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日期﹕ 10/14/2007
經文﹕ 《使徒行傳》 20 ﹕ 6-12
題目﹕ 崇拜真諦
主旨﹕ 因耶穌在七日的頭一日復活,所以我們要 恆常在這日來崇拜慶祝
几年前,我們回到以前我們聚會的一家教會和他們一起參加主日崇拜。 因為他們采用了新的聚會形式的緣故,我們幾乎認不出這就是我們以前在這里崇拜過的教會。在過去十五到二十年間,在崇拜方面一些巨大的變化橫掃了各地的教會。正當我們覺得塵埃快要落定的時候,又跑出來了新興 ( Emerging ) 教會。它們各自具有自己的風格和特色。所以,我們崇拜主要有傳統式的,現代式的,和現在新興式的。我們怎樣去決定遵循什麼樣的崇拜方式、和使用多久哪?當我覺得現在的方式不夠新穎,有沒有一個更新的方式我可以采用?即使在我們 曉士頓中國教會,有些人會說我們的音樂太吵了(像父母們抱怨青年團的音樂一樣),而另外一些人則會說我們的音樂太單調,沒有生氣勃勃。有的人會說我們的講道過于冗長,而另外的人則會問,和唱詩歌相比,我們為什麼把這麼少的時間放在教導上面?看來,對于什麼是崇拜,和崇拜的真 諦是什麼,會有永無休止的爭論。
我有時覺得我們在這方面模糊不清的概念是因為聖經在這方面 沒有給我們 清楚指示。因而導致過去在教會歷史上在這方面存在許多討論,在崇拜上面也存在許多不同的方式。
在六到十二節,我們看到新約聖經裡在這里最早提到了主日崇拜。而當我們繼續學習《使徒行傳》 裏 這段經文和其它經文的時候,我們應當注意到這里是描述式的,而不是規定式的。這說明我們不要照搬一切的細節,比如晚上用油燈和蠟燭,在房子 裏 的三樓聚會。同樣也表明我們不可以省略這里沒有提到的事情,比如唱詩 , 見證和禱告。今天早晨,我們要通過這段經文,來確立出崇拜的幾條基本原則。
I 恆常崇拜的首要牲
在今天, 全世界每個國家都 採用了一周七天的日歷。但在第一世紀,只有猶太人把日子分成七天為一周。希臘人和羅馬人並沒有這樣做。實際上,羅馬作家和哲學家 塞涅卡曾經譏笑猶太人把一周的第七天,也就是安息日或禮拜六,給浪費掉了,因為他們在這一天不工作。
當保羅向路司得和雅典全部是外邦人的聽眾講道的時候,他把重點放在創造的教義上面。那就是﹕ 神在六天時間內創造了天地;神在第七日,也就是安息日,或現在的禮拜六,停了他一切所創造的工,歇息了。這種一周七天的日歷後來被羅馬帝國 採用。今天在全世界範圍內被普遍使用。
我們在第七節讀到,特羅亞的信徒在禮拜天,也就是一周的第一天聚會。他們在禮拜天一起崇拜。猶太人禮拜六在他們附近的會堂 裏 崇拜。我們在《使徒行傳》這本書 裏 讀道,當耶穌復活之後,猶太人的信徒們仍然在禮拜六到他們的會堂 裏 崇拜。漸漸的他們開始在禮拜六和禮拜天兩天都一起聚會。他們在禮拜天,也就是一周的第一天聚會,是因為耶穌在這一天從死 裏 復活。我們在這一天紀念和慶祝耶穌的復活。他們以後把禮拜六移到禮拜天。在過去兩千年 裏 ,全世界的基督徒們,即使在極端艱難的條件下,也會在禮拜天一起聚會崇拜。
這里有一項原則,那就是每周有固定的一天,是作為崇拜而設立的。 恒 常和定期的崇拜是基督徒生活的一個重要組成部分。可是有人會問,特別是我們在服務業工作,需要一周七天每天二十四小時營業的話,我們可以在一周中的其它天崇拜嗎?我們可不可以在禮拜六晚上崇拜?單從崇拜的角度來說,禮拜六或者禮拜三崇拜和禮拜天崇拜沒有什麼兩樣。但是聖經中的許多地方是教導我們在主日崇拜的特別意義。
我知道一些基督徒,為了能夠參加主日崇拜,而主動辭掉需要在禮拜天工作的職業。另外一些弟兄姊妹則和上司協商好,可以讓他們在禮拜天離開幾個小時,是他們可以參加主日崇拜。另外一些人則是和他們的猶太人朋友或者 安息會的朋友們做出安排,他們在禮拜六工作幾個小時以便他們可以在禮拜天去教會。也有一些教會專門增設禮拜天晚上的聚會,使哪些因為時間上的沖突而無法參加早上聚會的基督徒能夠參加崇拜。
我們也許不同意伊斯蘭教的教義,但他們每天堅持禱告五次的做法我很欣賞。虔誠的伊斯蘭教徒每天會在固定時間,立即放下手頭的工作,拿出禱告用的墊子,跪下禱告。他們的這種做法會使我們感到羞愧,是不是?當我們堅信耶穌在一周的第一天復活的事實之後,我們也應當牢記在這一天 恒 常崇拜他的重要性。
II 神話語在崇拜中的首要性
除了在禮拜天敬拜神, 特羅亞的信徒們也傾聽保羅有關神的話語的教導。這是很長的一篇講道。在第七節和第九節,“講道”的希臘原文可能指的是正式的教導。第十一節用了一個希臘字﹕ “ 說教 ”,指的是非正式的教導,也許指的是問題解答。無論正式或者非正式的教導,這里的重點是神的話。因為是神對我們說話,所以神的話應當成為我們個人生活和教會生活的中心。從特羅亞教會和其它城市的教會身上,我們了解到當基督徒一起敬拜的時候,神的話應當成為敬拜的中心。在每一個崇拜當中,我們應當讀神的話語,清楚解釋神的話,並且把它應用到我們的生活上面。
同樣的道理也適用於我們。當基督徒們借者容忍的名義而犧牲掉神的唯一性的時候,當我們認為只有相對而沒有絕對的時候,那我們也就不需要神的話的鼓勵很和教導了。如果我們是以這種心態來到教會,那麼我們只不過是來社交而已,看音樂和講道能否打動我們 , 啟發我們 。
當我們參觀不同教會的時候,我們發現有些教會著重音樂的能力。它可以激發起我們的情感,是我們興奮而充滿力量。導致我們依靠音樂的能力。因而我們聘到最好的職業音樂家和歌唱家,來幫助我們提升我們的靈魂。美好的音樂在任何崇拜中都是很重要的,但是我們不能把音樂當成神。它不能取代神的話語的地位。好的音樂是要將我們帶到神和的話語前 .
神的話,也就是福音,本身就帶著力量。它有救我們脫離神的憤怒的力量。神的話就象雙刃劍,可以刺穿我們最內在的自我,揭示出我們的罪孽和我們需要神的屬性。它有能力 改變我們。因為這個緣故,在曉士頓中國教會,我們將竭盡全力,使神的話語能夠成為我們崇拜中首要。作為牧師們,我們有責任認真研讀聖經,清楚的向會眾解釋神的話語,並且把神的話應用在我們的日常生活當中。我們應當盡力有效地把神的話,也就是真理告訴給你們每一位會眾。我們祈求, 當你們在家庭、學校、或你的工作場所忠實跟隨基督的時候, 神可以借助我們的證道,甚至有時超越我們的證道,給你們帶來轉變、安慰、鼓勵、和教導。
III 主餐在崇拜中的首要性
經文在第七節告訴我們,當 特羅亞的信徒一起敬拜的時候 ,他們也一起領受聖餐。我將在下面闡述我的觀察﹕
首先,聖餐的目的是為了讓信徒記念基督的愛、受難、和復活。這也帶有慶祝和感恩的雙重含義。第二,在基督教信仰里,神通過聖經,先向我們講話。然後通過聖禮 : 洗禮和聖餐 對我們說話 . 有人說,洗禮和聖餐就是神那看得見的神的話語。你想要看見神的話嗎?那你只需要觀看洗禮和聖餐就可以了。
我們也知道神愛我們,並為我們而死。你想用眼睛親眼看一看神的愛嗎?你只要看聖餐就可以了。每當我們看到餅和杯,就象我們上個禮拜一起吃這個餅和喝這個杯的時候,我們就會看到神的愛。因為這個原因,聖餐不只是帶有紀念的性質, 圣 靈也通過個餅和喝這個杯來觸摸我們的心。我們從洗禮和領受聖餐里領取營養,重新得力。
你瞧,神用聽覺和視覺來建立他的教會。神的話是可聽見,而聖禮則是影像 , 是可看見的。他也用宣告和戲劇來建立他的教會。神的話是宣告告,而聖餐則是戲劇。
當然任何讀過這段經文的人都會注意到這個可憐的青年人。經過忙碌的一天 , 帶著疲倦的身體來聚會 . 又 在一個充滿油煙味的房子里,聽保羅一篇惆長的講道,他睡著了,從三樓掉下死了。然後保羅來到,伏在他身上,他從死里被救活了。路加這個醫生寫道他死了。保羅施行神積救了他。就象在舊約里伊利亞和伊利沙救活了兩位年輕人一樣,在聖經里這是最後一次關於一個人從死里復活的記載。
作為牧師,我當然理解一個人在聽道時睡著是什麼的樣式。有時候,當我看到我們當中有些人在聽道時睡著的模樣,我差一點想笑出來。我依然記得當我在 圣 路易斯的時候,我看到有一位姊妹有一次在我證道時睡著了。你瞧,我會抱怨誰哪?在崇拜結束的時候,我站在門口和會眾握手。這位姊妹走到我面前向我說﹕“謝謝你牧師今天講了這麼美好的一篇講道。”我差一點要笑出聲來。作為牧師,我一直從這篇經文里得到安慰。如果這位年輕人在大使徒保羅講道時睡著了,那麼我講道的時候又怎能期望你不睡呢 ? 我知道你這週很忙,現在很困乏。我很高興我的講道可以幫助你入睡。 J 但是你千萬不要從椅子上掉下來。
Date: 10/14/2007
Text: Acts 20:6-12
Title: What Is Worship?
Theme: Since Jesus resurrected on the first day of the week, we are to celebrate this by worshipping him regularly.
Several years ago, we went to visit the church we previously attended. With its new format, we could hardly recognize that it was the same church that we had worshipped in. During the last 15 to 20 years, great changes in worship had swept across churches everywhere. Just when we feel the dust may have settled, then came the Emerging church, with their own styles and focus. So, we have the traditional, contemporary and now the emergent styles. How do we decide which one to follow and for how long? What if I grow out of them, will there be another one I can go to? Even at HCC, some would say our music is too loud (like the parents complaining about the youth's music), another would say it is too dull, not energetic enough. Some would say the sermon is too long, another would ask how come so little time is given to preaching, compared to the singing? There seems to be the never ending discussion of what is worship, what is the essence of worship?
Sometimes I feel that our confusion in this area may be due to the lack of specific instructions from the scripture. Therefore resulting in many discussions and FREEDOM in different forms of worship.
Here in vs.6-12, we find the NT's earliest reference to a Sunday worship. However, as we study this and other passages in Acts, we need to remember that this is descriptive and not prescriptive. This means that we are not to copy all the details, such as meeting in a house, on the 3 rd floor, in the evening, using oil lamps or candles. It also means that we are not to omit what is not mentioned, such as: singing, praying and testimonies. This morning we want to identify some very basic principles of worship in this passage.
I. The primacy of regular worship.
Today, every country has adopted the 7-day week calendar. But in the 1 st century only the Jewish people divided the days into 7 days a week. Not so with the Greeks and Romans. Actually a Roman writer, Seneca scolded the Jews for wasting time on the 7 th day, which is Sabbath/Saturday, because of their rest from work.
When Paul preached to the strictly gentile audience in Lystra and Athens, he focused on the creation doctrine. That is: God created the heaven and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7 th day, th Sabbath, today's Saturday. This 7 day-week calendar was later adopted by the Roman empire, and today, it is universal.
In vs.7 we read that the believers at Troas met on Sunday, the 1 st day of the week. They came together on Sunday evening to worship, most likely because they worked during the day. The Jews worshipped on Saturday in their local synagogues. After Jesus'' resurrection, we read in the book of Acts that the Jewish believers would still go to the synagogues on Saturday. Then they began to meet on both Saturdays and Sundays. They met on Sundays, the 1 st day of the week because this was the day Jesus resurrected from the dead. It was both a remembrance and celebration of Jesus' resurrection. And then later, they switched from Saturday to Sunday. And for the last 2k years, Christians, even under extreme hardship, come together on Sundays to worship God.
The principle here is that there is a fixed day every week for worship. Regular and consistent Worship is an integral part of Christian living. However, some may ask, especially if we our work is in the service sector, that is 24/7, can we worship on another date? Can we have a worship service on Saturday evening? From the worship perspective, certainly Saturday or Wednesday is just as good as Sunday. Scripture does not forbid worship on other days of the week. However, the general pattern in the scriptures seem to instruct us of the special meaning of worship on Sunday.
I know of Christians, who turned down jobs because they had to work on Sundays. Others negotiated with their managers to take off several hours on Sunday so they can worship. There are also individuals who would make arrangements with their Jewish or Seven Day Adventist friends to swap several hours work on Saturday so they can go to church on Sundays. Then there are also churches with evening services for those who cannot attend the morning service because of work schedules.
We may not agree with many of the Islam's teaching, but I admire their commitment to praying 5 times a day. Devout Muslims would stop whatever they are doing, take out the prayer mat, kneel down and pray. This puts us to shame, right? As we firmly believe the reality of Jesus'' resurrection on the 1 st day of the week, we also remember the importance of regularly worshipping him on this day.
II. The primacy of the Word in worship.
Besides worshipping God on Sundays, the believers at Troas also listened to the apostle Paul's teaching of the Word. It was a rather long sermon. The Greek word preach in vs.7,9 seemed to point to more formal teaching or preaching. Vs11, uses the greek word: homily, meaning informal preaching/teaching. It could be Q/A session. Whether it is formal or informal, the emphasis here is on God's word. Since it is God speaking to us, therefore it is central in our personal life and also the life of the church. From the church at Troas and in other cities, we learn that the Word is also central when the Christians come together to worship. In every worship service, God's word must be read, clearly explained and pointedly applied to our lives.
Last week we talked about Paul encouraging the 1 st century believers with God's word. They needed encouragement and instruction because they took their faith seriously. They refused to compromise with their society, resulting in isolation, loneliness and discouragement. Now, if they'd just go with the flow, do as the Romans do, without making a stand for their faith, and be tolerant to all other teachings, then they would be quite easy going, and there would not be any need for encouragement and instruction from God's Word.
The same is true with us. When Christians sacrifice the uniqueness of Christ in the name of tolerance, when we think there is no absolute but all are relative, then there is no need for encouragement and instruction from God's word. If we come to church with this mindset, then we've come to socialize with others and see how the music and sermons can entertain and inspire us.
As we visit different churches, we find some with focus on the power of music. It can stir up one's emotion, excite and energize us. We depend on the power of music. So some church would hire the best musicians and singers to help lift up our souls. Good music is very important in any worship, but we must not turn them into God. it cannot take the place of God's word. Good music will point us to God and His Word.
Then there are times we focus on the power of experience. Last week I read about an event in a certain church in California. During their worship service, they had a famous former celebrity sharing how he became a Christian. It was told that the sharing, or his experience had a very obvious effect on the congregation. Sensing this, the pastor immediately gave an invitation to the congregation. Anyone touched by this testimony and would like to come forward to receive baptism on the spot. About 300-500 people came forward and received baptism. It is great that so many made the decision to want to get baptized. Yes, personal experience can be powerful, but it must never take the place of God's word.
God's word, the gospel, alone is powerful. It has the power to save us from God's wrath. God's word is like the 2-edged sword, cutting through our most inner self, revealing our sinfulness and our need for Christ. It has the power to transform us. For this reason, at HCC we want to do our utmost best to make God's word the primacy in our worship. As pastors, it is our responsibility to diligently study the Bible, clearly explain the word and effectively apply to the congregation's life. We're to do our best to effectively communicate God's word, the Truth to you all. It is our prayer that God will, through our sermons, sometimes even above our sermons, to bring you transformation, comfort, encouragement and instruction as you faithfully follow Christ at home, at school and at your work place.
III. The primacy of Lord's supper in worship.
In vs. 7 we're told that when the believers at Troas came to worship, there was also the Lord's Supper. I'd like to make several observations:
First the purpose of the Lord's Supper is for the believers to remember Christ's love, death and resurrection. It is also called the Eucharist, meaning a celebrative and thanksgiving event. Secondly, in Christian faith, it is understood that God speaks to us first, through the Word, secondly through the sacraments: baptism and Lord's supper. It is said that baptism and the Lord's Supper are God's visible Word. You want to see the Word? Look at Baptism and the Lord's supper.
We know that the Bible is God's word. God's word is good news to us, it is powerful to save us from his wrath. Do we want to see it with our eyes? Look at Baptism. This morning 7 individuals are baptized. Whenever we see baptism, we see a person being changed by the gospel message. Turning away from refusing or rejecting Jesus to become his followers. Baptism provides us with this visual demonstration of the power of God's Word.
We know God loves us and died for us. Do we want to see it with our eyes? Look at the Lord's Supper. Every time we see the bread and cup, when we eat the bread and drink the juice, as we did last week, we see God's love. For this reason, the Lord's supper is not only a memorial, but the Spirit also works through this bread and cup to touch our hearts. We are being nurtured and renewed by this sacrament..
You see, God builds his church through the audible and the visible. The Word is the audible; and baptism and the lord's supper are the visual. He builds the church also through declaration and drama. Word is the declaration, baptism and the lord's supper are the drama.
In a worship service, there is the ministry of the Word, and the ministry of the sacraments as well. Some churches have communion every Sunday, others, like us, once a month. There are still others that observe the Lord's Supper twice a year. Again, there is no specific instruction on how often we should have the Lord's Supper. But there is clear teaching on the primacy of Lord's Supper when we come to worship Him.
Of course, anyone who studies this passage notices the poor young man, listening to the long sermon in a room filled with smoke and oily smell, fell asleep and fell down from the 3 rd floor. He died. And then Paul came and put himself on top of the boy, and he was resuurected. Luke, the doctor wrote that he died, and then Paul performed a miracle. Just like Elijah and Elisha of the OT resurrected 2 young men. The resurrection of this young boy was also the last person raised from the dead in the Bible.
As a pastor, I certainly understand what it is like to fall asleep while listening to the sermon. There are times, I almost laughed out when I saw how some of you sleep during the sermons. No one sleeps during the singing, only during the sermons. I still remember when I was in STL. I noticed a lady sleeping during my preaching. Well, who can I blame but myself? At the end of the service, I was at the door shaking hands with people. She came up and said, “thank you, pastor for a very good sermon.” I almost burst out laughing. I always get comfort from this thought. If the young man slept while Paul, the great apostle, was preaching, who am I to expect you stay awake all the time? I know that you have been very busy this past week and exhausted. I am glad that my sermon can help you get some rest. J Just make sure you don't fall off the pews.
This passage provides us with some very practical principles regarding worship. It instructs us that we are to worship God regularly. When we come to worship God, there God's word must be at the center. And there is also the primacy of the sacraments, which provide us with visual demonstration of the Word.
There are more and more activities occurring on Sundays that inhibits us from worship on Sundays. Sometimes, it's our job, other times our children's sports, music or other activities. There could also be the Sunday football games on TV.
If we're to take worship seriously, we'll have to sacrifice something. When our children were young, before we enroll them in any baseball or soccer leagues, we always made sure there were no games on Sundays. It could mean that we could not enroll them in some better leagues.
Why are we to take Sunday worship seriously? Because it is on this day we remember and celebrate our Lord's resurrection.
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