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日期: 09/21/08

經文:《尼希米記》 11 : 1-12 : 26

題目:東施效顰 2

主旨: 因為神是聖潔,所以我們的事奉必須反映衪的聖潔






兩個星期以前,我們讀到:尼希米面臨如何興旺耶路撒冷人口的挑戰。耶路撒冷的城 已經修建完畢,可是城內卻人煙稀少。那么,尼希米該如何應對呢?首先,他提醒民眾:耶路撒冷是神的居所,是一座 城。住在城內的居民通常會反映這座城市的特徵。比如,從新奧爾良的居民身上,我們可以看出新奧爾良為什么被稱作“大快活”之城( Big Easy City )。因為耶路撒冷是一座 城,所以 潔也就成了當城居民的標志。其次,我們知道:有時候,神使用其他信徒來呼召我們事奉他,來填補事工中的空缺。也有時候,他要我們親自看到這些空缺,然后主動回應,奉獻時間和精力。有時候服從神的召喚是需要作出個人犧牲的。

今天早上,我們要繼續學習這卷經文,了解在事奉神的時候還有哪些神的教導需要謹守和遵從。在 3-10 節,我們看到許多選擇住在耶路撒冷的猶大人和便雅憫人的名字。 11-24 節經文羅列了許多人的名字,他們和耶路撒冷的人口遷徙無關,但是,他們都為耶路撒冷盡忠職守。在 25-36 節,作者又列舉了許多住在其他省份人的名字。這里強調的重點是他們所居住的地點。 12 章的 1-26 節記錄了第一批返回猶大土地的人的名字。尼希米提醒大家,這些人早在八十年前就返回了猶大。我們要學習神通過這一連串的名字所要對我們啟示的真理。

III •  謙卑的重要性。

第 1 節經文告訴我們有哪些領袖住在耶路撒冷。第 3 節告訴我們住在外省的一些領袖的名字。第 9 節提到耶路撒冷的長官和副官。第 16 節和第 21 節羅列了管理 殿事務的人的名字。第 6 節和第 14 節告訴我們有不少的勇士。

還有一份名單。在第 12 節和第 21 節,有些人因為他們所作的事跡被記錄下來。在 12 : 7-9 節,也有些人的名字雖然沒有被提到,但是他們的事跡卻被人紀念。看了這些記載,我們再次想到:在神的國度里,所有的人都沒有貴賤之分。在神的經濟系統里,所有的工作價值都一樣重要。有些人的名字被提到了,還有許多無名人士。但是,他們都同樣重要。

如果我們來看一下教會的歷史,在不同時期,有些領袖和個人的名字被人們牢記在心。在東方,我們記得宋尚節,王明道,倪柝聲, Hudson Taylor Michael Griffith David Adeney 和趙君影。他們在中國的教會史上發揮過重要的作用。 在希方,我們記得 Jonathan Edwards, David Livingston, DL Moody, Billy Graham 。在當代,我們所熟悉的名字有: Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, Ed Young Jr., John Piper, Dallas Willard, 等等。我確信你還可以往這個名單里加入你所熟悉的名字 。 那么,教會的歷史是否就是靠他們這些人組成的呢?我認為不是。他們或許是一個思想、一個潮流或者一個運動的先驅者,但是真正組成教會歷史的是他們背后那些我們不知姓名的人物。是那些人,就像這段經文里的無名人士一般,構成了教會的歷史。

今年夏天,我們開車經過密歇根的小鎮和德州的山區。幾乎每一個小鎮都有一到兩個教會。在這些小城鎮里,有許多默默無聞的牧師在辛勤地服事,我們根本不知道他們的名字。這就是在神的事工中所表現出來的謙卑。這就是保羅在《哥林多前書》 1 : 12 和《以弗所書》 4 所詳細闡述的有關屬靈恩賜的內容。我們每個人都有從神而來的恩賜,共同組成了基督的身體。每一個事工內容、在基督里的每一個成員,都是重要的。

這對于我們有什么意義?是的,我們知道牧師的名字。我們或許知道主任牧師的名字。我們或許知道長老和執事的名字。他們在教會里起了重要的作用,至少他們自己是這么認為的。但是,事實是什么呢?你知不知道這些人的名字?……沒有他們,就沒有 HCC 的兒童事工。沒有你們,就沒有 HCC 。跟 2008 的總統競選不一樣,在神的事工里,我們不是追求聚光燈下的明星效果。我們的目的不是為了揚名立萬。因為,神看我們是看內在的東希,清楚了這一點會讓我們保持謙卑。

IV •  家庭的重要性。

當我們看第 3 節經文的開頭時,會注意到在這里(還有其他幾處經文里)尼希米記錄了某某人的后代,某某人的兒子,兄弟,親族、族長的等等。很難把家庭與為主的事工分割開來。

我向在中國的一些學生 ( 傳道人 ) 詢問他們生命里優先次序問題。在一個 25 人的班級里,人人都說家庭非常重要。我接著問他們是否在日常生活和工作安排上體現了家庭的優先次序。全班一片沉默,隨后都搖頭了。在心里,大家都承認家庭是很重要的;但是在現實生活里,他們的配偶和子女被放在一邊了。后來,他們告訴我,配偶和子女往往因為不滿導致家庭沖突,婚姻生活不和諧、不愉快。


去年,其他城市的一位英文傳道人跟我們分享說:現在,許多年輕人在有了孩子以后,就從教會的服事上消失了,有人甚至不再去教會了。他很高興看到一對年輕的夫妻在有了第一個孩子以后,還是繼續出席教會的活動。這樣的現象我們并不陌生。很多時候,孩子成了我們的一切,生命的焦點和重心。在孩子剛出生的頭幾個星期、一到兩個月里,這是不可避免的。但是兩三個月以后呢?我聽到人說:我們不能來教會是因為不想破壞孩子睡覺的作息時間。因為孩子晚上 8 點要睡覺,所以我們不能再出席教會晚上的活動。早上 11 點是孩子休憩的時間,所以我們不能來參加崇拜。久而久之,這就成了習慣,很難改變了。在一些團契和小組里,有時候幾對夫婦同時快要有孩子出世了,大家都很興奮,一連串嬰兒派對 ( baby shower ) 。但是很快這個團契小組就遇到麻煩了。因為孩子出生以后,這些夫婦就都不來教會了。過了半年一年以后,當我們準備回到教會的時候,卻發現已經很難和基督的身體再次連接。幾個月前,我聽到一對夫婦跟我說:“我們不會在孩子出生以后就離開教會。”我為之感到欣慰。

尼希米在這里特別提到家庭。他希望以色列人能再次想起約書亞的話:“至於我和我家,我們必定事奉耶和華。”幾周以前,我們學習了《詩篇》 127 ,我們知道孩子是神賜給我們的禮物。如果我們相信這一點,那么孩子應該是使我們和神的聯系更緊密的紐帶,而不是相反。在嬰兒祝福禮的時候,家長們都承諾在神的幫助下,在孩子年幼時就帶他們到神的家、接受神話語的教導,從小就認識神。我們求神幫助我們實現這些承諾。

V •  從神的角度看待問題

11 : 25-36 里,我們看到這些并不是人的名字,而是一些以色列人居住的城市和省份的名字。當我們仔細研究這些城市的時候,會發現他們的范圍比當時猶大省的范圍大得多。尼希米想要把現實和過去光榮歷史做出鮮明的對比。在大衛和所羅門時代、神對以色列人所應許的土地已完全的實現。但現在因他們離開神、被外人所侵犯、導致國土的縮小。現實和神的應許有差距。

在 12 : 1-25 節,還有一份名單。 26 節如此的解釋 : “這都是在約撒達的孫子、耶書亞的兒子約雅金和省長尼希米,並祭司文士以斯拉的時候,有職任的。”當尼希米在羅列當代人的名字時,他也列出那些八十年前回到這塊土地上的人們。他將兩個歷史事件同時呈現在讀者面前。就好象你駕車駛向一座大山,雖然眼前只有一座山,可是當你把車開近了以后,卻發現它的后面還隱藏著幾座大山。尼希米把兩份相隔八十年之久的名單放在一起比照了一番。

我們能學到什么呢?用 DA Carson 說“在復雜的人類歷史發展過程中,有信心的眼睛能看到神的在這一切背后的偉大意圖。”在復雜的當前局勢下,我們要學會從神的角度看問題。尼希米在回顧歷史的時候,他希望人們知道神是如何通過使用這些人來表明他沒有忘記他的子民。他依然和他們在一起。神的同在將在耶穌基督的降世中繼續實現。我們要使用信心的眼睛來看待這個世界、事工和生活。

在個人生活中,我們總希望自己有先見而不是後知。我們希望能夠說:我確信這是神的旨意要我加入事工。我確信是神要我這么做。但是,在現實中,我們對于許多事是不甚明了的。我們知道自然災害如何發生,但是不知道為什么會發生。我們越想要孩子、卻越得不到、我們不知道這一切為什么會發生在我們身上,我們想要尋求答案。可是,經驗告訴我們這樣的問題往往找不到答案,在尋找的過程中會令人失望。我在假期讀了 Sinclair Ferguson 的一本書。其中有一章講神那令人無法捉摸的旨意,他引用了一個清教徒作家 John Flavel 的話說:“上帝的意圖就像希伯來文一樣,只能倒著讀。”和、神在水中放下了他的腳印。我們或許看不見神,不明白他,但是,他真真實實地存在,這是事實。我們或許現在不理解,但是事后我們就會說:啊哈,原來如此!

















Date:   09/21/08

Text:   Nehemiah 11:1-12:26

Title:   Doing God's Work God's Way 2

Theme: Since God is holy, how we do ministry must reflect His Holiness



  When we study the book of Nehemiah, it is easy to principlize the text. We want to identify leadership principles thereby making Nehemiah our model, the person we should imitate. He becomes the end. Certainly we can learn much from Nehemiah, yet what is even more important is to see how God, through this book and Nehemiah, shows us his redemptive work in human history.

Through the rebuilding of the Jerusalem city wall, we learn of how God builds his visible kingdom on earth. This theme continues into the NT. Paul wrote to Timothy saying, “I write this so that you know how to conduct yourself in the house of the Lord.”

In ministry and life, there is always much to learn from the wise and mature people around us. We can learn from their successes and failures as well. But what is even more important is to find out what God's word says about this. We learn to take our marching orders from God's revealed truth as recorded in the scriptures.

From the passage before us, two weeks ago we learned that Nehemiah's challenge was to repopulate the city of Jerusalem . Yes, the rebuilding of the wall was completed, yet there are few residents. So, how did he approach this task? First, Nehemiah called his people's attention that Jerusalem is God's dwelling place, therefore, a holy city. A city's residents generally reflect the city's characteristics. Residents of New Orleans will reflect it as the Big Easy city. Since Jerusalem is the holy city, then holiness would become the hallmark of its residents. Secondly, we learn that sometimes God would use other believers to call us to serve him, to fill the empty slots of ministry. Other times He wants us to see the empty slots and volunteer our time and energy. There will be sacrificial obedience to Him.

  This morning we want to continue to learn from this passage additional guidelines and principles to follow when doing God's work. In vs.3-10 we are given the names of descendents of Judah and Benjamin who agreed to live in the city of Jerusalem . Vs.11-24 are names that are not related to the repopulation of the city, instead, a description of different people's responsibility in the city. And then in 25-36, names of those who lived in different provinces. The emphasis is on the places where people are living. 12:1-26 are actually names of the first group of people who returned to the land of Judah . Nehemiah was calling people's attention to those who returned some 80 years ago. We want to continue to discover what God wants us to know through these listings.

III.   The Primacy of Humility in doing God's work.

In vs.1 we are told of the leaders that lived in Jerusalem . Vs. 3 is about leaders who lived in other provinces in Judah . Vs.9 about the mayor and vice-mayor of Jerusalem . In vs.16 and 21 are names of those that manage the work of the temple. Vs.6,14, names of the warriors.

  There is another list. In Vs.12, 21, individuals are remembered by what they did. Again in 12:7-9 are individuals without names, but their works were remembered. By looking at these lists, it brings to us the familiar theme that in God's kingdom, there is no one position more valuable than the other. In God's economy, all work is to be treated with equal value. There are people whose names were mentioned, and many unnamed workers. Yet they were all equally important.

  If we look at church history, yes, at different times, there are leaders and individuals whose names are mentioned. In the east, we remember names like John Sung, Wang Mingdao, Watchman Nee, Hudson Taylor, Michael Griffith, David Adeney, and Calvin Chao. They played an important role in the Chinese church history. In the west, we remember names like Jonathan Edwards, David Livingston, DL Moody, Billy Graham. And in the contemporary setting, names like: Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, Ed Young Jr, John Piper, Dallas Willard, and ……. I am certain you can add other names to this list. But are they the ones who made church history? I don't think so. They may have spearheaded an idea, a trend or a movement, but it's people we do not know, we've never heard of, that are the ones behind the church history. It is the ‘others', like the nameless ones in this chapter that made up history.

This summer, we drove through small towns in Michigan and the Hill Country of Texas. In almost every town, there are 1 or 2 churches. There are many pastors serving faithfully in towns whose names we have never heard of. This is humility in God's work. This is what Paul explained to us in such great detail in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 about the spiritual gifts. We each are given spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ. Each ministry, each member in the body of Christ is important.

  What does this mean to us here? Yes, we know the names of the pastors. We may even know the name of the Senior pastor. Or we may recognize the elders and deacons. Yes, they play an important role in the ministry, at least that is what they think. But really? Do you recognize these names? (Sunday School teacher names…….). You know, without them, there will not be a children's ministry at HCC. Without you, there will not be this HCC. May I encourage you to join these nameless workers, filling the different empty slots in this church's various ministries.

IV.   The Primacy of Family in doing God's work.

  As we look at the list beginning in vs.3, we notice that both here and in other passages; Nehemiah recorded the descendents of so and so, sons of so and so, their brothers, heads of their houses. (Vs.4,5,6,7,8,9,…. ) It is hard to separate family from ministry.

  I asked my students in china about priority in life. Out of a class of 25, they all agreed that the family is very important. I then asked them if this priority was manifested in their daily or weekly work schedule. There was dead silence and, without exception, they shook their heads. Yes, they know family is important, but in practice, their spouse and children were at the bottom of the totem pole. Later they shared with me about unhappy spouses and children, leading to tension and unhappy marriages.

We probably see this around us also. We may know individuals spending too much in the church ministry, thus neglecting their families. Now, in order to safeguard this, we may have gone to the other extreme. In the name of family, we may even withdraw from ministry responsibilities. Public figures like to use family as their reasons for resigning from offices. Sometimes it is true, other times it has become a cliché, trying to cover up for some deeper problems. Are we doing the same?

  Last year an English minister in another city shared with us that nowadays, so many young adults, once they have children, just disappear from the church ministry, or from church all together. He was so glad to see this one young couple continuing to come to church after the birth of their first child. This is certainly not new to us, right? Very often our children have become our idol, the center of our activity. During the early days, weeks or 1 st month or two, this is inevitable. But after two or three months? I have heard that we can't come to church because we don't want to disturb the baby's sleeping pattern. Since our baby goes to sleep at 8pm, therefore we can't come to the evening activities anymore. Or 11am is their nap time, so we can't come to the worship service. Soon, this becomes a habit, which is hard to break. In some fellowship or small groups, it was very exciting when several couples started having children at about the same time; with all those baby showers. But soon, it could spell trouble for the group. For after giving birth, the parents just didn't show up anymore. Then, maybe after 6 months or 1 year, when we are ready to come back, we find ourselves having a hard time reconnecting with the body of Christ. Several months ago, I was much encouraged by a couple who was about to give birth, telling me, “we'll not stay away from church after the child's birth.”.

  Nehemiah made it a special point to record these family units. He wanted the Israelites to once again remember the words of Joshua, 24:15, “ …… But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” In our study of Psalms 127 few weeks ago, we learned that children are gifts from God. If we believe this, then children should draw up closer to God and not the other way. At every infant benediction, parents promised with the help of God to bring their children to church and God when they are young. We need to ask God to help us fulfill this promise.

V.   The Primacy of Divine Perspective.

  There is more in this passage. In 11:25-36 we notice that these were not people's names. Instead, they are names of cities, provinces where the Israelites were living in. When we do a careful study of these cities, we will find out that they are much more extensive than the provinces of Judah at the time. Nehemiah was trying to bring out the contrast between the present reality and former glorious days. In the days of David and Solomon, there was the complete fulfillment of God's promise of the land he was to give to the Israelites. They reached the pinnacle of their land possession. But now, because of their disobedience, land were taken away from them by their enemies. There was discrepancies between now and God's promise.

And then in 12:1-25, there is another list of names. Vs. 26, “ 26 These were in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua son of Jozadak, and in the days of Nehemiah the governor and of Ezra, the priest and scribe.” While listing the names of those in his time, Nehemiah also once again repeated the names of those who returned some 80 years ago. He was telescoping two historical events. It's like when you drive towards the rocky mountains. You see a mountain in front of you, but as you get closer, you will see another mountain behind this one. From afar, they appear to be one, but when you get closer, they are actually two or more mountains. Nehemiah was putting side by side two lists of names which were separated by 80 years.

So, what do we learn from this? In DA Carson 's words, “In the midst of complexity of human history, the eye of faith would see the outworking of divine will.” From the complexity of our present reality we learn to see things from God's perspective. As Nehemiah looked back at history, he wanted his people to remember God's promise that has yet to be fulfilled. He also wants his people to know how God was working through them to show that God had not forgotten his people. He is still with them. And this presence will continue to manifest with the coming of Jesus Christ. We are to look at our world, ministry and life with the eye of faith.

In our personal lives, we all want to have foresight and not hindsight. We want to be able to say, I know for sure this is God's will for me to do this, or go into this or that ministry. However, in reality, there are so many things we simply don't understand. We understand the how's and what's of natural disasters, but not why. We don't understand why this is happening to us now and we want to find out why. Yet, this search often ends in disappointment. While on vacation, I read a book by Sinclair Ferguson. In the chapter on God's mysterious will, he quoted the words of a Puritan writer, John Flavel, “The providence of God is like Hebrew words---it can be read only backwards.” And, God plants his footprints in the Sea. Yes, we may not see him, and we don't understand, but the truth is that he is there. We may not understand now, but afterwards, we say, ah, now I see.

As I look back, there were a lot of misgivings on my leaving STL. The church members often wondered why? However, 6 or 7 years later, some of them said to me, ‘now, we understand why God took you away from STL.”

Some of us may not be happy about where we are in life or in ministry. You feel that you have been treated unfairly, or not able to fully express your strength or gifts. You feel frustrated with your ministry responsibilities. The gap between present reality and the ideal is just too big for you to accept. You see, the greater the discrepancy, the greater is our disappointment and frustration. And often because of the discrepancies, you want to quit. So what does it mean to have that eye of faith, seeing things from God's perspective?

The eye of faith does not mean that we are blind to our present problems. With the eye of faith, we can say:

I am being treated so unfairly. But, it's ok, for God is with me and he is still in charge.

I may not get what I want now, but I trust God has his own timing.

If God wants me to have this ministry, then I trust that He will provide me with the needed resources.

Humanly speaking, it is definitely a setback. But are there setbacks for God?

I may not happy with what I see, but it is ok, for God knows.

At this moment, the sea is so rough. Yet, God is planting His footprints in the water.

You see, with eyes of faith, we learn to see things from God's perspective. Meanwhile, I still do my best, be faithful to the task that is given to me. With eyes of faith, I can learn to be patient.


  If you live in New Orleans, you may live as if you are ahead of time, just taking things easy and waiting for the time to catch up with you. If you live in NY, you live as if you are always behind time. You walk fast, you work hard, just to catch up with time.

These past two Sundays, we have been looking at ways of living and ministry in God's kingdom on earth. As we live in this community of believers, how do we do God's work God's way? This does not mean that there is nothing we can learn from the wise men around us. There is so much for us to learn by attending workshops, conference and from reading books. They help us to understand the world we are in so we can better serve the people God brings into our lives.

  However, as we come into the house of God, we acknowledge that this is God's dwelling place, it is a holy city. Because this is a holy place, therefore how we treat each other, how we serve must reflect God's holiness. The objectives of ministry is never to demonstrate how great we are, but through what we do, our attitude towards ministry, our family life, and seeing things with the eye of faith, people around us may see the presence of this Holy God among us.




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2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

2014|2013|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Cantonese audio translation available up to 2011

2014 |2013 |2012 |2011


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Please report any issues to the HCC main office or staff. Thank you.