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日期: 04/05/09

經文:馬可福音 11:1-10 ;以賽亞書 50:4 -9a

講題: 堅韌不拔

主旨:耶穌不讓別人為 安排行程和行動, 只服從神。



   為了得到選票,候選人往往在選前承諾選民們所希望聽到的政見。因此,這位候選人在底特律的發表會所說的很可能和他在矽谷的發表會上說的大不相同;即便當選,他也未必能貫徹當初所許下的承諾。在這個過程中,他們容許他人用外在的眼光來定義自己。過去的這個禮拜裡,我在新聞週刊裡讀到一篇關於諾貝爾經濟學獎得主保羅 克魯曼的文章;他素來以不與白宮為伍著名,在過去的 8 年裡,他更是常常對布希政府的作為進行批判。現在,大家稱他為歐巴馬總統最嚴峻的自由黨政治評論家,他在紐約時報的專欄擁有廣大的讀者群,並被新聞週刊稱為「一個不被外界設限的人」。

   我們當中或許有些人已經開始揣想,為什麼今天的英文週報又出現了打字錯誤:堅韌不拔?事實上這是一本書的書名,一本在我讀到保羅‧ 克魯曼的故事時所想起的書。這本書的主旨在說:別做雙面人,為了討好別人而戴上面具。反之,我們要活出神在我們身上命定的旨意。換句話說,我們勿要讓別人定義我們的價值、為我們的行動設限。


I •  耶穌是以君王身份進入耶路撒冷。

我們習慣把騾子看做是卑微、低下的一種動物,所以常常把耶穌騎著騾子進入耶路撒冷解讀為是耶穌謙卑的作為。但今天早晨,我們要再次思考:這真的只是耶穌謙卑的表徵嗎?我們先要看的這段經文是出自舊約列王記上 1:32-34 :「 32 大衛王又說:『召撒督祭司、拿單先知和耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅到我這裡來。』他們都來到王面前。 33 王就對他們說:『你們要帶著你們主人的僕人,使我的兒子所羅門騎上我的騾子,送他下到基訓去。 34 在那裡撒督祭司和拿單先知要膏立他作以色列的王。你們要吹角說:『所羅門王萬歲!』」這是老國王大衛王在吩咐屬下為他的兒子所羅門的加冕典禮做準備。在那個年代,加冕典禮是件大事,更甚於現在的總統就職典禮。總統搭乘豪華禮車抵達首都丘,古代的國王,尤其是羅馬帝 國的 君王,往往挑選高大俊美的白馬做騏驥。但是大衛王的吩咐,竟是要他的兒子所羅門騎上他自己的騾子?竟是騾子?大衛王的騾子?為什麼?

大衛領導的是一個位在丘陵區的國家,而所羅門是那個丘陵國家的領袖之子。當年大衛在逃避掃羅的逼迫之時,還曾經躲在山洞裡。試想,在那樣地勢起伏的地區,哪一種動物最適合用來騎乘?應該就屬驢子了。馬適合在平坦、筆直寬闊的地方馳騁,驢子 / 騾子比較適合丘陵、地勢起伏較大的地區。大衛王要所羅門騎上他自己的騾子,在於提醒自己記取當年所曾經經歷過的一切。在其他舊約的經文中,當提及那將來到的彌賽亞,也常將祂與驢子聯想在一起。是啊,驢子或許是種卑微的動物,但這卻是隻高貴的驢子。所以,當耶穌騎在驢子背上進入耶路撒冷的時候,或許羅馬人會因此捉狹祂,但猶太人對這當中所象徵的意涵再清楚不過。耶穌來了,騎在高貴的驢子上進入這座神聖的城市。祂以君王的身份進入,受到祂的子民的歡迎。


II •  耶穌是以受教的君王身份來臨。

以賽亞書 50 章是整本書中所有關於奴僕的歌的其中之一。以賽亞在書裡所提到的那個人就是彌賽亞,那位將會來到的君尊義僕。這位君尊義僕有什麼過人之處?在 4a 4c 節:「 4a 主耶和華賜給了我一個受教者的舌頭 … . 4c 主每天清晨喚醒我,他每天清晨喚醒我的耳朵,使我能像受教者一樣靜聽。 」一個受教的舌頭。每天清晨 主喚醒這位君尊義僕,使祂聽從那從天而來的教誨。第 5 節:「 5 主耶和華開啟了我的耳朵,我並沒有違抗,也沒有後退。」那些熟悉舊約的人,當我們讀到「我並沒有違抗,也沒有後退」的時候,我們會想到最初的亞當。亞當受到神的教誨和指示,但是他違抗並後退,沒有聽從他的創造者。這位君尊義僕、這位彌賽亞卻沒有,祂順服於祂接受的教誨。我們看到這位彌賽亞、君尊義僕、耶穌是如此地謙遜、受教。在使徒保羅的書信中提到(腓立比書 2 6-8 )「 … . 卻不堅持自己與神平等的地位, 7 反而倒空自己,取了奴僕的形象,成為人的樣式 ,既然有人的樣子,就自甘卑微,順服至死,而且死在十字架上。 」是的,祂是君王,是彌賽亞,祂以君王的身份和姿態進入耶路 撒冷;然而祂也是謙遜、受教的。這是一個鮮見的組合:一個謙遜受教的君王。

一個受教的人懂得聆聽,會持續學習神的話,定期參加主日學。我的腦海裡浮現許多人,不論是在這個教會或是當年在聖路易斯的教會,參加 BSF 二十年仍然孜孜不倦。我們當中也有些人,尤其是一些長輩,從當年他們來到教會之時起,到現在仍然忠實地參加每個禮拜的主日學課程。我們為這些人而感恩。一個受教的人,會不斷地問「這段經文是什麼意思?我讀過這段經文很多遍,我以為我瞭解它的意涵,但是我不太確定。」或者「有沒有什麼比較好的方法,可以用來教導大家這段經文?我以為這段經文淺顯易懂,不過我有點不明白 … . 」這些看起來都是很簡單的問題,是吧?不過我們成為基督徒越久,這些問題也越來越不容易被提出,因有太多的驕傲與自大的心態。

當我被主辦單位問到,要成為我在國內教授的講道課程的學生有沒有什麼樣的條件的時候,我常常告訴那些人,我希望我的學生不要有超過五年以上的講道經驗。當一個人講道的經驗越豐富,往往會越志得意滿,認為自己明白一切,參加課程不是要學習只是尋找自我印證的過程,想證明自己做的一切是對的。 Howard Hendricks 曾說:「當一個人拿到博士學位的時候,就是他停止學習的時候 ,進入腦死的狀況 。」當我們自以為自己通曉一切,我們當記得這位君王義僕,祂是多麼地謙卑和受教。

III •  耶穌是以教導的君王身份來臨。

耶穌不單以一個受教的君王身份來臨,第 4b 節:「主耶和華賜給了我一個受教者的舌頭, 使我知道怎樣用言語扶助疲乏的人。 」這位君尊義僕是受教的,有何目的?為了要以言語扶助疲乏的人。祂接受教誨和指示,好讓祂可以支持、鼓勵那些擔負生命重擔的人。在耶穌的生活和教導中,我們可以看到祂如何邀請那些擔負勞苦重擔的人到祂的身邊,使他們得到安息。

我們應該如何運用我們學到的真理?當我回想我的靈命成長過程,看見有幾個階段我從一些神的僕人如: 雷恩‧史德邁 ( Ray Stedman) 路益師 ( C.S. Lewis) 約翰 斯托得 ( John Stott) 、和 薛華 ( Francis Schaeffer ) ,領受了許多的教義和真理。他們對於開啟我屬靈的眼光,帶領我更多瞭解神的話語方面有很大的幫助。然而,我也發現到,在那些時候,我對於一些和我意見不同的人失去耐性,用懷疑和批評的角度看他們,換句話說,我滿有驕傲自負。

我們 從這位 君尊義僕身上學到什麼?祂謹記教誨,使祂可以用這些教誨來安慰、鼓勵、支持那些軟弱的人。我們也要用神的話來餵養和建造他人。最近早晨教會辦公室的靈修,同工和牧師們一起讀箴言。我們發現說適宜、公義的話這個主題貫串了整本書。舉例來說, 8:6 我口裡的一切話都是公義的」, 10:11 義人的口是生命的泉源」, 12:18 智慧人的舌頭卻能醫治人」、 15:23 合時的話,多麼美好」, 15:26 恩慈的話卻是純淨的」, 25:11 一句話說得合宜,就像金蘋果鑲在銀的器物上」。

在這個經濟不景氣的時期我們身邊有許多擔負勞苦重擔的人。神的話語不是用來傷害人,或摧毀人際關係的,我們所學到的真理 是用來 要幫助、鼓勵、安慰那些神帶領到我們生命中的人。

IV •  耶穌是以受難的君王身份來臨。

耶穌以 高貴的 君王身份進入耶路撒冷,但這是一位不一樣的君王,祂的任務是早先命定的,祂以謙遜、受教、教導的身份來臨。除此之外,在第 6-7 節:「 我把我的背給打我的人打,把我的腮頰給拔我鬍鬚的人拔;我並沒有掩面躲避人的羞辱和人的唾液。 . … . 因此我板著臉好像堅硬的燧石。」這位君尊義僕知道祂要面對鞭打,唾沫,鬍鬚被人拔,會徹底地被屈辱,但祂並沒有掩面躲避那些羞辱、不堪,反而板著臉如同堅硬的燧石。即使耶穌在騎在君尊的驢子進入耶路撒冷,那屬於祂的城市的時候,就已知道自己將會像先知以賽亞所預言的一樣,受到鞭打、唾沫。祂知道祂會經歷到的屈辱。這裡我們再次對比第一位亞當,受到邪靈試探的時候跌倒,使自己和神大大地蒙羞。而耶穌卻決心正面贏敵。路加福音 9 51 描述耶穌:「 … . 他就決意向耶路撒冷去 … . 」第 5 3 節:「 ... 因為他面向著耶路撒冷走」正如以賽亞所說 : 因此我板著臉好像堅硬的燧石。

為什麼祂這樣確定祂不會失敗?第 7a 9a 節:「 但主耶和華必幫助我 … . 9 看哪!主耶和華幫助我 」這也可以被翻譯做「主耶和華會幫助我」。這位 君尊義僕十分確定神會幫助祂,是以祂不至在那些屈辱下蒙羞。

當我們看到那些在耶穌進到耶路撒冷城之後發生的事,便知道祂沒有使自己和神蒙羞,正如當書先知以賽亞所預言的一樣。為什麼?因為主耶和華會幫助他。在客面馬利園那痛苦的時刻,神幫助了祂,在十字架上的受難時,神也幫助了祂。是甚麼驅使耶穌進入耶路撒冷 ? 不單是祂的謙卑,是祂對父神的順服。第一位亞當沒有順服神,但這第二位亞當,耶穌基督卻順服神至死。

這豈不是我們要學的功課嗎 ? 不讓別人來設限我們的為人與行為。對天父的順服是這屬靈旅程的主要推動力。身為信徒,不是來尋求自我的滿足,也不是要神來幫助我完成我的夢想,反而我們是要順服祂。當我們走在經濟蕭條的處境中,或是在長期的病患中,或其他的苦難裡,我們的禱告是求神幫助我們好使我們繼續順服祂而不做一些導致祂蒙羞的事。這是不容易的事,但有祂會幫助我們的確鑿。


我不認為我們當中的許多人會出任候選人。然而,在我們許多人的心中,常常都希望能夠贏得別人的好感,尤其是我們生命中那些重要的人的好感。對很多牧師來說,會眾的意見很重要,有很多時候我常常得反覆斟酌到底該說些什麼、講什麼樣的道、會不會得罪誰、會眾會不會喜歡這個字眼,某一個真理 等。如果我們不稍加留意,神職人員也會流於這樣的疏忽,讓別人為我們的言行設限,替我們決定什麼該說、什麼不該說。






Date:   04/05/09

Text:   Mark 11:1-10, Isaiah 50:4-9a

Title:   TrueFaced

Theme: Jesus Christ did not let anyone define his agenda and actions, instead he was obedient to the Lord God.




  In order to win the votes, politicians usually promise what the voters want to hear. The promise in Detroit will be very different from the one in Silicon Valley . However, once elected, they would have problems delivering what was promised. Very often in the process, they have allowed others to define who they are. This past week, I read an article in the Newsweek magazine about Paul Krugmann, a Nobel prize winner, in economics. He is known for not being a friend to the white House. During the last 8 years he had been a severe critic of the Bush administration. Now, he is called President Obama's toughest liberal critic. His column in NY Times is widely read and Newsweek called him a man that would not let others define him.

  Some of you are probably wondering if we have another typo in today's bulletin. What is TrueFaced? Actually it is the name of a book. While reading about Paul Krugmann, I thought of this book. It is about not being two faced, wearing masks in order to please others. But rather, we are to live out who God says we are. We must not let others define our values and actions, we are to be truefaced.

  The Mark passage before us is most widely read on this Palm Sunday. With Jesus' entry into Jerusalem , he began his final week of ministry on earth. From this passage we want to explore how Jesus would not allow others define his being and actions and interfere with his obedience to God.

I •  Jesus entered Jerusalem as a Royal King.

Traditionally, we interpret the mule/donkey as a humble, lowly animal. Therefore Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a mule is a symbol of his humility. But this morning, we ask: really? Is this really a symbol of Jesus' humility? Let's first take a look at a passage in the OT. 1King 1:32-34, “ 32 King David said, “Call to me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada.” So they came before the king. 33 And the king said to them, “Take with you the servants of your lord and have Solomon my son ride on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihon. 34 And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet there anoint him king over Israel . Then blow the trumpet and say, ‘Long live King Solomon!'” The elderly King David was making arrangement for his son, Solomon's coronation. A coronation was a big event, like our president's inauguration. The president arrives at the Capital Hill in that huge limousine. Ancient kings, especially Roman emperors, would ride on a big white horse. But, what was David's instruction? Have Solomon my son ride on my own mule,…. What, a donkey, David's own donkey, why?

David was a hill country chief. Solomon was the son of a hill country's chief. When David was running from Saul, he had to hide in mountain caves. What do you think would be the animal of choice in those terrains? Most likely the donkey. Horses are good for the plains and the highways, the straight and wide roads. Donkeys would be ideal for the hill country. David wanted Solomon to use his own mule meant that David did not want Solomon to forget his experience. In other OT passages, when describing the coming Messiah, he is often associated with a donkey. Yes, a donkey is a lowly animal, but it is really a Royal donkey. So, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the Romans would make fun of him, but the Jews clearly understood this symbol. Jesus was arriving, entering the royal city on a royal donkey. He was coming as a king and the people welcomed him.

This was certainly the height of his popularity. Mark wrote that the entire city, old and young, had come to welcome him. This is the scene all kings and presidents would long for. For those of us familiar with the biblical story, we knew what happened after this entry. In another 4 days, he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, arrested, beaten, spit upon and die on the cross, then three days later, he would rise from the dead. But did this king know what was ahead of him? Now, we'll turn the clock back, and look at what was written over six hundred years prior to this event.

II •  Jesus came as a King that is teachable.

Isaiah 50 is one of the servant songs found in the book of Isaiah. The person Isaiah described was the Messiah, the servant king that was to come. What was unique about this servant King? Vs.4a, c, “ The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught…. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.” A tongue that is teachable. Every morning he (God) woke up the servant King so he could listen to the teaching from above. Vs.5, “The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward.” For those familiar with the OT, when we read “I was not rebellious, I turned not backward”, it brings to our minds Adam, the first Adam. He was taught, instructed, but he was rebellious and turned backward, not listening to his creator. But not this servant King, this Messiah, he was obedient to the teaching he received. What we see is the Messiah, the servant king, Jesus Christ, who was humble and teachable. In Apostle Paul's words, “….he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men….” (Phil 2:6-8). Yes, he was the King, the Messiah; and he entered Jerusalem in a kingly manner. However, he was humble and teachable. This is a rare combination: A king, yet humble and teachable.

A teachable person is one who continues to listen to others, continues to attend Sunday School to study God's word. I think of many individuals, in this and other churches attending BSF non-stop for over 20 years. Then there are also many among us, especially the elderly, who have been faithfully attending Sunday School classes ever since they came to this church. We are so thankful for this. A teachable person is one who continues to ask questions such as, “what is the meaning of this passage? I have read it many times, I thought I knew its meaning, but not sure anymore. Or, what is the best way to preach this passage? I thought it was simple, but I am confused.” They appear to be simple questions, right? But the longer we are Christians or in the ministry, the more difficult it is for us to ask. There is too much pride.

When I was asked what were some of the requirements I expected from my students in china attending the preaching class. I usually told the sponsors that I prefer those with less than 5 years of preaching experience. You see, the longer you've preached, the more you think you know it all. You come to the class not to learn, but to find confirmation of what you have been doing. Howard Hendricks once said, “the moment someone receives his Ph.D., he stopped learning, he is brain dead” Whenever we feel that we have known it all, it is good to remember that this servant King; He was humble and teachable.

III •  Jesus came as a Teaching King.

Jesus came as a king that was teachable. Vs.4b, “ The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary .” This servant king was teachable, he was taught, what for? So that he could help the weary ones with words of comfort. He received instructions so he could sustain and encourage those with heavy burdens of life. When we look at Jesus' life and teaching, we see how he invited those who labored and were heavy laden to come to him and he'd give them rest.

What do we do with the truth that we've received? As I reflect upon my spiritual journey, I recognized that there were periods when I was absorbing doctrines and great insights from God's servants like Ray Stedman, C.S. Lewis, John Stott, and Francis Schaeffer. They were instrumental in opening up my spiritual eyes, leading me to a greater understanding of God's word. However, I also noticed, in some of those moments, that I was rather impatient with those who held a different view from me. I was kind of skeptical or critical of others at times. I was rather proud and arrogant.

What do we learn from this Servant King? He received teaching, so he could comfort, encourage and sustain the weary ones. We are to use God's word to nurture and build others up. In the morning devotions with the office and pastoral staff, we are going through the book of Proverbs. We notice how the theme of proper speech, speaking with the right words, resonate throughout this book. For example, “..speak noble things (8:6), mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life (10:11), the tongue of the wise brings healing (12:18), a word in season, how good it is (15:23), gracious words are pure (15:26), a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver (25:11).”

During this economic hard time, we are surrounded by many who are laboring and carrying heavy burdens. God's words and truth we've learned are not to be used to hurt others and damage relationships. We received God's words and truth so that we can help, encourage and comfort those whom God brings into our lives

IV •  Jesus came as a Suffering King.

Jesus entered Jerusalem as a royal king. But this king was different. His mission was foreordained. He came as a humble, teachable and teaching king. There is more to this. in vs. 6,7, “I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting. …. therefore I have set my face like a flint,…” The servant king knew that he would be beaten, his beard pulled and spat upon. He knew he would be utterly humiliated. Yet he did not turn back nor did he waver, he did not hide his face from shame, humiliation, instead he set his face like a flint. Even as Jesus was riding on that royal donkey, entering Jerusalem, his own city, he knew he would be beaten, spit upon and humiliated, just as the prophet Isaiah foretold. Again, the first Adam failed when tempted by the evil one. He brought great shame to himself and God. But this second Adam would not be disgraced or put to shame. He would face the suffering head on. As a matter of fact, he knew all along what would occur in Jerusalem, yet he was determined to enter the city. In Luke 9:51 we have these words describing Jesus, “….he set his face to go to Jerusalem……53...because his face was set toward Jerusalem.” (it is like setting his face like a flint). Why was he so sure that he would not fail? Vs.7a, 9a,“ But the Lord God helps me;….Behold, the Lord God helps me” This can be translated as the Lord God will help me.” This Servant King was so certain that the Lord God would help him, therefore he will not be disgraced.

As we look at the events that occurred after Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, he did not disgrace God. Why? Because God helped him. God helped him during the painful hours in the Garden of Gethsemane. God helped him during the agonizing moments on the cross. What was the driving force behind Jesus' entry into Jerusalem? Not simply his humility, but even more so, it was his obedience to his heavenly father. The first Adam failed to obey, but this second Adam, Jesus Christ, was obedient unto death.

Isn't this a lesson we can all learn? We do not let others define our being and doing. Obedience to our heavenly father is the motivational force in our spiritual journey. As believers, we are not to seek self gratification, asking God to help me to realize my dreams. Instead, we are to obey him. As we go through economic down times, as we experience prolonged sickness or different trials in life, our prayer and desire is to obey him and not to disgrace and shame Him. This is difficult, but there is the assurance that he will help us.


 I don't think many of us would go out to win votes. However, many of us, deep within is the desire to please others, especially those important persons in our lives. We can think of some daughters keep buying presents for their mothers in order to gain her love. Or to many ministers, the important person is the congregation. There were times I'd struggle over what to say or preach. Will I offend anyone if I say this? They may not like this truth, so I should dilute it a little. If we don't watch out, we ministers of the gospel would let others set our agenda, deciding what we should say and do.

How about you? When we are young, our parents help us to understand who we are and what we do. As we grow older, we begin to let others set the agenda for us. Sometimes, in order to please others, to be accepted by others, or to be popular among a group of friends, we begin to do what they expect us to do. To different people we may act differently, we are like the twofaced person. We get confused not knowing who we are anymore.

  However, in these last few days of the Lent season, we can all learn from our Lord Jesus Christ. He was very much welcomed by the residents of Jerusalem. Yes, on this day, they treated him correctly, that he was the royal king. Yet, Jesus never let anyone define his agenda, his being and actions. From the very beginning, he took his order from the Lord God almighty. He was obedient to his heavenly Father. You see, his entry into Jerusalem was not a mere symbol of humility, but a symbol of obedience. He knew what was awaiting him; beatings, spitting and humiliations. Yet, his obedience to his heavenly father compelled him to make this journey. Yes, he is the royal king, but furthermore, a humble, teachable, teaching and suffering king. We do not follow the first Adam who failed in his obedience to God. Instead we follow the second Adam, this servant King. He will help us to follow and obey him.

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