English Service:

Mandarin Service:

Cantonese Service:

2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

2014|2013|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Cantonese audio translation available up to 2011

2014 |2013 |2012 |2011



“Soli Deo Gloria”

Revelation 4:11, 5:9-14, 21:23


1. Can you recall moments when you or a member of your family were applauded to be the best and the greatest with all the glory of the moment? What were the emotions you experienced?



2. From Revelation 5:9 , how do you describe God's glory in heaven? How is God's glory in heaven differed from men's glory on earth?



3. What does the Bible teach us on how to glorify God?

1) Revelation 4:11 ( Worship ): Why is it important to worship God as a community?

2) Matthew 28:19 ( Proclaiming the gospel ): What does the Bible teach us about “every tribe, language, people and nations” and bringing the gospel to others? What can we do to sharing 

    gospel with others? Where can you go and to whom can we bring that good news?

3) John 15:8, Matthew 5:16 ( Good works ): What does doing good works mean? Can you give some examples? Can you identify some specific good works that we can commit to?

4) John 15:10 ( Word ): What does Jesus mean when He tells us to obey His commandments? Why is the ‘Word' so important in Christians' life? How can you demonstrate in your life that 

   the word is important?


4.   2 Corinthian 3:18 ( Christ likeness ): How do we become more and more Christ like and to glorify Him?   

         1) What does it mean to be Christ like?

         2)If someone were to see you, what aspects of Jesus does he see in you?

3)What are some qualities you feel you need to work on to be more Christ like and how would you make those changes?


5.   Does God need us to glorify Him? Why do we glorify Him? What do we learn from Psalm 19:1-4, Luke 19:37-40?


English Service:

Mandarin Service:

Cantonese Service:

2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

2014|2013|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008 |2007
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Cantonese audio translation available up to 2011

2014 |2013 |2012 |2011


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