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Date:   10/26/08

Text:   Nehemiah 13: 12-13; 30-31

Title:   Memoir of a Governor

Theme: God uses individuals with skills and character to lead His people.



  In another 8 days will be the presidential election. This election is drawing attention from around the world. I trust that during these past few months we have looked into issues on policy, characters, personal and party core values. Frequently, it is too complicated for an average citizen to understand the proposed solutions from the candidates. A lead article in Newsweek reads: Whom do we turn to? Who do you want to lead this country for the next 4, maybe 8 years? Each presidential election is really a leadership issue.

Today, we want to explore this leadership issue from God's perspective. What does God have to say about leaders and leadership? In our previous study of the book of Nehemiah, we learned that at the end of 13:3, Nehemiah went back to Persia where he continued his service under the King. After an unspecified time, he returned to the land of Judah . He saw people had fallen into the traps of secularism, materialism, relativism and pluralism. Underneath this, was a leadership problem. There was an unreliable priest, nobles and leaders had encouraged and tolerated the marginalization of the spiritual and sacred matters. When he saw this, Nehemiah rolled up his sleeves and started to address these problems. Two Sundays ago, we studied Nehemiah's actions to bring the nation back to God, with God as the center of their lives. Nehemiah was the right person at the right time.

Now we want to explore from chapter 13 how he brought about this change. What was so unique about his leadership? Next Sunday, if God willing, we'll take one more look at the book of Nehemiah to see what it can mean to us in our rebuilding of our inner lives. Again, I would encourage you to obtain the book by Raymond Brown for a more in depth treatment of the book of Nehemiah.

  Throughout this chapter, Nehemiah used the first person to describe what he did, making this like the memoir of a governor. (A book for the election year!) In this chapter, we want to explore the truth that God uses men of integrity and skill to lead His people. Leadership is more than one's ability, it includes one's character.

I.   A Leadership characterized by sharing with others. 12-13

  When we find ourselves under pressure, some of us will become autocratic. We'll take things into our hands and take over. What did Nehemiah do when he saw the sins of the people? Instead of taking things into his own hand and starting a reformation, he gathered a team of 4 individuals to take care of the tithing issue. He knew effective leadership requires a team, sharing of leadership. Here are some observations of this team.

1 •  Proper delegation. In order to restore the credibility of priesthood and the temple, Nehemiah assembled a 4 men team. A Levite was there to acknowledge the gifts and the priest to perform the necessary duties when the gifts were brought to the temple. In addition to a Levite and a priest, there was a Scribe, whose responsibility was to keep a record of the gifts. Then there was Hanan who helped with moving of the crops and other items brought to the temple. This team was at the temple to witness, acknowledge, record and handle the tithes people brought. Nehemiah coordinated this group of individuals, so that God's house will not be neglected and be glorified; to regain its centrality in people's lives. This is what the apostles Paul and Peter alluded to the use of gifts in Christ body. In 1 Peter 4:10-11, “ 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” God has given each one of us one or more spiritual gifts. What is the chief purpose of these gifts? Not that the church will grow, but God will be glorified. To point others to God, so they will say good things about Him.

2 •  People of Trustworthiness. Nehemiah used one word to describe this team of 4: Reliable. He appointed them because they were trustworthy, men of integrity. Isn't this what leadership is all about? In a Newsweek interview, Peter Ueberroth talked about leadership. He has a reputation for toughness. When asked when to be tough. “When there's an integrity issue. In football and baseball there are white chalk lines on the grass, and if you cross them you're out of bounds. We say, ‘don't get any chalk on your toes---don't even get close.” With this character, he served as the organizer of the 84' LA Olympics, and then commissioner of the Major League Baseball, director of Coca-Cola and chairman of the US Olympic Committee. In the OT, when Samuel faced Jesse's eldest son, Eliah, who was handsome and tall, he felt this must be the one God would anoint to be the future king of Israel . But not so, for God looks at man's heart. He wants to see if there is white chalk on our shoes.

3 •  Brotherly love. Nehemiah coordinated these four individuals gifts, making sure they were men of integrity. And one more. He wanted to stress that they were part of the community with other Israelites. In this and other chapters, we see the repeated use of the word brothers, “…distribute to their brothers.” It is not us versus them mentality, but we are all part of the same community. Throughout this book of Nehemiah, we saw that the brothers must be loved, served, taught, encouraged and protected. In the NT teaching, we are all members of God's family. As members of this family, we listen to and submit to one another. We care for and pray for each other. When asked what are some painful moments in ministry? My response is when I see believers not loving one another. When we harbor hatred, bitterness against one another. When pastors and church leaders turn against each other.

How about happy moments? Last weekend there was the annual retreat for the senior citizens from 4 Chinese churches in Houston . I was very much touched when I saw different fellowship groups helping with the singing, registration and serving lunch. Or in the summer how the youth, working Stanley and Cindy reaching out to the children and youth in the Mark 6 apartments. Or the week after Ike, how Stanley, Cindy and Jonathan went to the Goldberg apartment, using music to bring comfort and joy to the senior residents there. In Christ, we are different in age, background and culture, yet we are all members of one body, belonging to each other.

II.   A leadership that is effective.

  This book conclude with 30-31, “ 30 Thus I cleansed them from everything foreign, and I established the duties of the priests and Levites, each in his work; 31 and I provided for the wood offering at appointed times, and for the firstfruits. Remember me, O my God, for good.” Here we find Nehemiah coordinating a much larger group of people. He established the work of the Levites, the Priests. The language here is similar to the vows the Israelites made in 10: 39, “ 39 For the people of Israel and the sons of Levi shall bring the contribution of grain, wine, and oil to the chambers, where the vessels of the sanctuary are, as well as the priests who minister, and the gatekeepers and the singers. We will not neglect the house of our God.” Nehemiah helped and directed people back to the basics: making God's house, his dwelling place, the temple, the center of their spiritual life. In other words, the last words in Nehemiah's memoir were his efforts to bring God back to people's lives. God is to be the head and center in their community and personal lives. As a leader, one needs to know what the basic and foundational issue is.

From time to time, I reflect upon what are the basics in my ministry? I have seen different trends come and go, but there is one need that never changes. To be near to the heart of God. To center our lives on God, to have him shape how we look at the world around us; To have him guide all our decisions; and for us to be obedient to him in all situations.

The same can be said in our personal lives. In the reunion I attended three weeks ago, the husband of our fellowship advisor shared this with us. When he found out that he was diagnosed with cancer (later it turned out not so), he immediately retired from his medical practice. He and his wife began a series of reflections. They asked what were the basics in life. Their conclusions are: first, a closer walk with God, second, to reconcile with individuals with whom they had conflicts while serving as a deacon in his local church, and thirdly, to reach out to those apparently neglected in their home church.   

III.   Leadership is to be an example to all.

  In vs.14, 22, 29,31, “ 14 Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God and for his service…Remember this also in my favor, O my God, and spare me according to the greatness of your steadfast love… 29 Remember them, O my God, because they have desecrated the priesthood and the covenant of the priesthood and the Levites…..Remember me, O my God, for good.” there is much we can learn from these short burst of prayers.


1 •  Earnest in prayer. Nehemiah prayed for himself, his loyal service, for the priest and leaders that had sinned against God. In this chapter, he concluded each situation with a prayer. He is constantly dependent upon God. In chapter one, we learned that he prayed when he first heard of the desolate condition of Jerusalem . Throughout the rebuilding project, he prayed. And now at the conclusion of this book, he prayed. We tend to pray when we face difficulties and challenges in life. Nehemiah reminded us that in all of life, we are to be dependent upon him. We need to take it to heart that we can do nothing apart from him. Prayer is our expression of how much we need God, how much we are dependent upon him in all areas of life.

2 •  Personal faith. When we look at these prayers, we see Nehemiah repeatedly saying, “my God”. Not just almighty God, or Jehovah, but My God. It is mine, a very personal God. Last quarter in the Cantonese Sunday School, we studied the Apostles Creed. At the beginning of each class, I asked the students to read/recite the creed together. In most of the churches in china, during their worship service, they would read the apostles' creed together. When I hear multitudes of people saying, “I believe in God the father…. I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Spirit…I believe in the holy catholic church….I believe in the communion of saints….i believe in the forgiveness of sins…..I believe in resurrection…I believe in the everlasting life.” it is very touching. In Galatians 2:20, Paul writes, “….who loved me and gave himself for me.” It's me, me. This is not being self-centered, but a conviction of that deep personal faith. He loved me, and died for me.

3 •  Grace alone. Vs.22, “…..O my God, and spare me according to the greatness of your steadfast love.” Nehemiah asked God to show loving kindness, and mercy to him. Raymond Brown wrote: this steadfast love describes the compassionate nature and dependable character of a God who declared a firm agreement with his people, and who promises never to forsake those he loves. It denotes God's steady and extraordinary persistence in continuing to love wayward Israel in spite of Israel 's insistent waywardness. Knowing this, no one can earn this favor by works. No matter how hard we drive, we cannot gain this steadfast love. It is all grace.

4 •  Human responsibility. In his prayers, Nehemiah asked that God will not forget his many good deeds, nor the sins of the priests. Yes, it was God's grace that brought him to where he was today. It was God's grace that enabled him to finish the rebuilding of the city walls. It was God's grace that enabled him to bring about the spiritual renewal. Yet, at the same time Nehemiah also clearly understood human responsibilities. His work of loyalty and the priest's work of disloyalty.


  Whom do we turn to for this country's leadership? In another 8 days, we'll know the result. No matter who becomes the president, there will be another group of the population that will think otherwise. But reading the book of Nehemiah may give us a different perspective. God's idea of leadership is quite different from ours. The man God uses is not based on a popularity contest. He is looking for someone with the right heart and the skill.

  Even though we have used the word leadership for this chapter's outline, yet the word leadership never occurs once. Nehemiah never described himself as a leader. Instead, both in this chapter and throughout this book, Nehemiah was recording how he faced different obstacles and one by one, overcoming them with God's help. It was this process that made him an outstanding leader during the dark hours of Israel 's history. In the book, “True North”, David Gergen writes that individuals who set their eyes on the top leadership position seldom make it. It is those that rise up to the occasion, overcoming obstacles as it comes, who are the one who eventually become leaders.

  If I say, if you want to be a leaders, this is what you need to do, I think most of you would say, no thanks, I am not interested in being a leader, therefore these truths do not apply to me.

However, at different times in life, we find ourselves in churches or fellowship/small groups where we feel spiritual malaise or illness. We can complain, get out of the situation or keep our eyes closed. Then there is also another option. We roll up our sleeves and do something about it. It always starts with our personal faith in God. We can be men and women of integrity and ask God to help us pray and work with others to bring about the change. We don't set out to become leaders, but as we follow God and obey his instructions, he can use us to bring others back to Him.

In our reunion three weeks ago, we sang a song that we used to sing every Saturday afternoon when we met 45 years ago. It is called Living for Jesus. We may not have fully understood what we were singing at that time. Yet, there was the desire to give our all to Jesus for him to use us. And by God's grace, he has kept us and also used many of us to be channels of his love and grace to people around us and in different parts of the world.

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