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Study Questions

Sermon Date: 03/26/06
Title: 'Being New'
Scripture: II Corinthians 5:17


  1. Discuss these quotes about age:


Ralph Waldo Emerson


Mignon McLaughlin


Natalie Williams



    2. In John 3:3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus that in order to see the kingdom of God , one must be born again. In what ways does being born again illustrate salvation (cf. Jer. 31:33-34, Ezekiel 36:25-27)? In what ways is this better then being young or young at heart?


    3. Jesus compares the work of the Spirit in salvation to the nature of wind. Like the wind, one cannot see the Holy Spirit, but one can sense the Spirit’s impact upon your life. In other words, one who is born again will be changed. If this is so, do we see many transformed lives and lives being transformed at church? Have you been seeing growth in your own life?


    4. In John 7:50-52, Nicodemus questions the Jewish leaders in why they are judging Jesus without first hearing him out and seeing what he is doing. Why were the Jewish leaders discounting Jesus as the Messiah, son of God? Have you ever had any preconceived notions of the Jesus, God, or the Christian life that you later found were wrong? Are there any areas where in your faith where you feel like you need to grow?


    5. In John 19:38-42, do you think Nicodemus has come to know Jesus as the King? Why or why not?


    6. Being born again means living the new life in what ever situation we are in—so what would being new, filled with Spirit, look at the workplace versus living the old way—according to one’s natural inclinations. How about being new with friends and family?


English Service:

Mandarin Service:

Cantonese Service:

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2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

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