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日期: 12/21/2008
經文:《路加福音》 1:26-38
你能分辨哪件是真正的 Polo 衫嗎?你能看出哪件是正宗的夾克衫嗎?你能辨別魚目和珍珠嗎?
或者我們就像阿拉丁一樣擁有一個有魔法的神燈。當我們擦一下神燈以後,一個精靈就會出來,把我們的願望實現。我想要個 iphone 。別提 iphone 了,還是要一百萬美元吧。有時候我們喜歡用“是魔鬼要我這麼做的”來當藉口;有時候我們可能會說“是耶穌要我這麼做的”。誰敢說不呢?耶穌要我與你約會;耶穌說要你給我那個玩具。在耶穌基督的名義下,許多不可思議的事發生了,比如十一、十二和十三世紀時的十字軍東征。有些人可能把他視作自由的戰士,把我們從政治壓迫下解放出來。有些人甚至為了對耶穌效忠而犧牲。那位真耶穌請你站起來。
今天早上,在路加福音裡,我們來分辨哪個是真正的耶穌。我們要回到聖經裡去尋找,因為離開了聖經,我們就對耶穌一無所知。一位知名的猶太歷史學家大概在西元第一世紀末寫過這麼一段話:“一個叫耶穌的人 ……. ,是一個智者,行了很多神奇的事,他成了那些喜歡接受新鮮事物的人的導師。他吸引了一批猶太人,也有不少外邦人跟隨他。他就是那個所謂的基督。 …… 他的那些跟隨者起初並沒有停止製造麻煩。那群基督徒,他們以耶穌的名字來稱呼自己的身份,迄今都還沒有消失。”這段話並沒有提供太多有關耶穌的資訊。因此,如果我們想更多地瞭解耶穌的真正面貌,就一定要回到聖經裡。真正的耶穌是什麼樣子的呢?我們要在這段經文裡通過耶穌的幾個名字來更深地認識他。
I 蒙恩者
“蒙恩者”這個詞出現了兩次 (1:28 , 30) 。馬利亞被稱作蒙恩的人,這能幫助我們更多地認識耶穌。“蒙恩者”的意思是指特別被神所愛的人,是神所喜愛的。就像你最喜歡的玩具,最喜歡的遊戲或者最喜歡的冰淇淋。馬利亞被稱作“夢恩者”,不是因為她有多少好的行為,或者累積了多少功德。她被稱作“夢恩者”是因為神的恩典。在許多文化和宗教裡,人們總是在問:人類如何在高高在上的神面前得祂的喜悅。這個問題深深地困擾著十六世紀的馬丁路德。他試著做個好人,做好事。他摧殘自己的身體,希望能討神的喜悅。有一天,當他讀聖經的時候,《羅馬書》 5 : 1 的經文突然跳了出來:“我們既因信稱義,就藉著我們的主耶穌基督得與神相和。”突然間,他意識到我們在神的眼裡是寶貴的,不是因為我們的好行為,而是因為對耶穌基督的信心。當我們相信耶穌基督時,神就接納我們,算我們為義,蒙祂喜悅。
II 以馬內利
在第 28 節,我們讀到“蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了!”在馬太的記錄道:天使告訴馬利亞,她的兒子要被稱作以馬內利,以馬內利的意思就是主和你同在。所以,雖然這裡沒有以馬內利這個詞的出現,但是意思已經表達了。主與馬利亞同在。今天,我們的主耶穌基督也和我們同在。就在耶穌升天之前,他告訴他的門徒,他將與他們同在,直到世界的末日。聖經裡有許多應許,神已經並且將永遠與我們同在。
耶穌是以馬內利,神與我們同在。這對於我們今天有什麼意義?當我們還小的時候,甚至長大了,都希望能跟父母在一起。過節的時候,大部分人都希望能回家和親人團聚。當我們看到他們在身邊時,就有安全感。我記得許多年前,當大兒子 Francis 六歲的時候,我還是神學院的學生。那年夏天,因為 Cynthia 需要外出工作,我在家裡照看 Francis 和他的弟弟 Robin 。有一天, Francis 做了錯事,我不得不用手掌狠狠打了他。他很痛,放聲大哭,但是,我也很痛,手上和心裡都在疼。那天下午,和往常一樣,我帶著他和 Robin 去附近的商場散步。我推著嬰兒推車, Francis 在後面跟著。我還是對之前發生的事感到很生氣。走了一會兒以後,我感到口袋裡有什麼東西在動。我意識到那是 Francis 的手。即使他被我打了,他也知道爸爸在發脾氣,但他依然想抓住我,他想知道我依然在他身邊。所以,我把手伸進口袋,抓住了他的小手。
III 耶穌
31 節“你要懷孕生子,可以給他起名叫耶穌。”在馬太的記錄裡,他寫道天使向瑪麗亞解釋耶穌的意思是拯救。姓名通常都有特殊的含義。就好象你的名字如果是約翰,那麼它的意思就是神是滿有恩惠的。我們聽到有人唱:可愛的耶穌。是的,他或許是可愛的耶穌,但他降世是為了把我們從罪裡拯救出來。這就意味著:在神的面前,我們都是罪人。無論我們做多少好事,都無法活出神的標準。我們是罪人,生活在神的憤怒中。你有沒有試過拉褲子或者皮帶試圖把自己提起來?同樣道理,作為罪人,我們自己永遠無法拯救自己脫離罪和神的憤怒。耶穌在兩千多年前來到世上,後來,他死在十字架上,三天后復活。作為罪人,我們應受懲罰。但是,耶穌把我們從罪中解脫出來,當他死在十字架上的時候,他為我們的罪代死。因為他為我們替罪,我們無需再為自己的罪受到懲罰。他死在十字架上,饒恕了我們的罪,把我們從神的憤怒中解救出來。為我們和神之間帶來了和平。這個耶穌不只是一個嬰孩,他是我們的救主。
IV. 至高者之子
32-33 節“他要為大,稱為至高者的兒子;主 神要把他祖大衛的位給他。他要作雅各家的王,直到永遠;他的國也沒有窮盡。”大家聽到了嗎?他是蒙神喜愛的、他是以馬內利、他是拯救我們的耶穌,這裡說他是至高者的兒子,他是神,他是萬王之王。
他是大君王,掌管世間萬物。這對於我們有什麼意義?當我們年輕的時候,聽誰的話?我們聽爸爸媽媽的話。當我們長大一點,開始上學以後,我們聽老師的話。當我們開始工作以後,就要聽上級主管的話。現在,如果有人接到總統的電話,要求你幫助他穩定美國的經濟,你會怎麼做?有時候,要對國家的總統說“不”是件不容易的事。 Robert Gates 曾經是 Texas A&M 大學的校長,他是個好校長,學生和老師都對他評價很高。有一天,他收到布希總統的電話,希望他執掌國防部,幫助結束在伊拉克的戰爭。當國家的總統打來電話,他聆聽並遵從。
那麼,統治宇宙的君王又如何呢?如果他打來電話怎麼辦?嘟。。。嘟。。。嘟“你好,請問是 Sarah 嗎?我是大君王耶穌。”什麼?你會怎麼做?因為他是我們的君王,我們唯一的反應就是順服。生命中重要的不是他能為我們做什麼,而是他要我們做什麼。當他對我們說話時,我們要聆聽和順服。當我們順服他的時候,會發生什麼?在路加福音的第二章,當祭師西面看到還是嬰兒耶穌和他的母親馬利亞時,他說:“這孩子被立,是要叫以色列中許多人跌倒,許多人興起;又要作譭謗的話柄,叫許多人心裡的意念顯露出來。你自己的心也要被刀刺透 。 ”他的意思是:這個耶穌嬰孩將在人群中興起沖突,馬利亞看到這一切會心如刀絞。後來,當我們讀聖經的時候,我們看到使徒們被稱作顛覆世界的人。為什麼呢?當我們來跟隨耶穌的時候,他會顛覆我們的價值觀。我們喜歡和崇拜那些有權勢、名望和財富的人。但是,他卻稱讚那些貧窮和謙卑的人。他要我們去愛那些不可愛的人。他要我們為敵人禱告。這可真不容易。他進一步告訴我們,如果我們要做基督徒,就需要背起十字架來跟隨他。這意味著我們要準備放下驕傲和自負,甚至是自我為中心的思想,以他為首。這很難做到,但是這就是那位君王希望他的子民做到的事。
我曾經看過有關《 Talladega Nights 》的介紹。主角威爾 • 法瑞爾說過:“我最喜歡的是聖誕節的耶穌。”在一次家庭禱告中,他說:“親愛的小耶穌,戴著金色的羊毛尿布,一雙小小的,肉鼓鼓的拳頭 … ”他的太太提醒他說:“耶穌長大了,你不要一直叫他小孩子”。他說“當我謝飯的時候,我喜歡聖誕節的耶穌。”然後他繼續說“親愛的 8 磅 6 盎司的新生嬰兒耶穌。他連話都還不會說。只是一個小毛孩子,抱在手裡很舒服,但卻依然是無所不能的 … 因著你的全能和恩典謝謝你,神啊,阿門。”
Date: 12/21/08
Text: Luke 1:26-38
Title: Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Theme: We come to worship the Real Jesus.
Can you tell which is the genuine polo shirt? How about the real jacket? And now, which one is the fish's eye and which one is a pearl?
Every day I drive by a church called the True Jesus Church. Well, if there is true Jesus, then there must be a not true or fake Jesus. During the Christmas seasons, there are also many different Jesuses going around and sometimes it is hard to tell the real from the false ones. To some, Jesus is the cute little baby that never grew up. Perhaps we see him just as a little baby doll, like the doll we saw at the Christmas pageant last week. He's just a doll we can play with when we want to and put away when we're tired of him.
Or we're like Aladdin with a magic lamp. We rub the lamp, a genie pops out and gives us whatever we wish for. I want iPhone. Forget the iPhone, I want a million dollars. Sometimes we use the excuse "the devil made me do it." Maybe we also say, "Jesus told me to do it." Who can argue with that, right? Jesus told me to ask you out. Jesus told me to give me that toy. In the name of Jesus, many unimaginable things have been done, such as the crusades in the 11 th , 12 th and 13 th centuries. Some may regard Jesus as the freedom fighter, delivering us from political oppressions. There are also those who died for their loyalty to Jesus. So, Will the real Jesus please stand up?
This morning, from the Luke passage, we want to see what the real Jesus is like. We go to the bible, because without the bible, we know very little about Jesus. A well known Jewish historian called Josephus wrote this probably towards the end of the 1 st century. “ …… Jesus, a wise man, who performed surprising works, a teacher of men who gladly welcomed strange things. He led away many Jews, and also many of the Gentiles. He was the so-called Christ. …….Those who had attached themselves to him at first did not cease to cause trouble, and the tribe of Christians, which has taken this name from him is not extinct even today.” This did not tell us much about Jesus. Therefore, if we want to know more about him, we have to turn to the Bible. So, who is the real Jesus? We want to identify some names in this passage that will help us have a better understanding about the real Jesus.
I The Favored One.
This word “the favored one” was used two times here. Yes, Mary was called the favored one, yet this also helps us to better understand Jesus. The favored one means specially loved by God, God's favorite. It's like you having a favorite toy, favorite game or favorite ice cream. Mary was called the favored one not because she is good or had accumulated many brownie points. This name was given to her, it was God's grace. In many cultures and religions, people have been asking: how can we human beings gain favor before the God above us? This question had greatly troubled Martin Luther in the 16 th century. He tried to be good and do good. He tortured his physical body in hope that this would please God. Then one day while he was studying the bible, Romans 5:1 appeared to jump out of the book and spoke to him, “ Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” All of a sudden he realized that we are the favored one from God's sight, not because of good works but because of faith in Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, God calls us the favored one.
The false Jesus will say, if you give an offering every week, with a perfect church attendance, then you are favored by God. The real Jesus will say, you are the favored one because you are my children, not because of you are being good. I love you because you belong to me. So what about being good and doing good? Because we're loved by Him, because we are the favored one, therefore, we want to be good and to do good. So, don't let anyone tell you, if you are not good, then God will not love you. No, God has already loved you and called you and me the favored ones. We are his specially loved ones. We are all his favorite children
II Emmanuel
In vs.28, we read, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” In the Matthew narrative, the angel told Mary that her son will be called Emmanuel; which means, the Lord is with you. So even though we don't have the word Emmanuel here, the meaning is here. The Lord is with Mary. Today, our Lord, Jesus Christ is also with us. Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples that he would be with them till the end of the world. The bible is full of promises that God is with his people.
Jesus is the Emmanuel; God with us. What does this mean to us today? When we are little, even when we are older, we want to be with our parents. During the holidays, most of us want to go home to be with our parents and siblings. When we know they are around, we feel safe and secure. I remember many years ago when Francis, my oldest son was 6 years old and I was a seminary student. That summer I stayed home to baby sit him and his brother, Robin, as Cynthia went to work. One day, Francis misbehaved and I had to spank him quite hard with my hand. He was hurt and cried, but it hurt me, both my hand and my heart. That afternoon, as usual, I took him and Robin walked to a nearby mall. I was pushing the stroller and Francis was following. I was still angry about what happened early that day. After walking for a little while, I felt something moving in my pocket. Then I realized it was Francis' hand. Even though he was spanked and he knew his dad was mad, he wanted to hold on to me, he wanted to know that I was still there for him. So I stuck my hand into my pocket and held his hand.
Jesus is with us all the time. He is with us when we are in good times, but he is also with us when we are in bad times. When we lost our jobs, when we are not happy, feeling sad and depressed, he is with us. There are times in life when we feel that we have let go of God's hand, we've drifted away from him. However, in those moments, God would be telling us that even though we feel we have let go of His hand, he has never let go of ours. He has always been there with us.
III Jesus
Vs.31, “ And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” In Matthew's writing, he recorded that the angel also explained to Mary that the name Jesus means to save. Names usually have meanings. It's like you are called John or Sean meaning God is gracious. We have heard people sing; this sweet Jesus. Yes, he may be the sweet Jesus, but he is here to save us from our sins. This means that before God, we are all sinners. No matter how hard we try to be good and do good, we can never live up to God's standards. We are sinners and we live under the wrath of the Holy God. Have you ever tried to lift yourself up by pulling your pants or belts? Likewise, as sinners we can never save ourselves from sin and from God's anger. Jesus came into the world about 2000 years ago. He later died on the cross and 3 days later he rose from the dead. You see, as sinners, we only deserve punishment. But Jesus took our sins, so when he died on the cross, he was punished for our sins. Since he was punished, then we no longer have to be punished for our sins. He died on the cross to forgive our sins and save us from God's anger. This brings peace between us and God. this Jesus is not just a baby, but also our savior.
IV Son of the most high.
In vs.32-33, “ 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Did we hear this? He is Gracious, he is Emmanuel, he is the savior Jesus and now, he is the son of the most high, he is God and he is the king over all.
Now, if he is the king and rule over the entire world, what does it mean to us? When we are young, whom do we listen to? We listen to our mom, our dad, our parents. When we are a little older and starting school, we listen to the teachers. When we go to work, we listen to our supervisors. Now, if one of us receives a phone call from the president asking you to help him straighten out the country's economy, what would you do? It is hard to say no to the president of this country. Robert Gates was the president of the Texas A/M Univ. He was a good president, the students and the professors all thought highly of him. Then one day he answered a call from president Bush, wanting him to head up the Defense Department and to help bring the war in Iraq to an end. When the president of the country called, he listened.
What about the King over the entire universe? What if the King of the universe called you today? (Phone rings)
Pas. Mou: (embarrassed) Oh, it's my cell phone ringing. Sorry! (Pas. Mou takes out his cell and answers it)
Pas. Mou: Hello.
Voice-over: Hello, is it Tao?
Pas. Mou: Yes? (Pas. Hsueh keeps looking at Pas. Mou when he is talking)
Voice-over: This is King Jesus calling.
(Surprised, Pas. Mou turns to look at Pas. Hsueh. Smiling, Pas. Hsueh turns to speak to the congregation, Pas. Mou puts down the cell phone and continues with translation)
Pas. Hsueh: (Speaking to the congregation) What would you do if Jesus called you today? Would you listen to him? When he is our king, then the only thing we can do is to obey him, right? What is important in life is no longer what He can do for me, but what he wants me to do with my life. When he speaks, we listen and obey. And do you know what will happen when we obey him? In the second chapter of Luke, when the priest Simeon saw the baby Jesus and his mother, Mary, he said, “ “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” He is saying, this baby Jesus will cause many conflicts among the people.
Mary's heart will be hurt by what she will see with her own eyes. Later, when we read the scriptures, we are told that his disciples were called the ones who turned the world upside town. Why? You see, when we come to believe and follow him, he will turn our values upside down. We value and admire those with power, fame and wealth, and the successful. But he exalts the poor and humble. He gave us the command to love those unlovable ones. He wants us to pray for our enemies. It is so uncool. He further tells us that if we are to follow him, we need to take up our cross and follow him. This means that we need to be prepared to put down our pride, our egoes, sometimes even our self-interest and put him first. It is hard, but this is what is expected from the King to his citizens.
I read about the comedy Talladega Nights. Will Ferrell, the main character of the play said, “I like the Christmas Jesus best.” In a family prayer he said, “dear tiny Jesus, golden fleece diapers, with your tiny, fat, balled-up fist…” his wife gently reminded him, “Jesus did grow up, you don't always have to call him baby.” He said, “I like the Christmas Jesus when I'm saying grace,” so continued, “dear 8lb, 6oz, newborn infant Jesus. Don't even know a word yet. Just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent…..thank you for all your power and your grace, dear baby God. Amen.”
Isn't it true that sometimes we too like the Christmas baby Jesus? He is so quiet and peaceful. Who knows, he might not even have cried at his birth. He is not demanding at all. Always the best boy in his neighborhood. However, when we start reading the bible, it is a very different Jesus, right? You see, the real Jesus is one who loved and accepted us in spite of our sinfulness. He is with us all the time, in the good and bad times. He is the one that saves us from sin and from God's wrath. Above all he is also our king, our lord. When we come before this Jesus, all we can do is to worship him, give our all to him and to listen and obey Him.
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