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Date:   03/04/2007

Text:   Acts 2:41-47

Title:   A Spirit Directed Community

Theme: Since God has given us His Holy Spirit, we are empowered to fulfill his creation mandates.



  In China, this year of the pig is also known as the year of the babies. We can certainly witness this here in Houston. Since January of 2007, we have 6 new born babies in our midst. I understand we have 12 more coming throughout this year. Recently when I greet you at the end of service, I get totally confused. I look at you, and not sure if you are gaining weight or pregnant. So if you see that confused look on my face, please don't get upset. We know that the birth of a child is both and exciting and dramatic event.

There are several birth narratives in the scriptures. Today we want to focus on the narratives of creation or birth of the earth and the creation or birth of the NT church. Both narratives were creative and dramatic. Even though the writing of these events were separated by about 1000 years, and were by two different authors, yet amazingly, they were quite similar.

  The Holy Spirit was present when God created the heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit was present in a very special way when God created the NT church. The Holy Spirit gave life to Adam, He also gave life to the 1 st Christian community in Jerusalem. When God created Adam and Eve in his image; he wanted them to represent and reflect him. At the creation God gave the first men three commands or mandates. First, they were to rule the earth on his behalf, including multiplying and filling the earth. Second, to live in harmony and unity with each other. Third, continue in a spiritual and loving relationship with the creator God. Throughout the OT history, we see how men obeyed and disobeyed these commands. Yet in the midst of human sinfulness and weaknesses, God consistently enabled them to keep his mandates.

In today's study, we'll notice how these 3 mandates are equally present at the birth of the NT church. We want to look at what happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon his people, when the spirit is in control of the Christian community. We'll recognize this truth that had been consistent throughout the scriptures:Since God has given us His Holy Spirit, we are empowered to fulfill his creation mandates.

I •  The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill God's command to fill the earth.

After Adam and Eve were created, Genesis 1:28, “ 28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and …..” God gave them the mandate to multiply and fill the earth. This was also a promise later given to Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God promised that their descendents would be like the stars in heaven and the sand on earth. When Jacob and his family first went to Egypt, there were a total of 70 people. 430 years later, by the time they left Egypt, they had grown to over 1 million. It was a mighty army, a nation chosen by God. Even as the nation of Israel continued to grow, God told the Israelites that His people would include those from all nations. Just prior to Jesus' ascension, he instructed his disciples to be his witnesses to the end of the earth.

Now, what happened when the Holy Spirit came upon God's people? In Acts 2:41, “ 41 So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.” A fter Peter preached, explaining to them that the Jesus they crucified was the Messiah, God's son, God himself; about 3000 people believed. In a very special way God brought over 3000 people into his kingdom. And then in vs. 47, we are told that in addition to this initial 3000 new converts, the Lord brought new believers to this Christian community daily. This was repeated several times in the book of Acts.

This was a visible fulfillment of God's command to multiply and fill the earth, and at the same time a clear demonstration of what is to come. As we've studied in recent weeks, the history of the Christian church is a perfect illustration of how God continued to fill the earth with his children. The fact we are here today, is a fulfillment of the creation mandate to multiply and fill the earth.

Several days ago, a colleague shared with me that recently his sister in China came to know the lord through a certain house church in the city. I also think of others who have come to know the Lord in this church through listening to the sermons and sharing of the gospel messages by friends.

When we continue to yield ourselves to the rule of Holy Spirit, to be filled with the spirit, he will empower us to be his witnesses. Wherever we go, representing and reflecting him, sharing with others what we have seen and heard, we're obeying the mandate to multiply and fill the earth with God's children.

II.   The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill God's command to have a loving relationship with Him.

  Men were created in God's image. Besides being his representatives and reflecting him, it also implies a close relationship between the creator and the created ones. We learn from Genesis 3 how God would come to the garden, to visit Adam and Eve . We read about Enoch, Noah walked with God, continued in that loving relationship with God . God wants a close and loving relationship with his people. This loving relationship is expressed in two areas: obedience and worship.

1 •  Obedience.

God wanted Adam and Eve to obey his instruction not to eat the fruits of a certain tree in the garden. They failed. God wanted Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob to be obedient to him. At Mt. Sinai, he gave the Israelites his laws and showed them specifically how they could obey him. Obedience is not a means to enter into a relationship with God. Rather, in order to experience the fullness of this loving relationship with God, His children are to obey him. We learned from the OT how God's people consistently disobey him.

  After a long period when the Israelites had forgotten God's word, during the rule of King Josiah, they rediscovered the written scrolls in the temple. In 2 Chronicles 34:31-32 we read, “ 31 And the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book. 32 Then he made all who were present in Jerusalem and in Benjamin stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.” They read God's word and obeyed.

  In Ezra 7:9, “ For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” Jesus taught his disciples, John 14:23, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." Obedient to God is important to continue in this loving relationship. God wants his people to obey him.

  What do we see on this Pentecost day? First let us take note that after Peter's sermon, 3000 people believed in Jesus Christ. What did they do immediately? They were baptized. In Matthew 28: 19-20, “ 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," 20 "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”" Jesus commanded his disciples to baptized the new believers. Here we saw the disciples obeyed Jesus' command and baptized. Later, whenever and wherever, individuals coming to Christ, they were baptized.

  Very often people asked why should we be baptized. Certainly there are several meaning for baptism; such as forgiveness and washing away of sins. But the very basic reason for baptism is our obedience to Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in him, we are to obey him.

  Here, we also see how the new believers devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching. The apostles were explaining how the OT teachings pointed to Jesus Christ. They helped the new believers understood the truth in OT. Later, the apostles' teaching were written and included in what we called the New Testament. The apostles were Jesus'' spokesmen. Their words were Jesus' words and had the same authority as Jesus teaching. As God's people read and obey his words, they are really reflecting His desire when the heavens and earth were created.

  The same is with us today. God has clearly told us his desire for us in the scriptures. The scriptures show us what and how to obey God. This is the reason we encourage and urge you to be a student of God's word. We will continue to urge you to come to SS, to attend various Bible Study groups, so we know what to obey. And by obeying him, we'll continue to live and enjoy a loving relationship with God.   

2 •  Worship.

Another aspect of God's relationship with men is that he wants his people to worship him. We saw both Cain and Abel worshipped by bringing gifts to Him. Worship was a part of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's lives. At Mt. Sinai, God gave his people specific instructions on how to worship Him. There were also severe consequences when people failed to follow his commands. Again, God's people didn't do too well on this. As time went on their worship became religious rituals. Their sacrifices had no meanings and were detested by God. When Jesus came, he taught his followers to worship God in spirit and truth. Truth worship has to come from one's heart.

  Here we see the disciples and the new believers worshipping God. vs.42, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.” Vs.46, 47, “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking the bread in their homes,…., praising God and…..” They prayed, broke bread and praised God. This breaking bread referred to the communion Jesus established before his death. We also notice that they were in the temple worshipping God every day, and they worshipped at home. There was both the formal and informal worship. It is a high priority to worship God. of course, later when opposition arose, they could not worship in the temple anymore, nor could they worshipped every day. There was a time when the 1 st century believers worshipped on both Saturdays and Sundays. Later they changed completely to Sunday to commemorate and celebrate Jesus' resurrection.

  I think of Christians in many countries where open worship is not allowed. Even during the darkest hours in Chinese church history, the believers would come together secretly in different homes for worship. Today, in some house churches, when the government would not let them worship in one place, they would just find another location. You see, nothing can stop them from worshipping God.

I am so glad to see you here worshipping God with other believers Sunday after Sunday. It's also my desire that more of us will make Sunday worship a priority in life. God wants us to worship him. He tells us that in a typical week, we have 6 days to ourselves. Now, how about give him just this one day. Keep this day holy. Make this a day of worship. He loves us, and when we love him, we want to spend time with him. Yes, we spend time with him every day, but he also wants to meet with us and other believers on Sunday. When God's people worship him, we are fulfilling his command and expectation since the creation.

III.   The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill God's command to live in harmony and unity.   

At the time of creation, God wanted men to live in harmony and unity with each other. This is to reflect the harmony and unity of the Truine God. God used the husband and wife relationship, the most intimate form of human relationships to illustrate this. In Genesis 2:24, “ 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” At creation, God's mandate, his desire is for mankind to live in harmony and unity. Again, we failed in this area. There were polygamy and murder. At Mt. Sinai, God gave his people the 10 commandments. If we take a closer look at these commandments, they are actually rules/guidelines to help us be united and harmonious. It is God's house rule to have a peaceful community. In Psalm 133:1, “ 1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”

   Now, what happened when the Holy Spirit came upon his people? In vs.42, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship….” Many have said that the word ‘fellowship' is born in this passage. It means to have something in common. They came together to listen to the apostles' teaching. They worshipped together. These are all expression of harmony and unity. Moreover, we read in Vs.44-45, “ And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” They sold their possessions and belongings and share it with those in need. Their harmony and unity was expressed in the form of generosity.

  Some said, “this is like Communism.” But there is one major difference: communism wants you to share all you have because it does not believe in the possession of private property. But not here, for later in Acts we read about the affirmation of individuals' right to own property. This sharing of belongings and possession is out of a generous heart. The believers felt that God has been so generous with us that he gave his one and only son to us. therefore, we too are to be generous to others. This is a community that is harmonious , united and generous. In the rest of the NT scriptures, we find examples after examples of how Christians helping each other.

  As a church, we have certainly experienced God's generosity towards us. Our challenge and responsibility is to learn to be generous to others. Not just to those in this church, but also in this Houston community and to people in other countries.

The scripture is full of teachings reminding and showing us how to live in harmony and unity. This is God's desire for men when he first created us.


  When God poured his Spirit on his people on the Day of Pentecost, it gave birth to a new community. A community that included all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. In studying the birth of this community, we recognized how this new community continues to fulfill the mandates God gave to Adam and Eve at the creation. This new community continues to multiply and fill the earth with God's spiritual children. This new community lives in God's love and faithfulness through obedience and worship. This new community is to live in and demonstrate harmony and unity. And by now, we probably understand that when we demonstrate this harmony and unity, we are really reflecting the perfect harmony and unity within the Triune God.

  We have certainly heard ourselves saying, “this is such a tall order, no one can ever accomplish this.” Yes, it is true, none of us can fulfill these mandates. However, God did not just give us the mandates and then left us alone. He has also given us his Holy Spirit. When we let him take hold of us, he will give us the power to be his witnesses, to tell others about him and to multiply and fill the earth with His spiritual children. He will enable us to live in a loving relationship with God through obedience and worship. He will give us the power we need to live in harmony and unity with each other.

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