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日期: 08/16/2009

經文:詩篇 145


主旨: 因在創造裡充滿神宏偉與無與倫比的作為,所以我們便可以坦然的信靠祂。




上個主日,我們學習了神的屬性,以及祂的那些屬性如何為我們的生活帶來極大的安慰。我們也學到怎麼樣避免那些會讓我們侷限神的大能、把神縮小到只用來實現我們的願望和需要的陷阱;我們應該認識神,以及祂本來的樣子。今天早晨,透過詩篇 145 ,我們要瞭解神在這個世上的作為,以及那些作為對我們的意義。這首詩是詩篇中最後一首由大衛所寫的詩,詩中的每一句都以希伯來文的一個字母開頭。從這首詩當中我們要看到這些真理: 因在創造裡充滿神宏偉與無與倫比的作為,所以我們便可以坦然的信靠祂。

I  •  我們是讚美神的人( 1-3 節)

在第 1-3 節中,「 1 我的 神,我的王啊!我要尊崇你,我要永永遠遠稱頌你的名。 2 我要天天稱頌你,我要永永遠遠讚美你的名。 3 耶和華是至大的,配受極大的讚美,他的偉大無法測度。」 大衛尊崇、稱頌並讚美神,這是以個人層次對神的讚美和崇拜;在大衛其他的詩裡,提到神是他的磐石、山寨、救贖者。這裡我們看到的是神的崇高和祂對祂的受造物無微不至的照顧;我們注意到的是一個有限的人類對他那位至高且無法測度的神的讚美。

在第 4 節,「世世代代的人都要頌讚你的作為,他們要傳揚你大能的作為。」這裡從個人的角度衍申到另一個世代的角度:從大衛到世世代代的人;一直到整首詩的最後一節,第 21 節,「我的口要說讚美耶和華的話;願所有的人都永永遠遠稱頌他的聖名。」角度再度擴大到所有的人都永遠稱頌祂的聖名。 大衛永遠沒有想到他筆下的所有的人,會包括 3,000 多年之後在這裡的你和我。此外,在啟示錄 5 : 13 ,「 13 我又聽見在天上、地上、地底下和海裡的一切被造之物,以及天地間的萬有,都說:『願頌讚、尊貴、榮耀、能力,都歸給坐在寶座上的那一位和羊羔,直到永永遠遠!』」這是我們在經文當中看得到的角度層次的轉換,從個人的讚美,延續到世代的、最終到每一個民族都有人一同來敬拜這一位神。


II •  我們稱讚神的偉大(第 1-7 節)

第 3 節,「耶和華是至大的,配受極大的讚美,他的偉大無法測度。」 我們讚美祂因為祂是至大的。此話怎講?這樣的偉大包含了什麼?

1 •  神創造的作為

在第 4 節,「世世代代的人都要頌讚你的作為,他們要傳揚你大能的作為。」一方面,大衛有在他頭頂上的天空、太陽、月亮和眾星為證;而另一方面,透過他所熟知的摩西五書,也就是舊約的前五部書,他知道最早的經文便記載著「起初, 神創造天地。」因此他得到一個結論:在他頭頂上的宇宙星辰和他身邊的世界萬物都是這一位至高神的奇妙作為;這一切都是神偉大的創造。

上週一則來自底特律的新聞報導,提到通用汽車公司將在 2011 年推出他們所研製的、每加侖汽油可行駛 230 英哩 的電動汽車,大家想必都耳熟能詳。或許我們會說,哇!那筆緊急調度來的資金想必協助成就了許多大事。甚至,我們可能會好奇在推動這款汽車上市背後的贊助商、又或是設計和生產團隊的狀況。當我們看著太陽系的圖片裡這許多的星球,還有我們最熟悉的地球 ---- 當然我們現在所能看到的絕對比 3000 多年前大衛看到的來的更宏觀許多。在這個地球上,有你、有我、有其他的 67 億人口。當我們看著這一切,難道我們不曾想過誰是幕後的那位推手嗎?難道我們不會想要跟大衛一起歡唱,第 3-5 節,「 3 耶和華是至大的,配受極大的讚美,他的偉大無法測度。 4 世世代代的人都要頌讚你的作為,他們要傳揚你大能的作為。 5 他們要講述你威嚴的尊榮,我也要默想你奇妙的作為 。」嗎?

2 •  神救贖的作為

在第 6-7 節,「 6 他們要述說你所行可畏的事的能力,我也要宣揚你的偉大。 7 他們要傳述你可記念、至善的名,也要歌唱你的公義。 」這是參考自以色列人的出埃及經驗:大衛想起在出埃及記中所記錄的事。當年神所降下的十災就是神與埃及的 10 個偶像的公開競賽過程,並且 10 次都由神獲得勝出。神將紅海一分為二,讓以色列人平安度過;祂在日間以雲柱、夜間以火柱陪伴並引導以色列人在曠野 40 年的日子;祂供應他們食物和飲水;祂在西乃山賜給他們十誡,讓他們有所依據,得以體驗聖潔和豐富的生命;祂領他們到應許之地,如同當年祂與他們的祖先亞伯拉罕、以撒、和雅各立約時曾許諾過的一樣。祂為祂的子民建立一個國度,並揀選大衛作祂的代表,來帶領、守護祂的子民。這些就是大衛所見的,並且他為此感謝讚美神的救贖。




III  •  我們稱讚神的良善 .

第 7 節,「他們要傳述你可記念、至善的名,也要歌唱你的公義。」神是偉大的、至善的;此話又怎講?

1  •  神是滿有憐憫

第 8-9 節,「 8 耶和華有恩典有憐憫,不輕易發怒,大有慈愛。 9 耶和華善待萬有,他的憐憫臨到他一切所造的。 第 8 節幾乎是直接引述自出埃及記 34 : 6 ,在那段經文中神向摩西以及祂的子民做了那樣的自我介紹。這是詩篇中第 5 次出現這樣的描述;祂有恩典有憐憫、大有慈愛並善待他一切所造的。


2  •  神是王

第 10-13 節,「 10 耶和華啊!你一切所造的都要稱謝你,你的聖民也要稱頌你。 11 他們要講論你國的榮耀,也要述說你大能的作為。 12 好使世人知道你大能的作為,和你國威嚴的尊榮。 13 你的國是永遠的國,你的王權存到萬代。 ( 在原文有 [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.] 」 ) 祂是良善的另一個原因是因為祂是王。幾個月前我和一位從外州來的朋友在我們的對談中討論到基督徒的信仰,包括談到神 / 基督是我們的王的這個議題。他的反應是:「關於基督教義中的一切我都認同,也接受所有的都是好的,但我對於神是王的這件事實在無法苟同。說祂是牧者、是救贖主這些我都可以接受,但是祂是王這點我怎麼也沒辦法接受。」我想,我們當中的大多數人都不希望我們的生活受到某個政府內閣的配管,我們想要做我們自己生活的王,但我們往往很快地發現這點行不大通。生活中有太多的事情,我們實在沒有能力掌管,也沒有權利否決;那我們又為什麼對於讓神在我們的生活裡掌權作王的這件事如此抗拒?也許,我們應該先瞭解到,讓神在我們的生活中掌權作王這件事到底有什麼樣的意義。身為一位君王,祂立下規範保衛我們、為我們和祂的國度與敵人爭戰、限制敵人對我們的挾制;祂關心並規劃好我們一切的安適狀態,祂的王權不只是身體的也是精神的。除祂之外,我們能否找到另一位君王,值得我們交託我們的生命和精神生活,並且會立下規範保衛我們、為我們和祂的國度與敵人爭戰、限制敵人對我們的挾制?這位創造者,偉大的神,良善的神,不只是崇高且遙不可及,祂還是我們的君王,守衛保護著我們。現在,你會不會想要讓祂當你的王,還是你可以另外找到比祂更好的?

3  •  神是供應者 . 第 14-20 節,告訴我們是一位供應者 . 首先,第 14-17 節 , “ 14 跌倒的,耶和華都扶持他們;被壓迫的,他都扶他們起來。 15 萬人的眼睛都仰望你,你按時把糧食賜給他們。 16 你把手張開,使所有生物都隨願得到飽足。 17 耶和華在他一切所行的事上,都是公義的,他對他一切所造的,都存著慈愛的心。 告訴我們神的供應和祂對祂所造一切的照顧。祂扶持那些弱小的、受壓迫的;祂賜下陽光和雨水,祂願所有飢餓的都得到飽足。就在我說這句話的同時,有些人可能要問,如果這是真的,為什麼這個世上還有這麼多的人處於貧困、要為壓迫所苦?如果今天我站在神的面前問祂這個問題,你覺得祂會怎麼回答我?我想祂會看著我說:「我已經在一切事上豐豐富富地供應了你。現在起來吧!去幫助那些人。」神對軟弱、飢餓的人的照顧,反映在神慷慨地將那由祂而來的喜樂賜給祂所造的一切。

再來,我們由另一個角度來看神的供應。第 18-20 節 , “ 18 凡是求告耶和華的,耶和華都和他們接近,就是和所有真誠求告他的人接近。 19 敬畏他的,他必成就他們的心願,也必聽他們的呼求,拯救他們。 20 耶和華保護所有愛他的人,卻要消滅所有惡人。 告訴我們祂如何對待那些求告、呼求祂的人。當祂的子民禱告的時候,會發生什麼事呢?祂會與他們接近。神的獨特在於祂與我們同在;我們當中想必有許多人有過類似的感受:當我們禱告、敬拜的時候,我們感覺到一種奇妙的感覺,知道神與我們同在;我們的心被觸摸而使我們情感流露。我們可以感覺到祂非常接近我們,近到像是我們幾乎可以觸摸到祂一樣。另外一種神與我們的接近,不只是距離上的,而是我們與祂關係上的親密。


大衛以這些話語為這首詩下了結論,第 21 節,「 21 我的口要說讚美耶和華的話;願所有的人都永永遠遠稱頌他的聖名。」 誠如前面所提到的,第 1-3 節,原本是大衛個人對神的讚美,到現在延伸為所有受造物、所有的人的讚美。神是配得讚美的,因為第 13 節,在原文有 The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.


讀了這首詩,有些人或許會認為這不過是一篇由文字所堆砌出來的陳腔濫調。「讚美神,祂是至高,祂是良善,祂是滿有憐憫… . 」然而生活是不是真的這麼簡單?這些話語是否出自大衛幼稚與簡單化的生命 ? 不,決不是如此。是大衛的經歷讓他有所感而寫下這些文字。他發現曾經的那一長串試煉和勞苦,最後終究都回歸到這樣簡單的結論;也許我們一路走來像是身處在五里霧中般地摸不著頭緒,但這位高瞻遠矚的解碼者最終會替我們解開那一串串的生活密碼。是啊!這世界的確處處險惡,然而長遠地看來,神終究會是那位勝利者。知道這件事,我們該如何過我們的生活呢?

神學家 布魯格曼 指出,那些單純地相信神的偉大和良善的人,才最能從這首詩當中獲益良多;他寫道,那些張大眼睛尋找、伸出手擁抱、心裡有所渴慕的人不需要去做什麼、生產什麼、掙得什麼、操縱什麼、佔有什麼,只需要樂意地相信、並因此得著。

詩 145 的這位神也是那位養活空中的飛鳥;使田野的百合花生長,妝扮田野的草神。 難怪耶穌說 你們要先求他的國和他的義,這一切都必加給你們。

Slumdog Millionaire 的電影是有關一個在印度貧民窟長大的孩子。他克服了種種的困難,最終在一電視節目中得了價值百萬元的頭獎。我們的孩子們和他比較的話,簡直是天壤之別。他們的世界是多麼的簡單。不錯是有許多的事他們無法明白,但他們也不再孚。你知為什麼嗎 ? 因為在父母的翅膀下,他們有感到安全。這也是父母們能給孩子們的最大的禮物,讓他們知道他們是安全的,是被照顧的。

生命也是如此。有許多時刻,對四周所發生的事,我們感到不安,困惑。 我們也許因經濟不景而受到很大的打擊。我們就應該停一下,思考到我們這位偉大又良善的神。有這樣一位的神,我們雖然不明白四周的事,但也不要緊。我們所要做的仍是伸出手來,歡樂地和信靠地來領受祂所要賜給我們的恩典。



Date:   08/16/2009

Text:   Psalm 145

Title:   The Ultimate Decoder

Theme: Since God has done marvelous work in His creation, we can whole heartedly trust him.


  Several years ago, during a family reunion in China , an uncle gave me a small piece of paper with some strange wor ds printed on it . Knowing that I am a minister, he thought I could make some sense out of it. It could have been some ancient Middle Eastern language. I showed this to an OT professor and his conclusion was that most likely this does not mean much or worth much. However, I still wish someone would be able to recognize the words and explained their meaning to me.

  Do you ever feel like this about life? There are many times when we simply can't make much sense out of it. We want our lives to be steady and predictable and this is one reason we are working hard towards it. Just when we feel we are there, a phone call, an email, a text message or an unexpected bill, throws us into turmoil. We don't like our boats being rocked. We find ourselves in a tunnel with no light at the other end. Sometimes life seems to be a puzzle with several pieces missing and without them, the picture does not make sense. How we wish someone would come along side and put in the missing pieces or decode our circumstances so we can make sense out of it. Or we may feel that we are like the frog sitting at the bottom of a well, looking up at the sky and what we see is so limited. How we wish there is someone who can come along and take us out of the well and see the sky in its entirety.

  Last week, we looked at some attributes of God and how they bring great comfort into our lives. We want to avoid the pitfall of trimming God to fit our size, our desires and needs. Instead, we are to see God for who He is. This morning, through our study of Psalm 145, we want to understand God's work in this world and what it means to us. This is the last psalm by David in this book. Each verse in this psalm begins with a Hebrew alphapet. From this psalm we want to see the truth that Since God has done such a marvelous work in His creation, we can trust him whole heartedly.

I •  We are to be a people of praise. Vs. 1-3

In vs.1-3, “ I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. ” David extols, blesses, and praises God. This is a personal praise and adoration of God. In David's other psalms, he addressed God as the Rock, Fortress and Deliverer. Here, it is God's greatness and universal care for His creation. We note here that it is one finite human being who praises the infinite great God.

And then in vs.4, “ One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. ” it is moving from one person to another generation, and then another generation. From one man, David, to successive generations. By the time we come to the end of this psalm, vs.21, “ My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. ” It has become all flesh will praise God. David would never have thought that all flesh would include you and me, living some 3000 years after him. And furthermore, in Rev. 5:13, “ 13 And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” ”. This is the movement we see in the scriptures. From a personal praise, it then passes on to successive generations, and finally people from all nations will come and worship God.

As I examine my own life, or my spiritual journey, I recognize the lack of praise and adoration for this God. Instead there have been plenty of whines, complaints and questions. Yet, we are reminded to be a people of praise. Now, let's explore what some of the reasons for praises are.

II •  We praise God for His Greatness. 1-7

In vs.3, “ Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. ” We praise Him because He is great. What does this greatness include?

1•  Work of Creation . Vs.4, “ One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. ” On the one hand, David looked at the heavens above him, the sun, moon and the stars. On the other hand, he had the Pentateuch, the first 5 books of the OT. He knew the first words in the scriptures: in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Seeing this, he knew the universe above and the world around him were God's work and mighty acts. They are God's majestic creation.

Last week we read or heard of the news from Detroit that in 2011 GM will produce a car that is rated 230 mpg. We may say, Wow, that bailout money must have done something wonderful. Moreover, we are also curious about the company or the design and production team behind this car. Look at this picture of the stars in this solar system. This is the earth. This is certainly infinitely more than what David saw some 3000 years ago. On this earth, there is you, me and the other 6.7 billion people. Looking at this, can we not wonder who is behind all this? Can we not sing with David, vs. 3-5, “ 3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. 4 One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. 5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. ” There is more to this.

2 •  Work of Redemption. Vs.6-7, “ 6 They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. 7 They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. ” This is a reference to the Israelites Exodus experience. David recalled what was recorded in the book of Exodus. The 10 plagues God sent to Egypt was an open confrontation with the 10 gods of Egypt and He was the victor. God parted the Red Sea , and He used the pillars of clouds and fire to guide the Israelites as they travelled in the wilderness for 40 years. He provided them with food and water. He gave them the 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai so they could experience holy and abundant living. He brought them into the land that was promised to their ancestors: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He established a kingdom for his people and had chosen David to lead and shepherd them on His behalf. This is what David saw and he praised God for His redemptive work.

However, David did not see what we see today. We know that several hundred years after David, Jesus Christ, the Messiah came. He was born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. The third day, he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the father almighty. And then one day in the future, he will come again and bring us to where he is and spend eternity with him.

This is God's greatness; his greatness in creating the heavens and the earth, his greatness in his redemptive work, forgiving our sins and bringing us into God's kingdom.

III  •  We praise God for his Goodness.

Vs.7, “ They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing of your righteousness.” God is great, and He is also good. How so?

1 •  God is Compassionate. Vs. 8-9, “ 8 The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 9 The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.” vs.8 is almost a direct quote of Ex 34:6, in which God explained himself to his people, Moses and the Israelites. This is the 5 th appearance in Psalms. He is gracious, merciful, abounding in love to all that He has made. Very often we ask, if he is good, merciful and loving, why would tragedies and crisis occur? The challenge before us is this: even in the midst of those tragic unhappy, unplanned events, God is still good, merciful, gracious and loving. For this reason, we ask God to strengthen our faith in his goodness.

2 •  God is king. Vs.10-13, “ 10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! 11 They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, 12 to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.] ” He is good because he is also the king. Several months ago I had a conversation with a person from another state. As we discussed some of the essence of the Christian faith, the issue of God/Jesus as our king came up. This was his response, “everything about Christianity is good and I can accept, but I have serious problem to accept that He is the king. It is ok that he is a shepherd, a savior, but king? No.” Not too many of us want our lives to be ruled by a government. We want to be our own king in our own lives but we soon find out this doesn't work too well. There are just too many things we cannot control or veto. So why are we so resistant to having God as our king? Maybe we should first find out what it means to have God be our king. As a king, he rules and defends us, restrains and conquers all his and our enemies. He has our entire well being in mind. His kingship is both physical and spiritual. Can we trust anyone to rule and defend us, to restrain and conquer our enemies, physically and spiritually? The creator, the great God, the good God, is not just high and far away from us, he is also our king. He is our defender and protector. Now, you want Him to be your king, or do you have someone greater than He is?

3 •  He is the Provider. Vs.14-20 tells us about God's provision. First vs.14-17, “ 14 The Lord upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. 15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. 16 You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. 17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works.” It tells us about God's provision and care for all that he has created. There is the help for the little one s and those that are oppressed. God will send the sun and rain so the hungry will be fed. Even as I am saying this, I think some of you are asking, if this is true, why are there so many who still live in poverty and oppression. If I am to ask God this question, what do you think his answer will be? I think He will look at me and say, “I have given you abundantly, now, go and help them.”

Secondly, another aspect of God's provision. Vs. 18-20, “ 18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. 19 He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. 20 The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. ” tells us about those who pray, who call on God. What happens when God's people, His children pray? He will be near to them. There is the spacial aspect; that he is beside us. Many of us may have experienced that at times when we pray, or when we worship, we may feel a very special presence of God. Our hearts are touched and there is an outflow of our emotions. We can feel that he is very near, as if we can almost touch him. There is another aspect of His nearness. It is about a very intimate and close relationship with him.

Not only is He being near, He also answers His children's prayers. When his children live in obedience to him, loving Him and men, He'll grant them the desires of their hearts. There is one more thing about God being the provider of his people. He will protect us from enemies and save us from the power and attack of Satan in our lives.

David concludes this psalm with these words, vs.21, “ 21 My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. ” As mentioned earlier, in vs. 1-3, it was David alone praising God. And now it is an appeal to all flesh, including everyone. He is to be praised because vs.13, “ [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.]


Looking at this psalm, some may suggest that these words are like a collection of clichés. “Praise the Lord, He is great, He is good, He is compassionate…” Is life really that simple? Are these simple words an outcome of David's simplistic and naïve life? No , far from being naïve , it was David's experience that enabled him to write these words. David had discovered that on the far side of trial and suffering, that in the end this is how things are. We may not understand fully what is going on, but it is this ultimate decoder that unlocks many of the secret codes in life. Yes, there is much evil in the world; but taking the long view, God is the ultimate victor. So how shall we then live?

Theologian Brueggemann points out it is the one who thinks simply, that God is great and good, who will benefit most from this psalm. He writes that it is about the one with looking eyes and open hands and yearning desire, doing nothing, producing nothing, earning nothing, manipulating nothing, possessing nothing, and only gladly, trustingly receives.

The God in Psalm 145 is the same God that feeds the birds of the air, takes care of the lilies in the field and clothes the grass of the field. No wonder Jesus told us not to worry about life. Instead we are to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to us.

The movie Slumdog Millionaire is about a boy growing up in India 's slum area, and how he overcame the odds and won the grand prize in a TV show. It is a contrast of night and day compared to my children. Their world is so simple. Yes, there were things they could not understand, but it did not bother them one bit. Why? Because they felt secure under the parents' wings. Isn't it true that the best gift we parents can give to our children, is the knowledge and assurance that they are safe, they are being well taken care of.

The same is true with life. Yes, there are many times that we feel so insecure and confused by what is going on in our lives. Some of us are hard hit by the Recession. We can't make sense of our world. We then need to pause and think of the great and good God we believe in. With a God like this, even though we may be confused and can't make heads or tails out of our world, it is ok. All we need to learn is to simply stretch out our hands, gladly and trustingly receive what he will give us.

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