English Service: |
Mandarin Service: |
Cantonese Service: |
2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008
|2007 |
|2007 |
HD Living
Mark 12:28-34
1. Have you had experiences when you try to convince someone to love another?
Were you successful in convincing that person? Do you think it is possible to command love? If not, why not?
2. How does God express His love to his chosen people, Israelites? Mark 12:29-31.
How does God express His love for us?
3. Why do you think it is important for us to experience God's love? What should be the motivation and origin of our love for God? Can you share a time
when God's love was very real to you, intellectually and emotionally?
4. What does the scripture tell us about Jesus as our example of experiencing God's love? Mark 1:11; John 5:20; 15:9; 13:1. How do we follow Jesus'
5. Please briefly share what does it mean to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength? Why is it important to maintain a balance? Is there one
or two area that you need to improve?
6. What is our second commandment in responding to God's love? Mark 12:31.
What does loving yourself entail?
7. Who is our neighbor? Can you identify some of your ‘neighbors'? How do you
show your love for them?
8.Can you think of several areas that you could work on so you can love God and men?
English Service: Mandarin Service: Cantonese Service: 2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008
|2007 2014|2013|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008
| 2005
| 2004
| 2003
| 2002
| 2001
| 2000
| 1999
| 2005
| 2004
| 2003
| 2002
| 2001
| 2000
| 1999
Cantonese audio translation available up to 2011
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