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日期: 1/06/08

經文:《尼希米書》 1:1-11


主旨: 神使用人來完成 的計劃



雖然我們離開聖路易已有十一年半 , 但心中仍然掛念著曾經養大三個孩子的地方 . 經常有朋友從 路易斯來這里看望我們,我們會詢問他們以前的鄰居現在生活得怎么樣。他們總是告訴我們,那里依然是個非常混合的社區,一些老鄰居依然住在那里。有時候,你會聽到一些自己曾經生活過的地方的事情,比如,那里不再是安全地帶了,沒有人敢在夜間單獨出門了。一些對我們重要的地方 , 即使我們已經離開了,但是依然會牽掛和關心當地的情況。


即使尼希米出生并成長在異國他鄉,可是很顯然他的心里依然牽掛著祖輩們曾經生活過的地方。在這本書里,我們也看到作者對舊約的經文了然于胸,善于引經據典。他和造物主 他的先輩們的神之間有著良好的關系。

尼希米的故事大約發生在公元前 445 年的十一月和十二月之間。一開始,他向剛從猶大回來的兄弟和朋友詢問當地的光景。 1:2“ ,有我一 弟兄哈拿尼,同 从犹 。我 那些被 掳归 回、剩下逃 大人和耶路撒冷的光景。 ”1:3“ 们对 :那些被 掳归 回剩下的人在 大省遭大 ,受凌辱;并且耶路撒冷的城 ,城 被火焚 換句話說,耶路撒冷城已經失去了抵抗的能力,任人蹂躪。神的子民 , 剩餘的人 , 經常被敵人侵略 . 隨著城池被攻破,耶路撒冷失去了任何保護和安全,就像一頭待宰的羔羊。尼希米的朋友的這番描述為全書的內容做了鋪墊,定下了基調。今天早上,我們一起來看尼希米是如何回應在遠方的國土上所發生的慘劇,特別是要學習這一切在 2008 , 對我們有什么重要意義。

  I •  讓我們陪養對神事物的關愛

在第 4 節,我們看到 我听 见这话 ,就坐下哭泣,悲哀几日 ……” 聽到神的子民和耶路撒冷城遭遇這樣的光景,尼希米感到萬分悲傷。在第二章里,我們看到這些詞反復地出現。作者試圖令讀者對于尼希米在聽到這番話后所發出的強烈感情留下深刻的印象。他為什么會如此悲傷呢?

尼希米很熟悉舊約和以色列的歷史,他知道現在的光景意味著什么。在猶太人的歷史上,耶路撒冷被視作上帝之城。神的殿就在耶路撒冷,那里代表上帝與他的選民同在;更重要的是,它預示神將在他的子民中掌權。神的榮耀和權柄將從耶路撒冷向世界各地輻射。但看啊,現在的耶路撒冷又是什么樣的光景 ! 由于神所揀選的兒女背叛了他,他的榮耀和同在就離開了那里。耶路撒冷失去了抵御外敵的 垣,任人蹂躪和踐踏。看到這樣的光景,尼希米的心都碎了。這也令我們想起,當耶穌看到市井商販在神的殿里招搖撞騙,玷污神的名時,他的心里是何等的悲傷。尼希米對神的事物有一個關愛之心 .

在西方歷史上,在第五世紀 ,St. Patrick 看到窮人和弱者的時候,也是傷心不已;在十八世紀的工業革命時期, Shaftsbury 發現婦女和兒童的工作環境慘不忍睹;后來, Spurgeon Mueller 也看到倫敦的許多孤兒生活悲慘。他們都有對神事物的一個關愛之心 .

今日又如何呢 ? 在過去的十年到十五年時間里,基督教會經歷了許多變化。我們看到:在崇拜時,詩歌敬拜的方式、牧師的講壇擺設以及布道的方式都發生了改變。會眾不再穿正裝出席,許多人穿著便裝就來教會敬拜;講壇被撤去,因為它被認為妨礙了牧師和會眾之間的交流。如果必須要有個講壇的話,那么就搞一個透明的。我們不喜歡聽宣告真理式的教導,而要與會眾對話式的講道。真理的闡述被親身經歷所取代。許多教會漸漸 更宣教化 ,他們試圖專注于某一特殊人群,服事他們的特別需要。不少教會放下 我們在這裡 , 你來看 的態度 , 而是主動下到不同的社區里;他們不再注重會堂的建設,而是改在家里、學校、戲院和飯店里聚會。有些教會仿佛是專為三十多歲的青年人度身定制的,他們的崇拜時間通常都要晚一些,原因是這些年輕人習慣在星期六晚上玩到很晚,所以星期天就沒有辦法早起了。我們希望教會能滿足市場的需要。教會被當作是一個企業一般來經營和管理,而忘記了基督身體的本意。主耶穌成了事奉和滿足我們的仆人,而不是我們要順服和跟隨的一位。

我們輕易地受時代潮流的擺布,為了要與人認同 , 我們失去了自己的獨特性 . 為了使大眾能在我們當中感到舒適 , 我們改變所用的詞句,試圖迎合世人的口味。但是,我們常常忘記了一點:當人們來到教會的時候,他們是在追求一些和世俗熟悉的東西所不一樣的經歷和感受。

當然,有些改變是好的,也是必需的。但是,當我們捫心自問的時候,也不得不承認在教會的生活中,神的話語已經變得如此稀少和匱乏。 就像《阿摩司書》 8 11 所記載的: 主耶和 华说 :日子 到,我必命 荒降在地上。人 饥饿 非因 无饼 ,乾渴非因 水,乃因不听耶和 是的,我們在講道中使用了 經,但卻往往只是避重就輕地挑選一些能支持和幫助我們表達個人觀點的內容。我們忘記了讓 經來決定我們信息的內容。

在過去的兩年里,神給我機會服事一些亞洲的牧師和教會領袖。大家普遍的共識是:當務之急是改進和轉變布道的方式。在一周密集式的培訓之后,一個本地富有經驗的牧師說: 教會的未來取決于我們如何傳講神的話語。 當時,教室里有 25 位學生,大家鴉雀無聲,紛紛點頭表示同意,甚至有人熱淚盈眶。在我有限的幾次拜訪和接觸世界其他地區中文教會的經歷里,我深深的感受到大家似乎都有同樣的問題。好幾次,我聽完了一篇講道之後 , 帶著沉重和難過的心說 :這是一篇不錯的信息,但是跟 經有什么關系呢?雖然在各方面我們都發生了改變,但是卻忽略了我們存在的基本價值:在一個困惑和迷失的世界里宣講神的真理。

當我們在神的真理之光中睜開屬靈的眼睛,我們體會到 提前 3:15, “ 神的家 …… 就是永活 神的教會、真理的柱石和根基。 如今的基督教會就好象一座 垣被毀的城池,面對世俗的潮流 , 神的子民感到無助和失望,在面前顯得束手無策。我相信有不少人也意識到在我們這個被救贖的團體中,也有瑕疵和漏洞。

當尼希米聽到神的子民和城市遭遇如此悲慘的光景時,他哭泣悲哀了好幾天。當我們看到四周一些基督徒的遭遇時,是否也同樣為他們感到悲傷?我們也要有對神所看重的事有一個關愛的心 . “ 世界展望會 的創始人 Bob Pierce 曾經說過 令神傷心的事也同樣使我心碎

II •  讓我們為令神傷心的事向祂呼籲

尼希米除了傷心和哀哭以外,還做了什么?當我們看到基督的教會處在如此 涼的光景中時,又該怎么做? 在我年輕的時候,曾經一度因為看見一些華人教會的破壞的城牆與被焚燒的城門而難過 . 我對教會領袖產生懷疑和指責。在七十年代中期,我決定離開華人教會而加入白人教會。即便是在臺灣生活的兩年里,我們也是參加一個國際禮拜堂的崇拜。但是,尼希米是怎么做的呢?

他在神面前禁食祈禱。 禱告文一開始是這么說的 耶和 天上的神,大而可畏的神啊,你向 你、守你 命的人守 施慈 。愿你 眼看, 耳听,你仆人 夜在你面前 仆人以色列民的祈 ……” 聽到耶路撒冷的光景以后,尼希米訴求于至高無上的神。他沒有指責和批評在猶大的掌權者。他把一切問題通過禱告帶到神的面前。



1 •  承認整個國家犯了罪

尼希米知道是人的罪導致了耶路撒冷和天國的子民身陷苦難。但是,他在 6-7 節這樣禱告: 以色列人向你所犯的罪;我 我父家都有罪了。 向你所行的甚是邪 有遵守你藉 仆人摩西所吩咐的 命、律例、典章。 請大家注意,尼希米的認罪也包括他自己。他并沒有說其他以色列人都犯了錯,得罪了神,需要神的寬恕。在以色列人犯罪和背叛的時候,他甚至還沒有出生呢。可是,他的認罪仿佛承認自己就是那得罪神的人。

這樣的思想跟西方的傳統理念是不符的。如果你犯了罪,那么你就自己背上罪名,負起責任。在東方世界,當一個韓國青年去年在 Virginia Tech 大學持槍行兇時,整個韓國社會都對這起悲劇感到自責和愧疚。你犯了罪,可是我也是這個團體的一分子,所以我也犯了罪。是 我們 得罪了神。

                             2 .訴求于神立約的愛

他求神彰顯憐憫。 9-10“ 但你 向我, 守遵行我的 命,你 被赶散的人 在天涯,我也必 那里 招聚回 到我所 选择 我名的居所 都是你的仆人、你的百姓,就是你用大力和大能的手所救 的。 他求神再次垂憐他的子民。為什么呢?不是因為他們有什么好行為,事實上他們也根本沒有什么好行為。他們是神所揀選和救贖的團體。在神的眼中,他們被視為寶貴。

我們把一切煩惱帶到神的面前,是因為他滿有憐憫和恩典。當我們看到 垣被破,大門被毀,卻知道那里依然是神的住所。我們知道:即使是身處破碎和敗壞的光景里,我們依然是被神所救贖的,他依然深深地愛著我們,我們在他眼中依然寶貴。所以,他永遠不會離棄我們。這就是我們在破碎中的希望。

III .讓我們為神使用,完成祂救贖事工

尼希米向神禱告以后發生了什么事?他聽說耶路撒冷的城 被毀,神的子民處在水深火熱中,他把這一切通過禱告都帶到主的面前。他沒有就此停止,而是耐心等待。在這本書的其他章節里,我們看到神如何使用尼希米來重建城牆,復興神所揀選的團體。

這對于 2008 年的我們有什么意義?我想提出兩個應用。

首先,要在這個或者其他的教會里找問題和缺點是非常容易的。但是,我們不能就此停住。當 St.Patrick 看到窮人的 慘光景時,他奉獻了一生來事奉他們;當 Shaftsbury 看到倫敦的婦女和兒童處在苦難的工作環境中時,他傾其一生在議會通過了禁止虐待婦女和童工的法案;當 Spurgeon Mueller 看到孤苦伶仃的孤兒時,他們建立了孤兒院來收養他們。當我們把令神傷心的事帶到他面前時,神或許會使用我們來改變這一切。他會使用我們來回應一些我們自己的禱告和訴求。

因此,當我們看到神的子民所處的光景時,我們要把自己奉獻給神,任他使用我們來重建和堅固破碎的 垣和被毀的大門。在這一年里,我們要花一些時間來學習《尼希米書》。我們要學習神如何使用人來完成他的救贖工作。我們要從尼希米身上學習領袖的特質。我們要從尼希米身上學習如何從我們自己做起,來堅固這個得救團體的 垣。當我們為這個教會的城 加固時,也會看到神的榮耀通過我們流向四周的世界。

其次,大約二十年以前,我開始詢問:我還能從尼希米的身上學到什么功課嗎?我知道,從六七十年代開始,出現了不少書籍和講道是有關尼希米如何擔當領袖的。這些當然都是不錯的,但是是否已經全面了呢?以下的這段《箴言》在過去的二十年里對我意義重大: 人不制伏自己的心,好像 坏的城邑 垣。 大家能不能找到其中的關聯?當人失去了自制,就好像一座城邑失去了堅固的 垣。這些話是用來形容耶路撒冷的光景的。神居住在我們中間,每一個信徒,從某種程度上講,都是神的一座城邑。如果人不制伏自己的心,就好像毀壞的城邑沒有了 垣。任何人都能隨意進出和利用我們。

在我的事奉中,看到許多人就好象失去了 垣的城邑。他們任人操縱,和他人的關系也是起伏不定。這是為什么呢?因為沒有制伏自己的心。因此,我的心愿是,當我們在 2008 年學習《尼希米書》的時候,我們不單要學會如何重建和堅固基督的身體 , 神的教會 , 並且也讓我們學習如何重建和堅固個人生命的城邑。使我們變得更堅強和成熟,讓神居住在我們里面,透過我們的生命把他的榮耀流向祂所帶入我們生命的人。



Date:   1/06/08

Text:   Nehemiah 1:1-11

Title:   Reflections from Nehemiah

Theme: God uses human responsibility to complete his plan.



  Even though we left STL 11 1/2 years ago, we still think of the neighborhood where we raised our 3 children. From time to time we have friends visiting us from STL. We asked them about our former neighborhood and t hey would say that it is still a very integrated community and we knww some of our neighbors are still there. There are times you may hear stories about the area you grew up in. It was not safe anymore. No one dares to venture out at night. Even though we've moved away, we still remember and are concerned about places that are important to us or were an integral part of our lives.

The text we read today is about Nehemiah inquiring a place that was important to him. At the time of Nehemiah, the nation of Israel was destroyed, and most of its people were taken to the Babylonian empire. Mostly likely, Nehemiah was born in exile. Now, he was a cupbearer in the Persian king's court and it was his responsibility to choose wine and safeguard it from poison. It was a position of honor and prestige, providing him with opportunity to stay close to the king.

Even though he was born and raised in that foreign country, apparently his heart was still very much with the land of his parents and ancestry. From this book, we also know that Nehemiah was well versed in the OT scriptures; he had a close relationship with the creator God, the God of his forefathers.

The story of Nehemiah occurred some time between November and December in 445 BC. It began with his inquiry of the people and land of Judah from his brother and some friends who had just visited that place. 1:2, “ 2 that Hanani, one of my brothers, came with certain men from Judah . And I asked them concerning the Jews who escaped, who had survived the exile, and concerning Jerusalem .” Their answer was 1:3: “ 3 And they said to me, “The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.” In other words, the city of Jerusalem was without defense. Anyone can come and loot. God's people, the remnant, were constantly harassed by enemies. With the city wall broken, there was no protection and security, everything was up for grabs. This answer from Nehemiah's friends set the stage for the rest of the book. This morning we'll take a look at how Nehemiah responded to the situation in that far away land. We want to see especially how it relates to us in 2008.

I •  To develop compassion for the things of God. .

In vs.4 we learned that, “ 4 As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days,…..” Nehemiah felt extreme sorrow for the condition of God's people and the city of Jerusalem . In chapter two we see these words were repeated. The author wants to impress the readers about Nehemiah's strong emotional response to the condition of Jerusalem . Why such sorrow?

Being familiar with the OT and the Israelites' history, Nehemiah knew the implication of the condition. You see, in the Jewish history, Jerusalem was known as the city of God . In this city was located the temple. It was a symbol of God living with his chosen people, and moreover, it foreshadowed God's future rule among his people. This is where God's glory and rule will radiate to all parts of the creation. And now, because of God's children's disobedience, the glory and presence of God was gone. Jerusalem had no walls and gates to protect her from the enemies. Anyone could come in, defile and take advantage of her citizens. Nehemiah's heart was broken over the condition of God's city. This also reminds us of how Jesus' heart was broken when he saw the temple being defiled by merchants taking advantage of the poor. Nehemiah had that compassion for things that matter to God.

In the 5 th century, St. Patrick's heart was broken when he saw the condition of the poor and oppressed. During the Industrial Revolution of the 18 th century, Shaftsbury saw the deplorable working conditions of the women and children in London . Later, Spurgeon and Mueller saw the heart breaking conditions of the orphans in that city. These individuals also had compassion for the things of God.

How about us today? In the last 10 to 15 years, there have been many changes among the Christian churches. We see churches changing the worship format in the songs, podium furniture and how preachers are to dress. No more dress for success standards but casual attires. No more podiums as they obstruct communication between the preacher and audience. If you have to have one, get a transparent one. We do not want to see sermons as propositional declarations but a dialog between the preachers and audience. Truth statements are replaced by experiences. Many churches are becoming ‘Missional' in the sense that it wants to serve very specific focus groups with specific needs. Instead of the come and check us out attitude, the churches venture into different parts of the city to be at where people are. Instead of focusing on church buildings, they meet at homes, schools, theaters and restaurants. There are churches specifically catering to the 30's generation. Worship time will be later because they cannot get up too early on Sunday mornings because of late Saturday night social functions. We want the church to be able to meet our market needs. Churches are run more like business enterprises instead of the body of Christ. Christ is here to serve us and meet our needs rather than someone we obey and follow.

We can be easily influenced by the latest trend/fad. In the name of identification with the world we serve, we have lost our distinctions. We change our vocabularies in order to make everyone feel comfortable in our midst. Yet we forget, when people come to church, they want to seek something that is different and unique from what they are familiar with.

Certainly, many of the changes are good and necessary. Yet, as we survey the church scene, we can't help but see and recognize the poverty of God's word. It's like that passage in Amos 8:11, “ 11 “ Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “ when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” Yes, we use the bible in our preaching, but very often we pick and choose passages to support our own message and agenda. We have forgotten to let the bible dictate our messages.

  These past two years, God has given me opportunities to serve some of the Asian pastors and church leaders. It is widely recognized their huge need to improve and radically change their preaching style. At the end of a one-week intensive training, one local experienced pastor said: “the future of our churches depends on how we preach God's word.” In that room of 25 students, there was dead silence, everyone nodded and some with tears in their eyes. In my limited travel and experience with various Chinese churches in other parts of the world, including the US , I deeply feel we are all in the same condition. So many times I have walked away from a sermon with a sad and sinking heart, saying, “It is a good message, but it has nothing to do with the text.” (at times I am also guilty of this.) We're making all kinds of changes yet, we've neglected the reason for our existence: the proclamation of God's word, the Truth, in a confused and directionless world.

  Isn't this true that when we open our spiritual eyes in the light of God's truth, we realize that 1Tim 3:15, “…… the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth.” the churches today have sometimes become a city whose walls are broken and gates are burned. God's people often feel helpless and defenseless against the tidal waves of the world. I am certain some of us may notice the holes and imperfections in this community of the redeemed.

  When Nehemiah heard about the desperate condition of God's people and God's city, he mourned and cried for days. When we see some of the sad conditions of God's people around us, don't we also need to feel sad for their conditions? We too, need to develop a compassion for things that matter to God. Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, once said, “let my heart be broken with things that break my Lord's heart.”

II •  To appeal to God on things that break God's heart.

  Yes, Nehemiah felt very sad when he heard of the desolate condition. What else did he do? What would we do when we see some of the desolate conditions of God's church? There was a time when I was younger, seeing some of the broken walls and burned gates in some Chinese churches, I became skeptical and criticized the leaders. In the mid 70's I even decided to leave the Chinese church scene and went to Caucasian churches. Even during the two years we were in Taiwan , we went to an international church. But, what did Nehemiah do?

  He fasted and prayed. In the opening statement of his prayer,5-6; “ 5 And I said, “O Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 6 let your ear be attentive and your eyes open, to hear the prayer of your servant that I now pray before you day and night for the people of Israel your servants,…” Upon hearing the problems, Nehemiah appealed to the highest authority, God. He did not criticize or blame the authorities in the land of Judah . He brought it to God in prayer.

  This is a lesson we can all learn well. We, especially me, tend to point fingers at others when we see things that are wrong. The church leaders, the elders, deacons or the pastor should do something about this. Such an attitude can cause dissent, resentment and even bitterness. We either become the perpetual critic of church ministry or we leave and find a better church. Experience has taught us that there is no perfect church on this side of heaven. And it is said that if we do find a perfect church, the moment we join, it will become imperfect. We need to learn to feel sad about some of the desolate conditions of God's church, the community of the redeemed. God's heart is also broken when he sees our desolation and disobedience. However, we also need to bring the matter to God in prayer. Instead of appealing to people, learn first to appeal to the highest authority among us, God himself.

  From this prayer we also learn some additional lessons.

1 •  Confession of national sins.

Nehemiah knew that it was people's sins that led to the desolate condition of Jerusalem and God's people. Yet he prayed,vs.6-7, “confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father's house have sinned. 7 We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses…” Please note that Nehemiah included himself in this confession. He did not point to God about others having sinned and needing forgiveness. He wasn't even born when the disobedience and rebellion occurred, yet he confessed as if he was there and sinned against God.

This is so foreign to our western mindset. You sinned and you, and you alone are responsible. In the east, when the Korean young men shot and killed many on Virginia Tech last year, the entire Korean society felt guilty about the tragedy. Yes, you have sinned, but because I am also a part of this community, therefore I, too, have sinned. So it is we that have sinned against God.

2 •  Appeal to God's covenant love.

Nehemiah asked God to show his mercy. 9-10, “ 9 but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your dispersed be under the farthest skies, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place that I have chosen, to make my name dwell there.' 10 They are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand.” He asked God to turn his face upon his people once again. On what basis? Not because of their merit of good work, which they had none. They are God's chosen, redeemed people. They were very precious in God's sight.

The reason we bring to God our concerns is because of his grace and mercy. When we see the broken walls and burned gates, we know this is still God's dwelling place. We know, even in our brokenness and imperfections, we are still his redeemed, being deeply loved by him and is very precious to him. Therefore he would never, never abandon us. This is our hope in the midst of brokenness.

III •  To allow God to use us to accomplish his redemptive plan.

  Lastly, what happened after Nehemiah's appeal to God? Nehemiah heard of the broken walls, burnt gates and the desolate people, and he brought it in prayer to God. He did not take things into his hands, but he waited. In the rest of the book, we will see how God began to use Him to rebuild the city wall, to restore and reform God's chosen people.

  What does this mean to us in 2008? I want to draw two applications to us.

First, it is easy for us to identify problems and challenges in this and other churches. But we don't stop here. When St. Patrick saw the conditions of the poor, he devoted his entire life to serve them, When Shaftsbury saw the deplorable working condition of the women and children in London , he devoted his life to pass legislations to outlaw such practices. When Spurgeon and Mueller saw the poor orphans, they reached out and started orphanages to provide a place for the children. When we bring to God things that break his heart, he may use us to bring about changes. He will use us to answer the prayers we offer to him.

Therefore, when we see the conditions of God's people, we are to give ourselves to God and let him use us to rebuild and strengthen the broken walls and missing gates. For the most part of this year, we'll be studying this book of Nehemiah. We want to learn how God uses human responsibility to carry out his redemptive work. We'll learn from Nehemiah his uniqueness of being a leader. We will learn from Nehemiah how we too, can strengthen the walls of this redeemed community. As we build and strengthen the walls of this church, we'll see how God's glory and honor will continue to radiate from us to the world around us.

Secondly, about 20 years ago, I started asking the question: Are there any additional applications I can glean from Nehemiah? I understand that beginning in the 60's and 70's there were many books written and sermons preached on Nehemiah as a leader. They are certainly true and helpful, but is that all? The following proverb has meant much to me during that last 20 years of ministry. Prov 25:28, “ 28 A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” Do we see the connection here? When there is no self control, then you are like a city broken without walls. These are words used to describe the condition of Jerusalem . You see, God dwells in each one of us, his children. Each believer, in a way is also a city of God . when there is no self-control, we are like cities with broken walls and burnt gates. Anybody can come in, use us and take advantage of us.

  In my ministry, I have noticed many individuals whose lives are like the city without walls. They are constantly being used and manipulated by others. Sometimes they go from one relationship to another. Why? Because there is no self-control or discipline.

Therefore, it is my desire and prayer that as we study the book of Nehemiah in 2008, we not only learn how to build and strengthen the body of Christ, but we'll also learn how to rebuild and strengthen the walls and gates of our personal lives. That we become strong and mature. That God's dwelling in us, his beauty and glory will radiate from us to the people God brings into our lives.

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