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日期: 1/25/09
經文:《歌羅西書》 1 : 3-8
有一批人在教會里教授一些不是從以巴弗那里聽來的教義。這些教導后來演變成第二世紀的諾斯底主義。他們的教義是希望幫助那些 “ 有虧缺的 ”“ 軟弱的 ” 信徒尋求精神的崇高。他們是精神精英,掌握一切答案。他們的主要宗旨就是一條:物質是邪惡的,只有精神是美好的。所以,神不可能創造了物質的天地。如果耶穌真的是神的兒子和神,他就不可能有肉身,因為物質的肉身也是邪惡的。
在知道了問題以后,保羅是怎么說的?第三節: “ 我們感謝神,常常為你們禱告。 ” 保羅在得知了歌羅西教會的問題以后,他就為他們禱告。在他的禱告里,保羅把重點集中在感恩上。是的,他們有問題,但是保羅希望把注意力集中在那些他能感恩的事上。
I 信徒因對耶穌基督的信心而感恩
聖 經在這個問題上非常明確。第四節 “ 因聽見你們在基督耶穌裡的信心,並向眾聖徒的愛心。 ” 保羅為了他們對耶穌基督的信心獻上感恩。信心是首位的。沒有信心,就沒有基督徒的經歷。但是,信心是有對象的,那就是耶穌基督。
今天早上,我們將有三位弟兄姐妹通過水禮公開宣告他們對耶穌基督的信心。這水本身不具有拯救我們的能力,它只是印證了在他們心里所發生的改變。他們已經把信心建立在耶穌基督上,從神的憤怒中被釋放出來。五年或者十年以后,他們還會記得什么?他們肯定會忘記今天的信息和替他們施洗的牧師。但是他們會記住一件事:我在 S. Main 大街上的那家教會或者在 聖 路易斯或者在中國的一個教會接受水禮。我們要為他們和那些認識了主耶穌以及把信心建立在耶穌基督的教會上的那些弟兄姐妹獻上感恩。
II 因信徒的愛心行動而感恩
其次,保羅為信徒之間的彼此關愛而感恩。歌羅西的信徒對耶穌基督有信心。他們的信心表現在愛心上。關愛的對象是所有的 聖 徒和弟兄姐妹。基督徒的愛以此為源頭。因為我們同信一個耶穌基督,所以我們都屬于神的家庭。在這里,我們看到一個非常簡單的道理 : 對神的愛一定能通過對人的愛而體現出來。 在《約翰福音》 13 : 34-35 : “ 我 赐给 你 们 一 条 新命令,乃是叫你 们 彼此相 爱 ;我怎 样爱 你 们 ,你 们 也要怎 样 相 爱 。你 们 若有彼此相 爱 的心, 众 人因此就 认 出你 们 是我的 门 徒了。 ” 我們對神的愛必須通過彼此相愛得到體現。
當 Chuck Colson 在水門事件后在監獄服刑期間,他的信心受到嚴峻的考驗。他的妻子不理解他,兒子因為毒品遭到起訴。 Colson 自己也是垂頭喪氣。但是,在華盛頓的一批基督徒,包括參議員 Hatfield, Hughes 和 Quie 都為他禱告。參議員 Quie 發現有一條古老的法律允許由一個無辜的人代替有罪的人服刑,他自愿為 Colson 坐牢,服完剩下的刑期。 Colson 拒絕了他的好意,但是他經歷了基督徒之間的彼此關愛。
聖 徒之間的愛不是僅僅對那些可愛的人,善良或者背景相同的人有愛心。而是要愛一切信徒,包括那些不可愛的人,很難去愛的人,甚至是那些曾經傷害過我們的人。
當我看我們教會的時候,我想到許多人寄給我們的感謝卡片。感謝你在我接受治療期間對我的關愛和幫助。感謝你請我吃飯、讓我搭車、為我禱告,幫助我認識主耶穌。我和我的太太感謝你在我們在此逗留的三個月中所給予的幫助。我和我的家人要感謝 HCC 在我們的女兒接受手術期間所給予我們的關愛。這樣的感謝數不勝數。這就是體現在行動中的愛心。我們還通過奉獻金錢為一些在非洲村莊里的孩子購買自行車和鞋子。我們為遭受颶風、水災和地震災難的人們慷慨解囊。 我們要為這些愛心的行動獻上感恩。
III 因信徒有永 恒 的希望而感恩。
過去的一周里,我們聽到許多有關希望的演講。如今的美國經濟正在經歷困難時期,失業率已經達到過去 26 年的最高值。在 2009 年,失業率可能會繼續高攀,整個國家都迫切地想聽到有關希望的演講。在聆聽和觀察時,我們發現似乎美國人民把希望寄托在新的總統和他的政府上。
但是,作為基督的追隨者,讓我們不要把這個和 聖 經中所指的希望混淆起來。 第五節: “ 是 為 那 给 你 们 存在天上的盼望; 这 盼望就是你 们从 前在福音真理的道上所听 见 的。 ” 保羅為了希望感謝神。在這段經文里,希望被放在信心和愛心之后。但是,經文也很明確地指出信心和愛心是希望的結果。這是對永 恒 歸宿的盼望。不是對現實生活的希望,而是對于永 恒 的盼望。對基督徒來說,我們的生命不是止于這個世界。通過肉體的死亡,我們進入與神的同在。有一天,我們將和他面對面地相見。將不再有痛苦和悲傷。這就是我們的盼望。是的,我們確實禱告希望遠離苦難和暴風雨,但是,在這些苦難中,我們有堅定的盼望:有一天,我們將和神面對面地相見。
你能想象一個沒有永 恒 盼望的生命是怎么樣的嗎?我們花了一生的時間來學習、工作、建立各種關系,養家糊口和在教會服事。當我們死的時候,什么都帶不走,一片漆黑。這是多么可悲的事啊!可是,對于信徒來說,事情不是這樣的。我們知道當我們死后,我們將永遠跟神在一起。將面對面地和我們深愛的主相會。這份盼望是我們把信心建立在耶穌基督身上和關愛身邊的人的動力來源。這是為什么保羅想到歌羅西的信徒時會有感恩的心。
我們要提醒自己,當看到那些對永 恒 充滿盼望的基督徒時,我們也要充滿喜樂,為了他們向神獻上感恩。
IV 因福音的大能而感恩
最后,當保羅為了歌羅西的信徒的信心、愛心和盼望感恩的時候,他不禁想到所有這一切都是因為福音得到傳播的結果。 第五 - 六節: “ 这 盼望就是你 们从 前在福音真理的道上所听 见 的。 这 福音 传 到你 们 那里,也 传 到普天之下,并且 结 果,增 长 ,如同在你 们 中 间 ,自 从 你 们 听 见 福音,真知道神恩惠的日子一 样 。 ” 他們對于從以巴弗那里聽來的福音滿有把握和確據。
很多時候,我聽到弟兄姐妹跟我分享在家里做唯一的基督徒是何等困難。我通常跟他們解釋說:在他們信主以前,他們的家里沒有 “ 光 ” 。從屬靈意義上說,他們全家都處在黑暗中。現在,其中一個人已經認識了基督,意味著福音已經來到了他的家中。請繼續為你的家人禱告,求神令福音感動其他家人,直到整個家庭都成為主的仆人。沒有人、也沒有任何國家可以阻攔這個進程。這告訴我們什么?不要低估了福音的大能。他充滿能力,不斷在增長,在哪里都能結出果實。這是保羅在《羅馬書》 1 : 16 所要表達的意思: “ 我不以福音 为耻 ; 这 福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是 犹 太人,後是希利尼人。 ” 福音在人與人之間,一代人與另一代人之間不斷傳遞。
即使是離開了 聖 路易斯教會 13 年以后,我依然時常想起她。可能是因為那里是我第一個牧養的教會。我們當然有各樣的問題,甚至我自己就是一個問題。我記得那些令人沮喪的時刻。但是,在那些問題和挑戰中,我不斷提醒自己教會在 1924 年是如何建立起來的。一位婦女從 1924 年或者 1926 年開始來這個教會,當時她只有四歲。她認識了主,并且把她的信仰傳遞給了之后的三代人。士在這七,八十年來,她從未停止聚會,總是忠心的藉賣自己種的冬瓜來支持教會的差傳奉獻。教會向當地的餐館、洗衣店傳福音,后來也向第一批從香港和臺灣來的學生傳福音,現在他們也積極向大陸來的學生學者傳福音。我記得他們對我以及其他神學生的關愛。現在,我已經不太記得那些不愉快的時刻和教會的種種問題了。但是他們的基督徒美德:信心、愛心和希望依然深深印刻在我心底,我為此向神獻上感恩。甚至今天,如有人說這教會的壞話,我一定為她站起來,替她說話,不是單單因我曾在那裡服事過,乃是我在那裡看見的基督教信仰的美德 : 信,望,愛。
Date: 01/25/09
Text: Colossians 1:3-8
Title: A Triad of Thanks
Theme: Because of the power of God's gospel, believers are to demonstrate the triad of Christian virtues.
In recent years, this country has not been well received or perceived around the world. We are often disliked by countries that we intended to help. Many of us have already discovered when we are overseas, we avoid certain topics. There is so much US bashing around the world, making us feel that we have a poor self image. Well, even within this country, it is happening everyday. I am certain many of us listened very carefully to President Obama's speech on Tuesday. It was spiced with sharp hints of things that the previous administration did not do or failed..
As I was listening to the speech and thinking of the Colossian passage, I recalled a Sunday school class I attended last Sunday. It was well taught by a teacher on how to prepare a Sunday School lesson. A scenario was brought up that often occurs in Sunday School classrooms and bible study groups. In the midst of a sharing or discussion on a certain passage, there will be individuals who inevitably will somehow connect the passage to what the church is not doing right. Even in discussing the meaning of the Trinity, we can connect it to how this church is not caring enough. So what should a teacher or discussion leader do? Well, come to the class and find out for yourself.
Whenever we have two or three coming together, it takes no effort for the conversation to drift towards what is wrong with the church. Of course, every church and every organization has its flaws. We need to be courageous to face them and correct the wrong and do what is right and good. But there is more.
At the time of this writing, Paul was at Ephesus . In vs7 we are introduced to Epaphras, an evangelist who was instrumental in founding the Colossian church. Epaphras came to Paul because some problem had developed in the church.
A group of people had entered the church teaching doctrines radically different from what the teaching of Epaphras. These teachings later developed into Gnosticism in the 2 nd century, saying that they wanted to help the “lesser”, the “weaker” believers to attain deeper spirituality. They were the spiritual elite, with all the answers. Their main theme was that matter, i.e. material things, were evil. Only spiritual things were good. Therefore, God could not have created the materialistic heaven and earth. If Jesus was truly the son of God, God, he could not have become man, for the physical body is itself evil.
The believers were confused by such teachings and began to doubt Epaphras' message and credibility. So Epaphras came to Paul for help. In response, Paul wrote this letter.
Knowing their problems, what did Paul write? In vs 3, “we always thank God….when we pray for you.” Having learned of the problems at the Colossian church, he prayed for them. In his prayer, Paul also focused on areas of thanksgiving. Yes, they had problems, but Paul also wanted to focus on things that he could be grateful for.
This morning we will focus on Paul's thanksgiving for the Colossian church. In this passage, we'll see the familiar triad of the Christian virtue: Faith, love and hope.
It is often said that this country is like a salad bowl. We have a mixture of people of many races and ethnic backgrounds. Not only this, but we are increasingly more diverse in our religions. There was a time in public prayers, we call on to the almighty and creator God, and prayed in the name of His son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, you have to be careful. Even in my very limited exposure to the public arena two weeks ago, I was reminded by the Mayor's office that the gathering was ecumenical in nature, meaning, be careful with your words. We want to make sure we don't offend anyone. Our prayers need to be all inclusive and make sure that we do not neglect the Jewish and Islamic religions. Both before and after the gathering, people asked me did I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Nowadays our children are taught in public schools that we are to be tolerant and accept that faith in Alah or Buddha is just as good as our faith in Jesus. There is no one absolute and it is just being different; in the end, all religions will lead to heaven.
People would say, no matter who you believe in, as long as you have faith, it is good. If you have faith, then things will turn better. If you have faith, then you will be healed. But faith in what? Does it matter what I believe in?
The scripture is very clear on this. In v4, “ since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints .” Paul thanked God for their faith in Jesus Christ. Faith always come first. Without faith, there can be no Christian experience. However, there is an object to this faith. That is, Jesus Christ.
You see, just faith or faith in other gods, faith in human goodness or faith in hope and virtues will not save us from the creator God's wrath. It will not bring you salvation. Even faith in a set of good doctrines will do you no good. It has to be faith in Jesus Christ, son of God, God. Faith means to lean upon, to thrust one's weight upon something. We believe that Jesus is the son of God, he is God. he was the middle person between man and God. By dying on the cross, He reconciled us with God and our sins are forgiven. Paul was thankful for their faith in Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of their Christian experience.
This morning we have three individuals who through baptism will publicly confess their faith in Jesus Christ, in him alone. This water or the amount of water itself has no power to save. It is to confirm what has already transpired in their hearts. They have already placed their faith in Jesus Christ, being delivered from God's wrath. Five or 10 years later what will they remember? They will definitely forget today's sermon and the pastor who baptized them. But one thing they will remember: he/she was baptized in that church on S. Main, or the church in STL or that church in China . For them and many others who have come to know the lord and place their faith in Jesus Christ in this church, we can be thankful.
Secondly, Paul thanked God for their love for each other. The believers at Colosse had faith in Jesus Christ. And their faith was expressed in love. The object of faith is Jesus Christ. The object of love is all saints, fellow Christians. This is where Christian love begins. Since we are fellow believers in Jesus Christ, we all belong to God's family. Here we see a very simple principle in action: Loving God must be seen in loving men. In John 13:34-35, “ A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Our faith in God must be expressed in visible love for others.
Sometimes we hear people say that so and so is really a very loving person. He has a big and kind heart, but you just don't see it. This is wrong. If you don't see it, it means its not there. If it is there, it must be expressed visibly.
We may have met individuals who claimed to be good Christians, who were outstanding, honest and orthodox—but unloving. They had a loveless goodness, orthodoxy without charity, and a questionable faith. Love for others is a sign of true faith.
When Chuck Colson was serving his prison sentence after the Watergate scandal, his new faith was severely tested. His wife did not understand him, his son was picked up on drug charges. Colson himself was despondent. However, a group of Christians in Washington , including Senators Hatfield, Hughes and Quie were praying for him. Senator Quie discovered an old law that allowed an innocent man to serve a prison term for another, and Quie volunteered to serve the remainder of Colson's term. Colson turned him down, but he had experienced “love for all the saints.”
This love for saints is not just loving those who are lovable, kind and with similar background to ourselves. But the love for all saints includes the unlovely, difficult ones and even those who might have hurt us.
When I see this church, I think of the many Thank You cards the church received from different people. I thank you for your love and taking care of me when I was here receiving treatments. Thank you for the meals, rides, prayers and above all, helping me to know Jesus Christ. My wife and I thank you for the love you have shown towards us during our 3 months' stay here. My family and I want to thank HCC for the care you have shown us during our daughter's treatment here. This can go on and on. This is love in action. Then we also show our love by donating money to buy bicycles and shoes for children in some African villages. We gave sacrificially towards victims of hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. For such demonstration of love, we can be thankful..
This past week we have certainly heard many speeches about hope. In these economic hard times with unemployment at a 26 year high, and more lay offs expected in 2009, the nation needs to hear the message of hope. As we listen and observe the citizens' responses, it sounds as if we are putting our hope on the new president and the new administration.
However, as followers of Christ, let us not confuse this with the hope we read in the scriptures. In v5, “..the faith and love that sprang from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven….” Paul thanked God for the hope in them. In this passage, hope is placed after faith and love. But it is also made very clear that faith and love are the consequences of this hope. It is hope in the eternal destination. Not just hope in the present life, but hope in eternity. For the believers, our life does not end in death. Instead, through death we enter into God's presence. One day we'll see him face to face. There will be no more sorrow, no more pain. This is our hope. Yes, we do pray that icy currents and the storms will be behind us. Yet in the midst of such hardship, our hope is firmly planted that one day we'll see God face to face.
For the Colossian Christians, previously, they were without God, without hope. But when the gospel came to them, it brought hope to them. Then faith and love.
Can you imagine what life will be like if there is no eternal hope? We spend an entire life to study, work, build relationships, raise families and serve in the church. And when we die, its nothing, its total darkness. How sad it will be. But for the believers, it is not so. We know that after we die, we'll spend our eternity with God, we'll see face to face the Lord whom we have loved and served. This hope motivates us to put faith in Jesus Christ, and to love those around us. This is why Paul could be thankful when he thought of the Colossian believers.
Shall we also remind ourselves, that when we see this group of believers with hope in the future, we, too, can rejoice and thank God for each other.
Lastly, as Paul was giving thanks for the Colossian Christians' faith, love and hope, he could not help but recognize that it was the proclamation of the gospel message that made it all possible. In v5b-6, “ Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, ” He affirmed that the gospel message they heard from Epaphras was true and adequate.
Here Paul was reminding the believers that the gospel was not only powerful among the Colossians, but also wherever this gospel was preached, it was growing and bearing fruit.
From time to time individuals would share with me their difficulty in being the only Christian in their family. I usually explained to them that before they believed, there was no light in their family. Spiritually, it was total darkness. Now that one of them had come to know Christ, meaning the gospel had arrived at their family. It's not just at the door, but had already entered the family. Please continue to pray for your family that this gospel will come to another family member, one at a time, until the entire family is converted. We have seen this happen repeatedly. If you are the first to come to know Christ in your family, this means there will be second one, third one. No one, no country can stop its advance. What does it tell us? Don't under estimate the power of the gospel. It is powerful, growing and bearing fruit wherever it goes. This is what Paul meant when he wrote, Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” It goes from one person to another, from one generation to the next.
Epaphras came to Paul because of the problems the Colossian church was encountering. In his letter, Paul addressed those issues. He recognized their problems, but he did not forget to give thanks for them. He put the problems in better perspective by recognizing the power of the gospel, of how it had brought hope to the previously hopeless Colossians. Because of this hope, they put their faith in Jesus Christ, this faith, clearly expressed in their love for all the believers. His thanksgiving paints a clear picture of the Christian virtues: Faith, Love and Hope in action.
Even though I left the STL church almost 13 years ago, I still think of her a lot. May be it is because that was my first pastorate. We sure had our share of problems, and in hindsight, I could have been one of their problems. I remember the frustrating moments. Yet in the midst of problems and challenges, I kept reminding myself how that church started in 1924. A lady started going to this church in either 1924 or 1926 when she was 4 years old. She came to know the Lord and was able to pass her faith down 3 generations in her family. The church reached out to the restaurant and laundry community and later to the first wave of students from HK and Taiwan, and now from china plus other parts of the world. I remember their love towards our family and other seminary students. You know, right now, I don't remember much of the unpleasant moments or problems in the church. But their Christian virtue of Faith, Love and Hope are deeply ingrained in me and I thank God for them. Even to this day, if anyone is to bad mouth this church, I would be the first to stand up and defend her, not because I was there, but because of the manifestation of the triad of Christian virtues: Faith, Love and Hope.
Next time when we think of all the things this church is not doing right, shall we also pause for a moment and think of what we can thank God for?
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