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Date: 09/06/09
Text: Genesis 1:26-27; 2:1-3
Title: The Sanctity of Labor
Theme: Since God worked in his creation, therefore we are to treat labor with respect and dignity.
This is the Labor Day weekend. In other countries, May 1 is the Labor Day or the International Workers Day. On this day, the laborers are being honored and recognized.
Our view towards work at times can be rather negative. Most of us have heard of the TGIF restaurant. It stands for……. We have to give credit to the person(s) who came up with this name. There are these words: Worst day in fishing is better than the best day at work; I work in order to live. I work so that I can go fishing during the weekend. How I wish every weekend is a Labor Day weekend. Even before we finished enjoying our labor day weekend, we're thinking of the next long weekend, the Thanksgiving, 2 ½ months away.
When you turn 16, you may be looking for a part time job. If you start at 16, then you'll be working for the next 50 to 55 years. Since work is such an integral part of our lives, what has the Bible to say on this?
On this Labor Day weekend, I would like to explore with you the Bible's teaching on labor. Again, I will use the topical format to address this matter.
I Work is sacred.
To understand the Bible's teaching on labor or work, we have to go back to Genesis 1. By doing so, we'll understand why Genesis is so important, especially the first 11 chapters. For in these chapters, we find answers to many of man's basic questions. These chapters are not myths, as some of teachers and professors at school will suggest. They are wrong. These chapters are God's words, with power and authority. First we look at vs.31a and 2:2-3, “ 31 And God saw everything that he had made, …… . ” “ 2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. ” We see the phrase ‘God and his work' was repeated 3 times.
Then in 1:26, “ 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” God not only worked, but he also told Adam and Eve to work, to rule over all the living things; the plants and the animals. So from the very beginning, we see God worked and the human beings he created also worked.
Later in 4 th commandment, “Keep the Sabbath Holy…” What is behind this commandment? It is work in the other six days. Without labor, work, this commandment would be meaningless. This clearly establishes that work is good, it is sacred. Work is sacred, just as life is sacred. Work is to be enjoyed.
Sometimes we hear people say, we work because Adam and Eve sinned against God. So work is a punishment, a result of sin. No, this is not true. Even before Adam and Eve sinned against God, there was work. However, after the fall, the nature of work began to change. In Genesis 3:17-19, “ 17 And to Adam he said, “ …… cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, …” Because of man's disobedience to God, work is now difficult and full of hardship. The ground is no longer cooperative. And our work has become very burdensome. Some may have to work long hours and it may not be enjoyable anymore. But work itself is still sacred.
What does it mean to us? There is a highly acclaimed Japanese movie called ‘Departures--Okuribito'. It is about a musician who lost his job because the Orchestra was disbanded. So he returned to this home town to rest and looked for a job. He couldn't find any job, except working for a mortician. As time went on, he became very skillful at this job. His performance was professional, full of respect and dignity to the deceased. However, he could not let his wife know, for he thought this job is very degrading, and ‘no face'. Eventually the wife found out and since she couldn't take its shame, she left him. Later she came back. Then this musician' father died. They were horrified to see how his body were treated by other undertakers. So he took out his instruments to clean and dress his father with great dignity. At the end of the movie, the wife was heard telling others, “My husband is a Mortician'. She said it firmly and with dignity.
We are to remember every honest job is sacred and not to be despised. Some jobs may not fit your personality. The pay, the hours or the management stinks, but the job is sacred. You may not like that job at McDonald, that you have to do the cleaning or flip the burgers, but the jobs itself is to be treated with dignity. The church reformers in the 16 th century use the word ‘vocation' to describe one's occupation. Every profession is a vocation, meaning it is a calling. Being the CEO of a company is a vocation. Being a mailperson, in the medical, legal, education, financial, engineering professions, or janitorial job, are all calling from God. Every honest job is sacred and with dignity.
Having said that every job is sacred, it is also important not to let our jobs, our work define who we are. A janitor is just as important and valuable as a doctor or engineer. Don't think that because I do this line of work, I am more important and better than you. No, we are all equally valuable and precious in God's eyes. We are not to look down on others because of what they do.
II Protection of labor's result.
We've spent much time on the sanctity of labor. Let's move on to see what some of the ramifications are. If work is sacred, how about the fruits of our labor? The Bible teaches that possessions or wealth from labor is also to be treated with utmost respect. In Genesis we read about Abraham's wealth. In 27:28-29, Isaac's blessing over Jacob and Esau, all included material wealth. Then there was Job's wealth. These passages affirm the value and meaning of wealth. Wealth itself is good. It is how we use them, can become a problem.
In the OT there are laws to protect one's fruits from work. The 8 th commandment tells us not to steal. What is behind this law? Respect what belongs to another person. He/she had worked hard to gain those possessions, so don't take it from them. In Exodus chapter 22 it further elaborates don't take others' animals, their harvest, and their money and household items. These are fruits of others' labor, so don't take it away. The 10 th commandment goes even further, don't even covet what others have. Yes, we have said, oh, how I wish I have his Mac Book, or that Hybrid Car. Its unavoidable, right? but when I start thinking of that day and night, being obsessed by such thought, then this becomes covet.
‘Thou shall not steal' is not just moral laws for God's children. It has become a part of civil laws in every culture and society. Why? Because labor is sacred and we want to protect its fruit. Don't take what belongs to others.
Our church installed those automatic napkin dispensers in the bathrooms several years ago. You still remember the days when we have stacks of napkins on top of the metal box. In those days the office staff would put the napkins there on Friday afternoons. However, there was a period of time, by 7 pm, individuals would come into the office and asked where were the papers. We then found out that one custodian had been taking those napkins, along with foam cups and plastic garbage bags home.
I don't think we'll do that. But how about pens and papers from work? Do we bring it home so it will save us some money? You are walking and notice a $20 bill on the ground. No one is watching, so what will you do? For the book lovers, from time to time we need to look at our book shelves to see are there any books that may belong to one of the pastors that we may have forgotten to return? J We may also want to be more sensitive when we talk to others. Are we taking too much of their time? Let's move on.
III diligence at work is expected.
In the 6 th century, the church identified 7 sins that are detrimental to a person's spiritual life. They are called the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Envy , Gluttony , Lust , Anger , Greed and Sloth (meaning laziness). A theologian in the 20 th century pointed out 3 basic sins from which come other sins : Pride, Dishonesty and Slothfulness. Proverbs is full of instructions about laziness. 6:6-9, “ 6 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. 7 Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, 8 she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. 9 How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? ” 22:13, “ 13 The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!” And then in the parable of the Talents, our Lord Jesus scolded the servant by calling him: you wicked and lazy…. A very strong word to lump wickedness and laziness together. Paul wrote in 2 Thess 3:6, “ 6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness ……. we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. ” The believers at Thessalonica are to keep away from those not busy at work, the lazy ones. And then in 3:12, “ 12 Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. ” Working hard and diligently is not a puritan work ethic, but the scripture clearly teaches against laziness at work.
If our job calls 40 hrs/per week, then it is our responsibility to fulfil that 40 hrs. Yes, we can work no more or no less hours than is required. But as a diligent worker, we can always do beyond what is expected.
Some of us remember a time in China where the businesses were own by the government. You get paid by just showing up in the store. In those days, when you walked into a store, you feel like they are doing you a favor by selling you that product. They don't care whether you bought it or not. we saw the staff talking to each other while keeping the customers waiting. This is a form of laziness and we don't see it too often in today's China. In recent years companies in this and other countries are losing their productivity and efficiency. One of the main culprits is that employees are surfing internet while at work. We don't have to be Christians to work hard. Yet, especially because we are believers, we are to be above reproach in this area. At work, we are to be the example of diligence.
IV Employer are to treat the Employees fairly.
Since work is sacred, how about the employer and employee relationship? In the ancient time, there was the master and slave relationship. Many of the servants/slaves were treated unjustly and unfairly. For this reason, the scriptures pay special attention to this matter. In Colossians 4:1, “ 1 Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. ” The key in an employer-employee relationship is fairness. Why? The employer also has a master in heaven. He is just and fair and he judges.
Isn't this what we want out of our work? We want to be treated fairly. We want our salary to be comparable to the effort we put in. Very often, because the workers are not treated properly, unions were formed. We heard that in different research institutions teaching and research assistants are trying to form a union. They want to be treated fairly.
For those of us who are employers, we need to ask are we treating our employees fairly according to the law. We have witnessed and experienced that because the company agrees to sponsor our visa application, we agree to work long hours with very low pay. At times it is like inhumane treatments. This is not the right way to treat an employee. Is their salary in proportion to the time they put in and the work they do? Are we treating them fairly and justly.
I still vividly remember an incident in my home when I was in elementary school. My family had a maid that came with us to HK from China. She usually would cook and ate by herself in the kitchen area. On this particular night, we had pork chops as a special treat. My mom took a small piece of the pork chop for the maid. I was very upset and insisted that she had a larger piece. We are to treat others fairly..
We often wonder what Jesus did prior to his public ministry. We know for sure that he worked as a carpenter. He would be making those little wooden horses, chairs and tables. Can you imagine if he would say this: I know my mission is to bring salvation to this world; and I am waiting for that time to come. I don't really care for these chairs and tables. The wood is not sanded properly, the legs are not even, and who cares? It's impossible, right? One can almost imagine that the merchandize coming out of that carpenter's shop must be the best.
There was this man working in a Christian organization. Outside his door is this sign: TGIM. Can you guess what this is? Thank God it is Monday. This summer I got to know a college student doing his summer job. He said, I really like my work. You may not believe it, but I actually look forward to getting up every morning and go to work. This is refreshing and I'm sure if he keeps this up, this young man will be an excellent employee for this company.
Even many of us may not really enjoy what you are doing. We may be dragging our feet to get out of the bed on Monday morning. Yet is good to remember that any honest work is sacred. And we want to do our best in whatever work God has given us. It is a calling, a vocation. When we give our best to it, this is how we honor and glorify God.
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