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經文﹕<詩篇> 139
(Mifeprex) 的合法化﹐現在要準確估計這個數字就更加困難了。然而﹐最高法院通過的這個法案卻引起了海內外許多國家對墮胎問題的良知﹐令人們用更嚴肅和認真的態度來審視生命﹕“我究竟是誰﹖從哪裡來﹖往哪裡去﹖”雖然在近來公開的政府選舉活動中﹐現在已經很少聽到關於墮胎問題的辯論﹐但是有關生命從何時開始以及所謂的“局部生產墮胎”
(partial birth abortion) 仍然是一些一觸即發的熱點話題。每當我們討論這些問題時﹐都會引發大家強烈的情感共鳴。
I. 神是全知的。V. 1-6
II. 神是永在的。V. 7-12
首先是在永恆的層面上﹕“8如果我升到天上,你在那裡;如果我在陰間下榻,你也在那裡。”無論我升到天上﹐還是下到陰間(意思是地獄) ﹐神總在那裡。
他就像個24/7的監視攝像機﹐總是在看視我們, 不是要尋找我們的過錯, 為了在生命的各樣情況下都指引和帶領我們前行。
III. 神創造萬有。V. 13-18
這就是<詩篇> 139的靈魂所在﹕當我們還在母腹中的時候﹐當我們還未成形可辨之前﹐神已經與我們同在了。祂在我們生命開始之時就在創造我們. 不論這生命在任何的處境下產生,
他都是上帝的傑作。從這生命的開始, 神就在那裡, 積極和精心地創造這生命。這個生命是神聖的。
因此﹐當我們流產時﹐會感到悲痛和難過﹐因為失去了一個生命。當我們在考慮是否要墮胎, 這永遠是個困難的決定。在內心深處﹐我們會有一番激烈地掙扎﹕是墮﹐還是不墮呢﹖因此﹐沒有人可以在墮胎後仍然當作什麼都沒有發生過。我們只希望深深地將其埋藏在心底﹐不再提及此事。當遇到墮胎的話題時﹐我們就會感到不安﹐極力迴避討論。對有墮胎經歷的人﹐會產生一些後遺症﹐也被稱作“墮胎後綜合症”
IV. 我們如何生活在神的行列中﹖ V. 19-24
與此相反﹐“23神啊!求你鑒察我,知道我的心思;試驗我,知道我的意念。24看看我裡面有甚麼惡行沒有,引導我走永恆的道路。”大衛說﹐“求你鑒察我” ﹐因為我不曾完全了解我自己﹐所以求神鑒察我﹐看看我裡面有什麼惡行沒有﹐看看我裡面有什麼罪沒有﹔幫助我走永恆的道路﹐用你喜悅的方式行在你的行列中。
1. 我了解這個問題對我們當中有些人來說是非常困難的。在我們中間﹐有些人出於各自不同的理由曾經墮過胎。現在你知道這個行為是不蒙神所喜悅的﹐你需要求神寬恕你。<約翰一書>1﹕9﹐“我們若承認自己的罪, 神是信實的、公義的,必定赦免我們的罪,潔淨我們脫離一切不義。”如果你已經認罪﹐但是仍受這段經歷的困擾﹐我鼓勵你去尋找一位基督徒的輔導人士,
幫助你來處理這過去的墮胎, 從一個受傷良知的捆綁中得到釋放。千萬不要讓別人用一句“不要擔心﹐很快就會過去的” 來敷衍你的傷痛。我們發現有一些人﹐在墮胎十年甚至十五年以後開始對自己過去的行為產生罪惡感﹐感到沮喪和失落。不要害怕尋求幫助﹐我們可以幫助你重新塑造你的內在生命。神已經饒恕了妳,
2. 對其他人而言﹐我鼓勵你們奉獻一些時間去幫助當地危機懷孕中心. 盡力地幫助那些在危機中懷孕的婦女選擇生命. 因為生命是神聖的。
3. 你也可以考慮從經濟上援助這些醫療結構。我知道有些生育中心正在籌措資金購置新的超聲波監測儀器﹐這些儀器可以幫助待產的媽媽們用肉眼觀察到體內的狀況﹐看清嬰兒的頭﹐手和腳﹐不再只是一團模糊的細胞組織結構。
4. 我想最後一條建議可能對我們中國人來說有些困難。可不可藉領養來那些年青的媽媽﹖
” 那位甜美的小女孩靜靜地向我們走來﹐她的眼中洋溢著快樂的光彩。
我一把將那個孩子抱在自己懷中﹐透過她溫暖的雙肩﹐我看到了17年前那個手術室裡的時鐘﹐仿彿再次經歷用自己的雙手去掌握她生命的那一刻。當“平安夜” 的旋律漸漸淡去時﹐我發現我得到了期待已久的安慰和平安。”
從母胎中開始, 無論是健康或有障礙, 一直到復活, 都是神聖的.
Date: 01/16/05
Text: Psalm 139
Title: Life Under God
Theme: Since life, from beginning to the end, is from God, therefore it is sacred
and we are to treat it with dignity and respect.
On 1/22/73, the US Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand. Since then, about
4000 infants have been aborted on an average day. With the legalization of the
RU486 pill (Mifeprex), it is becoming more difficult to have an accurate figure.
However, this Supreme Court ruling has also awakened the conscience of many
in this and other countries. It forces us to take a serious look about life:
who am I, where do I come from and where am I going? Even though there is less
and less public debate on the issue of abortion in the election of public offices,
this issue of abortion, about when life begins, and about partial birth abortion
is still a hot button issue. Whenever we discuss this, it evokes strong emotions.
Many Christian churches have set apart the week of 16th to 23rd of January to
remind believers about the sanctity of human life. One of these Sundays is designated
as Sanctity of Life Sunday. This morning, in our study of Psalm 139, we’ll see
a simple yet profound truth that human life, from the unborn child to the elderly,
the healthy and the physically or mentally challenged, is from God; therefore
it is to be treated with dignity and respect.
The first section of this chapter is a summary of doctrines on God's attributes.
I. God is all knowing. 1-6
The doctrine that God is all knowing is a familiar one to Christians. If God
is not all knowing, then can he still be God? Here, David brings this familiar
doctrine to a personal level. In vs. 1, “1O Lord, you have searched me and known
me!” This all knowing God, knows David, knows me very intimately. How so?
Vs.2a, “2You know when I sit down and when I rise up;….” He knows our outward
activities. Vs.2b, “…you discern my thoughts from afar.” He knows my inner thoughts.
Vs.4, “4Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.”
Not only God knows what I am thinking, but also the thoughts that I have not
yet fully formulated and expressed. Vs.3, “3You search out my path and my lying
down and are acquainted with all my ways.” He knows my everyday acts, my life-style.
In other words, God knows my every move. He is like the mother, knowing exactly
what the child is up to. With just one look, a mother can detect if her child
has done something bad. It’s like the camera that Houston city wants to install
at some of the traffic lights to catch drivers who are speeding or running red
lights. Or like the CEO of a large company being placed under house arrest.
He wears some kind of bracelets so the police can monitor his whereabouts. We
don’t like being known by others in this way. We feel it is an intrusion of
Privacy. We are being watched, restricted and confined, and we don’t like it.
But what about God's knowledge of us?
Vs. 5, “5You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me..” One
of the highlights for many parents is at night when you tuck your kids to sleep.
You put the blanket or sheets under and over them, making it fit. What is the
purpose? So the child feels secure and comfort. God hems me in, behind and before.
He covers me with his hand to protect and comfort me. You see, God knows me
thoroughly; he is not trying to catch me when I do something wrong. But he knows
me so well as to protect and comfort me.
And in vs.6, “6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot
attain it.” David is saying that knowing that God so thoroughly knows him, is
beyond his comprehension. It is far too wonderful
II. God is all Present. 7-12
God knows the ins and outs of David, why? God is everywhere.
First, there is the eternal dimension. Vs.8, “8If I ascend to heaven, you are
there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!” Whether I go to heaven or
Sheol, meaning hell, you are there.
Second, the spatial dimension. Vs.9-10, “9If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10even there your hand shall lead
me, and your right hand shall hold me.” If I start from east and keep going
to the west and then east again, you are still there.
Third, the temporal dimension. Vs. 11-12, “11If I say, “Surely the darkness
shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” 12even the darkness is not
dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”
Even when David is being covered by darkness, God is there with him.
No matter what situations he finds himself in, God is there. God is everywhere.
Its almost like the story of the famous Chinese monkey. No matter how far he
jumps, he is still within the five fingers of Buddha.
Because God is everywhere, therefore he knows me thoroughly. Certainly some
may think of this as restrictive. But what is the purpose of God being everywhere
in my life? vs. 10, “10even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand
shall hold me.” God is everywhere in our life so he can lead us and hold us.
Not to scare or threaten us, but to guide and direct us. Think of some of the
dark moments in life. When we are confused about life’s direction, he is there
with us. When we face that financial crisis, he is there with us. When we experience
the mixed emotions of an unplanned pregnancy, he is there with us. When we grieve
over the loss of a parent, or an unborn child due to miscarriage or death in
the womb, he is there with us. When we are in the shadow of the valley of death,
when we are in the deep waters and fire of life, he is there. He is every where.
He is like a 24/7 surveillance camera, knowing our every move. He is not there
to scare us or try to catch us when we sin. He is there to guide and lead us
in all circumstances of life.
III. God is all Creating. 13-18
Why does he know us thoroughly? Why is he present in every aspect of our life?
This is like asking why do you care, and guide that child in your family? The
answer is found in 13-18.
Vs.13, “13For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s
womb.” The word form means made, create and possess. Inmost parts refers to
our inmost feelings, our emotions. Vs.15, “My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.”
Frame is a reference to our bony structure, our skeletons. When we are 12 weeks
old in the womb, hands and feet are clearly visible. Vs.16, “16Your eyes saw
my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days
that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.” It is about us
in the embryonic stage. When we are only 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 cell stage, when there
is not even the visible form, God knows us, he is there. The scripture is saying
that when we are still in our mothers’ wombs, when there is no recognizable
forms, God is there creating us, possessing us. Moreover, vs. 18, “…..I awake,
and I am still with you.” God is there when we are in our mothers’ womb. When
we awake from death, he is still there. Why does he know us so thoroughly? Why
is he everywhere in our life? It is because he is the one who created us. He
is the one who possesses us, from before birth till eternity. And David says,
vs. 17, “17How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum
of them! 18If I would count them, they are more than the sand…..” The thought
that God knows us completely, he is everywhere in our lives, he has created
us, this is too precious, too vast to grasp and understand.
This is the soul of Psalm 139. When we are in the dark place of our mother’s
womb, before we even have that recognizable form, God is there. No matter under
what circumstances this life begins, God is there. It is sacred and therefore
it is wrong for us to terminate this life through abortion.
Human logic can be confusing. When we find out that we are pregnant, if we feel
that we are not ready, or the birth of this child is not convenient for us,
then this child is not a life, not sacred and therefore can be aborted. But,
if we feel we are ready, then this child, whether it is 4/8/16/32 cell stage
or 2 months old in the womb, we treat this as a sacred life, protect it and
welcome it into the world. It is as if the sanctity of the unborn child depends
on our emotional, financial and professional status. However, the scripture
is very consistent on this. Whether or not we are ready, whether or not this
child is ‘healthy’, whether or not this child is formed under some very extraordinary
and tragic circumstances, this child is God's handiwork. From the very beginning
of this life, God is there, actively creating him/her. This life is sacred.
For this reason, when there is a miscarriage, we feel sad, because a life is
lost. When we are considering abortion, it is never an easy decision. Deep within
us is an intense struggle going on; should we or should we not. For this reason,
no one can really have an abortion and act as if nothing has happened. We want
to bury or get it out of our memory and therefore don’t want to talk about it.
When the issue is brought up, we feel uncomfortable and want to avoid the subject.
For those who have had an abortion, there are after effects, known as post abortion
syndrome. One may experience depression and anger. We may feel depressed or
mood change on the anniversary of the abortion. When we see others getting pregnant,
there may be jealousy and anger towards them and self. When we see another infant,
we feel sad and want to cry. When we see other children growing up, we keep
thinking of the age of our aborted child. All such emotions really point to
the truth that each child is created by God. Each life is very sacred.
IV. How shall we then live? 19-24.
Knowing that we are created by God, God knows us thoroughly and he is ever present
in our lives, how then shall we live? Vs. 19-22, “19Oh that you would slay the
wicked, O God! O men of blood, depart from me! 20They speak against you with
malicious intent; your enemies take your name in vain! 21Do I not hate those
who hate you, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you? 22I
hate them with complete hatred; I count them my enemies.” Simply put, when I
know my life is from God, then I will align myself with God. I’ll hate what
God hates. I will stay away from evil ones and evil acts.
On the contrary, 23-24, “23Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know
my thoughts! 24And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the
way everlasting!” David says, Search me, because I don’t know myself fully.
So please search me to see if there are still sins in my life, if there are
evil ways in me. And help me to walk in your path, in ways pleasing to you.
So what does all this mean to us? I would like to give several suggestions:
1. I understand that this is a difficult subject to some of us. There may be
some of us, for whatever reasons, may have had abortions. Now you know that
this is not pleasing to God. You need to ask God to forgive you. I John 1:9
says, “9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” If you have already confessed your
sins and your conscience is still bothered by your past, I will encourage you
to seek a Christian counselor to help you deal with this past abortion and be
freed from the bondage of a wounded conscience.
Don’t let anyone trivialize your grief, saying don’t worry, it will go away
soon. We have seen individuals who after 10 or 15 years of the abortion, began
to feel severe guilt and depression. Don’t be afraid of seeking help so we can
assist you to rebuild your inner life. God has already forgiven you, therefore
don’t be so hard on yourself.
2. To others, my I encourage you to volunteer your time to help out in some
of the local Pregnancy resource centers. Doing your part to help individuals
in crisis pregnancy situations to choose life because a baby’s life is very
3. You may also consider financially supporting some of these agencies. I know
different Pregnancy resource centers are trying to raise funds to purchase ultrasound
equipments. This will help the mothers visually see what is inside their stomach
is not just a blob of tissue, but an actual head, hands and feet that can be
4. I understand this last suggestion is not easy for us Chinese. How about considering
adoption as a way of helping those young mothers ?
Would you consider becoming a voice for the voiceless ?
Several years ago, I cam across this story by a doctor. “During one delivery,
I realized the baby had only one leg. I knew something wrong had happened during
the pregnancy. I thought about how this child will grow up and how disappointed
the mother would be. Looking at the clock in the delivery room, I know that
if I would only delay my hand movement by a few seconds, which no one would
notice, then this baby would die due to lack of oxygen. But I continued and
delivered the baby. As expected, the mother was shocked. She stayed in the hospital
for several more months to deal with her emotions. During this time I blamed
myself for not yielding to the temptation at delivery time.
Every year, our hospital would have an elaborate Christmas party for the staff.
This past year, three lovely young musicians on the stage played softly in unison
with the organ. There was the young harpist. She played extraordinarily well,
her face was upturned as if the world that moment were a wonderful and holy
When the short program was over, there came running down the aisle a woman I
did not know. "Oh, you saw her," she cried. "You must have recognized
your baby. That was my daughter who played the harp-the little girl who was
born with only one good leg 17 years ago. We tried everything at first, but
now she has a whole artificial leg on that side. Best of all, through all those
years, she learned to use her hands so wonderfully. She is going to be one of
the world's greatest harpists. She is my whole life and now she is so happy
. . . And here she is!" The sweet young girl had quietly approached us,
her eyes glowing.
Impulsively, I took the child in my arms. Across her warm young shoulder I saw
the creeping clock of the delivery room 17 years before. I lived again those
awful moments when her life was in my hand. As the last strains of "Silent
Night" faded, I found comfort I had waited for so long.”
Was that baby’s life really in the doctor’s hand? She was ultimately in God’s
hands which created, knitted and hemmed her in and knew her every breath and
movement even before her own mother knew anything.
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