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|2007 |
Date: February 19, 2006
Sermon Title: A People of Witness
Scripture Passage: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8
1) A people of worship
2) A people of the Book
3) A people of witness.
Name one thing you can do this week that will help you become a better people of worship.
4. What does it mean to be a people of the Book? Name one thing you can do this week that will help you become a better people of the Book.
5. We are also to be a people of witness. What is a witness? What does a witness do at the courthouse? What are we to bear witness of? Why should we be a witness for the Lord?
6. Why do Christians hesitate to share the gospel with others? 7
7. What can we do to develop a greater heart for the lost?
8. Each of us identifies two non-Christians that we will pray for in the next month.
9. Share the names of these non-Christians and describe them. Pulse for a few minutes and pray for their salvation.
10.What can we do in our small group to better reach out to the non-Christians?
English Service: |
Mandarin Service: |
Cantonese Service: |
2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008
|2007 |
|2007 |
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