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日期: 12/11/08
經文:《 以賽亞書 》 40 : 1-11
題目: 盼望的應許
主旨: 我們無須生活在絕望中,因為神是偉大的安慰者
引言 :
從一九五零年我的父母舉家遷離中國大陸到一九七五年,他們一直住在香港。他們在香港的年月並不是他們人生中最美好的時光。我還記得父親對他的工作並不是十分滿意。他從一國家銀行的副總裁變成香港一家紡織廠的職員,他那種失落感是可想而知的。我的父母除了經濟拮据之外,還要常常為明天擔憂,因為他們一直處在中國大陸要解放香港或台灣要反攻的陰影之下。他們焦慮,期盼,常常有不安全感。那是一種只有難民才能理解到的感覺。我們中間有在七十年代末來自越南的弟兄姊妹,也許還記得在古古島上的那些日子。我們的命運被掌控在好幾個政府和聯合國之間。那是一種混亂,焦急,和絕望的日子。我們當中也有人在文化大革命的時候有過這樣的感受。還有人現在就有這樣的感受。現在一些經濟學家正式告訴我們,美國從去年年底開始便已進入經濟衰退,如這是真的話,從過去的歷史,我們便會很快看到經濟復蘇的曙光了。果真如此嗎?我們的工作前景如何?我們找工作的時候會有什麼樣的結果?我們的退休計畫 縮 水了怎麼辦?我們發現我們是這樣的無助,在不能掌控局勢的情況下過一天算一天。我們常常是帶著這樣的焦慮和不安來崇拜神的。
大約在西元六百八十年前,先知 以賽亞在告訴以色列人他們的國家會有什麼事發生。在一到三十九章,他講道以色列人的反叛及他們渴慕屬世的安全。先知懇求以色列人回到神那裡去。在四十到五十五章,他預言到被打敗的以色列人要生活在巴比倫的國度裡。今天我們讀到的經文,是對一群在流放中的人,生活在失望,焦慮,和無助當中的人一篇安慰和盼望的資訊。
一 人類處於可憐的境況
我們先來看當時以色列人的處境:第二節:“… 他們的苦難已經滿足了,他們的罪孽已經還清了,他們因著自己的一切罪,已經從耶和華的手裡受到過重的刑罰 。 ”這是有關他們因反叛神而所犯下的罪。他們背離神而崇拜其它的神。他們因不順服神而受到懲罰。
第三和第四節給我們更多的啟示:“ 有聲音呼喊說:“你們要在曠野清理耶和華的路,在沙漠修直我們 神的大道。一切深谷都要填滿,一切山岡都要削平;險峻的要改為平地,崎嶇的要改為平原。 ”這是指從東方到耶路撒冷的道路:深谷,崎嶇的路,沙漠,曠野,山岡,險峻的路。這些形容也是 隱喻 當時以色列人心靈的貧乏。他們的心靈乾枯,像沙漠,孤立,易受敵人攻擊,就像住在沙漠和曠野一樣。以色列人當中的成年人被流放到巴比倫是因為他們背離神的罪。他們當中的年輕人和後代也被流放是因為他們父輩的罪和反叛。這表面上看來對他們非常的不公平。
二 我們無須生活在絕望中,因為神安慰我們
在這樣的絕境裡,我們讀到神的話,第一節:“ 你們要安慰,要安慰我的子民! ”第二節:“ 向耶路撒冷說慈愛的話,又要向它宣告 … ”我們在神對受傷的子民身上看到神溫柔和慈悲的心了嗎?你們要安慰,要安慰我的子民!神 向耶路撒冷說慈愛的話 …。神和他的子民之間存在如此親密的關係。我們也許自己離開了神,離棄了神,導致我們的心靈貧乏。但神在說:我並沒有離棄你。你是我的子民,我仍然是你的神。你聽到了嗎?你是我的子民,我是你的神。神是怎樣安慰他的子民的哪?
1 衪 知道我們的痛苦 。
二節上:“ 他們的苦難已經滿足了,他們的罪孽已經還清了,他們因著自己的一切罪,已經從耶和華的手裡受到過重的刑罰 。 ”神並沒有說,看你做了什麼事哪?如果你…然後…。不,神在說:我知道你們所受的痛苦。對於我們很多人來說,我們受苦是罪有應得。對於另外一些人來說,我們受苦是因為別人的罪。無論我們受的甚麼樣的苦,神說我都知道。當我們在痛苦中我們豈不是也期望有人知道 ? 我記得十五年前, Sean 不小心翻倒燉牛尾湯的燉鍋。在用漩渦裕治療準備植皮的時候,我有一次和他在一起。他身上很痛。我只能對 Sean 說: Sean, 我知道你身上很痛,爸爸知道你很痛。我們天上的父也知道我們的痛苦和疾病,祂知道我們靈裡的貧乏。他知道我們的一切。
2 衪 賜給寬恕的言語 。
二節下:“… 他們因著自己的一切罪,已經從耶和華的手裡受到過重的刑罰。 ”神在說:你因為過犯和不順服所受的懲罰已經夠了。懲罰已經過去,你們的罪被赦免了。我們也許記得當我們冒犯朋友和父母的時候,我們的心裡和臉上充滿了罪咎和歉意。他們說:沒關係,我已經原諒你了。我們還記得他們饒恕我們的那一時刻嗎?聽到別人饒恕我們的話,我們的心裡多麼輕鬆啊。在天主教的傳統裡,信徒會向神父認罪,尋求饒恕。我們 可以 直接向天父認罪,直接從他那裡聽到,你的罪已得赦免了。
3 神要彰顯 衪 的榮耀
以色列人痛苦淒涼。他們在被擄的巴比倫那裡,巴比倫人要他們唱一首自己的歌。他們在《詩篇》 137:1-4 中他們回答說:“ 我們曾坐在巴比倫的河畔,在那裡我們一想起錫安就哭了。我們把我們的琴掛在那裡的柳樹上。因為在那裡,擄掠我們的人要我們唱歌,苦待我們的人要我們娛樂他們;他們說:“為我們唱一首錫安歌吧!” 我們怎能在異族之地唱耶和華的歌呢? ”他們在沮喪中,那有心情唱歌呢 ? 但 神在 《 以賽亞書 》 40 章 第五節回答他們說:“ 耶和華的榮耀必要顯現,所有的人都必一同看見,因為這是耶和華親口說的。 ”在他們窮苦潦倒的時候,神告訴他們:我要 顯現,所有的人都必一同看見我的榮耀。你現在憂傷痛苦,但它們不會持續下去。有一天,我要再來。我要撫平你們的傷痛,把你們從痛苦憂傷中拯救出來。這就是我們的安慰。現時的淒慘景象終究要過去。即使你們有人不能親眼看到我的榮耀,其他的人會看到。你瞧,重點不在於我會不會看到神顯示他的榮耀,重點在於神一定會顯現他的榮耀。這就是信心,對嗎?亞伯拉罕去世的時候,他沒有看到應許之地。他唯一看到的是他要被埋葬的土地。但是他相信了神的應許。
4 衪 對我們認罪悔過的期望 。
神是這樣安慰我們的:他知道我們的痛苦,他赦免了我們的罪,他應許要將榮耀顯現給我們。我們應當怎樣回應呢?我們是不是要想守株待兔一樣坐等哪?我們再看一遍三,四節:“ 你們要在曠野清理耶和華的路,在沙漠修直我們 神的大道。一切深谷都要填滿,一切山岡都要削平;險峻的要改為平地,崎嶇的要改為平原。 ” 先知以賽亞在說:在神顯現它的榮耀之前,路要修平,深谷要填滿,山岡要削平。 這種景象和我們在電視裡所看到的一些廣告有點類似。先知以賽亞是在說:在神揭示他的榮耀之前,人應有所準備。什麼樣的準備哪?
對於我們在舊約這邊生活的人來說,我們知道施洗約翰就是那為 彌賽亞的到來作準備 呼喊者的 聲音。約翰的信息是什麼?天國近了,你們應當悔改。為了準備神的榮耀顯現,我們要做的準備工作就是悔改。通過我們個人的悔改,我們便會削平山岡,填滿深谷,修直神的大道。是的,我們需要安慰。即使我們遠離神的時候,神也從來沒有遠離過我們。但是,為了看到和經歷神的榮耀,我們必須悔改。這使我想到李博士在他上週末的信息中提到的一個故事。他以前在香港一家教會崇拜。在一次會員大會上,為了一個建堂計畫產生了激烈的爭論。有支持的也有不支持的,雙方僵持不下。在討論和爭辯當中,教會牧師站起來宣佈會議結束,下禮拜召開禱告會。不是為了建堂禱告,而是為了悔改而禱告。在禱告會的那個晚上,會堂爆滿。所以,當神給我們安慰的時候,我們應當以悔改,認罪來回應神。
三 我們無須生活在絕望中,因為神的話是信實的
神的話給我們帶來安慰。神應許他要顯示他的榮耀是以話語傳遞給我們的。但我們能信任話語嗎?六到八節 : “ 所有的人盡都如草;他們的榮美都像野地的花。草必枯乾,花必凋謝;因為耶和華的氣吹在上面;真的,這民的確是草!草必枯乾,花必凋謝,唯有我們 神的道永遠長存。 ” 以賽亞手寫經文的時候,他心中想到的也許是希西家王的故事。你也許還記得希西家王是一個好國王。他得病快要死了。希西家王向神禱告,神給他加增了十五年壽命。你知道他好了之後他做了些什麼事哪?當巴比倫王的兒子聽到希西家王康復的消息之後,便派信使給希西家送禮。希西家王激動得忘乎所以,向巴比倫的信使們展示他宮殿中的財寶。也就是向巴比倫展示他的財富和成就。希西家的所作所為讓神所不喜悅。你看人是會變的。
人的話今天說說,明天便會變。我們當中誰還會記得我們六個月前或一年前我們作過什麼應許嗎?我們到底兌現了多少應許?如果我問你的孩子們你守了多少應許,他們會怎麼回答哪?人很難守信。我們今天還在這裡,明天便會化為烏有。我們在這裡讀到神的話永遠長存。六百年以後,耶穌在《馬太福音》 24:35 裡說道:“ 天地都要過去,但我的話決不會廢去。 ”
四 我們無須生活在絕望中,因為神與我們同在
縱使我們的周圍環境很惡劣,但是神的話是不會改變的。他的話永遠長存。他一定會在某一天展示他的榮耀。還有更多的涵義。十到十一節:“ 看哪!主耶和華必像大能者臨到,他的膀臂要為他掌權;看哪!他給予人的賞賜在他那裡,他施予人的報應在他面前。 他必像牧人牧養自己的羊群,像用膀臂聚集羊羔,抱在自己的懷中,慢慢引導乳養小羊的。 ”在這裡神通過以賽亞告訴他的子民,他不但要顯現他的榮耀,他還要和他的子民同在。怎樣同在哪?他會以大君王的身份降臨,帶著能力和權柄。他也會以大施恩者的身份降臨,賞賜他的子民。他會以溫柔牧人身份降臨,懷抱和引領他的羊群。
在福音書裡我們讀到施洗約翰就是那位為要來的王鋪路者,他的信息就是 : 天國近了,你們要悔改。使徒約翰在約翰福音 1:14, “ 道成了肉身,住在我們中間,滿有恩典和真理。我們見過他的榮光,正是從父而來的獨生子的榮光。” 他知道耶穌就是那不改變的話語,道,祂就是神。這道,神來到我們這裡,成了人的樣式,住在我們當中。使徒約翰在山上也看見耶穌彰顯了祂的榮耀,耶穌升天時,約翰和其他的門徒也看見了他的榮耀。在約翰的記載裡耶穌稱看己是好牧人。馬太福音記載耶穌說祂心裡柔和謙卑。你看,以賽亞是告訴我們這位大君王,賜恩者和溫柔的牧人就是耶穌基督。
在香港那困苦的日子裡,我的父母聽見了這位君王,牧者安慰的聲音,相信了祂。還有兩個星期就要慶祝耶穌基督的降生。在這將臨期,我們期待這位榮耀君王,溫柔牧人和滿有安慰耶穌的來臨。我們知道隨著祂的來臨,祂會安慰,滋潤我們那貧乏的心靈。對我們活在 21 世紀的人來說,我們還有一件有把握的事,我們不必像昔日以色列人因罪受到了懲罰。為什麼呢 ? 因以賽亞在 53:4-5, “ 原來他擔當了我們的病患,背負了我們的痛苦;我們卻以為他受責打,被 神擊打和苦待了。然而他是為了我們的過犯被刺透,為了我們的罪孽被壓傷;使我們得平安的懲罰加在他身上,因他受了鞭傷,我們才得醫治。” 這位耶穌已經為了我們的罪承擔了我們該有的 懲罰,因此我們的罪得到了赦免。為此當我們在困境,焦慮時可來到他那裡。祂就是那位安慰者,溫柔地對我們說安慰的話語,供應我們方向和罪被赦免的確鑿。
不但如此,我們也等待有一天面對面看見祂完整的榮耀。在那日我們也不需要聽 : “ 你們要安慰,要安慰我的子民!” 因為我們要與這位安慰者見面,祂要與我們同在,親自擦乾我們的眼淚,再也沒有痛苦與憂傷了。
Date: 12/07/08
Text: Isaiah 40:1-11
Title: The Promise of Hope
Theme: We do not have to live in despair because God is the great comforter.
From about 1950 to 1975, my parents were uprooted from China and lived in HK. It was not the best days for them. Father was unhappy with his job. He went from being one of the vice presidents of the national bank to a clerk in a textile company, it was a humiliating experience. Besides the shortage of financial resources, was the constant worry of what would happen tomorrow. They constantly lived under the shadow of 解放 or 反攻 . These were the emotions of insecurity, anticipation and anxiety: condition only the refugees can understand. Some of us came from Vietnam in the late 70’s. we knew what it was like when we had to live on the KuKu Island . We had no idea what the future would hold for us. Our fate was controlled by different governments and the UN. It was a time of confusion, anxiety and despair. Some of us may have experienced such emotions during the cultural revolution. Others may be feeling this way right now. Now, we are told that the country has been in recession officially since late 07’. Will it get worse, or as one columnist wrote: if recession started in late 07, then historically, we are beginning to see the light, things will start to turn around soon. Really? What will happen to our jobs or those who are looking for a job? Or, how about our retirement plans? We find ourselves helpless, living one day at a time at the mercy of events beyond our control. Very often we come to worship with such an insecurity and anxiety.
Around 680 B.C, the prophet Isaiah was foretelling the Israelites what would happen to their nation. In chapters 1-39, he was speaking to God's rebellious people who were craving for worldly security. He urged the Israelites to return to God. In 40-55, he prophesied to God's defeated people under Babylonian dominion. In today’s text, is a message of comfort and hope to those experiencing despair, anxiety and feeling of helplessness.
Today’s textIn the passage we read today is a message of comfort to the Israelites in exile. It is the same message that we need to hear today. It tells us that even though we may find ourselves in those unpleasant and discouraging situations, we do not have to succumb to despair because of who God is.
A Men find themselves in dismal conditions.
Let’s first take a look at the Israelites condition. vs. 2, “….. that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” This is about their sins of rebellion against God. Turning away from God and turning towards other gods. They were punished for their disobedience.
Vs.3 and 4 provide us with additional insights, “A voice cries:“ In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.” This was the landscape leading to Jerusalem from the east; valleys, crooked road, desert, wilderness, mountains, uneven roads. They are metaphors used to describe Israelites’ poverty in spirit. They were dry, deserted, isolated and vulnerable to enemies harassment; just like living in a desert and wilderness. The adults were in Babylon because of their sins against God. The younger generation and the generation to come were there because of others’ sins and rebellion. It was so unfair.
Do we ever find ourselves in such spiritual poverty because of our own sins and be drifting away from God? There are times, we find ourselves in difficult situations because of others’ sins and behavior. We too may feel it is so unfair. No matter how we get here, there is poverty in spirit.
B We do not have to live in despair because God spoke words of comfort to us.
It was in such die hard situations we read these words, vs.1, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” Vs.2, “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem , and cry to her…” Do we see God's tender heart towards his hurting people? Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to her…. It was such an intimate relationship between God and his people. Yes, we may have left him, drifted away from him, leading to our poverty in spirit. But God is saying, I have not left you. You are my people, I am still your God. Do you hear this? You are my people, I am your God. How did God comfort his people?
1 Acknowledging our pains. Vs.2a, “….warfare is ended, iniquity, received the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” God is not saying that see what you have you done? If you would only….then…… No, he is saying I know the pain and suffering you are in. To many of you, this suffering is well deserved, but to others, you suffer because of others’ sins. I know it all. I remember about 15 years ago, Sean was badly burned when he tripped over a slow cooker with hot oxtail soup. I was with him in one of the whirlpool therapy sessions, preparing for some skin graft. It hurt him greatly, all I can say, Sean, I know it is hurting. Our father in heaven knows of our poverty in spirit. He knows our hurts and sicknesses. He knows it all.
2 Words of forgiveness. Vs.2b, “warfare is ended, …. her iniquity is pardoned, …..she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” God is saying that you have suffered enough for your sins and disobedience. It is over, it has been dealt with, it is forgiven. We have offended our friend or parents. There was guilt written all over us. Do we remember the moment they said to us, its ok, I have already forgiven you. What a relief, what a comfort to hear the words of forgiveness. In the Catholic tradition, members would go to the priest to confess their sins and to hear that their sins are forgiven. We come to our heavenly father directly, confess to him our sins and hear him telling us, you are forgiven.
3 God will reveal his glory. The Israelites were sad and desolate. The Babylonians have asked them to sing a song. Their response? In Psalm 137:1-4, “ 1 By the waters of Babylon , there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion . 2 On the willows there we hung up our lyres. 3 For there our captors required of us songs, and our tormentors, mirth, saying, “ Sing us one of the songs of Zion !” 4 How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” They were depressed in no mood for singing. But to them God said in vs.5, “ And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together……” in the midst of their desolation and poverty, God told them I will come and all of you will see me. Now, you are sad, anxious, but this will not last forever. One day, I will come. I will heal your hurts and will deliver you from such pains and misery. This is comfort. Present misery will not last forever. Even though some of you will not live to see my glory, but others will. You see, the focus is really not if I will see God's glory revealed. The focus is that God will reveal his glory. This is faith, right? When Abraham died, he did not see the promised land. The only land he saw was his burial ground. Yet he believed in God.
4 Human responsibility. This how God comforts us: he acknowledges our misery, he forgives our sins, he promises he will reveal his glory to us. How about us? Do we just sit here and wait? Take another look at vs.3,4, “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord;make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.” The Prophet Isaiah was saying, before God would reveal his glory, the roads need to be straightened, valleys need to be filled, mountains to be lowered. It is almost like some of the commercials we see on TV. What does it mean to the Israelites and us today? The Prophet Isaiah was saying before God would reveal his glory, there needs to be preparation on men’s part. How?
For us living on this side of the OT, we know that John the Baptist was the voice that prepared for the Messiah’s coming. What was his message? Repent. To prepare for God's glory to be revealed, our part is repentance. Through personal repentance we lower the mountains, fill the valleys and smooth out the roads. Yes, we need and want comfort. Even though we have drifted from him, but God has not moved one cm from us. However, to see and experience his glory, there must be repentance on our part. I think of an illustration dr. Lee used in one of his weekend messages. Sometime ago, he was attending a certain church in HK. There was heated discussion over a building project in one congregation meeting. There were those for it and those against it. In the midst of such discussion and arguments, the pastor stood up and announced that the congregation meeting is adjourned. Instead, next week there will be a prayer meeting. Not to pray for the building project, but a prayer meeting of repentance. On the night of that prayer meeting, the entire building was filled. As God comforts us, we respond with repentance of our sins.
C We do not have to live in despair because God's words are trustworthy.
God spoke words of comfort. God's promise of his coming glory was communicated via words. But are words trustworthy? Vs. 6-8, “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” As Isaiah was writing this, he may have the story of Hezekiah in mind. You remember Hezekiah was a good king. Then he got sick and was about to die. Hezekiah prayed and God gave him another 15 years. Do you know what he did after he got well? On hearing the news of recovery, the son of the king of Babylon sent messengers to bring gifts to Hezekiah. Hezekiah was so excited that he showed the messengers all those treasures in his house. It was a demonstration of his wealth and his accomplishment. This greatly displeased God. People can and will change.
Human words are here today, gone tomorrow. How many of us have made some kind of promises during this past month, 6 months or 12 months? Do you still remember them? How many of them have you kept? If I would ask your children, what would they say? It is hard for we humans to keep our words. We are here today, gone tomorrow. But here we are told that God's word will stand forever. 600 years later, Jesus said, Matthew 24:35, “ 35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
During president-elect Obama’s campaign, he made 10 promises to the American people. Now we are waiting to see how he will fulfill these promises. We have seen kingdoms and presidents come and gone, but God's word has not changed. God can be trusted, so also His words.
D We do not have to live in despair because God's presence with us.
Even though the circumstances could be rough, but God's word remains the same. His words of comfort last forever. And he will certainly reveal his glory one day. There is more to this. Vs. 10-11, “ Behold, the Lord God comes with might, and his arm rules for him; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him. He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” Here God is telling his people through Isaiah that not only will he reveal his glory, but he will also come and be with his people. How? He will come as a great King, with power and authority. He will come as the great benefactor; rewarding his people; He come as a gentle shepherd; carrying and leading his sheep..
When in exile, the Israelites would live under kings that were mean to them, treating them roughly. They were at the mercy of the Babylonian and Persian kings. But one day, this God, will come as a great king. He would be a very different king. He is powerful and authoritative, yet also a gentle shepherd. He had the well being of his sheep in mind. This is their comfort and hope in times of distress. However, when we study their history, we know that those living in exile never experienced the coming of this great king, good king and the gentle shepherd. So what was Isaiah talking about?
In the gospels we read that John the Baptist was the one that paved the way for the coming of the king. His message was repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. What did apostle john write about Jesus? John 1:4, “ 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” The Apostle John knew that Jesus was the unchanging word, he was God. This word, God came became one of us and lived among us. Apostle John saw his glory on the mountain top when Jesus temporarily revealed his gory to them. He also saw his glory when Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection., John in his writing recorded that Jesus claimed to be the good shepherd. Matthew quoted Jesus saying, I am humble and gentle in heart. You see, Isaiah was telling us that this great king, gift giver and the gentle shepherd is Jesus.
During those desert-like years in HK, my parents heard the comforting words of the great and gentle shepherd and they believed in Him.
In another two weeks we’ll be celebrating the birth of Jesus. During this Advent season, we look forward to the coming of this glorious king, gentle shepherd and all comforting Jesus. We know with his coming he will comfort us, enrich and nurture our spiritual poverty. For us living in the 21 st century, there is one more thing we know for sure. We do not receive the punishment that we deserve like the Israelites in the OT. Why? Because Isaiah later wrote 53:3 “ 3 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken,smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.” This Jesus suffered and punished for our sins. Because he had received the punishment that is due us, our sins are forgiven. For this reason, we come to him when we are under stress, anxious and worrisome. He is the great comforter, speaking to us gently. He offered us direction and the assurance of forgiveness.
Not only this, we also look forward to one day when we too will see him in his full glory. On that day, we no longer need to hear, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” Because we will see this great Comforter face to face. We will be in His presence. He will wipe away all our tears, there will be no more pain and sorrow. This is the hope we have in this Advent.
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