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Date:   01/11/09

Text:   Colossians 1:1-2

Title:   A New Identity

Theme: Since Christ has connected us to Him, the believers are to recognize our new and unique standing in Him.   



  When a man and woman marry, many changes begin to occur. Some change their last names to the husbands', while others continue with their maiden names. Whether or not we keep our names, our identity has changed. You remember when you first heard people said, Mrs. Tow or Mrs. Hsueh, it took you a while to realize that it was you. We also realized that marriage is not about the two of you, it included our immediate and extended families. I remember several years ago, in one wedding ceremony, the minister asked, “who gives this woman to be married to this man?” About 2 to 3 rows of the immediate and extended family members stood up and said, “We do.” I felt so sorry for the groom. J Once we are married, connected to our spouse, our identity and family associations undergo a big change.

  This is like coming to know the Lord. Last Sunday, we learned that once we put our faith in Jesus, we're connected with him. Among the many changes that occur after this connection, is our identity. This morning, we'll begin our study of the book of Colossians. From this letter, we want to learn of the changes resulting from our connecting with God. we'll begin with verses 1 and 2. I think in our small/fellowship group's bible study on Paul's letters, we usually don't spend too much time on the 1 st two verses. I asked one person how much time he spent on the first two verses of he epistles when he taught Sunday School. He said, “about one or two sentences; ‘this is Paul's greeting to the church at such and such place. Now let's move onto the 3 rd verse.'”

  The first two verses of this and other letters by the apostles can make us feel regret if we don't spend enough time on it. But when we do spend time, especially trying to develop a 25 minutes message, we're not sure what to do with it. Its kind of like the Chinese saying, “ ???? , ???? .” However, if we take time to study them, we'll begin to discover the wealth of truth buried in these seemingly simple words.

  When Paul wrote to the Colossian believers, they were facing some conflicts. They had difficulty connecting their lives in Christ with their lives in Colossae . Their religious observances tended toward moral asceticism and spiritual mysticism, which actually disconnected them from their surrounding world. Their interest in philosophical speculation gave rise to a variety of Christian devotion that was much too private and esoteric, and irrelevant to the unbelievers at Colossae . With this as back drop, Paul wrote this letter to the Colossian believers.

  Paul begins his letter by introducing himself and greeting his readers. In his introduction, Paul conveys some important theological content that helps to introduce his message later on. From the phrases Paul used to describe himself and his readers, we gain great insight about our identity in Christ. It tells much about what happens after we are connected with Christ. We see the truth that Since Christ has connected us to Him, the believers are to recognize our new and unique standing in Him.

I •  A New identity with a sense of Mission

In vs.1, “ Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,..” The word apostle means someone having seen Jesus and being commissioned by him. Jesus spoke through the apostles. The apostles' words were Jesus' words, therefore, having authority and power. The early church used this as the criteria to accept the apostle's teaching being revelation from God, and included them in the Canon. Therefore, by definition, today there are no more apostles. Paul also wrote that he was an apostle by the will of God. He did not volunteer to be an apostle nor was he nominated by a certain group of people. On the contrary, before he met Jesus, he was persecuting the church violently and trying to destroy it. But on the road to Damascus , Jesus appeared to him and commissioned him to be an apostle to the gentiles, the non Jews. Paul knew he was sent by Jesus Christ. In his other letters, Romans 1:1, 1&2Cor 1:1, Galatians 1:1, Eph 1:1 and Timothy all expressed this truth that he was sent by God, he was God's apostle, with a clear sense of mission.

This echoed Jesus teaching in John 15:16, “ You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, …” Jesus was telling his disciples that he had first chosen them, and he had sent them out to bear fruits. Jesus not only appointed and sent the 12 disciples to bear fruit, he not only commanded them to make disciples of all nations, but has also appointed and sends each one of us.

He has not appointed us to be apostles, but he has sent us to where we are today. He has called some of us to stay home full time to care for the family. He has called some to be researchers, professors and doctors. He has placed you in different universities in Houston and other cities. Some are working for different energy and computer related industries. He has also placed many of you in different law firms and companies. He has called and guided some of us into full time ministry in local churches. There are those he had appointed to be missionaries in China , Taiwan , HK, Vietnam , Cameron , Panama , in Europe, Central Asia plus many other countries around the world. What is the purpose? Why does he put us where we are?

Before we came to know Christ, a job is a job, right? Sometimes we enjoy what we do, and other times we may hate it. We work to make a living, supporting ourselves and families. But now it is different. We begin to understand that He puts us where we are so we can bear fruit, telling others the good news of Jesus Christ. He puts us there so we can be the salt and light in a dark and broken world. He appoints us to be at our work place or family, so people around us will have the opportunity to hear the good news and know Him. So our colleagues, friends and family member can see what true love and forgiveness is about. He wants us to bring up our children so they can continue to be the light and salt in their world. He wants us to tell of his great works from one generation to the next. Let's look at some numbers. We have over 700 adults, including students among us. We are scattered all over Houston ; schools and work place. Assuming that each one of us will come into regular contact with 5 people every day, then there will be over 3500 everyday with the opportunity to see the good news in action.

It is not by accident or coincidence that we are here. We are here because God has sent and appointed us. We are here with a mission: to bear fruit, so others will have the opportunity to hear and see the good news. Once we are connected with him, we have a new identity. This identity carries with it a clear sense of mission.

II •  A new identity marked by humility.

We may have met individuals with a clear sense of mission. I still remember the other church I served. A young couple came and joined the church. From the very beginning, they felt that God had called and sent them to a Chinese church to help the Chinese. They loved the Lord and were faithful followers of Christ. Their presence in the church could not be missed. There was that sense of mission and purpose, yet unfortunately, they also projected an air of pride. Two years later they left the church.

How about Paul? In vs. 1 he called Timothy, our brother. In the original Greek, it is ‘the' brother. Paul was many years older than Timothy. Timothy was Paul's spiritual son. Yet, Paul called him brother. In the Thessalonian letter, he called Timothy his co-worker. Yes, Paul knew he was called and appointed by God, yet there was no such class consciousness; that he is different and better than the rest. In other letters, after stating he was appointed by God, and in the same breath, he stated he was a servant, a slave of God. In his writings, he wrote that he was the least of the apostles, and the chief sinner. He never bragged or boasted of his apostolic status, he was a man of humility. He knew it was Jesus that had first chosen him and sent him out. It was God's grace that enabled him to be an apostle to the gentiles. It had nothing to do with his ability or merit. Before God, he was first among the sinners.

Paul's humility points us to Jesus Christ, the ultimate example of a person with a sense of Mission . Jesus knew it was God that sent him into the world. He knew his mission was to call and gather his children to himself. He did not come with that Messianic complex, even though he was the Messiah. Instead, he came to serve with a humble and gentle heart.

Yes, we need to have that sense of mission in life. Yet this must not turn into pride and arrogance. Like Jesus, humility is the mark of our mission. To be humble means to see other as stronger and better than I. When I am humble, I will submit myself to you, even if I may not agree with you. When I am humble, I will be serving those that God has brought into my lives: my family members, colleagues and friends. When I am humble, I will constantly have their well being in mind. It is not just I am here to do my mission, but here to serve those around me.

III.   A new identity with a sense of belonging.

  When we are connected with Christ, it will also bring about a new relationship with other believers. When two individuals get connected by marriage, they are also connected to each other's extended families. Sometimes it could be overwhelming. I remember telling my nephew's wife, “it will take you a while to adjust to this big extended family.” Paul described his readers as saints and faithful brothers in Christ in Colossae . The believers are saints because God has set up apart for himself. We are saints not because of our merit, for we have none. Instead, because of his love and choice, he considered us as the holy ones, set apart for him, so we can proclaim him. The saints in Colossae are also called faithful brothers, or brother and sisters. It is important to remember that when the word brother is used in the scriptures, it often is inclusive of men and women in Christ. The term Paul used; in Christ, brothers and sisters reflect an intimate relationship among those who are in Christ. When I am connected with Jesus, when you are connected with Jesus, then we are also connected with each other. Because individually we are in Christ, all of us are in Christ. In the NT, we call this the church, the family of God. Because of our individual connection with Christ, we are all members of God's family. We are brothers and sister by the blood of Jesus Christ.

  In a family, members care for each other. When one member hurts, the rest will feel the pain. In a family, when there is anxiety, we come together to pray for each other. When one has physical and financial need, we come together to help each other. In a family, when we have hurt another person, unintentionally, or in a moment of anger, we ask for forgiveness. When we are hurt, we reach out and offer forgiveness. When we find ourselves in such a family, there is the sense of belonging.

  Another two words used in this and other introductions: Grace and Peace. Grace is what we don't deserve, yet God bestow upon us. We don't deserve anything, yet he provide us with food to eat, clothes to wear, a place to put our heads. Everything we have is from God, it is his grace. Peace is not about the personal inner tranquility. But a reference to the overall well being because we are in Christ. It is a reference to reconciliation with God and with each other. This can only come from God.


  The moment we are married, connecting ourselves to our spouse, life can never be the same again. We learn to adjust to the new status. Previously when you friend called, “Can you come and hang out at the Juice Box?” Without blinking, you would say, “Sure, I will be there in 30 minutes.” Now that you are married, if you do that, you will be in big trouble. Being wiser, you would say, “I need to check with my wife first.” Previously, when you felt that God was calling you to serve in Asia, you probably got up and went. But now, your spouse may say, I haven't heard God's call yet.” Life became much more complicated after we are married.

Before we come to know Christ, we do whatever and go wherever we want. Now, having believed in him, life is different. Once we are connected with him, we have a new identity. This identity brings us a new sense of mission in life. Our being here is no longer fate or coincidence or accident, but because by the will of God he has placed us in this country, city, school and work place. He wants us to represent him so others can see the true light and taste the true salt. He puts us here so that others may also have the opportunity to hear the calling of the good news and respond to it. When we are connected with him, we are also connected with other believers in this church. We'll continue to explore truth in the coming months.

Even as we learn our new identity, the mark of humility and belongingness, it is good for us to look upon Jesus. He is the model of a person with a clear sense of mission. He came into the world with a purpose, and on the cross, he was able to say, it is finished, he completed his purpose. He was the messiah, yet his entire life was marked with service and humility. He called us to be his friends and he brought us to each other with His blood, so we are no longer alone, but members of his family.


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