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日期: 02/08/09

經文:歌羅西書 1:15-23





我記得曾經在對話裡向朋友提及另一位朋友,因為似乎好一陣子沒見著他,沒想到對方的回答竟出乎我意料之外:「喔!他決定去一個摩門教會,不會再來了。」聽到這樣的回答,我們大概會想,這種事情怎麼會發生?難道他不知道摩門教信仰是什麼嗎?但是轉念一想,問題應是 : 我們知道我們相信的是什麼嗎?


今天的經文可以算是聖經中最重要、最崇高、最豐盛的一段,也是許多聖經學者牧師公認,每每當他們試圖去教導、解釋這段經文的時候,往往越發感到自己的渺小和侷限。是以,今天我們要讓這段經文自己直接對我們說話,讓我們浸濡在其中,就此體驗它的光榮和偉大。我們在這段經文裡會看到一個信仰核心的真理 : 因基督是一切之主,順服祂必定是信徒生命的標誌。

I•  我們順服基督因祂是創造的主。

摩門教相信基督與天父是分開的,是由天父和天母所創造的聖靈嬰孩。耶和華見證人會不相信基督是神,在祂來到世上之前,祂是天使長米迦勒。伊斯蘭教相信基督是神派遣到世上不同文化和國家裡,那十二萬四千位先知當中的一位;祂是處女所生但非神的兒子,是無罪但不是神。聖經如何說呢 ? 保羅在第 15 節中寫道:「這愛子是那看不見的 神的形象,是首先的,在一切被造的之上。」這告訴我們基督和神的本質相同。祂是神。如果我們看見祂,便是看見了神。你想知道神是什麼樣子的嗎?看看基督變得以知曉。這也是約翰在約翰福音 1 18 當中說的:「從來沒有人見過 神,只有在父懷裡的獨生子把他彰顯出來。」


16-17 節:「 16 因為天上地上的萬有:看得見的和看不見的,無論是坐王位的,或是作主的,或是執政的,或是掌權的,都是本著他造的;萬有都是藉著他,又是為著他而造的。 17 他在萬有之先;萬有也一同靠著他而存在。」告訴我們,身為神,基督也是萬有之先?為什麼?因為祂創造了天和地、以及天地當中的所有一切。祂是所造一切萬物的主宰,包括的我們的政府。我們或許不認同某些政府或領導人,但有一件事,就算我們無法領悟箇中奧妙,卻仍值得我們謹記在心:耶穌基督是天上帝上萬有的主宰。


現代科學開始於十八世紀初期,其中心信念是一位有秩序的神創造了一個有秩序的世界;是以人類可以尋求管理宇宙的種種規律和法則。科學的目的在於發現並瞭解這個被創造的世界,當然也包括了人類身體的功能。透過這樣對許多事物的觀察和發現,我們開始瞭解體內各種細胞和核酸( DNA )的運作方式,進而開發了多種新的藥物和醫療技術來治療人類的疾病。在開始的時候,現代科學可以算是在神的創造之下。然而,進入十九、二十世紀之後,科學和人類的理性思考的地位被大大提升,從歸服神到高於神,而後漸漸地把神從科學的範疇裡給徹底地移除了。


II•  我們順服基督因祂是教會的主。

18 節:「他是身體的頭,這身體就是教會。 …… 」耶穌基督是高於教會的。教會是所有信徒的集合,不受時間和空間的限制。不管我們在哪裡,只要我們是信徒,我們就是祂的教會的會員,祂的肢體。這也包括了像我們教會這樣的地方教會。耶穌基督不只是普世教會的頭,也是我們教會的頭。牧師、長老、執事們都不是教會的頭。唯有基督世教會的頭。這表示什麼?




III•  我們順服基督因祂是使人與神和好的主。

     20-22 節:「 20 並且藉著他在十字架上所流的血成就了和平,使萬有,無論是地上天上的,都藉著他與 神和好了。 21 雖然你們從前也是和 神隔絕,心思上與他為敵,行為邪惡, 22 但現今 神在愛子的肉身上,藉著他的死,使你們與 神和好了,為了要把你們這些聖潔、無瑕疵、無可指摘的人,呈獻在他面前。」 讓我簡短的解釋一下這段經文。神在太初創造天地萬物,以及人類的時候,所有的事物在祂眼中都是美好。一切都非常完美。神和人之間的關係也十分良好,祂是在所有的受造物至上為主。但是在亞當和夏娃明知故犯地犯了罪之後,所有正常、完美的一切都變得不再正常、不再完美。人和神之間的關係也從此破碎,敵對狀態取代了和諧。我們與神分離,我們的思想也與祂相對,我們的行為變得邪惡,我們變成了祂的仇敵。兩千年前,耶穌基督,神的獨生子,道成肉身來到世上。祂把我們身上的罪移到祂自己身上,替我們死在十字架上,為的是重建神和人、人和人、人和自己、及人和自然之間的和平關係。祂來,是為了使神和祂的受造之物之間能夠和好,重建在當初創造的時候所預設的良好關係。第 18b 節提到祂來到世上最終極的目的:「 …. 好讓他在凡事上居首位。」祂的目的是為了挽回我們,替我們付本是我們應付的贖價,讓我們可以再次回到神的面前,讓祂可以重新在我們的生命當中掌權。然而,「基督是主」到底代表了什麼?

1•  個人的生活


2•  個人的情緒 .



我們或許記得休士頓的一位女牙醫,名叫 Clara Harris. 在五年前,她因丈夫有外遇,一氣之下開著她的賓士將他撞死。她不能控制她先生的行為,也不能控制忿怒的來臨,但卻能控制自己的行為。她並未控制自己,目前她正在服 20 年的徒刑。


3•  個人的性情

在個性的分類上,我們有些人是驅動 - 指揮型、有人是影響 - 社交活動型、另一些人是分析 - 思考型、還有一些人是和藹可親 - 聯繫型;我們對於事情的往往有不同的解讀和反應方式。感謝神讓我們如此特別、多樣化。然而,也往往因為多樣化的個性差異導致衝突的產生。當我們在教會裡看到問題的時候,有多少問題是因為教義或聖經教導所造成的?很少很少,並且絕大多數的問題都是我們的個性差異所導致。當我們說,某某人的個性很衝,常常暗指的是那個人的控制欲高,讓人望之生畏。換句話說,我感覺到在很多的狀況裡,我們往往放任自己,去展現某些不受神喜悅的人格傾向,並且我們還說,這就是我,我沒辦法控制;很多時候我們縱容自己的壞性格,讓耶穌基督的主權相形見絀。

感謝神,我們的會眾是由多樣化人格特質的一群人所組成。但若是我們讓個人的性情干預神的工作、讓我們不同的性情造成衝突以致傷害他人、讓自己無法體貼他人的感覺和需要、甚而使其他肢體選擇離開教會、遠離神;那就是我們該要反省錯誤的時候。我們應該將個人的性情交到基督的手中讓祂掌權。 孫德生 博士曾說:「應當要自願地、配合地順服在祂的掌權之下。」這不是要我們改變自己的性情,但是透過神的幫助和使能,我們可以為培養聖靈的果實而努力,讓自己擁有 愛心、喜樂、和平、堅忍、仁慈、良善、信心、溫和、和自制。 我們要禱告,以使基督的榮美能透過我們特有的品格展現出來而努力。







Date:   02/08/09

Text:   Colossians 1:15-20

Title:   The Supremacy of Christ

Theme:    Because Christ is above all, submission to Him must be the hallmark of Christian living.



    I remember asking someone about so and so, for I had not seen him for some time. I was quite unprepared for the response, “Oh, he is no longer with us, he’s been going to a Mormon church.” How can this be? Doesn’t he know what the Mormons believe? On second thought, my question instead should be: do we know what we believe?

In recent weeks, we have been talking about Connecting with God. When we come to know Christ, we are connected with him. However, how much do we know this Jesus with whom we are connected? It’s almost like asking how well do we know our spouse? Jesus asked his disciples, “whom do people say I am?” “Whom do you say that I am?” for the last 2000 years, people are still asking: Who is Jesus? Why is this such an important question that it transcends culture and time? The answer to this question will determine our relationship with him. This answer will also determine how we respond to the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and the Muslims.

The passage before us is considered by many as one of the most important, majestic and rich in content passages in the bible. It is recognized that any attempt to further explain and preach on this passage, will only reveal the preacher’s smallness and limitations. Instead, we are to let the text speak to us directly, and sink into our minds so we can appreciate its glory and majesty.

    Who is Jesus Christ?

I•  We submit to Christ because He is the Lord of all creation.

The Mormons believe that Jesus is separated from God the father. He was created as a spirit child by God the father and Mother in heaven. The Jehovah's Witnesses believes that Jesus is not God. Before Jesus lived on earth, he was the archangel Michael. Islam believes that Jesus is one of the 124K prophets God sent to different cultures. He was born of a virgin but is not the son of God, sinless but not God. But what does the bible say here? Paul writes in v15, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” This tells us that Jesus is the very substance of God. He is God. If you see him, then you have seen God. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus. This is what John means in John 1:18, “ No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.”

Jesus Christ is also the firstborn. Firstborn means “first in rank and honor”. When Paul called Christ the firstborn over the creation, he meant that the highest honor belongs to Jesus Christ.

V16-17, “ 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” This tells us that being God, Jesus is also lord over the entire creation. Why? Because he created the entire heaven and earth and all that is in it. He is Lord over the created world including the governments. We may not like certain governments or leaders, but it is important to remember, even though we may have difficulty understanding this, Jesus Christ is the lord over all.

Certainly we can devote many sermons to the application of these verses, yet this morning I want to call your attention to the issue of Science. In the president’s inauguration address, he called for the return of science to its proper place. This has brought the applause of the scientific community. Have you given thought to what it means by proper place? Or where was it before in the first place?

Modern science began in the early 18 th century. The unifying theme and objective was that an orderly God had created an orderly world. Therefore men could seek orders and laws that governed the universe. The purpose of science was to discover and understand how the created world, including human beings function. Through such observations and discoveries, among many things, we begin to understand how cells and DNA operate thereby inventing new drugs and developing new procedures to cure sicknesses. So in the beginning, modern science was under the Lord of creation. However, as we entered the 19 th and 20 th century, science and human reason began to elevate their positions; from under God to above God, and eventually moved God out of the picture completely. He is no longer there.

Today, when we say ‘bring science to its rightful place’, it really means that we are to let science be the king, let the scientists decide what is best for humankind. But as Christian scientists, we think differently, right? Yes, Science can be powerful and beneficial, but it is still under the lordship of Christ. Take the Embryonic stem cell research as an example. Using the president’s phrase, this complicated issue is beyond my pay grade. However, as Christians, especially those of us in the life science research, we need to spend time to discuss and think through the ethical issues from the biblical perspective. Before we become Christians, we are guided by pragmatics and grant money, but now, having come to know Christ, we must learn to see life through the eyes of God. In the next few years, there will be plenty of grant money for this research. But it is important we remember that what is good is not necessarily right. To bring science back to its proper place is to submit our minds and methods under the Lordship of Christ.

II•  We submit to Christ because He is the Lord of the church.

V18, “And he is the head of the body, the church;…” Jesus Christ is supreme over the church. The church is the gathering of all believers, unlimited by space and time. No matter where you are, if you are a believer, then you are a member of his church, his body. It also includes believers who gather in a local church like this. Jesus Christ is not only the head of the universal church, but also the head of this church. Pastors, elders and deacons are not the head of the church. Jesus Christ and Christ alone is the head of the church. What does this mean?

If he is the Lord, the head, then the questions we should constantly be asking is: “What does Jesus Christ want this church to do and become? Are our visions, projects and programs compatible to the biblical worldview?” In the midst of our visions, projects and programs, Jesus wants His church, this church, to manifest his beauty, holiness, righteousness, glory and love in this broken world.

If Jesus Christ is the head of this church, what do we do when problems arise? If you face problems at work, what do you do? You bring it to the attention of your boss. What happens when there are problems in the local church? Some of you would say, bring it to the senior pastor. How about me? There are issues that you need to bring to the sr. pastor, yet I feel we all need to learn to bring it to Jesus Christ, tell him about it. As we pray, God will show and help us how to be a part of the solution. I remember a former member of the church in STL shared this with me, “Whenever I see a problem in the church, I always pray first. Sometimes, through prayer, God took care of the problem. Other times God used me to help resolve the problem. Then there are times, after much prayer, I would share my concern with the pastor or other leaders.”

We all need to remember that Jesus Christ is the head of this church. Pastors also need to be reminded that we are not the head, but it is Jesus Christ.

III•  We submit to Christ because He is the Lord in Reconciliation .

    Vs. 20-22, “ and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,… ” Let me briefly explain this passage. When God first created the heaven and earth including men, he saw everything was good. It was perfect. There was perfect relationship between God and man; God was the supreme lord over his creation. But after Adam and Eve deliberately sinned against God, what was normal and perfect now became imperfect and abnormal. The relationship between God and men was broken and hostility took the place of harmony. We were separated from God, our thinking is against him, our behaviors are evil. We had become His enemies. 2K years ago, Jesus Christ, the son of God, entered the world and became man. He took our sins upon himself, died on the cross to make peace between God and men, between man and man, man and himself and between men and nature. He came to bring reconciliation between God and his creation. To restore the creation to what it meant to be when first created. His ultimate purpose, v18b, “….so that in everything he might have supremacy.” His purpose in coming was to redeem us and to bring us back to God so that he will once again claim his lordship over us. What does it mean if Jesus Christ is my lord?

1•  Personal Lives. To be reconciled to God means that in everything I do, I will glorify God. That is, causing others to speak well of God. I will not do anything that will dishonor him. In all my decisions, I’ll first seek what pleases him. As I search for a major or career to focus, I’m to explore what he wants me to do and be. He is first in my family life. I am to treat my family members according to his teaching. He is first in my social life. What I say to friends, how I relate to them, must give the world an adequate picture of what God is like. He is the lord of my time. My daily schedule, how I use time, is to reflect his lordship. Do I allocate time to advance his kingdom on earth? How much time a week do I spend in serving Jesus in the local church? He is the lord of my finance. Looking at my checkbook, does it reflect Christ’s lordship over how I spend money?

2•  Emotion. To be reconciled to God, also means that he is to be lord over my emotion and personality. I want to handle these two categories with great care.

    Don’t we often say, I can’t help how I feel. I feel lousy today, too bad you are around me. It appears that because I have such negative emotion, then it legitimizes its presence in life. We need to know that because we are fallen creatures and sin has affected every aspect of our being. Some of our emotions are ugly and wrong, therefore they are to be kept under control.

    We remember a dentist, Clara Harris. 5 years ago, her husband’s affair triggered her anger. In a rage, she drove her Mercedes over him and killed him. She could not control what her husband did, but she could control her expression of anger. She is now serving a 20 year prison sentence. I often say that at times it is difficult for us to control the coming of our strong and negative emotions triggered by events and words that we have no control of. Yet our challenge is to control the expression of such emotions. If not, dire consequences can follow. We may not be able to control what others do or say, but we can certainly control how we express our emotion.     

    When feelings and emotion are clearly in contradiction to God’s standard, then its wrong. When Christ is my Lord, we are to bring our emotion under His lordship. We are to ask him to help us rid and change such feelings into ones that reflect his character and beauty.

3•  Personality Issues. Some of us are Drivers, others are Influencers, Thinkers or Relational. We perceive things differently and act accordingly. We thank God for our uniqueness and diversity. However, its also our various personalities that get us into trouble. As we look at problems in this and other churches, how often are they related to doctrinal or biblical issues? Very, very few. Most if not all, have to do with our personalities. When we say, so and so has a strong personality, it usually means that his personality is dominating and intimidating others. In other words, I feel that very often, we have allowed our particular personality bent to act out in a way that is displeasing to God. And all this time, we say, this is me, I can’t help it. We have let our particular personality overshadow who we are in Jesus Christ.

    We thank God for the diversity in personalities we find in this congregation. But, when we allow our personalities to interfere with God’s work, when our different personalities cause unresolved conflicts, hurting others, making us insensitive to other’s feelings and needs, driving people away from church and from God, then something is wrong. We are to bring our personalities under the lordship of Jesus Christ. In Oswald Sanders’ words, “to voluntarily and cooperatively surrender to His control.” This does not mean we change our personality. But with God’s help and empowerment, we are to make an effort to develop the fruit of the holy spirit within us. That we become more loving, joyous, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-control. Our prayer and objective is to allow the beauty of Jesus Christ shine through our particular personality.

    When Jesus Christ is my lord, I am to subject my entire being, including my emotions and personality to his control.


    Who is Jesus? We can say what the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslim believe. But who do we (you) say Jesus is? How do we know who is the real Jesus?

    (SLIDE) How do we know which $100 bill is real? We need to know what a real bill looks like. It has the security thread, the dollar amount on the right bottom corner will change color under the light and the picture in the water mark is the same as the main portrait. The more you know the real one, the easier it is for you to point out the fake one.

    The same is true with our spiritual journey. How do we know who is the real Jesus? Go back to the bible. Why the bible? Because we believe that the creator God reveals his heart to humans in this bible. This is why last Sunday we mentioned that if we are to know God, we are to take his words seriously. Only by studying this bible, then we will have a better understanding of the real Jesus.

    Today’s passage teaches us that Jesus is the son of God, he is God. He is supreme over the entire creation. He is the lord of this church, and He is also the Lord over your and my life. For this reason, submission to him must be the hallmark of our faith. He is the standard by which all other faith are to be measured against.

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