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日期﹕ 09/04/05
經文﹕ < 詩篇 > 29 ﹕ 10-11
2005 年 9 月的 Katrina 風暴令美國遭受了歷史上最嚴重的自然災害。直到今天,新奧爾良市依然沒有恢復原貌。 3 年 9 個月之后,洪水又一次來襲。這次,大地都在顫抖。 在緬甸,有 8 萬多人死亡;在中國,已經有 2 萬 9 千人確認死亡,估計最終的死亡人數會超過 5 萬人。 學校的房屋倒塌,活埋了 許多學生。雖然這些災難發生在離我們一萬英里遠的地方,但是借著互聯網、手機攝像頭和新聞媒體的信息傳遞,這一切仿佛就發生在我們眼前。每一天,我們都看到房屋在倒塌、災民在受苦、親人在死去。每一幅畫面都令人心如刀絞。我們的心,和遠在緬甸與中國的那些失去了子女,特別是失去了唯一骨肉的父母們同在。在過去的兩周里,我們看到一個有力和堅強的政府,也看到了一個軟弱和敗壞的政府。在悲劇中,往往能看出一個人、一個社會和一個政府的強弱好壞。
那麼﹐我們在這樣的時刻應該做什麼呢﹖今天早上﹐我想和大家分享一段我曾在 2005 年 9 月 4 日, Katrina 風暴過后的一個主日上所做的講道信息。我希望能盡力為你們提供一些基本的真理來幫助大家來學會面對生命中的類似悲劇。 我選擇了《詩篇》 29 : 10-11 作為今天講道的基石 ; 要和你們分享聖經裡的一個真理:因為我們在一個破碎與不正常的世界中﹐所以需要靠著神的恩典﹐按著神的主權與能力在災難中生活。
I 在一個破碎與不正常的世界中﹐災難是人生經驗的一部份。
首先我們要認識一個合乎聖經的世界觀。聖經對於什麼是導致自然災害的緣由比較沉默。最接近的描述還是要回到 < 創世紀 > 。在第一章﹐我們看到了神的創造工作。雖然我們不知道神是具體如何創造天地﹐男人﹐女人﹐以及人類與一切被造物之間的關係﹐但是我們知道神看一切都是美好的。就是說﹐用他完全的標準來衡量的話﹐一切都是好的。
但是﹐當我們繼續往下看神造天地萬物的故事時﹐在第三章﹐我們看到人類故意背叛了上帝。由于這個背叛﹐罪從此進入了世界。曾經被神視為好的﹐正常的﹐完美的東西現在卻成了不完整的﹐不正常和破碎的。 < 創世紀 >3 ﹕ 17-18 “…地就必因你的緣故受咒詛;你必終生勞苦,才能從地裡得吃的。地要給你長出荊棘和蒺藜來…” 我們要注意:人類對神的背叛所導致的后果就是使蛇和大地受到了詛咒。 我們現在所看到是一個破碎的自然界。人類與所居住的自然界之間已經不再有和諧與完整。
如果我們回首世界歷史﹐那麼將看到一段破碎世界的記錄。…… ( 幻燈片播放 ) 我們居住在一個破碎和不正常的世界裡。耶穌沒有解釋為什麼會有痛苦和災難﹐他只是說﹕“我把這些事告訴你們,是要使你們在我裡面有平安。在世上你們有患難,但你們放心,我已經勝了這世界。” (< 約翰福音 >16 ﹕ 33) 耶穌不是說我們可能會有患難﹐而是明明白白地肯定我們會遭逢患難。使徒雅各在 < 雅各書 >1 ﹕ 2 說﹐“我的弟兄們,你們遭遇各種試煉的時候,都要看為喜樂。”請注意﹕這裡沒有說“如果你們遭遇試煉…”而是直截了當地說“當你們遭遇試煉的時候…”正因為我們住在一個不正常的世界中﹐所以試煉﹐自然災害和人為災難都是生活中無法避免的一部份。
II 在一個破碎與不正常的世界中﹐神的兒女們要培養一個以神特性為主的信仰系統。
住在這個不正常的世界中﹐面對地震 , 風災 , 水災 所帶來的悲劇﹐我們應該持守怎樣的信仰﹖我想與你們分享一些觀點﹕
1. 承認人類自身的局限。首先﹐自然災害總是提醒我們人類自身的限制。二十一世紀﹐我們總是對人類所已經掌握的科學技術沾沾自喜﹐引以為豪。我們破解了人類基因組的密碼﹐掌握了克隆小貓﹐小牛﹐綿羊﹐甚至人類的技術。有的時候,我們甚至對于自己有能力預測地震感到驕傲。但是﹐在面對自然那毀壞害的能力時﹐我們再次看見自己是那麼地軟弱。有一位地震之后的幸存者看到有人被拋向天空,然后摔下來就死了。我們的局限使我們只能看到自身的軟弱和無助。我們唯一合適的回應就是在造物主前躬身。
2. 承認神在被造世界裡主權。當自然災害四處橫行的時候﹐當不計其數的生命被無情奪去的時候﹐當財產損失無法衡量的時候 , 實在是不容易相信神的主權 . 當我剛購買了新車﹐新房﹐工作上得到了晉昇﹐或者找到了一個新工作時﹐很容易承認神的主權。但是﹐在經濟蕭條的時候﹐悲劇發生的時刻﹐人人都不希望發生的事卻偏偏發生時﹐我們就很難相信是上帝在掌管一切的了。我們很自然地會問﹕“神啊﹐你在哪裡﹖你的大能在哪裡﹖你難道無力阻止這個颶風卻任由其肆意蹂躪我們嗎﹖然而在這時刻 , 詩人說﹕“耶和華坐在洪水之上,耶和華坐著為王直到永遠。” (< 詩篇 >29 ﹕ 10) 當洪水氾濫的時候﹐耶和華坐著為王 . 神仍然坐在祂的寶座上 . 是的﹐自然界在發怒﹐在破壞﹐在蹂躪﹐但是我們的神依然坐在他的寶座上。 祂仍然在掌管一切 。世界會變﹐他卻永遠不變。他的大能和權柄從亙古到永遠從不改變。我們或許無法完全理解這些內容﹐但是這卻是我們信仰的根基。
3. 相信 神的 良善 。在人生得意的時候﹐我們很容易接受和相信上帝的慈愛﹐公義﹐供應﹐保守和同在。但是在黑暗的時刻﹐當我們的家園被毀﹐財產受損﹐親人離去的時候﹐你還怎麼敢跟我說神是充滿慈愛﹐憐憫和信實的﹖環境會改變﹐但是上帝永遠不變。是的﹐這一切很難相信﹐但是這一切又都是聖經的教導。 < 詩篇 >23 篇告訴我們﹕“耶和華是我的牧人,我必不會缺乏……我雖然行過死蔭的山谷,也不怕遭受傷害,因為你與我同在…”聖經從未許諾我們將會永遠一帆風順﹔但是當我們處在死蔭的山谷﹐黑暗﹐沒有安全感﹐迷茫未知和充滿風險的處境中時﹐神向我們保證他將與我們同在。 < 以賽亞書 >43 ﹕ 1 ﹐“不要懼怕,因為我救贖了你;我按著你的名呼召了你;你是屬我的。你從水中經過的時候,我必與你同在;你渡過江河的時候,水必不淹沒你;你從火中行走的時候,必不會燒傷;火燄也不會在你身上燒起來。因為我是耶和華你的 神,是以色列的聖者,你的拯救者……因為你在我眼中非常寶貴和貴重,所以我愛你……你不要懼怕,因為我與你同在……”在水中和火裡﹐有神的應許“我愛你﹐我與你同在﹐你在我眼中非常寶貴” 。
這些人們熟悉和喜愛的經文教導我們應該如何面對生命里的苦難和悲劇。有的時候,神會按著他的主權改變我們周圍的環境,比如防止某些事件的發生、改變或者盡量減少暴風所帶來的破壞。當這些事發生的時候,我們幾乎都不會注意到。但是, 圣 經清楚地告訴我們:當我們遭受痛苦和磨難的時候,神會親自來到我們生命中,與我們并肩而行,一同受苦。
這是我們所要相信的。有樂觀的心態是很重要的 : 灰暗的時光不會持續到永遠﹐但是﹐真正合乎聖經的信心 , 不是僅僅把目光停留在“一切都會好起來”上。真正合乎聖經的信心是﹕即便是在最困難和糟糕的環境下﹐上帝依然是掌管一切的﹐他就是滿有慈愛﹐憐憫和信實的神。當我們行在幽暗的山谷﹐當我們無法感受到他的同在時﹐我們依然相信他是充滿愛和信實的神﹐他從未離棄我們。這就是信心﹐不是對當前或者未來處境的信心﹐而是相信神是充滿愛和仁慈的神。
III. 在一個破碎與不正常的世界中﹐神的兒女們要學習經驗神保守的能力。
我們已經簡單地看了一下該有的世界觀﹐也知道了如何面對在生命中的悲劇與試煉。但不就停在此 . < 詩篇 >29 ﹕ 11 ﹐“願耶和華賜力量給他的子民,願耶和華賜平安的福給他的子民。”當洪水氾濫時﹐神坐在他的寶座上。因為他是神,他也來到我們身邊。不僅如此,他還賜力量給他的子民 . 祂給我們力量克服環境的困難。當我們想放棄的時候 , 祂賜給我們力量使我們能繼續相信他的信實和良善。
不僅如此﹐神還會將平安賜給他的子民。當洪水襲來之時﹐當到處缺乏平安之時﹐神應許他的子民給他們內心的平安。那份平安是超越處境的。 < 約翰福音 >16 ﹕ 33 “我把這些事告訴你們,是要使你們在我裡面有平安。在世上你們有患難,但你們放心,我已經勝了這世界。”
從 < 詩篇 > 的這兩節經文裡﹐我們學到了當人類面臨災難的時候﹐神依然坐在他的寶座上。他依然是君王﹐掌管我們的生命和一切。在人類面臨災難的時候﹐他會賜給他的子民平安和力量﹐使他們剛強並滿有對神的信心。
IV. 在一個破碎與不正常的世界中﹐神的兒女們要學習如何減輕別人的痛苦。
這對我們有何意義呢 ? 在這目前的時刻 , 我們能做甚麼呢 ? 首先記住為地震和風災的生存者禱告 . 求神保護他們免受更多的災難 , 如疾病 , 洪水和餘震 . 也求神安慰失去了兒女的父母們 , 特別是獨生子 .
第二 , 要牢記我們沒有所有問題的答案 . 當別人問神為什麼行這事或容許這事的發生 , 我們能簡單說 : “不知道 . 我和你一樣感覺到困擾 . ” 你要知道 , 我們不需替神辯護 , 也不需替神解釋一些事情發生的原因 . 神是很剛強和滿有安全感 , 祂可以替自己說話 , 如祂願意的話 . 讓神為神 .
第三 , 我們要以行動和經濟的資源來幫助災區 . 我們教會在目前和 未來的幾個月會有以下的行動 . 面對眼前立刻的援助 , 如醫療 , 糧食等等 , 長執會已決定代表教會奉獻 $4 萬元給中國和緬甸 ( 各兩萬 ). 並且從今日開始 , 連續幾個星期所收的特別愛心奉獻 ( 在大廳的奉獻箱 ), 將全數捐助中國災區長期重建的工程 . 包括了 : 心靈輔導 , 學校重建 , 教會和信徒的幫助 . 我們將會有一小組 , 幫助決定那些我們教會能投入的工程 . 即時的援助總是容易的 , 但我們必須記住 , 重建是需要很長時期 .
當我們正在積極地從各個方面為災區提供幫助的時候﹐我想提醒大家一些基本的原則﹕首先 , 沒想任何一個援助的管道十全十美 ; 故此我們要互相尊重每人位的選擇與信念 . 不要因別人與自己的觀點不一樣而使人有內疚 . 其次 ; 儘量避免憑情緒用事 , 要用理性來思考作決定 . 其三 , 在捐贈的事上 , 不要表揚自己 , 而要有一謙卑的心 . 右手行善時 , 不要讓左手知道 . 最後 , 要同心幫助那些有需要的人。
Date: 09/04/05
Text: Psalm 29:10-11
Title: When the Flood Comes and Earth Shakes
Theme: Since we live in a fallen world, by God's grace we learn to live according to
God's sovereignty and power in the midst of calamities.
In September 05, as a result of Katrina, our country experienced the greatest natural disaster in her history. Even to this day, the city of New Orleans have not completely recovered. Now, 3 years and 9 months later, the water came again. But this time the earth also shook and is still shaking. In Burma, close to 128K had died. In China, 19,000 are confirmed dead and the total number of death may be as high as 50K. Schools collapsed killing most of students. Even though such disasters occurred about 10K miles away, because of internet, cell phone cameras and news media, it appeared as it has just occurred next door. Every day we see images of destruction, suffering, death and great grief. Our hearts go out to the parents in both Myanmar and China who have lost their children and especially parents with only one child. During these past two weeks, we also witnessed the strength of one government and the weaknesses of another. Tragedies always bring out the good and the bad of individuals, societies and governments.
In moments like this, our hearts ache with sadness and minds confused. In order to minimize our pains, we seek answers to the cause of such tragedies. We may come up with instant answers just as: God has his plan in this, this is a great opportunity to share the gospel message, this is an indication that the end of the world is near, or you must have faith. While no one can refute such statements, yet they sound so hollow and superficial. Unknowingly, we are trying to defend God for what happened and to avoid facing the reality and consequences of pain in such moments.
So, what do we do in moments like this? This morning I want to share with you a message that I preached here on 09/04/05, the Sunday after the Katrina tragedy. I want to do my best to provide some basic principles that will give us a handle on how to face these and other disasters that come our way. I have chosen Psalm 29:10-11 as a platform to share with you this truth: Since we live in a fallen world, by God's grace we learn to live according to God's sovereignty and power in the midst of calamities.
I. In a broken and abnormal world, disasters are an integral part of human experience.
First, we need to know and understand what is the biblical worldview? The scripture is rather silent on the reasons behind natural disasters. The closest we can come to is to go back to Genesis. In Chapter one we learned of God's creation. Even though we do not know the details of how he created the heavens and the earth, yet one thing we know for sure; everything that was created, the heavens and the earth, man and woman, and the relationships between the created word and the human beings, God considered them as good. That is, according to his most perfect standard, everything was good.
However, as we continue with the creation story, in chapter 3 we learned of men's deliberate disobedience to God. Because of this disobedience, sin entered the world. What was good, normal and perfect had now become imperfect, abnormal and broken. In Genesis 3:17-18, “…. cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;…” We want to take note that as a result of men's disobedient, the snake and the earth were specifically cursed. What we see is a broken natural world. There is no more harmony between men and the world he lives in.
If we take a look at world history, we see a record of broken world. (See ppt) These are the worst natural disasters. Then there are numerous smaller but devastating disasters. The world history tells us we live in a broken and abnormal world. Jesus did not try to explain the whys of pain and suffering, he simply stated: John 16:33, “ 33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Its not that you may have tribulation, but you will have tribulation. Apostle James in 1:2, “ 2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,..” Again, please note; it it not, if you meet trials of various kinds, but when. Because we live in an abnormal world, therefore trials, natural and or man made disasters are part of life.
If we think our world is a normal world, when disasters strike, we'll ask: why? It is not fair. Where is God? How can you do this to me. If we know our world is, fallen, broken and abnormal, then we ask: How should we then live? What can we do in such situations.
II. In a broken and abnormal world, children of God learn to develop a belief system with focus on God's attributes
Living in this abnormal world, facing the tragedy and damage Katrina brought to us, what then is our belief? I want to share with you a few thoughts on this:
1 To recognize human limitation. First, natural disasters always brought human being to the realization of our own limitations. In the 21 st century, we pride ourselves of our technical know how. We have the entire sequence of human genome. We have the know how's of how to clone a cat, cattle, sheep and even a human being. At times we even pride ourselves of our ability to predict earthquakes. But time and again we become so powerless when nature unleashes its destructive force. A survivor of the earth quake saw people being thrown up into the air and fell to their death . This human finiteness should cause us to see how weak and feeble we are. The only proper response is to bow to the creator God.
2. To recognize God's sovereignty in the created world. When nature unleashes its destructive force, when countless lives are lost, properties are damaged it is hard to believe in God's sovereignty, right? When I just bought a new car, a new house, got promoted or found a new job, it is easy to recognize God's sovereignty. But during the down time, in those terrible moments, in experiences no one wants to repeat or plan, it is very difficult to believe God is in control. It is so easy to ask: God, where are you? Where is your power? Are you that weak that you can't even stop this hurricane and have it dissipated in front of our eyes? In such moments, the psalmist says, Psalm 29:10, “ 10 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned as king forever.” When the waters are ravaging, he sits in his throne. Yes, the natural world seems to be angry and ruthless, yet our Lord is still sitting on his throne. The world can change, but he never changes. His power and authority remain the same. We may not fully understand this, but this is the bedrock of our belief system.
3. To believe in God's goodness . Again, in good times, when things go our way, it is easy to believe in God's love, faithfulness, provision, protection and presence. But in the down times; when our homes are destroyed, possessions are gone, loved ones disappeared or died, how dare you tell me God is love, kind and faithful. Circumstances and environments have changed, but God has not. Yes, it is indeed very difficult to believe, but this is what the Bible is about. In Psalm 23, we read that the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want…Even though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear not evil, because you are with me.” The scripture never promises we will always have the mountain top experience, but when are in that dark valley of shadow of death, a place of darkness, unknown, uncertainty and unsafe, there is the assurance that the Lord, the shepherd will be with us. In Isaiah 43:1ff “ Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. 3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel , your Savior. ……. 4 Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, ….. 5 Fear not, for I am with you;…” In the midst of the water and fire, is the promise and assurance of ‘I love you, I am with you, you are very precious to me…'.
These familiar and beloved verses tells us something about how deals with our pains and suffering in life. There are times God in his sovereignty will change the external circumstances such as preventing certain events to occur, change the course of or minimize the destructive effect of cyclones/tornados. When this happens, we'll hardly notice, right? However, the scripture also clearly tells when we face pain and suffering, He simply comes into our lives and sit by us and suffers with us.
This is what we are to have faith in. Yes, it is important to think positively, that dark times will not last forever, but true biblical faith is never about setting our eyes on things will get better. True biblical faith is to believe that even in the worst of times, God is sovereign, loving, kind and faithful. Even in that deep dark valley, when we cannot feel nor see his presence, we believe he is loving, faithful and he has never left us . This is faith; not faith in the present or future circumstances, but faith in the God who loves and cares.
III. In a broken and abnormal world, children of God learn to experience God's persevering power.
We have looked at our world view. What is our belief and behavior in such trying times. How about God? What does he do? Psalm 29:11, “ 11 May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!” When the water is ravaging, He sits on his throne, because He is God, he also comes to us. Moreover, he also gives strength to his people. He gives us strength so that we can be strong when the environment is rough. He gives us strength when we feel like giving up. He gives us strength so we can continue to believe in his faithfulness and goodness.
Not only this, the Lord will give his people peace. When the waters are ravaging, when the circumstance is anything but peace, the Lord promises to give his people that inner peace. The peace that transcends our circumstances. In John 16:33, “ 33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
IV. In a broken and abnormal world, children of God learn to help others to relief some of their pain and suffering.
Facing such disaster, we know what we are to believe, but equally important is what we are to do? What can we do to those who are in dire hard situations? As we live in this world full of suffering and pain, we also notice that in such tragic moments, people, Christians and non-Christians alike, do reach out to help each other.
In the first century church, there was a famine in Jerusalem and Judea. When believers in Macedonia heard about it, they collected some money and sent it to Jerusalem . What was unusual in this situation was that the Macedonian church was young and poor. They did not give according to what they had. They gave out of what little they had. They gave sacrificially to help the believers in Judea .
Early this week, one of my sons called and asked how he could help. Many of you have also inquired about what we can do to help. In our bulletin, we've provided you with some information about what some actions we are taking.
As you take part in different aspect of helping those in need, I would like to remind us a very basic and important principle: we are to treat others, no matter who they are, with respect and dignity. Please do not treat them as objects to satisfy our own need to help others or as targets of our evangelization. Please take a look at this passage which I have referred to quite often. 1 Thess. 2:8, “ 8 So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” Paul said, we love you so much, that we are willing to give our lives for you and also share the gospel with you.” It is not because we want to evangelize you, therefore we love you. No, it is this: because we love you, we want to share our lives with you, we want to share the gospel with you.
We serve these people who are in need because we love them. Love must be the primary motivation for you, for me, for HCC to reach out to others.
I would like to conclude with this note: It is important for us not to just react to crisis situations. It is easy to react to crisis: To do something immediately. And when we don't see things happening, we can become critical and cynical, of individuals, church and the government. Quick response to crisis is crucial, but it is also important to keep in mind, the need is a long term process. In another few weeks or months, we'll be back to normal again here. However, it will take months and even years to rebuild the destroyed properties and lives. It is easy to be with them at the beginning of the crisis, but long term care and commitment is equally important.
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