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日期 : 08/30/09
經文 : 詩篇 50:1-12
題目 : 運 籌 帷 幄
主旨 : 因為世上的一切都屬於天父,所以我們要成為忠心的管家。
引言 :
剛才的詩歌「天父世界」和詩篇 50:10-12 都很清楚的告訴我們這世界上一切所有的都是屬於神的。既然如此,那我們跟四周圍的關係是如何呢?為了瞭解這一點,我們要從新溫習一下創世記第一章廿六至廿七節說:「 神說: 『 我們要照著我們的形象,按著我們的樣式造人;使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜,以及全地,和地上所有爬行的生物! 』 於是,神照著自己的形象創造人;就是照著祂的形象創造了人;他所創造的有男有女。」在這段經文裡,我們看到神按著祂的形象創造了人,這意思乃是說人是反映祂、代表祂。並且在這段經文裡,也看到神給了人一個責任,來管理整個世界。這個世界,不是屬於人的,乃是屬於神的。因此第一個人亞當、夏娃與他們的後裔,都是神的僕人、在這一個世界上成為神的管家。如果我們是管家的話,我們要管理什麼呢?今天我們用一個專題的方式,來看一下我們所要管理的幾個項目:
I 首先是管理我們的財富:
在聖經裡有五百節有關禱告的 經文 ;大概五百節有關信心,卻有二千五百節經文跟錢財和財物有關的。雖然如此,在許多教會裡,傳道人卻很少教導這個題目。因此有許多的會眾,需要到教會之外的機構來學習錢財管理的原則。有些時候我們做牧師的不敢講這個題目,因我們怕會眾就會誤會說我們牧師、教會又要錢了。但是當我們看聖經的時候,聖經是毫無保留的談錢財和財務的問題。
為什麼在聖經裡有這麼多強調錢財和財物呢?第一,我們可以說,人對錢財的管理是沒有一個太好的記錄。您看看我們現在所處的金融危機裡, Merill Lynch 被 人買下來, Lehman Brothers 被迫破產,還有許多有名的銀行、一些金融機構,今天已經再也沒有聽見、看見了。曾經有個時候,那又聰明、又能幹的人在管理這些機構,他們也寫了許多的書,如何成功的來管理您的錢財、公司,他們是金融界的寶貝,但是,這些人去到了那裡?我們人對錢財的管理不是很好,是嗎?
第二、聖經多次提到錢財,因為錢財對人的關係有很深遠的印象,它能把人聚在一起,也能夠造成不可彌補的分離。在婚姻裡,導致破裂最主要的原因,乃是夫妻二人不能同意如何使用這些金錢。當然住在曉士頓的人,最近在一案件審判中的 Sanford ,以前的朋友,現在怎樣的在互相控訴,都是跟錢有關的。我們怎麼樣用錢?真是反應出對神、對基督的一個委身。個人、教會也好,我們可以講愛神、愛人的道理,但是,看我們的支票簿、或這個教會和其他教會的財務報告時,我們會問:這些財務有沒有反映出我們是在愛神、愛人呢?我們時常說,看了自己的支票簿時,就能知道我的品格、知道我和神的關係如何!聖經非常清楚告訴我們:「我們的錢在那裡,我們的心也在那裡!」我的心跟著我們錢在走的。如果要做一個好的管家,我們先要知道錢要放在什麼地方!
II 我們要成為時間的好管家。 詩篇 90:12
第二方面我們要管理的,是我們的時間。詩篇九十篇第十二節:「摩西說:『求 祢 教導我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好使我們得著智慧的心。』」在這段經文裡,體會到我們的時間是非常有限,既然我們有短暫的時間,摩西說我們要怎麼樣過我的生活呢?有沒有一個指引的原則幫助我們做一個時間的好管家﹖我們看一下彼得後書第三章十、十一節:「但主的日子必要像賊一樣來到。在那日,天必轟然一聲地消失,所有元素都因烈火而融化;地和地上所有的,都要被燒毀。這是講到將來的事情。一切既然都要這樣融化,你們應當怎樣為人,過著聖潔和敬虔的生活」這是講到將來的事情,雖然這一切都要融化,你們應當怎樣為人?過著聖潔和敬虔的生活。彼得寫到將來要來的審判,他說這個審判要來臨,現在我們要做什麼樣的人?現在要怎麼樣的生活?眼睛遠望將來的時候,我現在要如何生活?我現在要如何為人?那現在我要怎麼樣好好的管理我的時間?這裡有很基本的原則,我們要讓那些永恆的事,來給暫時的生命有意義。讓永恆來決定現在的價值。
III 我們要成為才能的好管家。羅 馬書 12:6
我們除了要管理我們的財務、管理時間、 還 要管理我們的才能。神給我們很多才幹、也給我們屬靈恩賜,在耶穌的教導裡,許多的比喻講到這些才能都是從神來的。我們在比喻裡所看見的真理,不是您有多少,乃是您如何使用您有的。聖經告訴我們,用我們所有的來榮耀神!意思乃是要把神帶出來,當人看我們的時候,看見我們後面的那一位神!
有一群醫生,「無國界的醫生」,他們用他們的技巧去那些貧窮、沒有發展的國家裡去照顧那些病人。還有許多能幹的年輕人,他們大學畢業後,他們用幾年的時間加入「 Teach For America 」將他們派到一個較貧窮的校區做老師。他們能將他們所學的、才能貢獻給這個社會。神將不同的才能給我們不同的人,讓我們好好發揮這些才幹,好叫神得到榮耀!好叫我們彼此的服事!
在七零時代,當我的信心在慢慢地的成長時﹙雖然我信主已經很久﹚,但是真正的成長是在七十年 代時候 。我一直在尋找一個問題的答案,那時我是一個在做生物研究的人,用很多時間在實驗室裡—與老鼠、細胞為友,我時常在問,在我在研究的時候,「我要怎麼樣來榮耀神?怎樣去尊崇神?」有一位與仙霞的朋友叫「Grace」,她很有畫畫的恩賜,她也在找同樣一個問題,她想如何用她的美術來尊崇和榮耀神?是不是她畫的每一副畫裡都要有一個十字架?或都要有一個耶穌形像?或一個光的圈在這圖畫裡,是不是這樣就可以榮耀神?我記得這好像是七四、七五、七六年的時候,也是透過薛華牧師的教導,我開始體會到,當我們生命裡無論做那件事,當我們做得最好的時候,盡我們能力做好,我們已經在 尊崇、榮耀神!當您畫那美麗的圖畫、製做一首歌—很美的,您已經在那榮耀神了!二、三年前袁晨弟兄給了我他製作的音樂CD給我聽,我這個門外漢聽來聽去我不會欣賞,但那一個曲卻在星加玻音響樂團演出。他做了一個很美的樂曲,是音樂界所公認的,這就在榮耀神!是嗎?不需要每一個加一些基督教的音樂裡。當您做了一些電腦的程式、當您在研究裡,能夠幫助我們更加瞭解細胞和操作的話、寫了一個很好的軟件這就尊崇、榮耀神!
IV 我們要成為地球的好管家。創 世記 2:15
當然,管理是多方面的,但對這世界、地球的管理,是往往我們所忽略的。當我們早一點讀到創世記第一章,講到神創造了人,給人有使命、責任,好好管理這個世界,然後創世記第二章十五節:「 耶和華神把那人安置在伊甸園裡, 請大家注意: 叫他耕種和看守那園子。 」神造了人,他說,你要好好來管理和耕種、好好守住這個園子,我們這方面也做得不好。歷史告訴我們,人類去到那個地方,所看見的是一個破壞的記錄,我們看到森林被消滅,因人毫無分寸在砍樹木,並且也沒重植樹木 。 因為我們沒分寸的打獵。導致許多動物滅絕。我們將污染的東西丟在河流裡,破壞許多維生物的生態的系統。去到一個中國的農村,還沒到那就嗅到一陣臭味,那裡有條河,因那裡有一、兩個工廠任何的廢物就丟在河裡,造成環境、水的污染。
結論 :
Date: 08/30/09
Text: Psalm 50:10-12
Title: The Father's World
Theme: Since the world belongs to our heavenly father, therefore we are to be faithful stewards.
Psalm 50:10-12. The verses we read and the song we just sang provide us with a clear and unmistakable picture that the world and all that is in it belongs to him. In light of this, what is then our relationship to the world around us? To understand this we are to review a key passage in Genesis 1:26-27, “ 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
We learned first that God made man in his own image. This means men is reflect and represent him. Secondly, we learn that men is given the responsibility of ruling and managing God's creation. The world does not belong to man but to God. Therefore, the first man and his descendents are God's servants, God's stewards of the world we live in.
So, what are we to be stewards over? This morning we'll look at some aspects of this Stewardship.
I Stewards of Treasure.
In the Bible, there are about 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, and 2500 verses on money and possession. Yet, money and possession is the least preached topic by the pastors. Many congregation members have to go to different organizations to learn about money stewardship. Sometimes pastors are afraid to preach on this topic for the fear of being misunderstood that they or the church needs money. Yet, the scripture clearly teaches about money without apology.
In our society, we find happiness in money and possession. We are influenced by the value; the more the better and the man with the most toys wins. In recent months I have referred to the 1 st question of the Heidelberg Catechism many times. What is man's greatest comfort? The society says, the greatest comfort is to know that you have a big bank account. But the scriptures tell us that we find our greatest comfort in knowing that we belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. Someone once said, money is a good servant, but a bad master.
Why such emphasis in the Bible on money and possession? First, God knows that we would have problem with money . Look at the financial crisis we are in now. Merrill Lynch is bought, Lehman Brothers is pushed into bankruptcy. Many other banks have also been closed. These institutions were run by smart and capable people. They have written books on how to be successful in managing our financial assets. They were once the darling of the global economy. We don't manage money well, is it?
Secondly, money has profound effect on relationships. It can bring people together and can cause irreparable rift between friends. A major cause of marital breakdown is disagreement over how money is to be spent. In the recent on going trial of the Sanford investment scandal, we witness how former buddies now turn against each other. It is all about money.
Our use of money is really a reflection of our commitment to Christ. Individually and as church, we can talk a lot about how we love God and men. If we look at our check books, or look at this and other churches' budget, do they reflect our love for God and men? It is often said, our check books can reveal our characters and our walk with God. The Bible teaches that where our money is, so is our heart. Heart follows the money.
II Stewards of Time.
In Psa 90:12, “ 12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. ” We learn that our days are limited, and we need wisdom to know how to live, how to use our time wisely. Is there a guiding principle showing us how to be stewards of our time? Let's look at 2 Peter 3:10-11, “ 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. 11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, .. Peter wrote about the future, the day when Jesus our Lord will return and the final judgment that will occur. Then he said, what sort of people ought you to be? In light of the eternal, how shall we live now? How are we to be stewards of the time we have now?
The principle to follow is: We are to let the eternal give meaning to the temporal. What is temporal? Money/possession, power, and fame are things of temporal. They last as long as we live. At death, we can take none of them with us. what happens when we pursue money, power, fame and meaning in life? Very quickly we'll ignore laws and relationships. We want to acquire them at all cost. Look at the downfall of Madoff and Sanford. What do they have in common? They have let the temporal provide meaning for life. In the end, they lost everything: money and relationships.
Dear brothers and sisters, do we know what will happen or has happened when we, yes, we Christians pursue money, power and fame in this life? Both in this and other churches, I have seen many Christian relationships broken over money matters. When individuals left the fellowship and church over money issues, it is wrong. When we learn of this, it should tear our hearts apart. It hurts deeply.
So how shall we then live during the short years we have on this earth? 2Peter 3:10-11 instructs us to live in holiness and godliness. We are to let the eternal provide meaning to the present.
Holiness and godliness refer to living according to God's words. In the Shorter Catechism, the first question: what is the chief end of man? The answer is: the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. The second question in the Catechism is: What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? The answer is: The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him . Now, what is greatest commandment in the scriptures? To love God with all our heart, our soul and our strength. Likewise, we are to love others as ourselves. In short, eternal value is loving God and men. This is to provide meaning to life. This is to be the motive behind our actions.
If this is important to us, then we all need to reflect on how we use our time in the following areas. When was the last time you spent quantity and quality time with God, your family and your Christian and non-Christian friends? We often say that we are busy so we don't much time, but we'll make sure its quality time. However, we are to face up to the reality, without quantity time, it is hard to develop quality time. Several young men had shared with me both recently and several years ago about their search for a job. They shared that one criterion for the job is: will they have adequate time to be with their wives and children. In other words, they want a family friendly job. Also a word about our non-Christian friends. Statistics tell us that within 3-5 years after our conversion, we have lost contact with our non-Christian friends. We spend too much time with fellow Christians. We are lights among lights shining each other. We are salt among salt, adding favor to each other. Please don't ignore our non-Christian friends. I rather see you skip one or two Friday night church gatherings so you can socialize with your non-Christian friends. If loving God and men is important, how is your relationship with the believers in this community?
III We are to be Stewards of our Talents. Romans 12:6
Our natural abilities and spiritual gifts are all from God. Jesus had used many parables to show us that such talents are from God. The truth being that the issue is not how much we have, but how we use what is given to us; are we being faithful in using what we have. The scriptures tell us that we are to use our talents and spiritual to glorify God, meaning to make God look good, pointing others' attention to Him. Talents are also to be used to serve others and to build up God's body.
I think of ‘Doctors without Borders' using their skill to treat patients in poor and underdeveloped countries. There are many gifted young people joining Teach For America, to teach students in schools with limited resources in many of the poor communities in this countries.
God has given us different skills and talents. I would like to encourage you to continue to develop such skill to honor God and serve men. In the 70's as my faith in God began to develop and mature, I was searching for the answer to this question. I was a biologist, spending most of my time in the lab, working with cells and mice. How could I honor and glorify God? Grace, a good friend of ours, was gifted in the arts, especially in drawings. She too was searching. How could she honor and glorify God with her drawings. Does it mean that in every drawing, there must be a cross or image or Jesus or something like that? It was through Schaeffer's teaching that we learn that when we do our best in whatever arena of life, we are honoring and glorifying God. when you make that beautiful picture, compose a good music, contribute to our understanding of human cells and their function, develop a useful computer or software, you are honoring and glorifying God.
There is also another aspect of using our gifts and talents. We are to use them in the Christian community; in a local church. Our hearts are filled with gratitude when we see individuals using their gifts, serving in this church. They serve in the Sunday School, adult, youth, children, teachers; the elders and deacons; fellowship and small group leaders; the kitchen crew; Sunday ushers and the list goes on and on. We thank God that because of your use of gifts and talents God, this has become a better place for us to worship and to know and experience God's love and presence.
IV We are to be Stewards of the earth.
There are many aspects of being a Steward of God's creation. However, there is one aspect that is often ignored. That is: the planet earth. We have read earlier in Genesis 1:26-27, that God created man and woman and gave them the responsibility to rule the earth on His behalf. And then in Genesis 2:15, “ 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it . ” God asked man and woman to make the land productive and take good care of it.
However, we don't do a very good job at this. History tells us wherever human goes, that has been a record of destruction of the nature. Forests were depleted because we cut down trees for our use and without replanting more. Animals are near distinct because we hunt indiscriminately. Oceans and rivers are polluted leading to the death and disruption of the ecosystem. In a Chinese village I visited, I saw a small river polluted and the air filled with foul smell. I was told that some industry just dump their waste into the river.
Several years ago, there was an Environmental Protection conference attended by representatives of different religions. Both the Buddhist and Muslims denied their role in damaging the environment. However, a theologian, representing the Christian faith admitted that Christianity is the main culprit in ruining the environment. How untrue this is. God clearly told us to rule, work and keep the earth. But because of human sinfulness, we have derelict our responsibility, we have failed to listen and obey God's instructions to us. We have been disobedient to God.
To be stewards of God's earth, we Christians are to be actively involving in protecting and taking care of our environment. On one hand we are to avoid the extremes. Some environmentalist had blended with the New Age, advocating that we are one body with the environment. Others worship the environment as if it is their god. They value the trees, mountains and rivers more than human life. On the other hand, we are to do our best to take part in different recycling programs, doing our part to protect the planet earth from further harm and destruction caused by human beings.
When we see that God is the owner of all, then we are to be stewards over all. There are other areas of stewardship. They include our bodies, our minds, our opportunities, our families and God's truth that has been entrusted to us. To everyone, especially the leaders, it includes this local church, the individuals in this church, her many ministries and resources. What does God want from us, his stewards?
Jesus told the story of a master giving different portions of his possession to the servants to take care of while he is away. When he returned, the servants gave him a report of what happened to the money that was given them. One servant reported he had doubled the amount. Another servant did the same, even though the amount he received was smaller than the first servant. The last servant did nothing and just hid it so he could return to the master the same amount received. The master commended the first two servants with these words, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' What was the master looking for? Not how much they made, but they were being faithful with what was given them. This is what Paul said in 1 Corinth 4:1-2, “ 1 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” We are to be faithful, trustworthy stewards.
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