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Date:   10/02/05

Text:   Mark 9:31-41; 10:42-45

Title:   True Greatness

Theme: Since Jesus Christ came into the world to serve, we his followers must learn to be servants to all.



  Joe is a young man in his mid 30's. One of his aspirations is to become a movie star. He sent in applications for auditions. He finally became a star in a well-known TV show: CSI, Miami . What was his role? Corpse #3. He found out that to be famous and great, he must first be willing to be dead. There is nothing lower than being a corpse on a TV show.

  This morning we want to look at the meaning of being great. In Chapter 9:31-32 is the second time in the gospel of Mark, that Jesus predicted his suffering, death and resurrection. Like the first time, the disciples did not seem to understand. In Chapter 10:34, for the third time, Jesus predicted his suffering, death and resurrection. Again, the disciples were confused. It was only after his resurrection, that the disciples recalled and began to understand what Jesus had told them.

  However, in both passages, right after Jesus' prediction of his suffering, death and resurrection, the disciples argued about who was the greatest. As if the only thing they understood was who would be the leader after Jesus' death. They were trying to position themselves in the event of his death. This is certainly very human, right? When you heard about the departure of your department head or the CEO of your company, the first thing that came to mind; who would succeed him/her? Who would be the next leader?

  It is also interesting to know that Jesus did not rebuke them of their untimely discussion topic, instead he explained to them what it meant to be great, to be a leader.

I.   The mark of greatness is the willingness to be a servant. 9:35,10:43.

  9:35, “ And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, "“If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” We often say a leader needs to learn to serve. Many of us, when seeing the need and opportunity will serve and we serve well. But Jesus is calling for something so much more basic and radical. True greatness requires the person to be a servant, a slave. Servant is like the rookie in the football or basketball team, doing what others tell you to do. Your opinion doesn't count much.

  In Asia, because of the economic situation, Philippine is the largest export of house maids to HK, Taiwan and Singapore . The maids serve in those countries to support their families back home. The Philippin government calls this the National Shame.

  Both in the ancient and present society, servants are people without positions; the lowest in the totem pole. They don't get to eat at the same table with the host family. They don't get the choice meat, which usually goes to the family members. In HK, many of their rooms was just large enough for a bed. A servant's responsibility is to satisfy the master's needs. They take orders instead of giving orders. They put aside their personal needs, opinions and priorities, in order to serve their masters' preferences and priorities. When they do a good job in keeping the house in order, the masters get the credit. If the house is not kept well, they get all the blame.

  Jesus says that if we want to be great, if we are a leader, then we need to be a servant. Not just having to serve others, which is not that difficult, but that we have to change our identity to that of a servant. As a servant, we will not insist on my ideas as the gospel truth, but willing to listen to others, considers others as better and stronger than we are. As servants, we do not seek to be understood but to understand others. We do not seek to be loved and comforted but to love and comfort others. We do not seek to be cared for but to care for those whom God brings into our lives. The servant thinks of others.

II.   The mark of greatness is a willingness to serve the insignificant ones. 9:36,37

  Yes, to be great is to be a servant in heart. But whom do we serve? I think of meeting a chauffer of a wealthy family in HK. He dressed properly, was a very impressive guy. If you are a servant and have a choice, you may want to serve the rich and famous, the important ones. We don't mind taking orders in serving the famous and the powerful ones. We see this on TV all the time, wherever the famous and powerful ones go, there is always a large crowd following them.

  In vs.36, 37, “ 36 And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” ” He is saying, if you want to be great, if you are a leader, not only you are to be a servant, but you are to serve the children, the little ones. Children are innocent, vulnerable, dependent, without influence or power, no title. Often, they are the nobodies; people pay little attention to them.

  Who are the little ones? They are neglected and forgotten by the society. They are the powerless, uneducated, handicapped, lonely, elderly, the sick, the poor and the ones in prison. It is so easy for us to serve the well to do and the powerful ones. If the mayor would come to church this morning, we may want to make sure there is special recognition. If someone we think is important comes to church or your fellowship group meeting, we may want to pay special attention to him/her. From time to time, people may tell me, Pastor, so and so will come to church this morning, can you make sure you get to meet him, because he is a well known person in our society.

  Jesus says, if you are great and a leader, you are to serve the little ones. Or in God's sight, there are no little ones, no small potatoes. Or there are no big shots. Everyone is important and precious. Therefore, everyone, no matter who you are, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, married or divorce or single, healthy or sick, is very valuable in God's sight, and is to be treated with dignity and respect.

  As pastors, advisors, fellowship and small group leaders in HCC, are we missing someone? Are we paying attention to the sick, the powerless and the elderly among us?

  And what is the incentive? When we serve the little ones, the poor, the unfortunate, those without fame or power, the lonely and down trodden ones, we are serving Jesus, serving God. God came to us among the poor and forgotten ones.

III.   The mark of greatness is the willingness to accept those who are different from us. 9:38-41.

  The logical connection between 9:37 and 38 is not clear. John told Jesus that they saw someone casting out evil spirits in his name. They told him to stop, because he was not following them. This person appeared to be a follower of Jesus, but not one of the disciples. Here it is not about theological or doctrinal issues. It is about practical issues. And Jesus'' response is, 39-40, “ Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me." 40 "For the one who is not against us is for us ” The disciples want to be more exclusive, but Jesus is teaching them to be more tolerant, to be more inclusive.

  There was a similar incident in the life of Moses. Numbers 11:26-30, “ 26 Now two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, and the Spirit rested on them. They were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp. 27 And a young man ran and told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” 28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the assistant of Moses from his youth, said, “My lord Moses, stop them.” 29 But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”

  Don't we find ourselves in such situations often? Certainly, when we come to doctrinal issues, the scriptures' teaching is clear: There must be no compromise regarding, Jesus'' deity, that he is truly God and truly man; his substitutionary death on the cross and his resurrection; salvation by faith and faith alone; the inspiration of the scriptures and the triune God. However, so often we find ourselves saying, he is not one of us because his style is different. He puts too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit, he is too sentimental. He is too relaxed and casual or too serious and not lively. The songs are ancient or too contemporary. We are divided not necessarily based on the core doctrinal issues but along the line of style and ways of doing things.

  If we are to be great, besides being a servant, we also need to learn to accept diversity in God's household. There is nothing wrong with being different. Throughout these years, the words of Augustine have meant much to me, “ In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity. ” So often we confuse the non essentials from the essentials. We ask God for wisdom to distinguish the essential from the non-essentials.

IV.   The ultimate example of being great. 10:45

  When we study world history, we learn that leaders are not known to be servants. From the emperors of ancient China , to Alexander the Great to the Caesars, the leaders made others to serve them. They were ruthless in their treatment of people. A wrong word, a wrong move could cost one's life. By definition, leaders are to be served. But here, Jesus made a startling statement: vs.45; “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” He being the son of God, being God, came into the world. He had all the rights to demand his people to serve him, but he was the one who served. Later on, he illustrated this by washing his disciples' feet. This is the reason the 1 st century people, including his disciples could not comprehend that he was the son of God. How could the son of God, come into the world and be born in that lowly manger. How could the son of God, coming into the world, not demanding to be served but to serve. Moreover, he served to the point he gave his life for his people so they can be brought into God's kingdom. Jesus tells us, you want to be great, you are a leader, look at me, and learn from me. If you are my followers, my students, you must serve like I do.

  We may say, this is all good, but I am not Jesus; I can't. However, throughout church history, there are countless believers who have followed the example of Christ and served others. They are examples for us, telling us that with God's help, we can be servants.

  We think of Mother Teresa, spending her entire adult life serving the poor, the sick, the social outcast, the lowest of the lowest in India .

  I also think of Henry Nouwen. After teaching at Notre Dame, Yale and Harvard, he joined the L'Arche community in France in 1985 . This is a community for people with disabilities. A year later, he took up residency at the L'Arche community in Toronto . One of his assignments was to assist a man with severe disabilities, with his morning routine. He served the neglected and the forgotten ones in the society.

  In recent weeks, I think of Pastor Liu of the NO Chinese Baptist church. Because of Katrina, the members of his church were scattered over Baton Rouge , Houston , Austin, Dallas and other cities. During the last two weeks, he spent time in Houston visiting his members, wanting to find out the whereabouts of every member in his church. When I see his tireless efforts to locate his members one by one, not thinking of his own well being and what will happen to him in the future, I see a servant in him.

  These are believers, following their master's example, becoming servants to serve others.


  Joe aspired to be a movie star. He started by playing “Corpse #3”. Then, if he tried harder, one day, he may even get to appear live for a few seconds in one of the TV shows. Or you started out as a rookie in the football, or basket ball team. But you look forward to next year and the year after that. For by then, instead of listening and taking orders from others, you'll be the one giving out orders and others would have to listen to you. The maids in HK and Taiwan look forward to the day when they have saved enough money, go home and perhaps by then can afford to hire their own servants to be served.

  However, this is not so with Jesus' followers. We want to be great, to be a leader. It is good, but we have to start as servants. We are to serve those around us , including and especially those we may consider insignificant. We are to give up our own preferences, to meet the needs and preferences of others. And we stay there. Don't think that one day when I become the pastor or senior pastor, then others will listen to me and do what I tell them. No, no, this is not how God's kingdom operates. We stay as servants. And you know what? When we serve the weak, the powerless, the uneducated and the forgotten ones, we are actually serving our lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father.

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