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2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008
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|2007 |
Follow Me
Mark 1:14-20
1. Do you agree that there are the Biblical ways and non Biblical ways to advance the Gospel?
(a) What are some of the activities or promotions that some popular churches use to bring people to church, can
you give some examples?
(b) Do you think there is a difference in advancing the Gospel in modern times than in Jesus' time? If so, what is the
2. How does Jesus proclaim God's Kingdom in v. 15?
(a) What does Jesus mean by proclaiming “the time is fulfilled”? How and when was the time fulfilled? What is the
relationship between Jesus and the prophets in the Old Testament?
(b) What is the relationship between “the time is fulfilled” and the arrest of John the Baptist, the messenger?
(3) What is your vision of the Kingdom of God ?
(a) What is required of each of Jesus' followers to do in order to enter the Kingdom of God ?
(b) How do you recognize the sin you need to repent and what do you need to do once you admit your sin to order
to enter the Kingdom of God ?
(c) Is your concept of following Jesus in keeping with what Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is “at hand”? Why
does it sound like there is the urgency?
(d) What is the content of the gospel we believe?
(4) Can you share with the group how Jesus calls you to His Kingdom?
(a) Is Jesus still calling you? Is there a call from God for you to do or to go that you have not responded?
(b) What are some of the obstacles and rationales that impede your respond promptly and totally?
(c) What can you learn from the four disciples that Jesus called in Mark? V.16-20
English Service: |
Mandarin Service: |
Cantonese Service: |
2014 |2013 |2012 |2011 |2010 |2009 |2008
|2007 |
|2007 |
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