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日期﹕ 4/22/2007

經文﹕ 《 使徒行傳 8 ﹕ 1-8; 26-40

題目﹕從 被動到行動的教會

主旨﹕ 因神的國度是包含 萬族 萬民 , 所以我們要用各樣的方式來傳遞那不改變的信息 .



對于上禮拜一維吉尼亞理工大學因為 濫殺而死亡的三十三名學生,我們的心中都很悲傷。我的心中很沉重也是因為無論是受害人或者殺手都可能會是我自己的孩子。呈現在我們面前的殺手是一個對女生和“富家子弟”充滿憤怒和仇恨的年輕人,他有一個黑暗面,平常人們是看不到的。

當然我確定我們當中沒有一個人會有那樣的 忿 怒和仇恨。但是在我們的內心深處,我們有沒有對某些人或某些群體的人表示不喜歡?我依然記得﹕在一九六三年,當朋友們得知我要到日本念大學的時候,他們問道﹕“為什么要去日本哪?”他們的 弦外之音是,作為一個中國人,在有這么多的地方可以選擇的情況下,你為什么 要去日本?人們不但會在一九六零年代問這樣的問題,即使在今天也會問同樣的問題。你瞧,我們當中許多人喜歡用日本的產品,但在內心卻對日本這個國家或日本人含有敵意。

在我們對于早期教會的學習中,我們會看到一下這種狀況。第一世紀的猶太人也會對一些人不喜歡,並要盡力避免接觸。我們常常把早期教會作為宣教的樣板,但是我們若近距離看,便會看到另一面。在《 使徒行傳 》第一章 ,使徒們被賦予在 耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞 為耶穌作見證的大使命。然而一直到第八章,他們的活動範圍還是以以 耶路撒冷為中心。這中間的經文從來沒有提到他們曾離開耶路撒冷,到撒瑪利亞或更遠的地方。使徒和早期的信徒還在他們的舒適環境里面,他們還沒有順服這一偉大使命。

然後是司提反被 逮捕、他的辯護、和被害。他死後,對教會的大迫害便開始了。 掃羅,以後稱為保羅,對于司提反的 被害 ,他是積極參與者。在 使徒行傳 8 ﹕ 1-3 節,我們讀到 “ 1 掃羅准許處死他。從這日起,耶路撒冷的教會大遭逼迫,除了使徒以外,門徒都分散在猶太和撒瑪利亞各處。 2 有虔誠的人把司提反埋葬了,為他捶胸大哭。 3 掃羅卻殘害教會,進各人的家,拉著男女下在監裡。 ”我們看到的是,由于 耶路撒冷的教會大遭逼迫,門徒都分散在猶太和撒瑪利亞各處。需要一個大 迫害才能使信眾從 舒適環境中驅散到其它地區。第八章的焦點是腓利,我們現在來看他去了什么地方,做了什么工作。

I •  神的國度是不受任何的境界限制 .

在第八章的第一部分,我們學習到 腓利到撒瑪利亞去 、宣講基督。 撒瑪利亞人居住在猶太以北的地區,他們是猶太人和外 人混合后的族群, 他們承認摩 西但不 拒絕 其他的先知。猶太人視他們為外族人、外邦人,是在神的約所涵蓋的族群之外。正因為這個原因,猶太人盡量避免和避 撒瑪利亞人 打交道,並竭力閃 他們,猶太人寧可繞路也不願經過 撒瑪利亞人居住的地區。但是我們現在發現腓利正全力在這個地區 宣講基督。

從第二十六節開始,我們讀到 腓利在和一個 衣索比亞的 太監交談。這個 衣索比亞人來自尼羅河上游地區,皮膚顏色可能比較黑。他可能是出生在猶太家庭或者是改信猶太教的。但是因為他的 身體情況 ,猶太人不允許他進入神殿,只允許他進外邦人院,他被當作外邦人。然後在第四十節我們讀到 腓利到 亞鎖、該撒利亞去,這兩個地方都是 外邦人居住的地方。

我們在這里看到神利用逼迫使他的子民分散到各地去,他把他們帶到他們不會自願去的地區或族群當中,他把他們從舒適的環境中拉出來。不但如此,我們也看到神的國度怎樣涵蓋到我們想象不到的族群。在舊約里,神在《以賽亞書》里宣告﹕他的國度有一天會涵蓋以色列、以色列、和亞述。那是一個包容萬民的國度。 萬族 萬民將認他為主為君王。當耶穌在世時,我們知道他在 撒瑪利亞人中施行教導和醫治。在他的一次旅行中,他特意通過撒瑪利亞。現在,通過逼迫,耶穌的門徒將天國的信息帶給我們意想不到的人群。神的愛是不分皮膚顏色的,他的國度跨越社會、族群、和國境之間的鴻溝,他的大愛,他的國度沒有邊界。

輕一點說,你有沒有對某些人或某些人群漠不關心?我理解我們有時會在感情上很難去愛和關懷哪些在過去或現在對我們的國家造成極大傷害的個人或民族。我們也許不喜歡某個政黨。但無論如何,神的愛沒有邊境。在四十年代,日本和許多國家為敵。在 最近的一部影片“我們國旗的父親”里,我們再一次領會到美國和日在六十年以前之間的敵對。但是我們今天看到,有無數的美國基督徒到日本—他們過去的宿敵,那里去宣教。當我看到許多來自香港的年輕人和他們的家庭到日本作宣教士,我內心也收到很大感觸和鼓舞。你看,神的愛會臨及每一個人,甚至我們意想不到的人。你願不願意被神使用,把他的愛帶到你所不喜歡的人或國家?


II •  神的國度信息是那永不改變的基督 .

我們已經了解到神怎樣利用 迫害把他的子民 驅散到他們舒適環境以外的地區,把他們帶到他們不會自願去的地方去。那麼他們要傳什麼樣的信息哪?腓利對撒瑪利亞人傳講基督 (5) ,神天國的福音,和耶穌基督的名 (12) ;對於 衣索比亞的 太 監,他講有關耶穌的信息;然後在海邊,他講耶穌 (40) 。無論 腓利到那里,他都會宣講神天國的福音,和耶穌基督的名。

腓利的信息是耶穌基督,就是使徒們在耶路撒冷所傳的信息。耶穌 神所應許的 彌賽亞,他是神的兒子,他就是神。他是神道成肉身,降世為人,為了承受了我們所有的罪和我們應有的懲罰,而死在十字架上。神天國的門向一切信耶穌的人打開,通過耶穌,我們可以進入神的國度,成為神的兒女。他是道路、真理、和生命,我們只有通過他才能來到父面前。這就是保羅在《 哥 林 多 前 書 》二章二節所說的﹕“ 因為我曾定了主意 、在你 們中間不知道別的 、 只知道耶穌基督 、並他釘十字架 。

我在 Almaty 時,遇到一位從中國來的信徒。他告訴我他在 電視上看到的美國 傳道人 ,他說他們的信息和我們在教會里所聽到的信息有所不同。你看,我們電視上所聽到的信心給我們的一個印象是﹕假若你 努力一點,你便會成為更好的人或更好的基督徒。如果我們 多有 正面 與積極的思想 ,如果我們看到我們的潛能,我們的生活便會更 , 我們也會更成功。我們的信息會象 Barnes and Noble 的“自 的幫 / 自 我改 進”專欄。我們的信息將會 影現在社會的 最新時尚。我們會不自覺地讓媒體和社會來定義我們的信息 內容 。我們在電視上或一些教會所聽到的許多信息可以輕易移植到伊斯蘭教的清真寺或 佛教的廟里可以同樣受到歡迎。突然一瞬間,十字架和耶穌獨一無二的教導不在會冒犯任何人了。當一本基督教的書或信息同樣被基督徒、非基督徒、和無神論者所喜愛的時候,那末這本書或這篇信 可能就會有些問題。我們很少聽到罪和悔改的必要,很少聽到耶穌,他在十字架上的死和復活。同樣在許多查經班里,我們可以聽到許多我們自己的評論和個人經歷,但很少提到耶穌。


這個禮拜,當你參加小組或團契的查經班時,你要問以下這個問題﹕我們的學習有沒有指向耶穌?我們的學習有沒有幫助我們更清楚地理解耶穌耶穌? 我們認識耶穌之後,沒有指在我們的日常生活中更加依賴他?我們的學習有沒有使我們更加愛他、更加順服他?基督 必須成為我們信心的中心。

III •  神的國度信息是透過多元化的方式傳遞 .

我們了解到神的愛 包含 萬族 萬民,他的愛和教導使永恆不變的 。現在讓我們看一看我們應當怎樣傳揚這個信息。

腓利在撒瑪利亞時,他向不同的人群 傳揚福音,就象在眾人面前演說一樣。他講道,他們聽。他們看到他所行的神蹟,就 同心合意的聽從他的話,他們 信了腓利所傳神國的福音 、和耶穌基督的名 、連男帶女就受了洗,就大有歡喜。

那麼 腓利 向衣索比亞的 太 監傳福音用的是什麼方法哪? 基本上是一對一的辦法。 太 監在從 耶 路 撒 冷回家的路上念先知以亞的書,主將 腓利帶到 太監的車旁,向他解釋以賽亞書五十三章是指向耶穌的。結果哪?他就信了並接受洗禮。在三十九節我們讀到﹕“主的靈把腓利提了去 、太監也不再見他了 、就歡歡喜喜的走路 。”

我們所看到的是﹕同樣的信息但是不同的方式。耶穌基督的福音有的時候可以用演說的方式向人傳,但也用可以一對一,問答的方法。當人們接受耶穌和受洗時,他們就 歡歡喜喜。

我們教會的許多人對我們曾使用多年的 三福 方式很熟悉,但是我們也應理解也有另外的方式可以向人傳福音,象四條屬靈法則,羅馬道路(用羅馬書中的几段經文來解釋福音),福音橋。 看你的個性和特長,你會發現一種方式比另一種方式更有效。沒有一種一試就靈的方法。要牢記的是每個人都不一樣,他們對基督教信仰的問題和疑 慮都是不一樣的。最好記住要以嚴肅和認真的態度來回答每一個問題,如果我們不知道問題的答案,就直接說我們不知道,然後查閱書籍直到找到滿意的答案為止。

牧師事工的一個好處是可以有許多機會接觸不同的人群,在我的事奉生涯里,神當然讓我超越我的舒適環境。有時候我得花很長時間,數月甚至數年的時間,和一個受過高等教育的人分享福音,我們一起探索、尋找有關人生、聖經、和基督教信仰有關問題的答案。另外一些時候我會和受過很少教育的個人分享福音。對于某些 人來說,我們需要誠懇回答他們高深的問題; 對于另外一些 人來說,他們沒有任何問題,在我們還沒有張嘴說話的時候,他們 就要 耶穌 。傳福音的方式可以不同,但是我們所傳的信息卻是一樣的,這個信息就是關於耶穌基督。不但我們的信息是一樣的,所有的回應也是一樣的。不論你是什麼身份,你有什麼樣的學歷,我們對神的回應總是一樣的﹕那就是悔改和信奉耶穌基督,向他順服,承認他是我們的創造這和我們的救主。並且最終的結果也是一樣的﹕喜悅。

我們差不多每隔一個月有一次洗禮 . 高峰時是崇拜中拍照的時刻 . 大家高興的像婚禮一樣 . 認識耶穌是充滿喜樂 . 正如一個罪人悔改時 , 天上的天使也在那裡歡樂


   上禮拜我在 Almaty 一間 教會 講道 . 講完之後 , 韓國宣教士 牧師 就上 講台 又講了大約十分鐘 。因為我聽不懂他在講什麼,我以為我講道中有哪一點他不喜歡,而以他 在那裡補充和更正 。事後我才知道他是在向會眾分享他近來的一 經歷。有人邀請他去參加一個穆斯林人的葬禮,起初他很躊躇要不要去。然後他明白這時神要他離開他的舒適環境,神要他到一個陌生的環里。這就是神要他怎樣和他們建立關係, 那個社區 中作 耶穌基督 的見證人


  我們都有自己的安逸環境,是不是?我們的安逸環境,也許是躲避那些我們不喜歡的人;或者是只向和我們有類似學歷、收入、種族、或社會背景的人事奉 與傳福音 。是不是神會不時,用不同的信息或見證,來輕柔地鼓勵我們走出我們的安逸環境,使我們可以關心不同的人群?神也許就在用力拉你,讓你到另一個國家一倆個禮拜,或到一群和我們完全不同的人群里面,和他們分享福音。

   要離開自己的 安逸環境 是一件很 冒險的事 . 但千萬不要忘記 , 神已將祂的聖靈賜了給我們 , 使我們有能力在祂要我們所在之處為祂的見證人 .



Date:   04/22/07

Text:   Acts 8:1-8; 26-40

Title:   A Reluctant Church in Action

Theme: Since God's kingdom includes people from all nations, therefore we are to proclaim that never changing message with changing methods.



  Our hearts are saddened by the senseless killing that ended up with the death of 33 students on the Virginia Tech campus this past Monday. My heart is heavy because both the victim and the killer could have been one of our own children. The early profile that surfaced described the killer as a young man full of rage and hatred towards women and ‘rich kids’. There was a very dark side of him hidden from many.

  Certainly I trust that none of us have nothing close to that kind of anger and hatred. But deep within us, do we have someone or some group of people that we dislike? I still remember back in 1963, when friends found out that I was going to Japan for college, they asked, “Why Japan?” The underlying tone was of all the places, why, being a Chinese, would you go to Japan? This question was raised not only in the 1960’s but even to this day. You see, many of us like to use products made in Japan, but may harbor dislike or even hatred towards the country or people..

  In our study of the early church, we run into a situation like this. The first century Jews also had people that they disliked and wanted to avoid at all cost. Very often we see the early church as an example of missions. However, a closer look, may give us a different perspective. In Acts 1, the disciples were given the great commission of being Christ's witness, in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Yet up until chapter 8, their sphere of activity was centered in Jerusalem. There was no mention of effort to leave Jerusalem, and go to Samaria and beyond. The disciples and the early believers were well within their comfort zone. They had not been obedient to the great commission.

  Then came Stephen’s arrest, defense and death. With his death, a full scale persecution of the church began. Saul, later called Paul was an active participant in Stephen’s death. In Acts 8:1-3, we read that “ 1 And Saul approved of his execution.

And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him. 3 But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.” What we see is that because of persecution in Jerusalem, the believers were scattered to Judea and Samaria. It took a persecution to disperse the believers from their comfort zone to other regions. The focus in chapter 8 is on Philip and let’s trace his footsteps and activities.

I.   God's love reaches down to the most unlikely people.

  In the first part of chapter 8 we learn that Philip went to Samaria, preaching the word. Samaritans lived in a region north of Judea. They were a mixed race of Jews and gentiles. They honored Moses but rejected all the other prophets. They were viewed and treated as foreigners, gentiles, outside of God's covenant community. For this reason, the Jews would have nothing to do with them. They were a people to be avoided at all cost. The Jews would rather take a longer route than to pass through the Samaritan territory. But now, we find Philip actively preaching the word in this region.

  Beginning in vs.26, we read about Philip talking to an Ethiopian eunuch. This Ethiopian was a man of dark skin color from an area near upper Nile. He could be a born Jew or someone converted to Judaism. He would honor all the OT prophets. However, because of his physical condition, he was not allowed to enter into the temple, only in the court of gentiles. He would be treated as a gentile. And then in vs.40 we read that Philip travelled between Azotus and Caesarea, region where the gentiles lived.

  What we see here is that God used persecution to scatter his people. He brought them to places and people where they would not have gone on their own. He took them out of their comfort zone. Not only this, we also see how God's kingdom reached down to the most unlikely people. In the OT, through Isaiah God proclaimed that one day, his kingdom would include the nations of Israel, Egypt and Assyria. It would be an all inclusive Kingdom. People from all nations would come to know him as their Lord and King. When Jesus came, we saw him talking and healing the Samaritans. In one of his journeys, he deliberately passed through Samaria. Now, via persecution, Jesus'' disciples are bringing the message of the kingdom to the most unlikely people. God is color blind, his kingdom crosses all social, racial and national barriers. His love, his kingdom has no boundaries.

  Is there someone or some people group that you don’t really care for, to put it mildly? I know sometimes it is hard to love and care for those who have done great harm to our countries in the past or even today. We may not like a certain political party. But God's love has no boundary whatsoever. In the 1940’s Japan was the enemy of many Asian countries. In a recent movie, Father of our Flags, we are once again reminded of the animosity between US and Japan 60 years ago. Yet today, we see countless American Christians going to Japan preaching the gospel to what was once their enemies. I am also touched and encouraged when I see young men and women and their families going from HK to Japan as missionaries. You see, God's love reaches down to everyone. Even to the most unlikely people. Are you willing to be used by God to bring his love to someone, or some country that you dislike?

II.   God's non-changing message to the most unlikely people.

  We have seen how God used persecution to scatter his people to places outside their comfort zone; to places that they would not have gone on their own. How about the message? To the Samaritans, Philip preached Christ (5), the good news of the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ (12). To the Ethiopian, he preached the good news about Jesus, and then in the coastal area, the gospel (40). No matter where Philip went, he preached the good news of God's kingdom, the name of Jesus Christ.

  Philip’s message was Jesus Christ. It is the message the apostles preached in Jerusalem. Jesus was the promised Messiah, he was the son of God, he is God. He was God incarnate, became man, carried our sins and all the punishment that is due us and died on the cross. The door to God's kingdom is now open to all who would put their trust in Jesus. Through Jesus, we can now enter God's kingdom, becoming his children. He is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the heavenly father except through him. This is what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:2, “ 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

  While in Almaty, I met an individual visiting from China. He received his MBA from Louisiana. He became a Christian after he returned to Beijing. He asked me about some of the American preachers he saw on TV, that their messages were different from what he heard in his church. You see, many of the messages we hear or see on TV give the impression that if we would only try a little harder, we’ll be better persons or better Christians. If we can only think positively, if we can only see our potential, then our lives will be better and successful. Our messages are like the ‘Self Help/Self Improvement’ section in Barnes and Noble. Or our messages reflect the latest fad in the society. Unknowingly, we have let the media and the society decide the content of our message. Many of the messages we hear on TV or in some churches can easily be preached in a Muslim Mosque or a Buddhist temple and equally be welcomed. All of a sudden, the cross and Jesus' rather exclusive statements are no longer offensive anymore. When a Christian book or message that is being welcome and well read among the Christians, non-Christians and atheists alike, then there may be something wrong about its message. Seldom do we hear about sin and the need for repentance, and little about Jesus Christ, his death on the cross and resurrection. Then there are also many Bible study groups, in which we hear plenty of our opinions, personal experiences, yet with little mention of Christ.

  In recent years, I am beginning to see how important it is that my teaching and preaching are to point people to Jesus Christ. This message of Christ, his dying for our sins, our faith in him, our need for his grace both before and after conversion must be the center of our messages.

  This week as you lead or participate in your small group or fellowship group’s Bible study, ask yourself this question: is our study pointing us to Jesus Christ? Is our study helping us to understand Jesus Christ better? And by knowing him, are we being more dependent upon him for our daily living? Does our study help us to love Him more and to be more obedient to him? Christ must be the center of our messages.

III.   Changing methods in proclaiming the unchanging message.

  We have seen how God's love reaches down to the most unlikely people. His love and message are constant and without change. Now let’s take a look at how this message is being proclaimed.

  When Philip was in Samaria, he proclaimed the good news to different groups of people. it was like public speaking to a crowd. He preached, they heard, they saw the miracles he performed, they paid attention to him, and responded by believing and receiving baptism. And then there was much joy in that city (vs.8).

  How about with the Ethiopian eunuch? Basically it is a one to one effort. The eunuch was reading Isaiah on his way returning home from Jerusalem. The Lord brought Philip to the eunuch’s chariot and explained to him the meaning of Isaiah 53 and how it pointed to Christ. The result? He believed and was baptized. Again we read in vs.39, “…the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.”

  What we see here is this: the same message but with different methods. There are times the good news of Jesus Christ is proclaimed through speaking to a group of people. But also through one to one, Q/A. When individuals come to know Christ, they received baptism and there was great joy.

  Many of us are familiar with EE which is widely used in our church for many years. However, it will be good for us to remember there are other ways of sharing the good news. There are the 4 spiritual laws; the Roman Road (using several passages in the book of Romans to present and explain the gospel message); the gospel bridge and others. Depending on our personality and strength, we may find one method better than the other. There is no one fool proof method. It is important to know that everyone is different. They are different in the questions or doubts they have about the Christian faith and we are to address their concerns accordingly. It is good to remember that all questions are to be treated seriously and with great care. If we don’t know the answer, tell the person and then go read books until we know how to give a satisfactory answer.

  One of the benefits of the pastoral ministry is the opportunity to meet and work with different people. During my time of ministry, God has certainly stretched me far beyond my own comfort zone. There are times I have to spend long hours, or months and maybe even years in sharing the gospel with someone that is highly educated. We explore and find answers to questions relating to life, the Bible and the Christian faith. There are also times that I share the gospel message with individuals that had little education. To some, we answer their intellectual questions honestly. To others, they have no questions and they are ready to believe even before we open our mouths. Even though our methods and styles may be different, the message is always the same. It is about Jesus Christ. Not only is the message the same, but the response is also the same. No matter who you are, what education you may have, the response is always the same: repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Bow to him as creator and as Lord and savior. And moreover, the result is the same: Joy.

Almost every other month we have individuals receiving baptism. One of the high lights is after the service when friends and family members gather to take pictures. It was wonderfully joyous, like a wedding ceremony. Coming to know Christ is joyous, just as the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner repents.


  Last Sunday I preached in a local Almaty church. After my sermon, the Korean missionary, Pastor Noh went up to the pulpit and talked for about 10 minutes. Since I didn’t understand what he was talking about, I assumed that may be he didn’t like what I preached and was now giving his version of my sermon. Later I found out he was sharing with the congregation one of his recent experiences. He was asked to attend a Muslim’s funeral service. At first he wasn’t sure if he should go. Then he realized this is how God wanted him to get out of his comfort zone, go to an unfamiliar place and setting. This is how he could build relationships with them and be a witness for Jesus Christ in that community.

  You know, Christ, by coming into the world, had certainly stepped out of his comfort zone. He came to love and die for those who did not know him, even his enemies. Likewise he wants his followers to step out of their comfort zones to love and bring them the message of the kingdom of heaven.

We all have our own comfort zones, right? Our comfort zone could be staying away , avoiding people we don’t like. Or stay and minister only to people with similar educational, financial, racial and social backgrounds. Isn’t it also true, that from time to time, through different messages or testimonies, God gently urges us to step out of our comfort zone to minister and care for others? God may also be tugging you to spend a week or two in another country, or with a group of people who are very different from us, sharing the good news with them.

It is certainly risky to step out of our comfort zone. But remember, we already have the Holy Spirit, he will empower us to be His witness at where he wants us to be.

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