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日期: 03/23/08
經文:《 約伯記》 19 : 23-27
引言 :
幾個禮拜以前,當我在九十號公路上開了大約一英里之後,整個高速公路便因為車禍而整個關閉了。我花了兩個小時才到教會。在我繞著路向前開車的時候,我變得異常的冷靜和細心。你知道是什麼原因嗎?因為我想到因車禍而出事的人。十或二十分鐘以前,他或她還像我一樣,和家人道別,說再見。但是他那天晚上卻再也回不到家了。他家的世界在一霎那間就完全的 傾倒 下來 像。當我想到同樣的事也可能會臨到我頭上的時候,便覺得在路上耽誤兩個小時算不了什麼了。當我們以未來的角度來看待目前事物的時候,我們便會有一種不同的感受。對不對?
我聯想到我們有時到醫生那裡做些例行檢查,或到戶外做一下運動,回到家裡之後,整個世界便天翻地覆了。 有時一個電話 , 信件,也會帶來同樣的情形。
今天早上,我要帶你到一位生活在幾千年前的一個人那裡。 他經歷了幾乎我們所有經歷過的苦難,甚至還更多。他的名字叫約伯。我知道在復活節的早晨,探討約伯這個人物,是有點怪怪的。但是,當我們把約伯拉近看的時候,似乎他的經歷和話語其實成了聖經裡第一個復活節的信息。
我們知道約伯是一位敬畏神的人。他在他的同時代人中也是一位個正直的人。他有七男三女,都已成人。他的財產包括七千隻羊 、三千匹駱駝、五百對牛、和五百頭母驢 , 並且有許多僕婢。無論從那個角度來看,他都是一位非常富有的人。然而,有一天,卻發生了一連串的事情。
一個接一個的僕人跑來向他報告。一隊土匪搶走了他所有的牛和驢子。另一隊土匪擄走去了他所有的駱駝。火從天降,把群羊都燒光了。除了生畜被擄被燒之外,他的大部分僕人也被殺死。他在一天之內失去了他所有的財產。我們還記得二零零一年 Enron 破產時的情形吧?或者 Dot Com 泡沫的破滅?許多人的退休金在一夜之間化為烏有。或者一個人在年終設定新年的目標,她定下減肥和調整生活的目標,也計畫一個長久沒有如願的假期。但是新年剛過來了九天,她便失去遼工作。隨著工作沒有了,她的一切計畫也跟著泡湯了。
約伯還有更多的不幸。他失去所有財產的報告剛過之後,又有僕人來報告說:正當他的十個兒女在一個兒子的帳篷裡聚集的時候,一陣狂風刮來,吹襲房屋的四角,房屋倒塌在他們身上,他們就都死了。世上還有比這更悲慘的嗎?對於作父母的人來說,最淒慘的事是看到自己的孩子先他們而去。中文有句成語是: “ 白髮人送黑髮人。 ” 這樣的事是不合情理的,不正常的。所以世上父母們大多不願參加自己孩子的喪禮。在一霎那間,約伯失去了他所有的孩子。我們幾乎可以感受到到約伯的痛苦和悲痛。
墨非定律 (Murphy’s Law) 說 “ 壞事總是一齊來。 ” 約伯現在不但失去了子女和財產,還從腳掌到頭頂都生了毒瘡。這些毒瘡讓他身上很癢,他必須拿瓦片刮自己。我還記得當我們剛搬到休士頓的時候,有一天我在院子裡工作。我身穿短褲,跪在草地上拔雜草。我突然發現 膝蓋有一群黑色的螞蟻。我趕快把它們拍掉。三十分鐘後,我腿上起了許多小泡,又癢又痛。這樣持續了大約兩個禮拜。事後我才知道我遇到了南方臭名昭著的火蟻。現在我們可以想像,約伯全身佈滿了又癢又痛毒瘡,是多麼的痛苦。我們只要想到這種折磨,便會全身發抖。
當約伯的朋友聽到這一切降在他身上的災禍,其中三人相約而來對他表示同情和安慰。 他們看到他所受的大苦難, 就七天七夜說不出一句話來。他們和約伯一起痛哭,也為約伯的苦難痛哭。他們然後用言辭安慰他。他們不是以理解的心態安慰他,而是堅持說約伯犯了罪。他應該受到神的懲罰。他們不但沒有給約伯帶來安慰,反帶來控訴與定罪。
我們幾乎可以聽到約伯的呼喊:神在哪裡?神怎麼會在我身受苦難的時候沉默?約伯知道他在公義的神面前是不能為自己辯解的。有人會替我辨解嗎?有沒有人可以證明我的清白?有沒有人可以在神面前作為我的中保和辯護人?在身體上巨大的痛苦和朋友們無休止的控告當中,他在二十三到二十四節裡說道: “ 23 但願我的話現在都寫下,都刻在書簡上, 24 用鐵筆又用鉛,永遠開在磐石上。 ” 約伯是在說,我有重要的話要說。它如此重要,所以我要開在磐石上,然後注入鉛。他要這些話永遠存留,讓後人可以聽到和讀到他要說的話。是甚麼話語呢 ?
第二十五節: “ 我知道我的救贖主活著,最後他必在地上興起。 ” 救贖者指的是近親,有血緣關係的親屬,他可以用錢把一個人贖回來。這個詞在路德的故事裡是用來描述 波阿斯的。波阿斯是 路德的救贖者。他用錢把路德贖回,作他的妻子。救贖者這個詞也被翻譯成仲介,中間人。 你知道約伯在這裡講的是 什麼?他知道他不能在深面前證明自己的清白。誰可以和神辯論裡?他需要另外一個人幫他辯解。他需要另外一個人站在他和神中間。他肯定知道他有一個 救贖者,一個可以 站在他身傍的中間人。但是約伯會活到親眼看到自己的辯護嗎?他不確定他可以活到親眼見到 救贖主對他的救贖。還有這裡的經文: “ 最後他必在地上興起。 ” 在有些譯本中,這句話被翻譯成: “ 最後他必在塵土裡站起。 ” 這表示即使約伯死了,這位救贖者卻不會死。他會在塵土裡站起。他會復活而直到永恆。這位救贖者將在神面前宣告他無罪。
我們可以比約伯看到的更多。我們知道耶穌基督就是我們的救贖主,我們的中保。約伯憑信心相信將來他的救贖主要復活 . 我們也憑信心相信基督已經復活 . 因這緣故 , 我們今日在此慶祝 , 並且每星期日都在記念基督的復活 . 《 希伯來書》七章二十五節: “ 因此,那些靠著他進到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底;因為他長遠活著,為他們代求。 ” 他活著為我們代求。。在《 希伯來書》四章十五節: “ 如果有另一位像麥基洗德那樣的祭司興起來,那麼,這裡所說的就更明顯了。 ” 他同情我們,這就是約伯的信心。這也是我們的信心。在神面前,我們有一位中保,一位救贖主,是永遠活著。並且這位救贖主將祂的義披載在我們身上 , 使我們能在神前站立得住 .
約伯在二十六到二十七節這樣宣示說 “ 26 我的皮肉遭受毀壞以後,這事就要發生,我必在肉體以外得見神。 27 我必見他在我身邊,我要親眼見他,並非外人, ” 約伯在講他自己的復活。在絕望當中,約伯說出了這些帶有希望的話語。他的救贖主永遠活著。他自己也要從死裡復活。他會親眼見到神。他會完全得到的清白。
約伯在黑暗和絕望當中,怎麼會講出這樣充滿希望的話語哪? Derek Thomas 這樣寫到,只有那些還沒有經歷過約伯所經歷過的人才回問這樣的問題。走過這條路的人可以領會到,我們的情緒常常會起伏。絕望當中有時會突然經歷到曙光和希望,而又重新回到黑暗和絕望當中。這是人的本性。
我們也要像約伯一樣,以永恆的角度來面對目前的生活。你知道使徒雅各是怎樣描述約伯的嗎?《雅各書》 5 : 11 , “ 看哪,那些忍耐的人,我們稱他們是有福的;你們聽過約伯的忍耐,也看見了主賜給他的結局,知道主是滿有憐憫和仁慈的。 ” 約伯被稱為是在苦難中信心不動搖的人。另一種翻譯是: “ 約伯的忍耐。 ” 約伯怎麼會在這樣的苦痛中忍耐哪?難道他不想像他的朋友建議的那樣,對他的問題有立即的答案嗎?約伯能夠耐心等待,是因為他知道,即使在苦痛和苦難當中,他的神依然是滿有憐憫和仁慈的。約伯能夠耐心等待,是因為他能夠從永恆的角度來面對人生。這位永恆的神是滿有憐憫和仁慈的神。
我想到我們遇到的一位 癌症病人。在休士頓接受治療的時候,她接受了救主。在她完成治療的時候,她和我們分享說: “ 我非常感謝在休士頓期間你們對我的關照。對於你們帶領我信主我非常感恩。認識主以後,我開始學習以不同的態度看待人生。 ” 當我們以永恆的高度來看待生死問題的時候,我們會看到一幅嶄新的圖畫。是不是?
我們很多人還記得去年發生在 Sharpstown 老人公寓的那場大火。大火和濃煙損壞了大約六十個單位的房間。受火災影響的住戶在五個多月裡和朋友及孩子們擠在一起。在這期間,因為擔心會有石棉污染,他們被允許只能短暫回到他們以前的住處。現在有消息說,房屋管理局已不再允許他們回去拿自己的衣物,因為政府沒有錢來清理。有一位住戶非常擔心她自己的東西。我們都珍視我們擁有的東西。許多物件和照片是我們生活中不可缺少的一部分。我們不會讓它們輕易丟失的。三個禮拜前,她參加了一位朋友的葬禮。贊禮主要講的是我們永恆盼望的保證。當她回來之後,發現她所有的重擔都沒有了。當我們以永恆的眼光來看待人生的時候,我們現在所擁有的便會變得微不足道。當我們知道 我們的神是滿有憐憫和仁慈的時候, 我們即便失去所擁有的也無關緊要 。
我以前很在意我會不會得到我周圍人的認同。當我意識到我可能被誤解的時候,我會盡力澄清。隨著年歲的增加,我越來越會從永恆的角度來看待生命。我知道我們的神是滿有憐憫和仁慈的神,我自己的得失也變得越來越不重要了。當我們以永恆的角度來看生命時 , 我們就能耐心的來面對眼前的事 .
這就是復活節的資訊。我們的救贖主,我們的中保,我們的主耶穌基督從死裡復活。他今天依然活著。因為他從死裡復活,所以我也確信,當我把信心建立在他上面之後,有一天,我也會從死裡復活。因此,我們也可以像約伯一樣宣稱: “ 25 我知道我的救贖主活著,最後他必在地上興起。 26 我的皮肉遭受毀壞以後,這事就要發生,我必在肉體以外得見神。 27 我必見他在我身邊,我要親眼見他,並非外人。 ”
Date: 03/23/08
Text: Job 19:23-27
Title: The First Easter Message
Theme: Because the Redeemer lives, the believers can look at life with an eternal perspective.
Several weeks ago, after driving less than a mile on 90, the entire freeway was closed because of a fatal accident. It took me two hours to get to church. During that time I found myself unusually patient, following the various traffic detour. Do you know why? I was thinking of the victim of that accident. 10 or 20 minutes ago, maybe he/she was like me, saying goodbye to the family, telling them ‘see you later’, but never made it home that evening. T hat family’s world was changed in a split second. Compare that to what could have happened to me, what is 2 hours? When one looks at the present from a future angle, it will give us a different perspective, right?
I can also think of moments when individuals go to the doctor’s office for a routine check up, or go out for some exercise, but by the time we get home, our entire world has turned upside down. A phone call, or a letter, can do the same to us.
We know how miserable and painful such experiences can be. We feel so helpless and angry at our world and God, asking why do such things happen to us? We have done no wrong, but how can God or the world be so unfair to us? Where is justice?
This morning, I want to have you meet a person that lived several thousand years ago. He went through most, if not all, of the hardships we experienced, and even more. His name is Job. I know this is a rather an unusual character for us to look at on this Easter morning. However, when we look at him up close, it appears that his experience and words really formed the first Easter message in the bible.
We know Job was a God-fearing man, righteous among his peers. He had 7 adult sons and 3 daughters. His property included 7K sheep, 3K camels, 500 oxen and 500 donkeys, plus many servants. By all standards, a very wealthy man. Then one day, something happened.
Servants, one after another, came and reported to him. One group of bandits had taken all his oxen and donkeys. Another group came and took the camels. A fire had broke out killing all the sheep. Along with the animals, most of his servants were killed. He lost all his property in one day. Remember in 2001 when Enron collapsed? Or the burst of the Dot Com bubble? Many lost their entire retirement fund over night. Or one person at the end of the year set goals for the New Year. She had goals for her weight and to organize her life, plus there was a long overdue vacation. But nine days into the New Year, she lost her job. Along with this, her goals also went out the window. We definitely understand how Job must have felt.
There is more to this. Just as the reports came about the loss of his wealth, another servant came and reported that a violent storm had killed all of his 10 children while they were gathering at one brother’s tent. Can anything top this? The worst thing that can happen to parents is to see their child die before them. The Chinese have a saying. “ 白 髲 人送黑 髲 人 ”. It is out of order, it is abnormal. Therefore , parents refuse to attend the funeral service of their child. In a split second, Job lost all of his children. We can almost feel Job’s pain and grief.
Murphy’s Law states that ‘If anything can go wrong, it will.” Having lost his wealth and children, now he found himself covered with sores. It was so itchy that he had to use broken pottery to scratch himself. I remember soon after we moved to Houston , I was doing some yard work. I was wearing shorts and knelt on the grass trying to pull out the weeds. Then I noticed my knee area was covered with black ants and I quickly dusted them off. About 30 minutes later, little blisters started to appear; it was itchy and painful. This lasted almost 2 weeks. Later I found out that I had an encounter with the infamous southern fire ants. Now imagine, Job’s entire body was covered with severely itchy sores. Just the thought of this could cause us to shiver.
Now, in the midst of this suffering, his wife came and suggested that he should just give up his faith in God. Yes, Job was God fearing, but in return, what had this God done to him? Can you imagine the pain that Job must have experienced? In such moments, the greatest support should have come from his wife, his closest confidant; yet she was ridiculing him. She could not bear such afflictions in life. Throughout this ordeal, Job was convinced of his innocence before God. He had not sinned.
When Job’s friends heard of his predicaments, three of them came to comfort him. Seeing the extent of the pain and suffering, they were speechless for 7 days and 7 nights. They cried with him and for him. Then they started to open their mouths to offer words of comfort. They insisted that Job had sinned and deserved such punishment from God. Instead of comfort, they were accusing and condemning him.
Have you gone through such moments in life? You were suffering from a loss, it could be physical property or a relationship, but your well intentioned friends told you that what happened to you were God’s punishment for your sins. One can think of the anger and humiliation Job must have experienced. He lost his property, his health, his children, support from his wife and rejection from his well intentioned friends. Can anything be worse than this?
One can almost hear Job screaming: where is God? How can God be so silent while I am suffering? Job knew that he could not defend himself before this righteous God. Is there someone who would speak up for me? Is there someone who can prove my innocence? Is there someone who can be my mediator, my vindicator before God? In the midst of such pain and relentless accusations from friends, he said in vs.23-24, “ 23 “Oh that my words were written! Oh that they were inscribed in a book! 24 Oh, that with an iron pen and lead they were engraved in the rock forever!” Job is saying that I have something important to say. It is so important that I want to carve it in stone and then fill it with lead. He wanted these words to last forever so that people after him could also hear and read what he had to say.
Bible scholars have warned us not to read too much into this text. Yet it is important that we do not miss the prophetic words in these few words. What did Job want to say?
Vs.25, “ 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.” The word Redeemer means a close kinsman, a blood relative who pays a price to buy one back. This is the word used to describe Boaz in the story of Ruth. Boaz was that redeemer for Ruth. He paid a price to bring Ruth to him. The word ‘redeemer’ is also translated as the Mediator. Do you see what Job is saying here? He knew that he cannot prove himself innocent before God. Who can argue with God? He needed another person to do this on his behalf. He needed someone to stand before him and God. He knew for certain that he had a redeemer, a mediator who was on his side. But will Job live long enough to see his own vindication? He had no certainty that he will live long enough to see the result of the redeemer’s work on his behalf. And then these words, “….and at the last he will stand upon the earth.” Or in some translations, ‘he will rise from the dust’. This suggests that even if Job dies, this redeemer will not die. He would rise from his dust; he would resurrect and live forever. This redeemer WILL declare his innocence before God.
We may see more than Job did. In the NT, we learn that Jesus Christ is our redeemer, our mediator. Job by faith believed that he redeemer will rise from the dust. But we believed that this redeemer has already resurrected some two thousand years ago. This is why we are here today, and every Sunday. Moreover, Hebrews 7:25, “ 25 Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” He lives to intercede for us. Hebrews 4:15, “ 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” He sympathizes with us. This is Job’s confidence. This is also our confidence. Before God, we do have a mediator, a redeemer that lives on forever. Moreover, this redeemer has placed his righteousness upon us, so, like Job, we, too, can stand before God.
And then Job made this announcement: vs.26-27, “ 26 And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, 27 whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.” Job is talking about his own resurrection. In the midst of despair, Job uttered these words of hope. His redeemer lives forever, and he too will rise from the dead. And he shall see God face to face. He will be totally cleared.
Job, in the midst of his suffering, preached the first Easter message. He knew that his redeemer will rise from the dead. And because of this, he, too, will rise from the dead. In the midst of such suffering and pain, there is hope.
How can Job say such words after gloom and despair? Derek Thomas wrote that only those who have never been where Job has been will ask this question. Those who have travelled this path will know how our moods can swing, how despair can be answered by sudden moments of light and hope, only to sink back again to darkness and gloom. This is how humans are made.
Job’s relief came as he considered the total picture. This transcends the boundaries of our physical world. When we focus on life’s misfortune, injustice and lack of fairness, it will only bring us down the spiral of despair. However, when we turn our sight on the resurrected Christ, and our own resurrection in the future, we’ll begin to look at present life in a different perspective.
Yes, present reality is important to us. This is the reason that suffering, sickness, loss of job, loss of health, and death are so painful to us. We want an instant solution, a quick fix. We don’t have the patience to wait it out. But the truth is: we have the assurance that there is total victory in the future. Listen to these words:
Here, there may be a death; there, in the world to come, there will be life. Here, there may be a cross to carry; there, in the world to come, there will be victory.
Like Job, we are to look at present life with an eternal perspective. Do you know how the Apostle James described Job? James 5:11, “ 11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” Job was called a steadfast person in the midst of suffering. Another translation, “…the patience of Job…” Job was patient in the midst of such extreme pain and suffering. How can Job be patient in these situations? Didn’t he want instant answers to his problems, like his friends? Job was patient because he knew, even in the midst of such pain and suffering, that his God was compassionate and merciful. Job was patient because he was able to look at life from an eternal perspective. This eternal God was compassionate and merciful.
I think of parents with a sick child. They expressed that child is a gift from God. God has given us this child for us to take care of. Therefore, while this child is with us, we’ll do our best to care and love him. When God wants to take this child home, we’ll do our best to be obedient to Him. This God is compassionate and merciful.
I heard from a cancer patient we have come into contact with. During her treatment in Houston , she came to know the Lord. She shared this with some of us at the completion of her treatment, saying, “I am so thankful for your care during my time in Houston. I am thankful that you have helped me come to know Christ. Now having known Christ, I have learned to see life differently.” When we see life and death issue from the perspective of eternity, it is different, right?
Many of us are aware of a fire that occurred in a Sharpstown Senior apartment last November. The fire and smoke damaged about 60 some units. Those residents affected by this fire have been living with friends and children for almost 5 months. During this period they were allowed to return to their apartment for a very brief time. Now words came from the Housing Authority that due to asbestos contamination, they may not be able to retrieve their belongings and the government does not have the money to clean those items. One individual was very much concerned about her belongings in that apartment. We all treasure our possessions. Many of the items and pictures are an integral part of our lives. We cannot let them go just like that. Three weeks ago, she attended a funeral service of a friend. The focus of the service was on the security of eternal hope. When she came back, she felt all her burdens were lifted, feeling very light. When we look at life from the eternal perspective, present possessions become minuscule. When we know that our God is compassionate and merciful, what happens to my possessions will not seem such a big deal. Not only this, there will come a day when we, too, will rise from the dead and see our redeemer face to face.
There was a time I deeply cared whether or not I am understood by those important persons in life. When I perceived I have been misunderstood, or wronged, I would do my best to clear myself. But as I mature, as I learned more and more about viewing life from an eternal perspective, and that my God is compassionate and merciful, these personal gains and loss don’t matter that much anymore. When we look at life with an eternal perspective, we will be more patient with what we see now.
We have a redeemer, a mediator who is alive and will speak out for me. Even though we don’t see this while alive, we know he will not let us down. Is there anything greater and more important than the assurance that one day we will see our redeemer, our God face to face? Everything else will fade when compared to this insurmountable truth.
This is the Easter message. Our redeemer, our mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He is alive today. Because he has resurrected from the dead, we, too, have the confidence that when we put our faith in him, one day we, too, will rise from the dead. For this, we can proclaim as Job did: 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. 26 And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, 27 whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another….”
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