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日期: 09/07/08
經文:《 尼希米記 》 11 : 1-12:26
題目: 東施效顰
引言 :
在中國春秋時代,有一位中國歷史上出名的美女,叫西施。莊子在《天運》篇這樣寫道:“ 故西施病心而顰其裡,其裡之醜人見而美之,歸亦捧心而顰其裡。其裡之富人見之,堅閉門而不出;貧人見之,挈妻子而去之走。彼知顰美而不知顰之所以美。 ”翻譯成白話文是這樣的意思:“西施 有心口疼的疾病,犯病時總是用手捂住胸口,緊皺眉頭。因為人們喜歡她的緣故,所以她這副病態,在人們眼裡也顯得嫵媚可愛,楚楚動人。 西施的村裡有個醜姑娘叫東施,有一次在路上碰到西施,見西施手捂胸口,緊皺眉頭,顯得異常美麗。她想難怪人們說她漂亮,原來是做出這種樣子。如果我也做這個姿勢,肯定就變漂亮了。於是她模仿西施的病態。結果村裡人見了原來就醜的她,現在變成這種瘋瘋癲癲的樣子,趕緊把門關上而避而遠之。東施知道西施美而不知道她為什麼美。”這則典故的寓意就是:我們不必凡事模仿他人,因為我們每一個人都不一樣。
我們在學習《尼希米記》這本書的時候,我們學習到許多關於組織和建立神教會方面的真理。當我們讀到今天經文的時候,我們會讀到一長串的人名。表面上看來這是一段乏味的經文,當我仔細研讀這段經文,也借助一些聖經注釋,特別是 DA Carson 和 Raymond Brown 的注釋之後,我的眼睛便一亮,使我看到這段經節裡的許多真理。因為這段經文比較長,我把它分成兩個部分來解釋。
I 在為神工作時聖潔的首要性
第一節:“ 那時,民眾的領袖住在耶路撒冷;其餘的民眾都抽籤,抽出十分之一,住在聖城耶路撒冷,… ”我們要首先看尼希米怎樣描述耶路撒冷:“ …聖城耶路撒冷,… ”在舊約裡,除了先知書的幾個地方之外,很少有稱耶路撒冷為聖城的。尼希米要指出的重點是:他們要重新住回神的城市,也就是聖潔的城。
在《 以斯拉記》這卷書中,我們讀到, 祭司是歸耶和華為聖的,器皿也是神聖的,( 8:28 )。分別為聖的子民( 9 : 2 );聖所( 9 : 8 )。被 尼希米稱為 分別為聖的城門( 3 : 1 );和安息為聖( 9 : 14 )。現在整座城被叫作聖城。它是神聖的,是因為它是神聖的神的居所。 尼希米要眾人回想到當以色列人離開 埃及地時神對他們說的話:“ 因為你是歸耶和華你的 神作聖潔的子民的…” ( 申命記 7 :6) 。你們是聖潔的子民是因為你們屬於神聖的神。但以色列人徹底失敗了。他們不但沒有聖潔,和他們周圍的國家不同,反而他們拜他們的偶像。因此,以色列國被滅了。現在,他們在流放七十年之後,神要他的子民重新回到他的聖城,重新分別為聖。
在近來的一次交談中,一位弟兄表示他對教會的一些領導感到失望。對於許多墓道友和剛信主的弟兄姊妹來說,教會領導的位置是非常崇高的位置。因此,當他們看到一些有非議的事情出現的時候,他們便會感到失望,迷惘。我們為神工作的時候,我們應該具有什麼樣的心態和行為哪 ? 我認為耶穌的期望是我們應當學習他的柔和謙卑( 馬太福音 11 : 29 )。柔和謙卑是我們事工中所必須具備的品德。這種標準適用於每一位信徒,對於站在事奉崗位上的弟兄姊妹來說,柔和謙卑更是顯得特別重要。柔和謙卑會反映在我們相互順服上面。當我回首我的事奉生涯的時侯,我發現,當別人認同我的理念和我認同他們的理念的時候,謙卑和順服便一直在那裡。基本上就是:沒有什麼去順服的,沒有什麼去謙卑的,是嗎?
我服事的時間越久,我便會越想希望和祈禱我們作為教會領袖的,包括我在內,應當以耶穌的心為心,以溫柔謙卑來做神的工。我非常喜愛 John Bailey 弟兄的禱告:“……,給我一顆像耶穌基督的心,勇敢的心,真誠的心,溫柔的心,有度量的心,一顆向著耶穌基督的心,…”祝願我們的事工可以反映出這種聖潔的使命 , 在聖地事奉神聖的神。
II 順服神旨意的首要性
尼希米是怎樣讓以色列人遷回耶路撒冷居住的哪?第一到第二節:“ 那時,民眾的領袖住在耶路撒冷;其餘的民眾都抽籤,抽出十分之一,住在聖城耶路撒冷,餘下的十分之九就住在別的城鎮。眾人為所有自願住在耶路撒冷的人祝福。 ”
我們在第一節觀察到 , 民眾的領袖已經住在耶路撒冷。民眾的領袖給民眾做了很好的示範。作為領袖,他們知道他們不可以讓民眾去做那些連他們自己都不願意做的事情。我們每一個人都要切記這一點。還有根多的真理。
1 被徵召。我們在第一節觀察到 , 除了民眾的領袖已搬回城裡居住之外, 他們也抽籤,抽出十分之一,住在聖城耶路撒冷。在當時,甚至到新約教會誕生的時候,以色列人用抽籤來決定神的旨意。用抽籤的方式,約拿被揭示出是導致狂風大浪的人。在耶穌復活之後,十一個門徒也是用禱告和抽籤的方式來選出馬提亞作使徒,來取代猶大的職位。基本原則就是,當神的子民確認神的旨意的時候,他們便順服神。這也是尼希米用來讓以色列人重回耶路撒冷的一種方式。如果你抽到簽,那麼神的旨意就是讓你回城裡居住。
這對於我們來說有什麼意義哪?現在聖靈已經降臨,神的子民可以依靠聖靈的 説 明來分辨神的旨意。在《使徒行轉》這卷書裡,我們在 13:24 有這樣的例子:“安提阿教會中,有幾位先知和教師,就是巴拿巴、名叫尼結的西面、古利奈人路求、與分封王希律一同長大的馬念,和掃羅。他們事奉主,並且禁食的時候,聖靈說:“要為我把巴拿巴和掃羅分別出來,去作我呼召他們作的工。” 於是他們禁食禱告,為兩人按手,就派他們去了。他們既然奉聖靈差遣,就下到西流基,從那裡坐船往賽普勒斯。”換句話說,在早期教會,聖靈是通過教會的領袖們向保羅和巴拿巴說話,差遣他們進行第一次的宣教旅程。保羅和巴拿巴沒有自願去,但是他們順服聖靈通過其他信徒所說的話。就像某個教會領袖向保羅說:“聖靈告訴我們你受派遣。”保羅順服了聖靈。神會通過其他成熟有智慧的信徒向我們說話。
這讓我想起加州的一家韓國教會,他們要在德州一個城市殖堂。他們派遣一位牧師,幾個家庭,和個人前往。學生要換學校,大人要換工作。一家韓國教會派遣三十多家人到北京去,讓他們在那裡宣教並殖堂。這種做法對我們強調個人選擇和個人自主的社會是相當 陌生的。你有什麼權利可以告訴我做什麼,去哪裡?當然這種做法有它的危險性。禱告的人一定要很清楚這是出於神的。當事人也要通過禱告來確立這事是出於神。我們堅決不能以聖靈作名義來達到我們的個人目的。
2 自願者。以抽籤的方式,十分之一的家庭被派往耶路撒冷去住。另外十分之九的家庭則繼續駐在城外。但是還有更多的人。他們就是那些志願者。他們看到需要,自願搬到城裡去住。對於他們來說,這是一種來自神的呼召,一種在神的城裡事奉神的恩典。
我覺得我們可以從這兩句經文中學到許多。神有時徵召我們,有時通過我們的自願來使用我們。這對於我們來說有什麼意義哪?在不同的時候,我們教會,還有其它許多教會,會感受到教會事工中人員的缺乏。就像一些事工部門乏人問津。在兒童和青年部門有許多空缺。在宣教和成人教育部門也有許多空缺。我們在禮拜五 Awana 、仍然需要四位元助手、主曰幼兒部門、也需要六到八位助手。當我們看到事工中的空缺時,我們是怎樣回應的哪?也許我們會說應當再雇一個人來做這項工作。我們以為只要我們有錢,問題就會迎刃而解。我們有沒有替代方案? 哦 , 我們這教會 , 我的教會需要更多的主日學老師、在兒童與青少年部門還有很多空缺 , 我是否能幫助填滿這些空缺呢 ?
話又說回來、我們也需要記得有時神也會藉由別人對我們說話。有時、可能一位傳道或執事會說 : 「我們教會某部門有一空缺 , 經過禱告後、我們都覺得你應該是相當適合的人。」那你是否也應好好的為這事禱告呢 ?
在我服事的早期時、我會盡力的去參加各樣的講習會。我要學習如何輔導、如何以最新的觀念來帶領教會。這些對我都有莫大的幫助。日前我仍然珍貴這些講座、他們供應給我許多的資源使我成為一個更有效的傳道人。但是最近我覺得不太被所謂的尖端方式所吸引、我越嚮往聖經如何教我成為一個好的領袖、如何以神的方式來做神的工 . 而不是像東 施效顰式的事奉。
當你每周閱讀周刊時、都會看見教會不同的空缺、在最近的幾年、特別是兒童部、又加上我們兒童的人數不斷的在增加、是同工特別的吃力。當你看見這些空缺時、是否可以禱告尋求神在這事上對你的心意 ? 如有人邀請你參與的話、是否可以慎重的考慮 ? 要記住、能服事這位聖潔的神是一件何等的榮譽。
Text: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26
Title: Doing God's Work God's Way
About 500 B.C. in Chinese history, there was a very beautiful woman by the name of , Zhuang Zi told this story about her. One time ?? was troubled by some issues, and was walking down the street with a deep frown. You see, because she was ?? , even when she was frowning she was beautiful. In that village, there was another woman who was very plain. When she saw ?? , she decided to mimic her and walked down the street. But when the villagers saw her coming, they closed their door and refused to come out. The moral of the story is: don't try to mimic others, because we are different.
This is how I sometimes feel about ministry. At different times, we have different trends, and we want to follow. In the 80's there was the church growth movement. We learned to organize the church ministry by everyone's spiritual gifts. So we had the Spiritual Gifts based ministry. At the same time, we learned that in order to grow a church beyond 150 people, the pastor, especially the senior or solo pastor, needed to function like the owner of a ranch, or like a CEO. He should just focus on the few top leaders. Such emphasis has certainly benefited many churches. Nowadays, the trend is that we don't want CEO type pastors, we want someone who cares for us, instead of ranchers, we want shepherds who are connected to the congregation.
We like to follow the big and successful organizations and churches. There is much to learn from them. We need to learn from others' creativity and innovation when they approach ministry.
However, it is good to remember that no two churches are exactly alike. Certain methods or styles may work well with one church, but a total flop in another church. Purpose driven can work well for some churches, but can leave another church completely confused and purposeless. My concern is that frequently in the process of following the latest trend, or the latest best seller, we may have missed out on God's Heart. I feel strongly that as a church that upholds the authority of God's written word, we want to make sure we are doing ministry, which is God's work, in God's way.
In our study of this book of Nehemiah, we have learned numerous truths on how to build God's church and personal life as well. When we look at today's assigned text, it is again a long list of names, with few editorial remarks buried inside. Superficially, it appears to be a boring text. But when I look closely at this passage, and with the help of commentaries, especially by DA Carson and the book by Raymond Brown, it certainly opened my eyes to the many truths in this passage. Because of the length of this passage, I will divide this into two messages.
Let's first take a look at what issue is at stake here. The rebuilding of the Jerusalem city wall was completed. But, there was a problem. Not too many people wanted to live in that city. A city, no matter how strong the wall is, without residents, is an empty shell. The reasons for not wanting to live in the city could be: First, this city was devastated and deserted for many years, most likely not a safe place. Secondly, for families that had been living outside the city, may have accumulated land holdings. To move into the city, they would have to give up their possessions.
So the task before Nehemiah is: to repopulate the city. How did Nehemiah accomplish this task? By looking at Nehemiah, it also provides us with guidance regarding how we do God's Work.
I The Primacy of Holiness in doing God's work.
In vs.1, “ 1 Now the leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem . And the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of ten to live in Jerusalem the holy city,….” We first want to focus on how Nehemiah described Jerusalem . “….. Jerusalem the holy city ….” In the OT, Jerusalem is rarely referred to as the holy city, except in few places in the prophetic books. Nehemiah wanted to emphasize that they were to repopulate God's city, the holy city.
In the book of Ezra, we read that the vessels and the priest in the temple are called holy (8:28). People were holy (9:2); the place was holy (9:8). Nehemiah described the gates as holy (3:1); and Sabbath was holy (9:14). Now, the entire city is holy. It was holy, because it is the dwelling place of the holy God. Nehemiah wanted his people to recall what God had told the Israelites when they left Egypt . In Deut 7:6, “ 6 “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God” You are a holy people because you belong to the holy God. But the Israelites failed miserably. Instead of being holy, different from the surrounding nations, they followed their gods. Consequently, the nation was destroyed. Now, after 70 years of exile, God wants his people to come and dwell in his city, and be holy again.
Several hundreds years later, the apostle Peter reminded the followers of Jesus Christ, that we, too, are a holy nation. This means when we follow Christ, we are his holy people. When we come to this holy place of worship, when we relate to one another, when we serve, we are to reflect this holiness.
On the Texas AM campus is the Memorial Student Center . It is both a student center and a place to remember and honor the students who had given their lives for the country. To show proper respect, visitors are asked to take off their hats when inside the building and not to walk on the grass around the facility. Our behaviors need to be appropriate for that particular place.
This holiness must be manifested in all areas of our life. However in the context of today's passage, I would like to focus on the ministry area. Just as Nehemiah was to repopulate the city in God's way, we, too, are to serve, to do ministry in God's way..
In a recent conversation, an individual expressed her disappointment with some leaders in some churches. To many non-Christians or new Christians, they see leadership positions in a church as high and noble. Therefore, when they see questionable behaviors, they are deeply disappointed and disillusioned. What kind of attitudes and behavior do we need to possess when doing God's work? I think of Jesus' expectation that we are to learn his humility and gentleness (Matthew 11:28). Humility and gentleness are the indelible hallmark of our ministry. This applies to every believer, especially to those who serve him. Humility and gentleness are manifested in how willing we are to submit to others. As I look at my ministry, I find that when others agree with me and I agree with them, humility and submission is a cinch. Basically there is nothing to submit, and be humble about, right?
The true test of humility is this: when I strongly disagree with how you interpret certain guidelines, or hold a different way of doing things, I yield my conviction and submit to you, to do things your way. Of course, there is the understanding that it is not contrary to God's revealed will in the scriptures. Sometimes I find that it is easier for the congregation to submit to the leaders, than for the leaders to submit to one another, right?
The longer I am in ministry, the more I desire and pray that we leaders, including me, learn to do God's work with the heart of Jesus: humble and gentle. I like this prayer of John Bailey very much: “ ……, give me to-day a heart like His-a brave heart, a true heart, a tender heart, a heart with great room in it, a heart fixed on Thyself;…” May our way of doing ministry truly reflect that we are serving a holy God in a holy place.
Besides this primacy of holiness in doing God's work, there is also
II The Primacy of Submission to God's will.
How did Nehemiah repopulate Jerusalem ? Vs. 1-2, “ 1 Now the leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem . And the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of ten to live in Jerusalem the holy city, while nine out of ten remained in the other towns. 2 And the people blessed all the men who willingly offered to live in Jerusalem .”
In vs.1 we noticed that some leaders were already living there. They had set a good example for the people. As leaders they know that they won't ask their people to do things that they themselves would not do. this is good for all of us to remember. There is more.
1 Being drafted. In vs.1 we notice that besides the leaders who had moved into the city, they also cast lots and bring one out of ten from the people to live in Jerusalem . In those days, and even to the time before the NT church was born, casting lot was their method of discerning God's will. By casting lots, Jonah was revealed as the culprit who caused the big storm. After Jesus' resurrection, the 11 disciples, by praying and casting lots, decided that Matthias was God's choice to replace Judah . The underlying principle is that God's people obeyed God when they recognized God's will. This was one way Nehemiah repopulated Jerusalem . If the lots fell on you, then you were the one whom God willed to move into the city.
What does this mean to us? With the coming of the Holy Spirit, God's people depend on the Holy Spirit's guidance to discern God's will. In the book of Acts, we have this example in 13:2-3, “ 2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.…..” in other words, in that early church, the Holy Spirit spoke through the leaders to send Paul and Barnabas into their first Missionary journey. Paul and Barnabas did not volunteer, but were submissive to the Holy Spirit speaking through the other believers. It is like some of the leaders approach Paul, and saying “the Holy Spirit told us that you are the one we should send” and Paul obeyed. God speaks to us through other wise and mature believers.
I think of a Korean church in Ca that is planting a church in a Texas city. They sent one of their pastors and several families and individuals to this city. Students would have to change schools, and adults have to switch jobs. This also happened in other countries. A church in Korea would send about 30 some families to live in Beijing in order to share the gospel and plant a church there. This is quite foreign to us in this culture where we focus heavily on personal choices and decisions. Who are you to tell me what to do and where to go? Certainly there will be danger and risk in this approach. The individuals who pray must clearly discern that this is from God (there must be earnest and sincere prayers, and not pay lip service to prayers). And the individual involved also needs to confirm this with thorough praying. We must not use the Holy Spirit to accomplish any personal or selfish agenda.
2 Volunteers. By casting lots, 1 out of every 10 families was assigned to move into Jerusalem . The other nine families would continue to live somewhere else. Yet, there is more. Vs. 2 tells us that there were those who willingly offered to live in Jerusalem . They were the volunteers who saw the need and offered themselves to move into the city. To them, it was a high calling, a privilege to serve the Lord by living in His city.
In St. Louis and Austin , there are families who willingly moved from the suburbs to the inner city area; places where many would want nothing to do with. Having moved into the city, one young man in St. Louis shared with me that hearing gun shots at night was normal. People saw the need and acted. This is happening in many parts of the country.
We can learn much just from these two verses. God sometimes works through drafting us, and other times through our own willingness. What does it mean to us? At different times, our church, and many other churches feel the strain of insufficient workers in different ministries. It is as if ministries are being sparsely populated. There are many empty slots in the children and youth ministries; empty slots in the outreach and adult education ministries. We still need at least 4 helpers for the Friday evening Awana, 6-8 in the Nursery department. When we see the empty spots, what is our response? Well, maybe we should hire another person to do the work. We feel that if we have money, it will solve the problem. How about this alternative? Oh, we, this church, my church, has a need for more children Sunday School teachers. There are many empty slots in the children and youth ministry. This ministry is still not well filled. Let me see what I can do to help. Let me see what I can do to fill the empty slots. From time to time, I share with the pastoral team that maybe our objective should be: to work ourselves out of a job.
Having said this, we also need to remember that God may use another person(s) to speak to you. There may be times, a minister may approach you and say, “we have been praying for a certain unmet need in our children or youth department. Several of us, after praying, all feel that you are the right person.” Instead of saying, “no, there is no way I can do this”; how about spend some time in prayer and then give that ministry a try?
When I was younger in ministry, I tried to attend as many seminars and workshops possible. I wanted to learn how to counsel. I wanted to know how to lead the church with cutting edge concepts and methods. Nowadays, I still treasure the workshops I attended and the tools they provided me to become a better minister. However, lately I find myself less and less attracted to the cutting edge methods and am more interested in what the bible says on being a leader. What does God's word tell me about how to do God's work God's way?
Earlier, we have part-taken of the Holy Communion. This communion was a reminder of how God has loved us. Perhaps as a response to God's love, we need to do some reflection about ministry in this church. This church is God's dwelling place, therefore it's ministry which is God's work; it is holy. It is a high and noble task, and we must approach it with a holy attitude. This means that our behaviors must be without reproach. Our attitude must be that of our lord Jesus Christ: humility and gentleness.
By reading the weekly bulletin, we are aware of different needs in this church. Have you considered volunteering some of your time, to serve in some areas? Did anyone ever approach you and express how they felt you may be the right person for some ministry? May be you need to honestly and earnestly pray over this matter. It is a high calling and privilege to serve this holy God.
Next week we will continue our study of this passage to identify more guidelines on how to do God's work God's way. During this week, I would like to ask you to spend some time to read through 11:1-12:26 and find out for yourselves, what are some other principles showing us how to do God's work God's way.
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