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日期: 10/07/2007
經文:《使徒行傳》 20 : 1-6
題目: 一個見證人的素描 (2)
我們從《使徒行傳》學到:每一位跟隨耶穌基督的人 , 都是祂的見證人 。我們習慣把“見證”當作動詞使用:見證的行為就是把神和耶穌的愛告訴別人。當我們在 休士頓 ,紐約或者舊金山的街道上分發福音手冊時,我們是在做見證;當我們參加短宣時,我們也是在做見證。有時,也將見證當為該盡的責任 . 。
I. 一個為鼓勵者的見證人
1. 安慰在困境中的人 .
無論是第一世紀還是二十一世紀,有一點是相同的:生活充滿了困難。我想到許多弟兄姐妹所擔負的生活壓力。如果你在企業工作,最關心的問題是:今年公司賺了多少錢?或者,這個季度的利潤預期如何?我們經常在新聞報道里看到某某公司的三季度業績沒有達到預期目標,利潤下跌 75% ,導致大量裁員。你能想像在這樣的公司里工作所承受的壓力嗎?許多弟兄姐妹在科研領域工作,大家最關心的問題則是:數據在那裡?沒有數據,就寫不出文章,沒有文章就無法申請科研經費。更令人沮喪的是:很多時候,我們無法控制數據的結果,無法提供老板預期的數據結果。一個錯誤的研究假設會浪費數月或數年的時間。如果你是醫生,也經常要做一些生死攸關的決策。
我也想到一些人因為慢性疾病長期臥床不起,也有一些人因為癌細胞的折磨導致全身傷痕累累,剛剛才對某個醫療方案有了正面的反應,身上另外一些癌細胞又開始活躍。又加上因失去所愛的人所帶來的憂傷 . 我們是多么失望和生氣啊 !
有些弟兄姐妹正在找工作。我們盡了力,卻始終沒有合適的機會。有些人等了一個月,一年,甚至有人還在遙遙無期的等待中。這一切是多么令人感到沮喪啊 !
有些人長期面對家庭的壓力。因為種種原因,一些配偶,父母 , 孩子之間矛盾得不到解決。
如何安慰和勸勉呢?在第二節經文我們學到:保羅在那個地區待了一段時間。他藉與信徒相處鼓勵他們。我們從神是如何安慰和勸勉我們自己來學習如何鼓勵他人。很多情況下, 圣 經對于我們生活中最困難光景的原因是沉默的,也不告訴我們為什么這些不幸會發生。但是,有一點 圣 經是非常明確的:當我們處在生活的谷底時,或者行走在黑暗的幽谷時,神應許他會親自來到我們身邊與我們同行,和我們同在。
當我們鼓勵和勸勉身處困境的人時,不應該去質問他們為什么會有這樣的感覺,為什么對神對人有如此消極的想法。很多的時候 , 我們透過與他們相處,來安慰和鼓勵。我們要和他們分享:我們不知道也不明白為什么神會允許這樣的事發生在他的子民身上。我們要學習透過他們的眼睛看世界,通過他們的皮膚來感受他們的痛苦。我們要按同理心去安慰和勸勉他們。我們要操練 “ 與人同在 ” 的服事 .
我們在安慰和勸勉他人的時候可以和他們一起誦讀神的話語。林牧師曾經分享過,當他探訪會眾的時候,總是和他們一起唱 圣 詩。作為耶穌基督的見證人,我們不僅要向人傳福音,也要向處在困境中的人們帶去勸勉和安慰。
2. 以神的話來勸勉 .
II . 一 位以團隊為主的見證人 .
在本章以及《使徒行傳》的其他一些章節里,,作者多次提起誰與保羅同行。保羅很少單獨作宣教的事工。第一次宣教旅行時,他和巴拿巴與馬可同行,后來馬可離開了團隊。第二次宣教旅行時,有西拉和提摩太同工。路加后來也部分地參與了此次布道過程。現在已經是保羅的第三次宣教之旅,路加也提到了幾個同工的名字。保羅是在團隊中服事,而不是個人單獨行動。在耶穌升天前 , 他對門徒說 , “你們是我的見證人…” 是的 , 每一位信徒都是見證人 , 但整個信徒的團體 , 也是他的見證人 . 我想對這個團隊做幾點觀察。
1 在多元化中的合一
我們知道一些與保羅同行的伙伴的名字。首先,來自比里亞的所巴特。第十七章告訴我們,比里亞的信徒熱切地學習神的話語。來自帖撒羅尼迦的亞里達古和西公都,亞里達古是貴族的意思,代表高貴,居首位。他可能具有貴族血統,在社會上地位崇高。西公都的意思是次要。他可能是個奴隸。還有該猶,提摩太,推基古和特羅非摩。他們都是年輕的外邦教會的信徒。這就顯明這個團隊的多元化。但是他們和保羅同行,一起宣教。雖然具有多元性,但是大家是合一的。耶穌為他的門徒禱告 , 求神使他們能維持神所賜的合一 . 多元性和合一性是 圣 經的一個重要主題。
我想起去烏干達的短宣隊 . 他們是一個多元化的群體 . 但卻能一心一意的向當地人傳講耶穌基督 , 建立教會 . 但另一方面 , 單槍匹馬地宣教比較簡單。我們總是要按自己的方式做事。我聽說過這樣一則故事:有一個短宣隊在某個省份事工,在他們出發前,被明確地告知不要公開地向當地居民宣傳福音。但是,有一個隊員卻堅持要向與她接觸的當地居民傳福音。這就導致整個團隊起了沖突和紛爭。這樣的行為不是合一。
休士頓中國教會是一個多元化的群體 . 在這群體中 , 每一個人是一個見證人 。作為一個團體,我們又集體地是基督的見證人。我們共同的使命是向身邊和遠方的世界宣告耶穌基督的好消息。正因為如此,我們才能凝聚在一起,在同一屋檐下敬拜神。但與此同時,我們也意識到不同的敬拜和傳福音方式。我們不能偏執己見地要求別人嚴格按照自己的方式行事。我們要記住 , 我們的信息 只有一個,并且是獨一無二的。但是,有許多不同的方式來宣講這信息。我們承認多元性,但是也保持合一性。
要在一個團隊里保持合一,需要我們具有一顆體諒的心,多看他人的長處,謙卑虛心。奧古斯丁的話至今仍然是對我們如何做到合一的有力鞭策:“在至關重要的事上保持合一,在次要的事上要有自由,但是在凡事上都要有愛心。”耶穌說:“如果你們彼此相愛,整個世界都會知道你們是我的門徒。” Francis Schaeffer 說“愛是教會最后的辯護。”我們如何成為有效和有力的基督見證人呢?在多元化中,我們依然彼此相愛。
2. 對事奉的委身 .
根據一些調查顯示,一個人從認識主到在教會擔任執事通常需要 10 年時間。我覺得這里提到的幾個人信主的時間還不到 10 年,很可能是少于 10 年的。我們可以得出這樣的結論:他們在信主后不久就開始在所屬的教會事奉。
這是我們的 一個好榜樣 . 我們不須等十年才服事 . 當我們看見教會的需要時 , 就該出來學習如何服事 . 有時按 各人屬靈的恩賜來事奉神;但是另一方面,我們也要記住在神的家中的職責。有時候,我們因為需要和責任而事奉。
我們聽說過一些著名的傳道人: Billy Graham, Leighton Ford 和 Francis Schaeffer. 他們都是有效的神話語的傳遞者 . 但同時,他們也是經常將鼓勵安慰帶入個人的生命裡 . 從 “Francis Schaeffer 的信函 ” 一書中 , 我們看見他如何溫柔地與信仰有困擾者書信的來往 . 又滿有愛心和同理心與沮喪的人對話。我個人記得有一次在聚會時遇到 Francis Schaeffer ,我有機會詢問他一些有關事奉和神學院的事。那是我們初次見面,一年以后,我在加州的 Labri 團契又遇到他,令人想不到的是他居然還記得我一年前問他的問題。是的,他是一個公眾人物,著名的傳道人。但是他留心關注每一個跟他接觸的人。對 Francis Schaeffer 來說,是沒有小人物的。每一人個人都是很重要的 .
等一下我們就會一起領受聖餐。每當我們一起領受餅與杯時 , 我們記得基督如何愛我們每一位 , 並為我們死 . 不單如此 , 祂更稱我們為他的見證人 . 是他的愛推動我們向人傳講耶穌的愛 , 並且為我們死的好消息 . 我們要告訴別人因相信耶穌 , 我們能得永生 . 是他的愛推動我們願將鼓勵與安慰帶給在困苦中的人 .
Date: 10/07/07
Text: Acts 20:1-6
Title: Portrait of A Witness (2)
In our study of the book of Acts, we learned that we, the followers of Christ, are his witnesses. We often associate witness with its verb form; an act of telling others about God and Jesus'' love for them. We witness when we pass out gospel tracts on the streets of Houston, NY or SF. We witness when we go on a short term mission. Sometimes we view witness as a responsibility to be fulfilled.
Certainly, being a witness would include such actions and activities. But in our study of the book of Acts, especially looking at Paul's ministry and life, we see witness is far more than just presenting the gospel message. It encompasses a wide spectrum of ministry, from sharing the good news of God's kingdom, to encouraging others to being a team member . Let's take a closer look at this.
I. A Witness as an encourager.
In this chapter, the word encourage appeared three times (1,2, 12). The word ‘encourage' means to come alongside, to assist, and to comfort. Encouragement is certainly a major theme in chapter 20.
In the first and second century society, it was not easy to be a followers of Christ. Very often, because of one's faith in Jesus, he/she may have been ostracized from the society, creating great financial difficulties. Depending on the Roman Emperor, following Christ could also mean death, as experienced by the apostles. There were also all kinds of teachings contrary to Jesus and his apostles' teaching. It is in this context that we read in verses 1 and 2 that Paul encouraged the believers. And then in vs. 18ff, we are also given insights regarding the content of this encouragement. I'd like to make two observations about this encouragement.
1 • To comfort those in distress.
Whether we live in the 1 st or 21 st century, there is one thing in common: life is difficult. I think of the stress many of us experience. If you work for a company, the bottom line is: how much is our profit this year? Or, what is our projection for this quarter? Constantly we read news about a certain company's 3 rd quarter projection falling short of expectation, or that it fell by 75%, resulting in layoffs. Can you imagine the pressure of working from quarter to quarter. Many of us are in the research field. The bottom line here is: where is the data? Without data, there is no paper, without paper, no grant money. And the most frustrating part is that frequently we cannot control what the data will look like. We cannot give our supervisor the kind of data he/she wants. A wrong hypothesis can waste many months of research. Or being a doctor, you have to make those split second life and death decisions.
I think of those who are bed ridden by prolonged sickness. Or an individual's body being ravaged by those terrible cancer cells. Just when we thought we are doing well, responding to the treatments, then, another cancer appeared. Then there is grief over the loss of our loved ones or a relationship we once treasured. How discouraged and angry we can become.
There are those who are looking for jobs. We have tried, but there are just no suitable openings. Our waiting goes from one month to one year and still no end in sight. It is frustrating.
Some of us are constantly living under stressful family situations. We're at odds with our spouses or between parents and children. Certain issues just never get resolved.
These are just some situations that make life difficult. For this reason, we not only tell others about Christ, but also to comfort, to come along side of them.
How do we comfort and encourage? From vs. 2, we learn that Paul was in that area for a period of time. He encouraged them by spending time with the believers. We comfort others by learning how God comforts and encourages us. the majority of time, the Bible is rather silent on why we go through such difficult moments in life, or why such calamities come upon us. However, the scripture is loud and clear, in telling us that when we are at the bottom of the pit, when we are in the deep dark valley of life, God comes to us and is with us during those dark hours. He comes and sits beside us.
When we comfort and encourage those in distress, We don't ask how can you feel like this? how can you have such negative feelings toward God and others? Most of the time, we, the encourager, can bring comfort by just being with them. We share with them that we neither know nor understand why God allow these things to happen to his children. We learn to see the world through their eyes, feel their pain through their skin. We empathize with them. We practice the ministry of Presence.
I still remember when I first started out in my pastoral ministry, a pastor shared with me that the most fond memories he had with the congregation was when he stopped by their homes or workplaces and enjoyed a cup of coffee or tea with them. I have certainly found this true. Yet at the same time, I'm also keenly aware of how times have changed. Now, living in a very busy city, and often because of family life and privacy, the simple act of being there is quickly fading.
We bring comfort and encouragement by reading God's word with them. Pastor Ling had shared that often when he visits individuals, he would sing to them and with them. Being a witness of Jesus Christ, we not only share the gospel message, but also bring encouragement and comfort to those facing difficult moments in life.
2 • To encourage with God's Word
There is another aspect of comforting and encouraging others. In vs. 2 we read, “many words of encouragement.” This refers to God's word. Life not only is difficult, but to believers, we are often confused by different teachings. We need to help believers, especially young Christians, to know how to discern the truth from the untruth.
In different eras and different locations, the truth can be distorted in different manners. With the election year coming up, we are seeing more and more of how on the altar of the goddess of Tolerance, we are sacrificing the uniqueness of Christian faith. As different candidates will be questioned about their faith and belief, we'll hear more about the need to identify what is common among Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Mormons. We want to emphasize that all faith have the same common goal of being and doing good to others. We must not highlight one and down play the other.
Prison Fellowship has a ‘world view' study course on some high school campuses. The responses have been very positive. However, at one school, when the students were asked about choosing Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, there was an uproar. They felt it was not right that any one of them is to be unique and the truth. The leader then sent the students to ask their parents and pastors. What was so surprising was that many of the parents and pastors, including youth pastors responded by saying that there is no one faith more true than others, they are just being different. Our society had already sacrificed truth on the altar of Tolerance. And now, the Christians are beginning to do the same.
As witnesses of Christ, we not only share the gospel message, we also encourage the believers with God's word. We show and teach them how to discern the truth from the untruth. Jesus is not created by God, but is God. Every religion does not lead a person to God. Jesus is the only way to God the creator.
II. The witness as a team player.
In this and other chapters in Acts, the author tends to make a special point about who is traveling with Paul in his ministries. Seldom would Paul travel and minister alone. For his 1 st missionary journey, he had Barnabas, and Mark, who later left them. For his 2 nd missionary journey, there was Silas, and later Timothy. Luke would join them during part of the journey. Now, in part of his 3 rd missionary journey, Luke mentions several names. Paul worked in a team, and not a lone ranger. Before his ascension, Jesus told his disciples that “You are my witnesses…” Yes, each person is a witness, but the entire Christian community is also His witness. It is a team. I would like to make several observations about this team.
1 • Unity in the midst of diversity.
We're given the names of several of Paul's travel companion. First, there is Sopater from Berea. Chapter 17 tells us that the believers at Berea were diligent Bible students. Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica. Aristarchus is equivalent to Aristocrat, meaning royal, high on the list, being #1. He could be a person of royal blood or high up in the society. Well, Secundus means being second, #2. He could have been a slave. Then there were Gaius, from Derbe, Timothy, Tychicus and Trophimus. They were all from the young gentile churches. This is diversity. Yet they travelled and ministered together with Paul. There was diversity, but also unity. Jesus prayed for his disciples that they may be united. This diversity and unity is a theme that runs through the entire scripture..
I think of the short term mission team to Uganda. It was a very diverse group of people. Yet with one heart and mind, in unity they shared the good news of Jesus Christ to the people there. On the other hand, it is easy for us to do things on our own. We want to do things our way, our time. I was told about a short term mission team serving in a certain province. Before they went, they were given clear instruction that they cannot openly share the message of Jesus Christ with the residents there. However, there is this one person who insisted on sharing the gospel to people she came into contact. This created tension and dissension among the team members. This is not unity.
HCC is a very diverse community. In this community, each one of us is a witness of Christ. Moreover, collectively we are also the Witness of Christ. Our common mission is to tell the world, both here and beyond about the good news of Jesus Christ. This is what brings this diverse group of people together, to worship God under one roof. However, at the same time, we also recognize there are different ways and styles of worship and sharing the gospel with others. We must not insist on our own style and way of seeing things, thus our way of doing things. It will do us good to remember that our message is one, unique and distinct. Yet, there are many ways to communicating this message. We affirm our diversity and at the same time maintain unity among us.
To maintain unity in a diverse community means that we are to be considerate of others, see others better than ourselves and be humble. St. Augustine's words are still a powerful reminder of how to achieve unity in diversity: In essentials unity, In non-essentials liberty, But in all things charity. Jesus said, “if you love one another, the world will know that you are my disciples.” Francis Schaeffer said, “Love is the church's final apologetics.” How can we be effective and powerful witnesses for Christ? In the midst of diversity, we love one another.
2 • Commitment to ministry.
We noticed that the individuals in Paul's teams were members of the gentile church. This means that most likely they were relatively young in their Christian growth. Yet they are already serving as leaders, representing their churches.
According to different studies, from the time someone came to know Christ to begin serving in a church as deacons it is generally 10 years. I don't think the individuals mentioned in this chapter had 10 years. Most likely, it is shorter than that. We can conclude that shortly after their conversion, they began serving in their churches.
This can serve as a good example for us. we don't have to wait 10 or more years then start to serve. Even today, when we see needs in different area of the church, we learn to serve. There are times we serve according to the spiritual gifts and talents we have. There are also times when we serve out of responsibility in this family of God.
We have heard much about some well known ministers: Billy Graham, Leighton Ford and Francis Schaeffer. They effectively communicated God's word to large and small groups of people. Yet at the same time, they bring comfort and encouragement to individuals. From “Letters of Francis Schaeffer”, we see how gently and lovingly he corresponded with individuals who shared with him about their confusion over matter of faith, or the struggle with depression another person is experiencing. His letters were full of care and empathy. I personally remember meeting Francis Schaeffer in a conference. I had the opportunity of asking him some questions about ministry and seminaries. This was our first encounter. About a year later, we met again in the California Labri fellowship. You know what, he still remembered what I asked him one year ago. Yes, he was a public figure, well known minister. Yet he paid attention to everyone that came to him. To Francis Schaeffer, there was no little people, each person was important.
In a few moments, we'll be observing the communion. Each time when we collectively take the bread and the cup, we remember how Christ loves and died for each one of us. Moreover, he also called us to be his witnesses. It is his love that causes us want to tell others about the good news of Jesus'' love and death for us. We want to tell others that through him, there is eternal life. It is his love that also causes us to bring encouragement and comfort to those in distress.
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