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Date: 06/01/08
Text: Nehemiah 9:38-10:29
Title: Obedience is a Verb
Theme: As God reveals men’s sinfulness, we are to respond with a deliberate decision to be obedient to Him.
Life is a series of obedience. Every morning we go to work and then come home safely in the evening, is the result of our and other drivers’ obedience to the traffic laws. On Sunday evening two Kingwood teenage girls on the way to get coffee were killed in a traffic accident. Why? Because they did not obey the speed limit. We follow certain simple dietary laws to remain healthy (of course, when the dietary laws are followed, ice cream or cake may have little taste.) When we eat too much of the fried foods (Chinese donuts), food that taste good (stewed pork shoulder), or food with plenty of saturated fat and cholesterol (moon cake), too much coke or cakes, they are bad for our health.
Obedience is everywhere in our daily living. Employees obey their employers. Students obey school regulations. Husbands and wives obey each other. Children obey their parents. Citizens obey their government. Without such obedience, life can be difficult and chaotic.
We understand the importance of obedience, but to many of us it is a very difficult thing to do. Some of us may not even have this word in our own vocabulary. I only want others to obey me and not the other way round.
The scriptures explain to us about our problem with obedience. As you know by now, when Adam and Eve were first created, there was perfect harmony between them and God. However, due to their disobedience of God’s commands, this harmony was broken. Ever since then, human history was a record of men’s disobedience to God and to each other. Yet, in the midst of such disobedience, there were glimpses of bright spots where obedience was restored, even temporally.
The text before us is one of those bright spots in the nation of Israel . It was about their determination to turn to God and be obedient to Him. After 70 years of captivity, a group of them had returned to their homeland. However, the Jerusalem city walls and gates were broken and people lived in desolate condition. Nehemiah came and helped them to complete the rebuilding of the walls and gates. Jerusalem was once again a safe place to live in. Nehemiah knew that the rebuilding of the city is more than a physical project; it is also about their relationship with God. No matter how strong the walls and gates are, yet without a proper relationship with God, all this is useless. With that in mind, Nehemiah brought out God’s written word and had it read and clearly explained to the people. In chapter 9, we read that having understood God’s word, they saw how far they had come short of God’s standards. They responded with remorse hearts and confessed their sins.
Today we’ll continue to explore their response to God’s word. Besides confessing their sins, they also take one step further, they determined to turn away from sins and obey God. Next week we’ll look at the details of their obedience. But in today’s passage, we shall explore the truth that as God reveals men’s sinfulness, we are to respond with a deliberate decision to be obedient to Him.
I. The believers are to recognize that we are not OK before God.
There is a discontent among the Israelites. Yes, the wall is rebuilt and they can live safely within the city walls and gates. But the land is still under foreign rule. It was really unthinkable that the land God gave to their forefathers is now belong and ruled by the godless nations. Not only this, in vs. 36 we learn; “ 36 Behold, we are slaves this day; in the land that you gave to our fathers to enjoy its fruit and its good gifts, behold, we are slaves. 我們今天竟成了奴僕!就是在你賜給我們列祖享用其上果實和美物之地,我們竟在這地上作了奴僕! ” God’s people, those who have returned are now slaves in the Persian Empire . This is not right.
Nations around them could have said this to them, “you should be grateful for and content with what you have now. You are living in your own land. Yes, you are slaves, but its in the land promised to your forefathers.” No, the Jewish people knew that it was not right, it was not ok. They were God’s children and not slaves of anyone.
Moreover, they not only know they are not ok, but also recognize its reasons. In vs.34 to 35, “ 34 Our kings, our princes, our priests, and our fathers have not kept your law or paid attention to your commandments and your warnings that you gave them. 35 Even in their own kingdom, enjoying your great goodness that you gave them, and in the large and rich land that you set before them, they did not serve you or turn from their wicked works. 34 我們的君王和領袖,我們的祭司和列祖,都沒有遵行你的律法,也沒有留心聽從你的誡命和你向他們鄭重的警告。 35 他們在本國中,享受你賜給他們的大福,在你擺在他們面前這廣大肥沃的地上,卻不事奉你,不轉離他們的惡行。 ” Simply put, their political and spiritual leaders, their fathers had disobeyed God’s laws. This is the reason that the land was occupied by the Persian Empire and God’s people were now slaves. How ironic this is.
The Israelites knew they were not ok, they pleaded with God to deliver them from such slavery. What does this mean to us? Do we know what kind of a world we live in now? Yes, we know economically we are not doing well, but how about the cultural aspect?
In an April issue of Newsweek, was a series of articles on Divorce. There are these words: Once considered shocking and shameful, divorce has become a routine fact of American life in recent decades. I am almost certain that every one of us here is touched directly or indirectly by divorce. We know the pain and agony that comes with divorce.
Up until 1940 and early 50, when we mention sin, the average person on the street understand what it means. But not anymore; when we say ‘sin’, people respond with: what? There was a time in our society, both here and in China , there was a common moral notion of right and wrong, what is decent and indecent. If you are to ask a high school student today about right or wrong, they may give you a blank look. There is no right and wrong, it’s all relative. When we read those entertainment news both here, in HK , China and Taiwan , there is the glorification of celebrities’ extramarital affairs, pregnancy outside marriage. What’s even more alarming is that survey after survey tells us that sexual activities outside marriage, pornography have affected the Christians, just like the non-Christians. There was a time that among different religions, we want to discover which one is true. Not anymore, for there is no one right or absolute religion, it is just different. Search for truth has now become comparative religion. All religions lead to God. They are just different ways of expressing the same idea or truth. No one religion is better than others, they are just being different.
I am certain that this not news to most of us. We know it all along and we have discussions on such topics in our fellowship and small groups. As Christians, we know that our society is not OK. Underneath the surface of wealth and prosperity, there is a cancer growing. We’re moving faster and faster; further and further away from God’s law.
We can be culturally alert, but how about us personally? The Israelites in Nehemiah’s time knew that they had disobeyed God’s laws and commandments. How about us? Have we succumbed to the fact that what is is what should be; and that I’m OK , you’re OK? May be this is a time for each of us to do some hard soul searching. Dear brothers and sisters, how would you describe your relationship with God? To many of us, deep within we know something is not right, we have disobeyed God.
I want to post a series of questions for you to quietly respond to. At work, is there any practice that is against God’s heart? Yes, everyone is doing it, but it does not make it right. At school, in order to get that perfect grade, are you cheating and being dishonest? In your family life, as a husband, are you loving your wife and children as clearly instructed in the scriptures? Are you meeting their physical, spiritual and emotional needs? Or you are a very selfish person at home? As a wife, are you caring for your husband in ways that he understands and meeting his needs? Is there any bitterness and hatred in your family relationships? How about relationships with people around you? Are you obeying the command to love each other?
Are there any behaviors that are clearly displeasing to God? Are you sexually active with anyone outside the marriage? Do you find yourself unable to stay away from internet pornography? Yes, I understand that in today’s society, such activities are really no big deal, for everyone is doing it. But, do we take our orders from the society? Do we let the world around us tell us what is right and wrong?
Our disobedience can also be in form not doing things that God wants us to do. We do not want to follow him and go into full time ministry. Or we may not want to listen to him and resolve some of the conflicts in life.
When we truly see ourselves, we’ll be in agreement with Isaiah’s words; Isaiah 53:6, “ 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way;…” and Romans 3;24, “ 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,….” After all, we are not OK, right? We’ve not been obedient to Him. Then what?
II. The believers are to recognize the need to be obedient to God.
The Israelites knew that they had disobeyed God and had not been following God’s law. So what did they do? vs.38, “ 38 “Because of all this we make a firm covenant in writing; on the sealed document are the names of our princes, our Levites, and our priests. 38 現在由於這一切事,我們立下確實的約,寫在文件上;我們的領袖、利未人和祭司,都在上面蓋了印。 ” 10:28-29, “ 28 The rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple servants, and all who have separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, their daughters, all who have knowledge and understanding, 29 join with their brothers, their nobles, and enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law that was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the Lord our Lord and his rules and his statutes. 28. 其餘的民眾:祭司、利未人、守門的、歌唱的、作殿役的,以及一切跟各地民族分離,歸向 神律法的和他們的妻子和兒女,所有有知識能夠明白的, 29 都堅持和他們的貴族兄弟參與發咒起誓,必遵行 神藉他僕人摩西頒布的律法,必謹守遵行耶和華我們的主的一切誡命、典章和律例 ; ” Recognizing their disobedience, they put down in writing of their determination to obey God laws and they put their names on it. This is repentance. Repentance is not just feeling sorry for what I did, it is not just feeling very remorse and cried bitterly, it is about the determination to make a behavior change. I’d like to make several observations from these few verses.
1 Obedience to God is a deliberate decision.
When you go buy a car, the salesman shows you this particular model and you really like it. You agree with him how much money you would save on gas every year. You agree that it is the safest car that will provide maximum protection for your family. Is this enough to the salesman? No, of course not. Until you sign on the dotted line, the deal is not closed. Just talking about how much you like it is not enough. You have to show it by signing those papers. And when it’s time to sign the papers, then you realize that you are not ready. Unless we sign the papers, it is all empty talks. We don’t easily put our names on any contracts and agreements. For we know that once we put our names on paper, we mean it, we’re committed to it and there is no turning back.
This was what the Israelites did. They put their names on the paper showing their determination to come back to God and be obedient to him. Just talking and praying about obedience was not adequate. They had to show it in action. They had to make a deliberate decision, took concrete step. They signed an agreement. You see, obedience is a verb.
If I understand us correctly, most of us know where we stand in our relationship with God. We recognize that there are areas in our life that we are not obedient to God. As we know, just knowing and talking about it is not enough. We have to take a conscious step to tell God that from now on, we will turn away from disobedience to obedience. You see, because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God, we’ve all become children of disobedience. When Jesus came, he told us of his obedient to the Father. Later, Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1:2; “ 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood. 2 就是照著父 神的預知蒙揀選, 藉著聖靈得成聖潔,因而順服,並且被耶穌基督的血灑過的人。 ” We are chosen so that we can turn from our disobedience to obedience to Christ.
2 Leaders are to set an example.
When individuals sin and disobeyed God, then each person needs to make that decision and come back to God; to move from disobedience to obedience. When the community has sinned and disobeyed God, then the community as a whole will need to turn to God. It begins with the leaders. In vs. 1 or chapter 10 we noted that Nehemiah put his name on it. Vs.2-8 are the names of 22 priests; 9-13, names of 17 Levites; vs.14-27, names of 44 other leaders. And then in vs.28, the rest of the people. What do we see here?
The leaders took the lead to express their decision to obey God and the people followed. In our situation, leaders include pastors, elders, deacons, fellowship and small group leaders. It is easy for us to point our fingers at others. We feel they are not motivated, uncooperative, not obeying God, complacent and not wanting to change. It’s all their fault.
Early on in my ministry, I am taught that when a football or baseball team does not do well, often it is the coach that will get fired. I didn't like the idea, but I think there is an element of truth. As leaders, we are to do our best to bring people to God. Yes, it is true that individuals are responsible for their behaviors, but we must not forget that as leaders we have the responsibility to help our people in their growth process. Leaders are to take the lead in obeying God. Leaders are to set an example of expressing our determination to follow Christ. When we want our congregation to live a life of obedience, it begins with us.
In think of an incident in my life in 1978. For 7 to 8 months I was struggling with the thought that God may be calling me into full time ministry. I had plenty of reasons not to listen. I just started my scientific research career. I had two children and a wife to support. I know my parents, especially my father would not like this idea, to put it mildly. How would my former colleagues at Stanford and Purdue think of me? It was confusing. On the Sunday of August moon festival, I went to church by myself. For some reason, even before the service started, I found my tears streaming down. I was scared and thought I had a breakdown. Throughout the entire service, I heard this still small voice: William, are you running away from something? By the time the service was over, I was quite certain that all this time I had been running away from God’s calling. I also knew I could run no more. My option was very limited. I had to obey him.
Many of us know well that there are some areas in our lives that we are not obeying God. There may be certain behaviors, attitudes and habits that are not pleasing to God. Or some of you may be running away from God’s calling in your lives. This calling could simply be come and be his disciples, or the full time ministry, but it could also be an action of love to someone you don’t like. We too need to make a conscious decision to be obedient to God. You see, to be obedient to God, is to restore our relationship with God to what it was like when we were first created. Of course, we can’t do it on our own. We need to come to God and ask him to help us to be obedient to him. Shall we pray?
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