的話語,就是販賣人口。這犯了十誡的那一條?不可偷盜。在販賣人口的事件,是將人偷過來,是嗎?也違背了貪心這個命令。說謊話的、發假誓的,也是違背了第九條誡命 : 不可做假見證。當我看到這兩節經文的時候,非常的清楚,神的律法、命令是約束我們人的罪惡行為,我們生為信徒要 讓神的律法作為我們道德的指南針,用神的律法去約束我們的周圍的罪惡。
IV. 有信心者的根源是愛
最後,在這一切正確的教義之外,還有一件是不可缺少的。當我說:這個人很能教聖經教義,他對真理是非常清楚的。您的連想是什麼?這個人一定很嚴肅、死板、沒有彈性的人,跟他在一起,沒有什麼意思,如果您與他渡假、吃飯,開口、閉口都跟您講教義的事,覺得他冷冰冰的。當我們讀這段經文的時候,我們看見的是什麼?是我的真兒子,一個好的教義,正確的使用律法,這是黑白分明,相當硬的,沒有太多的強性,好像有點冷冰冰,但是注意第五節:「 這囑咐的目的是出於愛;這愛是發自純潔的心、無愧的良心和無偽的信心。」為什麼保羅這麼強調正確的教義?為什麼強調正確、好好的教導神的誡命?是因為愛的緣故。那這個愛要怎樣表達 ?
簡單的看一下,出自一個純潔的心。心是我們生命的中心,心是被神寶血所潔淨的 — 是一個沒有自私的心、是一個向別人開放的心、對別人關心、關愛的心。第二、這個愛的表達是透過無虧的良心。良心是我們道德的基礎,方向。良心是在我們裡面發出微小的聲音,那個是對、那個是錯,不要走這裡、要走那裡。第三、一個無偽的心,沒有一個虛假的信仰,我所相信的,是跟我的生活是連結的、整體的,沒有雙重的標準。您看見這個人,他就是這樣的,沒有任何隱藏的動機。一個正確的教義是很重要的,但是一定要有愛。
結論 :
很多時候,在我們的生活裡,就是一連串的是非題,這是對的、那是錯的。這是該做的、那是不該做的。有沒有一個真的宗教?我們要選個真的、好的,但是我們周圍的文化,不論是東方也好、西方也好,告訴訴我們,都是好的、對的,每一條道路都通到羅馬。何必要這麼執著呢?但在聖經的世界觀裡,是有對與錯,真與假。不是條條道路通羅馬。因為神是真理,所以我們跟隨祂的,我們也要抓住真理,正確的教導。正確的教義是我們的標誌。因神是愛 所以我們正確的教義,一定要有愛在那裡平衡。
您知不知道?當提摩太收到這封信的時候,就讀了給以弗所的教會聽,大概二、三十年之後,以弗所的教會是怎麼樣呢?在啟示錄第二章,有一段很短的信給教會,不曉得提摩太還在不在那裡?大概不一定在了。「我知道你的行為、勞苦,你的忍耐, 也知道你不能容忍惡人。你也曾經試驗那些自稱是使徒,而其實不是使徒的人,看出他們是假 的。提摩太跟前面所讀的是不是相同?真的、也有假的,真的道理和假的道理。然後我有一件事要責備你, 你已經離棄了你起初的愛,所以,你應當回想你是從哪裡惰落的,並且要悔改,作起初所作的事。你若不悔改,我就要來到你那裡,把你的燈臺從原處移去。所以,你應當回想你是從哪裡墜落的,並且要悔改,作起初所作的事。你若不悔改,我就要來到你那裡,把你的燈臺從原處移去。」在這裡,弟兄姊妹你看到了什麼?保羅寫給提摩太這封這信二、三十年之後,在以弗所這個教會,仍然持守這個道理,沒有妥協,他們拒絕那些假的教師,他們也有很好的行為,在提摩太前書第一章裡告訴他們那些是邪惡,他們都遠離了。但是他們缺少了什麼?就是有一件事情沒了!起初的愛,所剩下來的,乃是冷冰冰的正統,所以以弗所的教會要重新挽回起初的愛。
Date: 01/10/2010
Text: 1 Timothy 1:1-11
Title: True or False
Theme: Since God is truth, his followers are to embrace truth in all areas of life.
Our theme for last year was: Connect with God and its expression in our personal lives. This year, it is Connect with God and its expression in church life. On most of the Sundays, our sermons will be from 1 Timothy.
When I was in school, I hated True or False questions in tests. The more I tried to think which was true and which was false, the more confused I became. Then you had the final check box: all of the above. From the teachers’ perspective, it was a good way to find out how much the students really know. However have we ever noticed that outside the classroom, we were not asked much about true or false? Instead, it is all of the above. All roads lead to Rome . It doesn’t matter whether one believes in Islam or Christianity, they will all lead you to the same eternal destiny. Yes, all religions are different from each other, but the end is the same. One true religion? It is so exclusive, un-cool, so out of date.
Many have been raving about the movie Avatar. It continues to gross millions of dollars each day. It has become one of the most talked about movie in recent years. I read that many catch phrases are collections from various different eastern and western religions. It is part of a trend to erase the distinctions between different religions, between right or wrong, true or false.
However, from the passage we read this morning, we see a very different picture. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, who was at Ephesus , we see words such as: true son, different doctrine, vain discussion, contrary to sound doctrine. It implied that in Christian faith, there is true or false, right or wrong, sound and therefore, unsound, doctrine. It is not all inclusive, but rather, exclusive; not every road leads to Rome .
This morning we’ll learn that when we are connected with God, as we live in the community of believers, by default, we are different from the world around us. We want to explore what our uniqueness is in a world that is advocating tolerance and all inclusiveness.
I A person of faith exhibits total reliance on God. Vs. 1-2
Vs. 1-2 is the greeting, “ 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.” This is a letter from Apostle Paul to Timothy. At the time of writing, Paul was in Macedonia and Timothy pastoring the church at Ephesus . Paul and Timothy had a very close relationship. Paul was Timothy’s spiritual father, thus calling him his true child. Besides this, Paul had the clear conviction that he was under the command of Jesus. It was Jesus that commissioned him as an apostle, his representative, his ambassador. Paul prayed that Grace, Mercy and Peace from God be with Timothy.
Grace is unmerited favor from God. A request that God will not treat us the way we deserve, but according to his unconditional love. Mercy means God’s compassion, provision for us. Peace is the inner tranquility that transcends all circumstances. Can you imagine a life without God’s grace, mercy and peace? If God treats me the way I deserve, none of us, with me first, will be here this morning. Without God’s mercy, or compassion, where do we get the sunshine and rain in order to live on this planet? In the midst of economic hardship, and uncertainties in our career, relationship and health, without peace, this inner tranquility, life can be quite chaotic. In these two verses we see the truth that a person of faith is under Christ’s lordship, totally dependent upon him.
If you come up to me and asked, “can I borrow your laptop for one day? Or can I borrow you only car for two days?” Will I say yes? It’s difficult if not impossible, right? Not because I don’t trust you, but I can’t do without them. You see, we have put ourselves under that computer or car, we have become dependent on them. The same with our walk with God, We cannot do without his grace, mercy and peace. Without him, life can be miserable. As one hymn says, I need You every hour. Besides total reliance upon God,
II A person of faith embraces correct doctrines. Vs.3-6
In vs.3-4, “ As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.” It implied that there was a body of truth, a doctrine that the first Christians held onto. Then someone came and started teaching something different from this. They had to stop. There was the correct doctrine, as well as incorrect doctrine. But did it matter? Why should Timothy stop them?
There was a movie made in the 70’s called Man Friday, based on Robinson Crusoe. In this movie, Crusoe’s friend was a champion for religious pluralism. “Worship any way you like,” he says, “as long as you mean it. God won’t mind.” Really? No, God does mind. For this reason, Paul told Timothy to stop those who were teaching something different. In vs. 4 we’re told to stay away from the myths and endless genealogies. What were they?
In the first century, there was this book, “Book of Jubilees”. It was also known as little Genesis. It was a creation story told by the Pharisees, spanning from the time of creation to the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai . Another book called, “The biblical Antiquities of Philo” also consisting of the creation story. In both of these books, there were many fanciful additions. They consisted of fabulous genealogies and names of all the children of Adam and Eve, of Enoch’s family, of Noah’s predecessors and descendants, and of the seventy people who went down into Egypt . Timothy was to tell the teachers who taught these myths and genealogies to stop and not to engage in discussions. Why? Because it was a waste of time, it would do no good to a believer.
How about us? Do we have any ‘different doctrine’ around us? I’ll name a few. First there is this book, ‘Bible Code’. It is about hidden secrets in the Bible. By rearranging the letters in Genesis, one can decipher the code and reveal predictions of world events such as the Gulf War and the assassination of Rabin. This is not true doctrine.
We may have read the book or seen the movie, Da Vinci Code. This individual found a secret code in Da Vinci’s painting and learned that Jesus was not crucified. Instead he married someone and they went to and settled in a small town in southern France . Their descendents later founded the secretive Opus Dei, which is an order in the Catholic Church. I understand there is this Opus Dei house near or on the Rice Campus. This is a different doctrine.
Then there are the book of Mormon and the book of Koran. What do they have in common? Extra biblical materials and often contrary to what is in the Bible. The Bible is God’s word, what it says about God, Jesus, creation and men is truth, it is the correct doctrine. Any other teachings that contradict the Bible are ‘different, incorrect doctrine’. We are not to waste time in them. You see, truth, correct doctrine does matter to God. For God is truth and He cannot contradict himself.
III A person of faith knows how to use the Law correctly. 7-11
Vs. 7-8, “ desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions. Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, ” These teachers of the Law taught very confidently, yet Paul said they didn’t know what they were teaching. Using contemporary words, they are full of hot air. We are not told how they taught the law, God’s commandments. In Galatians, there were teachers who taught salvation= faith plus keeping the laws. So instead of trying to find out what they taught, we’ll discuss what is the right approach to law.
This passage tells us that the law by itself is good. In the Reformation tradition, there are two functions of the law, the commandments. First, the commandments are meant to reveal our sins. Secondly, the commandments are there to restrain wrong behaviors. Calvin suggested the third use of the commandments, To show us God’s will for our lives. When we read the commandments, we know how he wants us to live: To love God and Men.
In vs. 9-10 is a list of sinful behaviors, “ … understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine.” They could be considered as some of the extreme forms of wrong behavior. This list is actually a reflection of the 10 commandments. For example, striking the parents is a reference to violating the 5 th commandment, honor your parents. Murderers offended the 6 th commandment, thou shall not kill. The sexually immoral are those violating the 7 th commandment, thou shall not commit adultery. Likewise, those who practice homosexuality is also a violation of the 7 th commandment. I feel that I need to say an additional word about this. In today’s western culture, we want to use the Bible to legitimize our behavior. When the top city official, an openly practicing homosexual, took the oath of office with a hand on the Bible, this person is sending the following message: this Bible not only will hold me accountable in how I govern the city, it also affirms how I live. Nothing is further from the truth than this. Here in black and white, practicing homosexuality is a violation of God’s commandment; it is contrary to sound doctrine. Then there is the enslavers, or slave traders, or in today’s language, human trafficking. It is violation of the commandments, thou shall not steal, thou shall not covet what belongs to others. The liars and the perjurers are those who violated the 9 th commandment, thou shall not bear false witness. It is clear from this that one proper use of the law is to restrain sinful behaviors in our personal lives.
As believers, we are to let God’s law to be our moral compass. We are to use and teach God’s law, to restrain the evil around us. I mentioned in my last Sunday’s sermon there is the increasing awareness that Houston is a major city for human trafficking. For those of us who know God’s law, we are to teach and be advocates so that we’ll treat all lives with respect and dignity and not a commodity to be used or sold.
As a person of faith, we are to embrace and apply God’s law, and commandments rightly. We are to let the law reveal our sins, to restrain us. And even more so, by studying the commandments, we know how God wants us to live in a world full of sinful behaviors. Then Lastly,
IV A person of faith has love as the underpinning of all he does.
What comes to your mind when I say, “she is really strong in theology and doctrine”? Our stereotyping will be: she must be stuffy, serious, rigid and no fun. Or if I say, “he is a very loving person”? Our stereotyping will be: he is kind, fun to be around, theology or doctrine? Probably doesn’t care, the anything goes type. He couldn’t care less about pre-mils or a-mils, God’s election or human free will; they are all the same to him.
We read in this passage, it is about the true son, sound doctrine, correct use of the law. It’s kind of black and white, rigid and inflexible. Right? No, notice vs. 5, “ The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” Why such an emphasis on the correct doctrine, teaching the law correctly? It is because of Love. How is this love to be expressed?
First, through a pure heart. The heart is the center of our being. A heart that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus. It is a heart with no self-interest. It is a heart opened to others, caring and loving them. Second, this love is expressed through a good conscience. Conscience is the center of our moral life. It is the seat of our moral sense, our moral compass. The conscience is that still small voice prompting us this is right and that is wrong. Thirdly, sincere faith. This means an un-hypocritical faith. There is good integration of what we believe and how we live. There is no double standard. What you see is what you get; without any hidden agenda or pretense. Sound doctrine is important, but it must be balanced with Love.
Loving God and men forms the foundation of sound doctrine. Sound doctrine provides the boundary for love. The two cannot be separated. For this reason, Francis Schaeffer wrote in the 70’s that Love is the church’s final apologetic. Note that the final apologetic for the church is not those persuasive arguments; it is love for God and men.
Truth without love, is cold and unwelcoming. Nothing is worst than cold orthodoxy. A friend wrote: the church I am attending teaches very sound and proper doctrine. Everything they do is measured by their doctrines. They are so cold and I feel stuffy and stifled by those doctrines. After much thought and prayers, I decided to leave this church. Very often people are turned off by a church, not because of its doctrines but because of its lack of love.
Sometimes our life is like the true or false tests. Is this the right thing to do, right place to go? Which is the right religion, or is there one? We tried to pick the right one and make the right decision. Yet the world keep telling us, all of the above, all roads lead to Rome . But not so in the Christian world view. There is truth, correct doctrine. Not all roads lead to Rome . Because God is the truth, therefore when we follow him, truth, and correct doctrine must be our hallmark. However, since God is also love, therefore, our correct doctrine is to be balanced with love.
Do we know what happened to the church at Ephesus some 30 years later? In Revelation 2, there was this short letter to the church at Ephesus . Listen to these words, “ I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false……But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first." 5 "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you repent." What do we see here? 30 years after Paul wrote to Timothy, the church at Ephesus still had all the marks of sound teaching and correct doctrine. Yet something is missing: Love. All that was left was cold orthodoxy. The church at Ephesus was to repent and to restore that first love.
This is a solemn warning, a wake up call to today’s churches. Some churches are loving and all inclusive, but they pay little attention to God’s laws. They condone behaviors that clearly contradict God’s law as revealed in the scriptures. On the other hand, there are churches, including ours, that may pride ourselves in sound doctrine. Yet, we are never to forget that the foundation and purpose of sound doctrine is love. It is our prayer that on one hand we hold onto the truth that was once given to the saints. On the other hand, we boldly love those in this community and those beyond the walls of this church. Our orthodoxy in doctrine will be clearly demonstrated in our love for God and men.
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