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日期: 11/09/08

經文:《以斯拉記》 1 : 1-4 ; 7 : 1-10

題目: 改變的來臨

主旨: 神使用 所揀選的人來完成救贖大計





  《以斯拉記》是一本有關神的子民在外邦流放七十年後如何改變的書。講述了神如何兌現他的承諾把他的子民從被虜之地帶回來,在他們自己的土地上重建一切。這個應許是在以斯拉之前 150 年,通過先知耶利米傳遞的。《耶利米書》 29 : 10 “耶和華如此說:為巴比倫所定的七十年滿了以後,我要眷顧你們,向你們成就我的恩言,使你們仍回此地。耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。”七十年來,以色列人住在巴比倫,期盼有一天在他們自己的土地上有平安和希望。他們在等待一個重大變化的來臨。他們肯定在心裡揣測神會怎樣兌現他的諾言。是否再出現一個摩西或者約書亞?

I . 神使用我們想不到的人來完成祂的計劃

  《以斯拉記》 1 : 1 “波斯王古列元年,耶和華為要應驗藉耶利米口所說的話,就激動波斯王古列的心,使他下詔通告全國說:…”波斯帝國有這樣的宗教政策:除了他們自己的神,他們也向巴比倫其他的神效忠。不僅如此,他們還試著恢復非巴比倫的神在他們以前城市中的模樣,鼓勵信徒重建他們的聖殿和開始敬拜。在這個政策下,第一批以色列人在被俘 70 年以後回到了猶大地。從人的角度來看,這個宗教政策導致了以色列人的回歸。但是,從神的角度講,是他的靈感動了古列王,導致了以色列的回歸。在第七章,我們看到在另一位波斯王亞達薛西年間,以斯拉和其他一些人成為第二批返回猶大的猶太人。是怎麼一回事 ? 神使用了兩個外邦的國王來發起這次回歸的過程,應驗了他對以色列人的承諾。這也應證了《箴言》 21 : 1 “王的心在耶和華手中,好像隴溝的水隨意流轉。”


  古列王和亞達薛西王做夢也不會想到自己會被記載在神的話語裡、為後人所閱讀。以斯拉大概也是這樣、他認為自己只不過是在專心記錄和盡責任而已。神使用一些我們意想不到的人來實現他的許諾。歷史上有許多這樣的例子。在日本統治臺灣的黑暗時期,在土著居民中實現了大復興。在當代中國的黑暗時期,從 1950 到 1980 年間,教會數目成長了 100 倍,並且依然在不斷增加。當時中國的政策導致許多信徒被關進監獄或者下放到農場改造,可是就是通過這樣的方式,神的福音卻得到傳播。在新疆最西面的地區有一位女傳道 . 她是在 50 年時代被送到那區作思想改造 . 她就留下來將福音傳遍那地。

  個人生命也是如此。神使用我們意想不到的人帶領我們進入他的國度,實現他應許帶給我們平安和希望的承諾。三年前, Cynthia 說“你知道這個人是怎麼成為基督徒的嗎?是通過看了電視上的某某節目。”我並不是這個牧師的崇拜者,但是有誰能決定神要如何帶領人回歸他的國度呢?在司布真時期,有一位婦女因為讀到一張用來包乳酪的紙上記錄他的講道內容而信了主。一位在教堂屋頂工作的工人因為聽到司布真用一句福音的內容測試音響效果而信了主。還有奧古斯丁,聽到在一旁玩耍的孩子們說:拿起來誦讀,誦讀,就下定決心讀聖經,於是成就了他的轉變。永遠不要低估神會使用誰或者如何來兌現他對於改變、平安和希望的承諾。

II . 神使用心思重視祂話語的人

以斯拉不像尼希米,他可能不是衝勁很強的人。但是,在這本書的後半部,我們對他有一個更清楚的認識。在 7 : 1-5 ,我們知道他既是一個文士也是一個祭祀。在聖經裡,他是唯一一個集兩種身份於一身的人。有關他的家譜,聖經也做了詳細的記錄。他的家譜可以一直追溯到摩西的兄弟亞綸。這個身世很重要,因為只有特定家世的人才能擔任祭祀。作為一個文士,他善於寫作和為波斯國王做文書記錄。作為祭祀,他的責任是在神的面前代表他的子民。以斯拉也被認為是熟悉摩西律法的人。第六節說“這以斯拉從巴比倫上來,他是敏捷的文士,通達耶和華─以色列神所賜摩西的律法書。”國王為什麼把以斯拉派去猶大?因為他是律法方面的專家。國王派他去教導神的子民懂得神的律法。

  我想帶給你們一個觀察。國王沒有說:“以斯拉,因為我現在要派你去猶大,所以你最好趕快學習一下摩西律法。”不是這樣的,以斯拉已經是律法方面的專家,所以國王才差派他去。就像我們的新總統大,一個重要的挑戰就是組閣,找一些具有負責不同部門經驗的人來組成內閣。總統不會這麼說:“因為我要選你當財政部長或者國防部長,所以你現在去讀一讀薩繆 爾遜的書或者孫子兵法。”不是的,他想要找的是那些已經是專家的人。波斯國王挑選以斯拉是因為他已經是律法方面的專家。

  這節經文也告訴我們以斯拉是如何成為律法專家的。他是如何經歷神的恩典的呢?“以斯拉定志考究遵行耶和華的律法,又將律例典章教訓以色列人。”因為我們在 12 年前就已經詳細學習過這節經文,我今天只是來強調幾個重點。

1 •  以斯拉下定決心學習神的律法。他不是等到教導的機會來臨才開始學習律法。一開始,他就下定決心學習神的律法。他做出了一個決定。這意味著他要付出時間來學習。不僅僅是讀律法,還要研究。

這對我們有什麼意義?當我們要教導主日學的時候或者要講道的時候,我們就研讀神的話。我經常自我提醒:如果我不教主日學或者不再講道,我是否還會學習聖經呢?真正的考驗不是在於要你講道或者教導的時候你是否學習,這是理所當然的事。重要的是,在我們不講道或者不教導的時候,我們是否還看重學習。我很贊賞那些堅持上 BSF 的弟兄姐妹。你已經下定決心學習神的話語,所以你才參加 BSF BSF 的架構能幫助我們系統地深入學習聖經。我們學習神的話語不是為了去教導,而是發自內心的一種渴望。

2 •  以斯拉決心遵循神的話語。以斯拉不僅下決心學習神的話,而且也立志遵循神的真理。遵循神的真理並不是一件很自然而然的事。單單學習神的話不能保證我們能遵循他的話。我認識一些人,他們對於聖經的知識了若指掌,他們當中很多人是在監獄裡。他們從小就知道聖經知識,可是他們沒有遵守神的真理。我們也要下個決心:當聖經要求我們改變態度或者行為的時候,我們要遵從。

3 •  以斯拉決心教導他人聖經真理。以斯拉除了立志學習聖經,遵循真理以外,他也決心要教導他人。他不是滿足於個人的知識和遵從,他也幫助別人。這是耶穌要求他的門徒的。《馬太福音》 28 : 19-20 “所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。”使徒們要教導他人耶穌的話,並遵從耶穌的吩咐。學習、遵從和教導彼此不可分割。

大約三年前,我在北加地區的一個家庭退修會上講道。在那週末,一位來自東岸的長老帶領一系列的專題講座。他的妹妹曾經在本會敬拜和服事。我去參加了他的一個講座,對於他對聖經知識的掌握程度和清晰準確傳講神的話語的能力感到非常驚訝。他對於聖經真理有很深的掌握,同時他非常關愛教會中的會友。有時候,他甚至令我感到自愧不如。後來,在我們交談的時候,他跟我分享說:他是在臺灣念高中的時候信主的,讀大學的時候,他和現在的太太有了交往。他們和另外一對戀愛中的朋友決定每個週六早上,他們要去教會一起查考聖經。在他青年時期,就下定決心學習和遵從神的話語。幾周前,我聽說他在 Westminster 神學院裡學習,打算進入全時間的服事。神喜悅他的心意,使用他來教導他人。

III . 神使用心思重視聖潔的人



但是,在《申命記》裡,也有關於允許通婚的特例。在七種情況下,祭司可以與外族女士結婚。但是,在第九和第十章,以斯拉卻不允許任何特例。他要求娶了外邦女子的以色列人馬上休了妻子,把她們送回故鄉。他要求每個人都遵守同樣的標準。無論是否是祭司,人人都一樣。以斯拉指出所有的信徒都是擔任祭祀的職分。在神面前,我們都是平等的,都被要求過聖潔的生活。 因為神是聖潔的,所以我們也必須是聖潔的。

要聖潔就要求我們和世界區分開來,和抵觸神的律法的思想和行為區分開來。當我年輕的時候,要聖潔就意味著做到一系列“不可”:不可抽煙;不可喝酒;不可跳舞;不可看電影。但是要聖潔,是遠超過這一切。當我們認識了主耶穌,神就看我們是聖潔的。耶穌為我們而死,為我們潔 身上的罪。他已經讓我們成為聖潔。我們面臨的挑戰和責任是活出符合神形象的生活。他要求我們模仿他,像他一樣生活。我們要在生命中活出聖靈的果實,活出神的愛、憐憫和溫柔。我們要學著用他的眼來看世界和生命中的各種事件。我們要讓我們的心和神相連。這是聖潔。這樣的人才被神所用來彰顯他的救贖計劃。




  在星期五的 <Chronicle> 報紙上,除了連篇累牘的政治新聞以外,還有一篇關於 Billy Graham 的報導。他剛度過 90 歲的生日。他的健康已經惡化,視力下降很厲害。他說他最遺憾的就是失去了人生中最快樂的時光:讀聖經。有時候,他不得不請別人為他朗讀經文。在他的一生中, Billy Graham 緊緊追隨神的話語:學習,遵從和教導。他是一個誠實的人。神在過去的 60 年裡大大地使用了他作為改變千萬人生命的 媒介 。的確是一位神所用的人。



Date:   11/09/08

Text:   Ezra 1:1-4; 7:1-10

Title: Change is Here

Theme: God uses people of His choice to accomplish His redemptive plan.



  During the past week the entire world is talking about the change taking place in America . For this past year, we've been asking questions about how the country or the world will look like when change takes place. We have discussed and debated over who and how will bring about this change. With any change, there will be uncertainty, risk, skepticism and hope.

  The bible is a book about change. The Journey of Faith is about change. When we read the scriptures, we learn of God's plan for His creation and His promise of change to a fallen world. It is about restoring His people to Himself, that they may have peace and joy. The book of Nehemiah is about the change God brought to his people. Today and next week, I would like to study with you two characters that were in the same era as Nehemiah; Ezra and Malachi. Like Nehemiah, they were agents of change for God's people. This morning, we will focus on Ezra.

  This book of Ezra is also about a change that took place among God's people who had been living in exile for about 70 years. It is the story of God working to fulfill his promise by bringing His people back from exile and establishing them once again in their land. This promise was made through prophet Jeremiah, about 150 years before Ezra, in Jer 29:10, “ 10 “For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” For 70 years, the Israelites living in Babylon had looked forward to a day of peace and hope in their homeland. They were waiting for a major change to happen. They must have wondered how is God going to pull this one off? Would there be another Moses or Joshua?

I.   God uses the most unexpected people to accomplish His plan.

  In chapter 1:1, “In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing:…” The Persian Empire had this Religion Policy. Besides their own god, they paid allegiance to other Babylonian gods. Moreover, they tried to restore images of other non-Babylonian gods in their former cities, encouraging the re-establishment of their sanctuaries and forms of worship. Under this policy, the first group of Israelites returned to the land of Judah after 70 years of exile in Babylon . Humanly speaking, it was the Religious policy that prompted the first return. Yet from the divine perspective, God's spirit stirred the heart of King Cyrus, resulting in the first return. And then in chapter 7, we read that under another king: Artaxerxes, Ezra and others became the second group returning to Judah . What happened here? God used two pagan kings to initiate this return process, to fulfill his promise to the Israelites. This confirmed Proverbs 21:1, “The king 's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”

  How about Ezra? In our study of Nehemiah, we learned that Nehemiah was a man with a clear purpose, a kind of go getter. Nowhere in this book of Ezra are we told his motive for returning to Judah . He just went. But God used him in a very special way in the history of the Israelites.

  King Cyrus and King Artaxerxes would have never guessed that their names would be recorded in God's holy book and be read by millions of people for over 2000 years. Most likely Ezra might not have imagined that what he recorded would end up in the scriptures. He was just doing his part.

God uses people that we do not expect to fulfill his promise, His plan. History is full of such examples. During the dark hours of the Japanese rule in Taiwan , there was a great revival among the aborigines in the mountains. Again in the dark hours of modern Chinese history, during the years from 1950 to 1980's, the church grew over 100 fold and is still growing strong. Policies designed to punish the believers by sending them to prisons and remote labor farms, turned out to be means by which the gospel is being carried to all parts of the country. I heard of a woman minister serving in the very western part of China . She was sent there for ‘thought re-education' in the 50's. Like many others, she stayed there and used mightily by God. .

  The same is true in our personal lives. God uses people we least expect to bring us into his kingdom, fulfilling his promise of personal restoration to peace and hope. About three years ago, Cynthia said, “do you know how this person became a Christian? Through watching So and So's TV program.” Well, I am not really a great fan of this preacher, but who can dictate how God is going to bring someone into his kingdom? In Spurgeon's days, one woman became converted from a single page of his sermon wrapped around some butter. A worker high in the church rafter accepted Christ as Spurgeon tested the acoustics with a single Gospel sentence. Then there was St. Augustine , hearing children playing outside his study saying: take up and read it, read it; decided to take up and read the bible, thus leading to his conversion. Never underestimate whom God can use or how He brings about his promise of restoration, peace and hope.

II.   God uses individuals whose heart is on His Word.

  Ezra was unlike Nehemiah, he may not be a go getter. However, in the second half of this book, we have a clearer picture of his profile. In 7:1-5, we learn that he is both a priest and scribe. This is the only time in the scripture that these two offices were together in one person. There is great detail about his genealogy, traced all the way back to Aaron, Moses' brother. This is necessary in order to show that only a certain group of people can be priests. As a scribe, he was skilled in writing and recording for the Persian King. As a priest, Ezra's responsibility was to represent God's people before God. Ezra was also described as a man who was well familiar with Moses' law; vs.6, “this Ezra went up from Babylonia . He was a scribe skilled in the Law of Moses that the Lord the God of Israel had given,…” Why was Ezra sent to Judah by the King? Because he was an expert in God's law. He was sent so he could teach God's law to God's people.

  I want to bring to you one observation. The king did not say, now Ezra, since I am going to send you to Judah , you better brush up on Moses' laws (or the Pentateuch). No, Ezra was already well versed in the Law, so the king sent him there. It's like our president elect. One of his challenges is to form a cabinet, individuals with recognized expertise in different government departments. He would not pick someone and say, “since you are going to be the new Treasury or Defense secretary, so go and read these books by Paul Samuelson or Sun Zi Pin Fa and learn from the best in this country.” No, he wants someone already an expert in these areas. Ezra was chosen because he was a skilled/expert in God's Law.

  There is more to this. The passage also tells us how Ezra got to where he was. Why was he an expert in God's Law and experience God's blessing in his preparation to Judah ? Vs.10, “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel .” Since we have studied this verse in detail almost 12 years ago, I'll just call your attention to some highlights in this verse.

1 •  Ezra determined to study God's law. He did not wait till the opportunity of teaching came and then start studying God's law. Thus, early on, he determined to study God's law. He made a decision to study. That means he needed to make the time to study. Not just reading, but to research and understand the law well.

What does this mean to us? When we have to teach a Sunday School class, or preach, we study the word. The question I constantly ask and remind myself is: do I study the word when I don't have to teach Sunday School or preach? The real test is not whether you study the word when you teach or preach, for that is a given. But rather, during the times we don't have to teach and preach, do we study the word? I greatly admire those among us that attend BSF faithfully. You've made the decision that you want to study the word, so you go to BSF. They provide us with the structure to help us delve deeply into the word. Not because we have to teach others, but because we want to study God's word.

2 •  Ezra determined to obey the word. Ezra not only determined to study, he also decided to obey the word. Obedience to the word does not come naturally. The fact that we read or even study the word is no sure guarantee that we'll obey. I have met individuals who know the bible like the palms of their hands. Quite a few of them are in prison. They know the scripture from childhood, but there was no obedience. We too, have to make a decision that when the scripture calls for attitude and behavior changes, we must obey or as ESV put it, to do it; to do the word.

3 •  Ezra determined to teach others the word. Having decided to study the word, to obey the word, Ezra also decided to teach others. He did not stop at his own enrichment or obedience, he also taught others. This is what Jesus told his disciples, Mat 28:19-20, “ 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," 20 "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”" The disciples are to teach others Jesus' words and to teach them to obey. Studying, Obeying and Teaching go hand in hand.

About 3 years ago I preached in a family conference in northern California . During that weekend, an elder from an east coast church was leading a series of workshops. His sister used to worship and serve at HCC. I went to one of his workshops and was surprised at his mastery of the scriptures and ability to communicate the truth so effectively and practically. He was skilled in the scriptures plus had a caring heart for people in his church. At times, he could put me to shame. Later, as we talked, he shared this: he came to know Christ in high school in Taiwan . While attending university there, he dated his present wife. They and another couple that was dating decided that every Saturday morning, they would go to church and study the bible together. Early on in his life, he decided to study and obey God's word. Several weeks ago, I heard that he is now taking classes at Westminster Seminary, preparing to go into full time ministry. God honored that decision and determination, and used him to teach others.

III.   God uses individuals whose hearts are set on holiness.

  God uses people that are least expected by us; he uses people who have a passion for his word to bring about his promise. There is more. By the time Ezra arrived at Judah , the altar and temple was completed. Then something happened. The leaders came to him and told him about the problem of intermarriage. The Jewish men married women from the surrounding countries. I want to make a brief observation on this. In Nehemiah, we read that he saw, knew, and discovered this intermarriage problem and he did something about this. However, with Ezra, it was brought to his attention. Again, this showed a different personality. Ezra responded to the leaders' concern.

  In dealing with this problem, Ezra, unlike Nehemiah, did not mention Solomon as an example of failure. One possible reason was that he knew the law well. He did not need to use a person to point out their failure. Instead, he appealed directly to the law. As we have studied several weeks ago, intermarriage is not a racial or ethnic issue. It is a religious problem. By marrying foreign women, the Israelites ended up following their gods. It was Jehovah God plus other gods. It was a violation of the first two commandments: You shall have no other gods before me; You shall not make for yourself a carved image. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. When the Jewish men married foreign women, it was a matter of idolatry. Intermarriage was a violation of holiness.

However, in Deuteronomy, there were exceptions to this prohibition of intermarriage. Under 7 conditions, priests were exempted from this prohibition. However, in chapter 9 and 10, Ezra did not allow any exceptions. He ordered a one time divorce, sending the foreign wives back to their place of origin. He expected everyone to be held to the same standard. There was no difference between priests and non-priests. Ezra was pointing at the priesthood of all believers. Before God, we are all equal and expected to live a life of holiness. We are to be holy because God is holy.

To be holy is to separate oneself from the world, from thoughts and behaviors that are contradictory to God's law. When I was younger, to be holy meant following a list of don'ts. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't dance, don't see movies. But to be holy, is so much more than this. When we come to know Christ, God considers us as holy. He has already died and cleansed us from our sins. He had made us holy. Having been considered holy, our challenge and responsibility now is to live a life that conforms to God's image. He wants us to imitate him and to be like him. The fruit of the Holy Spirit, characteristics of love, his humility and gentleness are characters that we are to develop in life. We are to learn to view the world and events in life through His eyes. We are to connect our hearts with him. This is holiness. This is the kind of person God uses to bring about his redemptive plan in this world.


  Now, with the election behind us, we are peering into the future. The president-elect's aides are beginning to tune down expectations of change. You see, we can promise many things, but there is no guarantee we can deliver the change. Not so with God. He always delivers what he has promised. We may not see nor understand, but he always carried out what he had promised.

  There is no way we can put God in a box and determine that he has to work this way or that way. I am certain that he can use the most liberal president and administration to bring about his plan for this country and His children. Having said this, it must not be our excuse to ignore His word and the holiness that can result in our obedience to the Word. Yes, God can use some of the most ungodly people to accomplish his redemptive plan, but he also wants to use people with hearts set on His Word and Holiness. .

  On Friday's Chronicle, amidst all the political analysis was an article about Billy Graham. The occasion was his 90 th birthday. It was about his failing health and deteriorating eye-sight. Among many things, he wrote how Graham missed the pleasure of his life: Reading the Bible. At times he had to ask others to read to him the scripture. Throughout his life, Billy was a man of God's word: study, obey and teach; and a man of integrity. God used him mightily during the last 60 years as a change agent for millions of people. A man that God truly has been using.

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