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日期: 04/12/2009
經文:《馬可福音》 1:1; 16:1-8
題目:復活主的 群 體
主旨: 因為耶穌從死裏復活,跟隨衪的人要有「復活後」的觀點。
時常有人說:我們活在受難日和復活節之間。受難日代表死亡,復活節代表生命。在受難日有苦難和折磨,到了復活節就有喜樂和高興。在受難日有沮喪和失望,到了復活節就有希望和憧憬。在受難日有恐懼和顫抖,到了復活節就有勇氣和力量。這就是為什 麼 除了 聖 誕節以外,復活節也格外受到人們的歡迎。特別是在這個經濟蕭條的時期,人們已經看到和聽到許多不幸和令人灰心的故事,我們需要一些激勵,想要在黑暗中看到一線希望,我們想要看到或者聽到有盼望的信息。因此,在這個復活節的主日,讓我們思想一下他的復活對于我們這些追隨他的人有什 麼 意義。
馬可福音在四福音書里是最短的一本。 它以“神的 兒 子,耶稣基督福音的起 頭 ”為開篇,以耶穌復活的故事“他 們 就出 來 , 從 坟墓那里逃跑,又 發 抖又惊奇,甚麽也不告诉人,因 為 他 們 害怕”為結尾。 大部分聖經學者都認為 16 : 9-20 是後來被加入馬可福音的。從馬可的本意來說,他在這本書里寫的應該只是福音的開始。復活節并不是終點。耶穌的復活證明了他的教導和一切的應許是正確的。這麼看來,福音真正的結尾應該發生在耶穌第二次再來的時候。如果馬可福音是福音的起點,那麼啟示錄就是福音在世上的終點。
I . 「復活後」 的人有使命感的特色
在第一個復活節的早上,抹大拉的馬利亞和雅各的母親馬利亞來到耶穌被埋的地方,她們想要用香料膏耶穌的身體。但是,當她們到達那里的時候,她們看到墓前的石頭移開了。她們沒有看到耶穌的尸體,卻有一位天使跟她們說話:“不要惊恐!你們尋找那釘十字架的拿撒勒人耶稣,他已經復活了,不在這里。請 看安放他的地方。你 們 可以去告 訢 他的 門 徒和彼得, 說 :他在你 們 以先往加利利去。在那里你 們 要 見 他,正如他 從 前所告 訢 你 們 的。 ”天使說耶穌已經從死里復活,現在,去告訴門徒和彼得這個消息。這兩個馬利亞就去告訴了其他門徒。
在那天,耶穌遇到了其他兩個門徒。後來,他們也回去告訴了其他門徒。四十天之後,就在耶穌升天之前,他告訴門徒:“你們往普天下去,傳福音给萬民聽。”去 – 告訴。當保羅去大馬士革逼迫和逮捕基督徒的時候,耶穌向他顯現。 使徒行傳 26 : 16-17 “你起来站着,我特意向你 顯現 ,要派你作 執 事,作 見證 , 將 你所看 見 的事和我 將 要指示你的事 証 明出来;我也要救你脱 離 百姓和外邦人的手。 ”耶穌對保羅說:我已經向你顯現,所以我要差派你去外邦人中間。
當耶穌在世上的時候,他有一次為人趕鬼。這個人想要跟隨耶穌,但是耶穌對他說:“回家去,回到你的朋友中間告訴他們主為你做的一切……”大家有沒有看出一些共同點?每當和耶穌,復活的主,相遇的時候,都會有“去 – 告訴”的命令。我們無法隱藏這個消息。
根據教會歷史上的傳說,這份使命感帶著 Thomas ,那個心存懷疑的 Thomas ,來到印度北部,在那里建立了一個教會。這份使命感帶著保羅來到了小亞細亞,最終到達羅馬。後來, St. Patrick 將福音帶到愛爾蘭。在現代教會史中, David Livingston 去非洲傳講基督的愛。 William Carey 去了印度,馬禮遜和載得生去了中國。 David Brainerd 將福音帶給在美國東北部的土著印第安人。這份名單上的人不計其數……
這些都是名人,但是,還有成百上千的普通人,那些不為人知的基督徒,就像你我這樣的人,把福音在人與人之間、在城市與城市之間、在國家與國家之間做著傳遞和普及。除非你沒有遇到這位復活的耶穌,不然的話,只要你遇見了他,就無法獨享這個好消息,你一定要“去 - 告訴”。
大約一個多月前,有一位韓國的牧師經過休斯頓停留了幾天。招待他的那戶人家帶他去一個有名的韓國超市。主人希望向他介紹能在那里買到和吃到的東西。在那位牧師抵達超市以 後 ,他發現一些顧客坐在一張桌子上吃飯,他就走過去和他們交談起來。對他來說,吃什么和買什么都不重要,他想要向他遇見的人為主做見證。
II . 「復活後」 的人有愛的特色。
我們是一群帶有使命的人,不僅如此,我們還是一群懷著愛心的人。耶穌基督的好消息包含彼此相愛的信息。這就是耶穌如何看待他在世上的使命。 路加福音 4 : 18-19 “主的灵在我身上,因为他用膏膏我,叫我传福音给贫穷的人;差遣我报告:被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,叫那受压制的得自由,报告神悦纳人的禧年。 ”他的使命是令人脫離罪的捆綁。無論他在哪里,他醫治病人、趕鬼,為受壓迫和欺凌的人帶去喜樂和自由。他看世人的時候,內心充滿感情,因為他看世人就好像是沒有人牧養的羊群,身負重軛。他要求門徒喂養饑餓的人、給窮人衣服穿、探望生病的人、走訪諸如監獄中的犯人之類被社會遺忘的人。他要求門徒成為一群有愛心和同情心的惡人。
后來,門徒紛紛效法耶穌,前去關心那些在他們中間的窮人和寡婦。從此,無論福音傳到哪里,都有帶有同情和憐憫的事工伴隨。在教會附近,往往能看到醫院、學校和孤兒院。我們都知道 Teresa 修女在印度最貧窮的地區所做的工作。在本地和世界其他許多地方,包括中國,很多主要的醫院都是由基督徒創立的。最近幾年來,我們看到許多教會攜手合作,共同為非洲及其他世界地區對抗艾滋和貧窮的事工籌措資金。這不是我們要不要去做的問題,也不是我們有沒有錢的問題,而是在哪里以及如何向神帶領進入我們生命中的人送去關愛和憐憫。
III . 「復活後」 的人有盼望的特色
作為復活的一群人,我們確信耶穌的應許一定都會實現。他最大的應許就是在世界的末日他會回來。 馬可福音 13 : 26-27 “那时,他们要看见人子有大能力、大荣耀,驾云降临。他要差遣天使,把他的选民,从四方,从地极直到天边,都招聚了来。 ”他來了以后,我們都將成為他的樣式,這是最終的榮耀。我們被造是為了反映神的榮耀,但是,由于罪的緣故,榮耀被蒙蔽。認識了基督以后,他在我們的生命里動工,幫助恢復神的榮耀。在末日,我們將擁有完全被修復的榮耀。我們活在當世,卻定睛在未來,盼望他的第二次降臨。這就是我們的盼望。
字典上對于希望的解釋是“感覺某件事將有完美的結局”。但是,圣經對于希望的解釋是不同的。那不是一種感覺,也不是對于完美結局的憧憬。希望建立在信實的神的應許之上。這對于我們這些活在 21 世紀的人來說有什么意義呢?我想提醒大家注意希望所帶來的兩個果子。
信心的第二個結果就是喜樂。我們的希望建立在耶穌會再回來的應許上。但是,他還給了我們其他一些應許。這些應許是我們生活中滿有喜樂的基礎。當我們處在經濟蕭條期的時候,當我們面臨不確定的健康狀況時,當我們身處生命中的黑暗時刻,神應許我們他會和我們在一起。他應許我們,永遠不會放棄我們,他將在黑暗的山谷里和我們同行。有時祂會與我們一起走出黑暗,困境,病患,進入光明與健康。也有時祂和我們十起走進神的懷抱裡。因此我們不需害怕困難與疾病,因有主與我們同在。當我們知道耶穌與我們在一起時,就會有喜樂。開心是取決于環境。當我們健康和安全的時候,我們會開心;但是當我們生病或遭遇苦難時,我們就不開心。我們或許在困難中無法開心起來,但是因為神跟我們在一起,我們總能保持一顆喜樂的心。 這份喜樂的心幫助我們度過生命中的難關。哈巴谷書 3:17-19 “虽然无花果树不发旺,葡萄树不结果,橄 榄树也不效力,田地不出粮食,圈中绝了羊,棚内也没有牛;然而,我要因耶和华欢欣,因救我的神喜乐。 主耶和华是我的力量。”是什么讓先知們在困境中依然保持樂觀?這不是盲目的樂觀,而是建立在神的信實基礎之上。
鄭念在 1966 年被紅衛兵逮捕,被指控為帝國主義充當間諜。盡管保守折磨,她不愿意承認自己沒有做過的事。她是一個基督徒,在服刑期間,她悄悄地轉向神,在他里面得到安慰和希望。後來,她被釋放了。她對神的盼望幫助她度過了這段最殘忍的時期。
Date: 04/12/09
Text: Mark 1:1; 16:1-8
Title: The Resurrection People
Theme: Since Christ has risen from the dead, his followers are to live with a post-resurrection outlook.
Its been said that we live between Good Friday and Easter. If Good Friday is here, then Easter is just around the corner. Good Friday stands for death, and Easter for Life. There is grief and suffering on Good Friday, but joy on Easter. There is despair and disappointment on Good Friday, but hope on Easter. There is fear and trembling on Good Friday, but courage on Easter. This is the reason that besides Christmas; Easter is welcomed by many. During the hard times in life, including the present recession, we have seen and heard enough doom and gloom, we want something more upbeat, we want to see the silver lining; we want to see and hear about hope. Any news item with the word hope can catch our attention. On this Easter Sunday, we want to take a look at how Jesus' resurrection impacted his followers in both the 1 st and 21 st centuries.
The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the 4 gospels. It begins with: 1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and concludes with the story of Jesus' resurrection: 8 And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Most biblical scholars agree that vs.9-20 were added on later. From Mark's perspective, what he wrote in this book was just the beginning of the gospel. Easter was not the end. Jesus' resurrection authenticates all that he had taught and promised while living among men. So, resurrection just ushers in another stage of the gospel. If Mark is the beginning of the gospel, then the book of revelation is the conclusion of the gospel on earth.
If we follow this trend of thought, then we realize that we don't just live from Good Friday to Easter; but instead we live after Easter. We are a people of the post resurrection. So, what does it mean to live on this side of the resurrection? Let's look at different scripture passages to help us understand what life is and can be on this side of resurrection. What are some characteristics of the people of Resurrection?
I As post resurrection people we are characterized by Mission . Mark 16:6,7
On that first Easter morning, the two Mary's went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, with the intention to do a more detailed embalming of the body with spices. However, as they arrived, they saw the the stone in front of the tomb was removed. Instead of finding Jesus' body, they saw an Angel who said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee .” The Angel simply said that Jesus had risen from the dead. Now, go and tell his disciples and Peter….. So, they went and told the other disciples
On that day, Jesus met two other disciples. Afterwards they went back and told the rest of the disciples. 40 days after his resurrection, just prior to his ascension into heaven, Jesus told his disciples: Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel; go and tell. When Paul was on his way to Damascus to harass and arrest the Christians, Jesus appeared to him. Acts 26:16-17, “ 16 "But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you," 17 "delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you" Jesus was saying to Paul, I have appeared to you so that I will send you to the gentiles.
When Jesus was on earth, he cast out demons from an individual. This person wanted to follow Jesus, but was told, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you…..” Do we see the pattern here? Whenever there is an encounter with this Jesus, the risen Lord says, Go and tell. We just can't keep it to ourselves.
The early disciples did not sway from this instruction. They went and told others the gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever they went they proclaimed that Jesus is Lord, is the son of God. He has risen from the dead. The followers of this risen Lord, the people of Resurrection is a people of Mission . To the first disciples, this mission took them to far away places and cost them their lives.
According to church legend, this sense of mission took Thomas, the doubting Thomas to northern India and established a church there. This sense of Mission , took Paul to bring the gospel message to Asia Minor and eventually to Rome . Later St. Patrick, brought the gospel message to Ireland . In modern church history, David Livingston went to Africa to tell of Christ love. William Carey went to India , Morrison and Hudson Taylor went to China . David Brainerd brought the gospel message to the American Indians in the northeast . This list can go on and on.
These are the more famous names. But you know what? It was hundreds upon hundreds, thousands upon thousands and millions upon millions of ordinary, nameless believers, like you and me, who brought the gospel message from one person to another, one family to another, one city to another and one country to another. Unless you have never met this resurrected Jesus, or else, once you have met him, you cannot keep him to yourself, you have to go and tell.
Over one month ago, a Korean pastor had a stop over in Houston for a few days. The host family took him to a popular Korean market. They wanted to show him what he could eat and buy there. After he arrived, he saw some tables with Korean customers eating. He went over and started to talk to them. You see, to him, eating and buying Korean food was not his priority. Instead, he wanted to find people that he could witness to. This was a man with a Mission .
We, too, are a people of the Resurrection. God has put many of us in different homes, schools and work places, so that we can tell others the good news of Jesus Christ. God has put us in this city so we can tell others that Jesus is the son of God, he is God; telling others the good news of how he came into the world to deliver us from God's wrath, so we can be at peace with God and with ourselves. There are times; God would bring some of us to different parts of the world to tell others about him. You see, telling others about Jesus, whether in Houston or in another country is a part of our lives. It is not something we do once a year, but an integral part of our lifestyle. To this and other churches, the question is never should we be involved in mission, local or global. Instead, the question should always be: where, when and how are we to tell others about Jesus in Houston and in other parts of the world. We start right where we are. If we don't tell others about Jesus here and now, it will make no sense for us to go elsewhere to tell others about Jesus. We are a people of Mission .
II As post resurrection people we are characterized by Love.
We are a people of Mission . There is more to this. We are also a people of Love. The good news of our lord Jesus Christ includes loving one another. This is how Jesus looked at his mission on earth, Luke 4:18,19,“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind,""to set at liberty those who are oppressed," 19 "to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” His mission was to set people free from the bondage of sin. Wherever he went, he healed the sick, cast out the demons, bringing freedom and joy to the oppressed and sad. When he saw the people, his heart was greatly stirred, because he saw them as sheep without a shepherd, being harassed and carried heavy burdens. He wanted his followers to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and visit the sick and the forgotten ones, such as the prisoners. He wanted his followers to be a people with love and compassion.
Later, his disciples followed Jesus' example to care for the poor and the widows among them. From there onwards, wherever his gospel message went, resulted in various works of mercy. Hospitals, schools and orphanages have been built along with churches. We are familiar with Mother Teresa's work among the poorest in India . Many of the major hospitals in this and other countries, including China are founded by Christians. In recent years, we see churches joining hands, pooling resources to fight Aids and Poverty in Africa and other parts of the world. Again, it is not a matter of should we or should we not do it, whether or not we have the money. But rather, where and how to show love and mercy to those God has brought to our attention.
As people living on this side of the resurrection, we are to see beyond ourselves and to discover the so much bigger world around us. We are to align our hearts with our Lord's heart, to see what he sees and feel the pain that he feels.
III As post resurrection people we are characterized by Hope.
As a people of post-resurrection, we know that all Jesus' promises will come true. His foremost promise is that He'll return to this world at the end of human history. Mark 13:26-27, “ 26 "And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." 27 "And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” With his coming, our body will be completely transformed into his likeness. This is the final glory. We are created to reflect God's glory, but because of sins, it has become ruined glory. Since we have come to know Christ, he has begun to work in our lives to restore this glory. On that final day, there is the complete and restored glory. We live in the present with an eye fixed on the future; on His second coming. This is our hope.
The dictionary defines hope as ‘the feeling that…events will turn out for the best.” But the biblical understanding of hope is different, not about feeling, or hoping that things will turn out good. Instead, hope is built upon the certainty of God's promise. What does it mean to us living in the 21 st century? I'd like to call our attention to two fruits of Hope.
First, the certainly of hope in Jesus' second coming tells us that we live in a moral universe. We know with Jesus second coming, that there will also be a final judgment. Evil and evil doers will receive the punishment due them. The righteous will be rewarded accordingly. When we are being mistreated, we have the assurance that our God will vindicate us. Sometimes this may occur while we are still alive, or it may occur on that final judgment day. So when we are wronged, we don't have to take things into our hands and revenge. God will vindicate us. This truth will help us endure the unfair and wrong treatments of present life.
The second fruit of hope is joy. Our hope is built on the promise that Jesus will return. But he has also given us many other promises. These promises form the basis of joy in life. When we find ourselves in these economic hard times, or with uncertain health conditions, or in those dark moments in life, he has promised that he will be with us. He has promised that he would never abandon us, he will walk with us through those dark valleys. There are many times when he will walk with us through our problems into health and light. There are also times when he will walk with us right into His presence in heaven. Because of this, there is no need for us fear death and suffering. Knowing his presence with us, can give us joy. You see, happiness is dependent upon circumstances. When we have plenty, health and security, we feel happy. But sickness, hardships suddenly can rob our joy away. We may not be happy during those difficult times, but we can always be joyful because our lord is with us. This joy helps us to endure our difficult moments. In the well known words of Habakkuk 3:17-19a, “ 17 Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. 19 God, the Lord, is my strength;…” What sustained the prophet in those hard times? Not wishy washy feeling that things will turn out ok or better, but in the faithfulness of his God.
Take a look at Jesus. Before his arrest, he had those agonizing moments in the Garden of Gethsemane. He pled with his father to take the cup away from him, if it was possible, but there was no other way. He continued on even in those moments. Why? The writer of Hebrews tells us the reason, “For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, despising its shame.”
We are definitely living between Good Friday and Easter. Yes, there will always be hard times in life. There will be grief, sorrow, disappointment and depressive moments in life. Then, Easter is always just around the corner. If we are honest to ourselves, living like this can be rather self centered. It is always my problems, my difficulties and my despair. Then my problems and despair are removed by the risen Lord.
However, there is more to life than just living between Good Friday and Easter. We're to move beyond Easter, for we are a people of the Post Resurrection. As a people of post resurrection we look at life beyond ourselves. We have a worldview that includes all of God's creation. We reach out to those who have not heard of the gospel message, those who are sick, poor, lonely and helpless.
Nien Cheng was arrested by the Red Guards in 1966 because of the false accusation that she was a spy for the imperialists. Despite the tortures, she would not admit to something that was not true. She was a Christian and during those days of imprisonment, she secretly turned to God and found comfort for her grief and hope to face each day. She was later released. It was her hope in God that enabled her to endure those brutal treatments.
There is Joni Erickson Tada in this country. Many of us know that due to a swimming accident, she was paralyzed from the neck down. Yet in her own words, she looks forward to the day when she will dance in the presence of God. It is this hope that enables her to overcome her hardships and brings comfort and encouragement to other physically challenged people.
Joining Nien Cheng, Joni Erickson and many other believers, we, the people of Resurrection are people with Mission, Love and Hope.
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