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日期: 2009年6月21日

經文: 馬太福音:9-11
題目: 爹的禮物



9 你們中間哪一個人,兒子向他要餅,反給他石頭;

        10 要魚,反給他蛇呢?

11 你們雖然邪惡,尚且知道把好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,難道不更把好東西賜給求他的人嗎?




所以今天早上我們在這父親節的主日,讓我們一起來看一下,神對父親是怎樣崇高的關點,做父親的要如何生活來與這個期望相配呢?讓我們看一下馬太福音的七章七到八節,非常熟悉的經文:「 7 你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。 8 因為凡祈求的就得著,尋找的就尋見,叩門的就給他開門。』 」這是我們經常用的一段經文。我們 什麼神都會給的,讓我們看一下這段經文的上下文,馬太福音的五到七章,耶穌在那裡教導門徒天國的生活,身為天國的子民,神給我們一些指示,給我們知道在地上怎麼樣的生活。我們在地上的首先次序,是要培養虔誠的品格,我們要順服神所有吩咐的律法,當我們活在這個世界上的時候,我們要完全像我們天父那樣的完全一樣。當我們聽到這一切的指示,我們最自然的反應就是誰能做到?有誰能像天父一樣的完全?當然沒有人啦!所以就有了第七章的第七節,我們自己不能做到,因此我們要來求神幫助我們,我們要來求祂給我們力量,求祂給我們恩典,好使我們能在地上活出天國子民的生活。這樣的要求是好的、正確的,所以我們也有把握的知道祂一定會聽我們的祈求,而且加力量給我們。而且耶穌又繼續的解釋,地上的父親會將好的東西給他的孩子們,所以在天上父親也會將好的東西給祂的子民。我們在天上有一個好的父親,我們在天上的父親是好的,我們在地上也有好的父親,九到十一節這樣的說:「 9 你們中間哪一個人,兒子向他要餅,反給他石頭; 10 要魚,反給他蛇呢? 11 你們雖然邪惡,尚且知道把好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,難道不更把好東西賜給求他的人嗎?」耶穌在這說:沒有一位地上的父親當孩子向他要麵包、要魚的時候,會給他石頭和蛇。但是因為我們都是罪人,我們有時都會敗壞、邪惡,以致有很多父親也會將石頭和蛇給他的孩子。在最近的新聞裡,有幾件父親殺了自己孩子的消息。我們也看到無數的新聞報導,看到一些的父親如何在身體、性方面對孩子施暴力,造成嚴重的情緒的問題。也有些父親,用言語暴力來對他孩子,經常的對孩子說:「你沒有用、什麼也做不好。」這類的話。這些暴力的言語,這些行為的暴力,比石頭、蛇更加的壞、更加的邪惡。孩子要的是麵包和魚,但是往往得到的是石頭和蛇。我們可能不一定是暴力,但是我想問一下,我們有沒有,特別我們做父親的,我們有沒有時常將我們自己的怒氣發洩在我們的孩子身上?當我們在工作上受到挫折的時候,回家就向孩子發洩,這就是石頭和蛇!以前一位總統,杜魯門跟他的孩子說:「這些有名人的孩子們,他們本身不能成為一個有名的人。」這句話對他的女兒瑪格麗特來說,這是石頭這是蛇。意思就是說:「妳不可能靠妳自己的本事出名的。」當我們將太多的石頭、太多的蛇給了我們的孩子們時,家就變成一個很危險、不健康的地方,當然這都是一些做父親醜惡的一面。但是當我們看聖經的時候,看到許多做父親的正面,讓我們來看一下好的父親的特色。

好的父親供應孩子們所需要的飲食、衣住,就如他們的天父供給祂兒女一樣,這是父親基本的責任。讓他的孩子有的吃、有的穿、有的住、有個基本、好的教育。但也有的父親,沒有儘到這基本的責任。他們認為要追求自己的愉快和滿足,他們遺棄了他們自己的家,這是何等悲慘的事。雖然這樣說,也看見好多的父親如何辛勞的工作,就是為了他們的兒女。無論是在美國或其他的國家,或一些移民的國家,看著那些做父母的,如何辛苦的操勞工作,如公車的駕駛員、醫院、餐廳做清掃的工作,好叫他的孩子們能夠有衣服穿、有 食物 吃、有地方住、然後能有好教育的機會。


我們看一下父親的特色,詩篇一百零三篇十三節:「 父親怎樣憐恤兒子,耶和華也照樣憐恤敬畏祂的人。 」憐恤、憐憫、愛是表示一個對人的關懷、對他的接納,這一個憐恤是在一個無條件的愛和饒恕裡所表現出來的,但是在很多時候,    我們做父親的沒有做得好。時常聽一些成年的孩子們說:「他們的父親絕不讓他們忘記他們所犯的錯誤。」但是身為父親的,我們要對我們的孩子們要有那憐恤的心,我們要學習無條件的愛和饒恕。


有個在西班牙的故事,有位爸爸和兒子的關係破裂,兒子就離家出走。這位爸爸一直找也找不到他,後來在馬德里的地方的報紙登了這樣一個廣告:「親愛的派克,請你在禮拜六的中午,在這家報館的門口等我,所有的一切都被饒恕了,我愛你!你的爸爸。」然後在那個禮拜六的中午,有八百個派克出現了,他們都在尋求那個從父親來的愛和饒恕。在我們中間做父親的,我們要這樣慷慨和饒恕給我們的孩子們 一個有憐恤的父親,也會將他的孩子的愛傳遞給孩子來告訴他們,我們經常用的一個名詞:我們要祝福我們的孩子,孩子需要知道、需要聽見,他們的父母,特別是他們的父親是無條件的愛他們。他們要知道他們被愛不是因為他們長的好,不是因為他們功課好,也不是因為他們的事業成功,他們就是無條件的被他們的父親所愛、所接納。當他們要開始一個新的事業時、或一個方向改的時候,他們多麼期望他們的父親的祝福。但是很多的時候,我們做父親的,因為孩子要做的這件事,沒有達到我們的要求、我們的標準,所以不將祝福給他們。所以我們遇見許多的成年的孩子,已經四、五十歲仍然在尋求得到父親的祝福。


施行管教。在希伯來書第三章這裡說:「主所愛的祂必管教。祂又鞭打所收納的每一個,為了接受管教,所以你們要忍受,因為神待你們好像待兒子一樣。」那有兒子不受父親管教?一個父親會管教他的孩子,所以神也管教祂的子民,祂所愛的。管教的目的,不是懲罰,乃是幫助孩子培養好的品格。我們管教孩子使他們長大之後能誠實,我們管教我們的孩子好叫他們順服他們的父母,他們長大的時候,對老師的順服,對公司裡上司的順服。我們管教孩子,叫他們對別人所擁有的尊重。我們在這方面沒有做得很好是不是,無論在國內或曉士頓也好,看到無數的家長如何愛他們的孩子,但是對孩子的行為、態度一點辦法沒有,當他們看到孩子們在破壞東西時,一點控制也沒有。當孩子一進到初中,開始上網時,上一些不三、不四的網站,做父母的只說我沒有辦法、我沒有辦法!特別是孩子在初中時寄宿在外面,許多父母就說他們已經投降了、我管不了他們了。記得有一個 跟我講一件事,有個教會才裝修好,在一個禮拜天的早上,一個小孩子拿著媽媽的口紅,就在地毯上畫畫,母親坐在旁邊,看見了一句話也不講。對我們很多人來說,我們的孩子不會錯的,你試試看你說我的孩子做錯了事,我的反應會怎麼樣?我的孩子?我的孩子不會錯的。這是我們做父母本能的反應。就算他們做錯了,我們一點辦法也沒,不知道怎麼辦,當然管教孩子父母都要參與,但是我們做父親的,做一家之主的這個人,我們有這方面的責任,要主動的來管教我們的孩子。管教孩子不是在控制他,乃是調整他們的行為、態度,使他們長大的時候,能更加容易與人相處。我也深深的相信,當孩子能尊重、順服他們的父母,也能學到尊重別人時,當他們長大的時候,他們也能更加的順服別人,他們也能順服那位在天上的父親。除了提供基本的衣著、飲食、憐憫、管教,還有一點是真理的傳遞。

在申命記第四章:「你只要自己謹慎,又要謹守你的心思,免得你忘了你親看到的事, 又免得這些事在你有生之日離開你的心;總要把這些事傳給你的子子孫孫,使他們在那地上生活的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓自己的兒女。」第四章說什麼?你要這樣的謹守我的吩咐,然後你要傳給你的孩子們,又要你的孩子們傳給他們的孩子們。然後六章七節:「你要把這些話不斷地教訓你的兒女,無論你坐在家裡,或行在路上,或躺下,或起來的時候,都要談論。」這些做父母的,你要教訓、講解神的真理給你的孩子們聽。詩篇七十八篇:「我們不把這些事向他們的子孫隱瞞,卻要把耶和華應得的讚美、祂的能力,和他所行的奇事,都向後代的人述說。好使後代的人,包括將要出生的兒女,都可以知道;他們也要起來,告訴他們的子孫,使他們信靠 神,不忘記 神的作為,謹守他的誡命。」這裡講到在猶太人裡中,做父親的有責任要教導他的兒女們。他要教什麼?他要教的是神的救贖的作為、神的大能,他要教導他的孩子們,他的孩子們又要教導他的孩子們。因此有關神的作為,救贖一代傳給下一代,但是很多時候,我們做父親的,包括我自己做得不好,我們要我們的太太來教我們的孩子,或者我們將孩子帶到教會來,讓教會來教他們,讓教會的兒童主任來教他們、主日學老師來教他們。但是你想想孩子在家和你在一起有多少時間,在教會有多少時間?算一下,在教會裡最多不過是四個小時,如果你禮拜五來的話,如果你禮拜天早上九點鐘來教會上主日學的話,就算你禮拜天十一點鐘來教會,然後你帶到主日學那只不過是一個鐘頭。你在家有多少時候?你期望主日學的老師在一個小時之內教好你的孩子嗎?

另外一個事實,在許多的教會裡,主日學的老師百分之九十以上都是姊妹,這給孩子一個什麼樣的資訊?信仰是女人的事情。教會是女的老師、學校老師也大部份是女的老師。今年夏他在我們教會三歲到五年級兒童主日學一共有廿六位老師,你猜猜看當中有多少男的老師?多少的女的?先說女的老師,你說百分比有多少女的老師?你知道嗎?您有孩子在主日學?您知不知道他們的主日學老師是誰呢?百分之九十?百分之一百?這是最新的統計,廿六位老師裡面,十四位是姊妹,十二位是弟兄,當我聽見了之後,我聽了好高興,差不多一半一半!我們要拍手給那些主日學老師們聽。我也鼓勵我們當中的弟兄們, 參與教導孩子們的事工。不但如此,在家要負起教導的責任。好叫他們長大了之後,又可以看到他們又將這樣的真理教導他們的孩子們。

很多的研究都提到一個十歲的孩子,已經能聽得懂一篇道有幾點,所以做父親、母親的我們可以問我們的孩子,今天你在上主日學的時候,你聽到了什麼?我們都熟悉這個 Bible St u dy Fellowship 這個聚會,大約十多年前,當大人查經的時候,有兒童節。在十多年前重新調整了兒童節目,他們在教兒童們如何的讀聖經,他們稱這個為孩子的講道學。孩子從很年幼的時候,就能夠學習到真理,他們學怎樣聽、怎樣讀聖經。我們學習信仰的告白,譬如:海德堡信仰告白,原來都是為孩子而設置的,一個禮拜一個問題。譬如海德保信仰第一個問題:人生最大的安慰是什麼?答案是:認識耶穌基督!西敏寺的信仰告白,第一個問題:人生最終目的是什麼?答案是:榮耀神和永遠享受祂!


我記得,當我還年輕一點的時候,我時常告訴別人,神愛我們,就像我們的父親愛我們一樣,慢慢我的年紀大了,又見了一些世故,也看見做一個父親可以非常的邪惡。特別是當我自己做了父親之後,我看見自己的醜惡、不完整,看見孩子某些行為的時候,我就沒有耐心,我會向他們發脾氣。記得有一次,老大跟老二在吵,老大 Francis 跟老二 Robyn 說,你再做的話爸爸會冒煙的,你要不要看爸爸冒煙。往往我們家的孩子都將我們裡面最醜惡的東西表露出來。我時常說,神就是用我們的孩子、用我三個孩子使我學習謙卑。我可以在你面前誇耀,但是我的孩子看透了我,他們在看,看爸爸在怎麼做,孩子是很聰明的。當我看到自己的醜惡,我就不再告訴人,神愛你,像你爸爸愛你一樣。神愛人!像父親一樣的,我不敢講了。但是在過去這兩個禮拜,當我在想在父親節要講什麼信息的時候,又看到這一段經文,在過去我是多麼的錯誤,我說不要看我,要看上帝祂是最好的爸爸,地上的爸爸都不好,當然也有好的,但是好的在上面,當我再看這段經文,發現聖經不是這樣說的。在聖經白纸黑字的告訴我們,如果您要認識神嗎 你看一下做父親的,父親怎麼樣愛他的孩子,神也怎麼樣愛祂的子民。父親管教他的孩子,神也管教愛祂的人,祂也愛管教祂所愛的。你看做父親供應孩子的需要,天上的父親也將好的東西給祂的孩子。雖然我們有罪、敗壞,神仍看得起我們這些做父親的,祂用地上的父親來告訴這個世界,祂是一位怎樣的神!所以親愛的爸爸們,也包括我在內,神對我們有多麼高的一個觀點,因此讓我們在做父親的事上能跟神的恩典配得起。當然我們會失敗,很多很多的失敗,以至到今天我時常會回想,如果我從新來過的話,我會如何做得不一樣?當老三生下來的時候,我也問過神、問自己,神又給了我一個機會,從頭來過,我要做一個怎麼樣的爸爸?現在老三也慢慢地離開了、長大了,我還在問這個問題。我看見我們當中年輕的父親,我自己想,如果從頭來過,我會做個怎樣的父親?啊!我知道這是明年父親節的一篇資訊了。您知道嗎,我們知道我們的軟弱、失敗,就會督促我們更多的來到神的面前,求神幫助。您知道嗎?一個做父親的,不會將石頭和蛇給他的兒女們,所以我們有把握的知道,我們天上的父親一定會給我們力量、恩典能夠做一個父親,能反應出祂的美德。不但如此,我們也不停的來到天上父親的面前繼續經歷祂的憐憫、對我們的愛、饒恕,好使我們同樣也能將我們的愛、饒給我們的孩子們,因為這個緣故,所以我們要求神幫助我們,要儘我們所能的將我們的孩子一個個的帶到天上的父親那裡。


Date:   06/21/09

Text:   Matthew 7:9-11

Title:   A Good Father

Theme: 因為神十分看重地上的父親,所以我們在生命中要活出為父的樣式


  What is the difference between Father’s Day and Mother’s Day? A little girl answered, “They are the same except the gift for father is cheaper.” We can also add that on Father’s day, very often it is the father that takes the family out for dinner and pays for it. Besides, on Father’s Day, there are all kinds of messages telling us how bad we are and our need to shape up. Just Yesterday, President Obama urged the fathers to be better than his, for the only thing he got from his father was a basketball and the name. then this morning, in the front page of chronicle was the story about a minister who raised his 5 sons to be pastors. Sometimes I feel that on father’s day, there is a conspiracy to make us feel guilty.

  Even though there are plenty of father bashing around us, yet in the scriptures we see a very different perspective. Do you know that in both the OT and NT, in describing God's relationship with His people, earthly fathers are often used as examples. We had passages such as: God gives good gifts to his people just like a father would to his children. God has compassion for his people in the same way as a father has compassion with his children; God disciplines his people just like a father would to his children.

  The scripture has a very high view of the fathers among us. So much so that it uses the earthly fathers as illustrations to help us understand God’s love and mercy for us. So this morning, on this Father’s Day, we want to discover together that since God views us in such a noble manner, how we shall then live up to this expectation?

•  A good father in heaven.

Let’s first take a look at Matthew 7:7-8, “ 7 你們祈求 就給你們 尋找 就尋見 叩門 就給你們開門。 8 因為凡祈求的就得著 尋找的就尋見 叩門的就給他開門。 ." In chapters 5-7, Jesus has been teaching about Kingdom living. As citizens of the heavenly kingdom, we are given guidelines to live by. Our priority on earth is to develop godly characters, and be obedient to God's law. While we live in this world, we are to be perfect just like our father in heaven. The natural response to such instructions is how can anyone accomplish this? No one. This is where vs.7 comes into play. Yes, we can’t, therefore we’re to ask God for his help. We ask him to enable us to live like citizens of heaven. This request is good and so we know for certain that he listen to our prayers and give this strength to us.

Jesus went on to explain the rationale for this. Earthly fathers will give what is good for his children, so this heavenly father also give what is good to his children. We have a good father in heaven.

II •  A good father on earth.

Our father in heaven is good. We also have good fathers on earth. Vs.9-11, “ 9 9 你們中間哪一個人,兒子向他要餅,反給他石頭; 10 要魚,反給他蛇呢? 11 你們雖然邪惡,尚且知道把好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,難道不更把好東西賜給求他的人嗎? " Jesus is saying that no earthly father will give his child a stone when asked for bread, or snake when asked for fish.” However, as sinners we are bad and can be evil. Some fathers do give stone and snake to their children. In recent months we see news about father killing their children. There are fathers who physically and sexually abuse the children, causing severe emotional damage. There are those verbally abuse their children; telling them they are good for nothing, they can never accomplish anything great. This is worst than stone and snake. Children asked for bread and fish, instead were given stone and snake.

We may not be abusive, but there are times we may let out our anger and frustration our children. We experienced failure and frustration at work, then we let it out on our children. This is stone and snake. Harry Truman once said to his daughter, “No children of famous people ever get famous on their own.” This is certainly stone and snake to his daughter. When we give out too many stones and snakes, home becomes a very dangerous and unhealthy place to live..

Yes, they are the ugly side of fatherhood. Yet, God looks at the good and positive side of fatherhood. Let’s take a look at some characteristics of a good father.

1 •  Provision for food and shelter.

Fathers provide food and shelter for their children, so does the heavenly father for his children. A father’s basic responsibility is to provide food and a place to live for his children. In addition to this basic need, we can certainly include education. There are many fathers who failed to carry out their basic responsibility at home. Pursuing their own happiness and fulfillment, they deserted their families. How sad it is.

Having said this, it is also touching to see many parents working so hard for their children. They work at menial jobs, bus drivers, hospital and restaurant janitors so their children have clothes to wear, food on the table, a comfortable place to live and the opportunity of a good education. Some time ago Chronicle reported an immigrant family where the parents do menial work, plus collecting scrap cans. They worked hard to put their 5 children through college. Certainly many of us are doing a great job to provide for our children. We are giving them bread and fish.

2 •  Provision for Compassion. Ps 103:13

父親怎樣憐恤兒子,耶和華也照樣憐恤敬畏他的人 ,….”Compassion means love, care and acceptance. This compassion is expressed through unconditional love and forgiveness. Over and over again I heard adult children sharing with me how their fathers would never forget some mistakes they made in the past.

Yet, as fathers, we are to be compassionate to our children. We learn to love and forgive them unconditionally. We know of a certain father in the NT patiently waiting for his strayed son to come home. He also humbled himself and begged his older and equally rebellious son to come into the house to celebrate the brother’s return. It was father’s unconditional love and forgiveness at its best. There’s a Spanish story of a father and son who had become estranged. The son ran away and the father couldn’t find him. Finally the father put an ad in a Madrid newspaper: Dear Paco, meet me in front of this newspaper office at noon on Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you. Your father. On Saturday 800 Pacos showed up, looking for forgiveness and love from their fathers.

A compassionate father also communicates to his children his love and acceptance of them. Or use another term that we are familiar with: give the children our blessing. Children needs to know that they are unconditionally loved by their parents, especially their fathers. They want to know they are loved not because of their grades or professional accomplishments. They want parents, especially fathers, to bless them when they venture out in a new career and professional direction. They want to feel the love and support from fathers. Unfortunately, very often we fathers would withhold our blessing to them because it does not meet our personal standards. There are adult children, in their 40’s and 50’s still waiting and looking for their father’s blessing. There was a story about a man in his late 40’s. He grew up in a family where the father never expressed love for him. Likewise, he too was not able to verbally express his love for the father. This created a great emotional vacuum within the son. One day, he got the news that the father was dying. He put down his work and travelled home immediately. By the time he got home, father died. Father’s death left an unfilled vacuum in his life. He never received father’s love and blessing.

3 •  Discipline.

In Hebrews 12:8-9, “ 6 因為主所愛的,他必管教,他又鞭打所收納的每一個兒子。 7 為了接受管教,你們要忍受,因為 神待你們好像待兒子一樣;哪有兒子不受父親管教的呢? ?” A father disciplines his children, so God disciplines his children, whom he loved. The purpose of discipline is not punishment but to help our children develop good characters. We discipline our children so they will be honest when they grow up. We discipline our children so they learn to be obedient to parents, and then later to teachers and supervisors at work. We discipline our children so they learn to respect others and others’ properties.

We don’t do too well in this area, don’t we? Whether in Houston or in China , I have seen parents really love their children and yet they are totally out of control. When their children get addicted to internet, and spent hour in the internet café, the parents are totally helpless. Several years ago I heard of this story. A certain church had just renovated their facility. On one Sunday morning, a toddler used his mom’s lipstick and started drawing on the new carpet. The mother sat there and watched him doing this without saying a word. We often feel that our children can do no wrong. Even if they did wrong, the parents feel totally helpless, not knowing what to do.

Certainly it takes both parents to discipline the children. But as fathers, being the head of the household, we do have the responsibility of taking the initiative to discipline. To discipline a child is not trying to be controlling, but to correct their behavior according certain acceptable standards. When children learn to obey their parents and respect others, it will be so much easier for them to be obedient to their heavenly father when they grow up.

4 •  Transmission of truth.

In Deut 4:9-10, “ 9 9 你只要自己謹慎,又要謹守你的心思,免得你忘了你親眼看見的事,又免得這些事在你有生之日離開你的心;總要把這些事傳給你的子子孫孫, …………… ,使他們在那地上生活的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓自己的兒女。 …” 6: 7, “ 7 你要把這些話不斷地教訓你的兒女,無論你坐在家裡,或行在路上,或躺下,或起來的時候,都要談論。 …” Psa 78:4,6-7, “ 4 我們不把這些事向他們的子孫隱瞞,卻要把耶和華應得的讚美、他的能力,和他所行的奇事,都向後代的人述說。 ….. 6 好使後代的人,包括將要出生的兒女,都可以知道;他們也要起來,告訴他們的子孫, 7 使他們信靠 神,不忘記 神的作為,謹守他的誡命; ” In the Jewish tradition, it is the father’s duty to teach their children God's great work. The truth about God is to be taught from one generation to another.

However, sometimes, including myself, we want our wives to teach our children about God and his redemptive work. Or we bring the children to church and let the church, the children minister, the Sunday School teachers do the teaching. In an average church, over 90% of the children Sunday School teachers are women. This conveys to the children the impression that faith is a ‘woman thing’. This summer at HCC, for the 3 years old through 5 th grade, we have a total of 26 teachers in the children Sunday School. I am so happy to learn that among them, there are 14 females and 12 males. It’s great and I want to encourage more men join this important ministry. For the fathers among us, we need to teach our children about the great work and truth of God. So that when they grow up and have their children, they will be able to tell the next generation of God's greatness.

Studies have shown that a 10 year old child is capable of understanding the various points in a sermon. So fathers, and mothers can discuss with our children what they heard in Sunday’s sermons. We are familiar with the BSF ministry. Up until 10 years ago, they have children’s program while the adults are studying the bible. But since then, they have been teaching children how to do bible study. They called it the junior homiletics. Children are never too young to learn the truth. Many of the catechism we use today, such as the Heidelberg Confession of Faith was originally designed for children. I have also used the Westminster shorter catechism for my family.

Today, there are many tools for us to use to help us communicate God's truth to our children. Yes, many of us do not have a role model from our own fathers. But we don’t have to pass this onto the next generation. We can resolve that beginning with us, this week, we’ll learn to teach our children those great truths about God.


  I remember when I was younger, I used to tell others that God loves us just like our earthly father. Then I grew older and saw how imperfect and sometimes even evil earthly fathers can be. Especially after I became a father, I saw my ugliness and imperfection. I saw my lacking patience with the children and how sometimes I would vent out my anger on them. I remember one time Francis, my older son telling Robin the second son, you want to see dad fuming at you? You see, very often children would reveal what is really ugly within us. God uses children to humble us. So I stopped telling others that God loves us like the earthly fathers.

But this past two weeks, as I was thinking about today’s scripture passage, it suddenly dawn on me how wrong I was. The scripture, in clear black and white tells us God has compassion on us just like a father has compassion on his children. God disciplines his children just like a father would to his children. As a father would provide for his children, God also provide for his children. God has such a high view of us, in spite of our sinfulness and brokenness, he uses the earthly father to demonstrate to the world what he is like. Dear fathers, God has such a high view of us, therefore let us live that is worthy of such position. Yes, we will fail, many, many times. But this will only drive us even more closer to God, seeking his help. You know what, a father would not give stone or snake when his children ask for bread or fish. We know for sure that our heavenly father will give us strength and grace to be the kind of father that will reflect his divine characters.

Moreover, we must never stop coming to our perfect Heavenly Father, to experience his Mercy, Love and Forgiveness. For this reason, we are also to do our utmost to bring our children to this Heavenly Father.

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