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經文﹕<提摩太前書> 3﹕14-15﹐1-13
去年參加了一個婚禮. 這對新人將兩瓶不同顏色的沙倒在一個瓶子裡, 藉這視覺教材象徵二人的合一, 但同時也有獨特之處. 老師常以視覺教材來幫助學生明白一個道理.
當神要向世界彰顯祂的愛時, 神就差遣祂的獨生子耶穌基督來到世界. 當神要向世界介紹祂的教會時, 祂就使用教會的領袖: 長老, 執事 為祂的視覺教材.
你已經注意到了今天早上有長執就職儀式。在本教會或者其他教會裡﹐每年會眾都要參與長老和執事的提名, 選舉, 或確認 的工作。類似的問題也被時常提起﹕什麼是長老和執事﹖怎樣才能成為長執﹖如何獲得提名和推選﹖
在我們剛才閱讀的經文裡﹐保羅解釋了他寫這段話的用意﹕“14我把這些事寫給你,希望不久可以到你那裡去;15假如我來遲了,你也可以知道在 神的家裡應該怎樣行。這家就是永活 神的教會、真理的柱石和根基。”保羅的意思是﹕教會不是一個普通場所﹐她是永生上帝的家﹐真理的柱石和根基。因此﹐對于那些希望在上帝的教會中擔任領袖的人﹐就會有一些高的標準和要求。
I. 神的教會領袖要注重為人的質素。
如果我們先看第十五節經文﹕“……你也可以知道在 神的家裡應該怎樣
II. 神的教會領袖要表現出明顯的質素。
﹐粗心(他對別人的反映比較冷漠, 或許不會招待你) 或者性情很急(這通常的意思是﹕要小心了﹐他可是個有火氣的人) ﹐而本質上他是個非常好的人。遺憾的是﹐我往往沒有時間來證實這個說法了。
這就好比我對你說﹕這是一只大灰熊﹐但是實際上它裡面是個玩具熊。不要擔心! 你會想要走近些﹐去探查一下那究竟是不是一只玩具熊嗎﹖我想你不會吧﹔我也不會。
III. 神的教會領袖要顯示出有成熟靈命的質素。
領袖要展現什麼品質呢﹖vs.6 “……6初信主的不可作監督……”換句話說﹐長老或者執事必須由靈性成熟的人來擔當。基於對<腓立比書>的學習﹐我們知道靈性的成熟是一個過程。沒有人可以說﹕我已經達到終點了﹔我已經成熟了。我們說的是成熟的表現。經文第二節至第十三節是關於靈性成熟的列舉。我想把它們歸為三類﹕
1. 家庭關係。“4好好管理自己的家,使兒女凡事敬重順服。5人若不知道怎
樣管理自己的家,怎能照料 神的教會呢?”“12執事只可以作一個妻子的丈夫,善於管理兒女和自己的家。”這裡講的是領袖的家庭關係﹕他是家中的管家﹐受到配偶和子女的敬重。這很難﹐不是嗎﹖要獲得外人的尊重或許還不是那麼困難的事﹐但是我們的妻子、丈夫、孩子、父母日日夜夜﹐時常地與我們相處﹐他們看清了我們身上的優缺點和內心的善惡面。不管他們看到了什麼﹐卻依然愛我們﹐敬重我們﹐這就是真實的成功。你想成為教會的領袖嗎﹖聖經說﹕從自己的家開始。Howard
Hendricks 說過﹕“如果在家都行不通﹐就不要在教會裡如此行。”如果你想照料神的家﹐先從自己的家開始吧。
2. 個人生活。在這篇經文裡, 3,8﹐有不少禁止性的命令﹕不好酒、不打人、與人無爭、不貪財、不一口兩舌、不酗酒、不貪不義之財。總括來說﹐這裡都是指的要自制。自我控制的內容指﹕言語/講話(是否用愛心說實話﹖)﹐沉溺(是否沉溺于酗酒﹐工作﹐電視或者電腦﹖)﹐生氣/脾氣/情緒(是否控制激烈情緒的表達抑或是反被這些情緒所控﹖)﹐貪婪和愛財(是否知道適可而止﹐懂得滿足﹖)。
3. 人際關係。可令人察覺的品質包括家庭關係和個人生活。我們如何與別人相處和交往也必須是可見的。3:3, “不打人, 只要溫柔”首先﹐要有溫柔。溫柔意味著當我們與人相處或者談話時﹐不能對他人嚴厲﹐苛刻或者粗暴。這裡的“他人”也包括我們的孩子﹐父母和配偶。“溫柔”這個詞在舊約時代也被用來描繪那即將來臨的君王。在新約時代﹐耶穌用這個詞作了自我描述﹐馬太福音11:29,
“我心裡柔和謙卑,你們應當負我的軛,向我學習,你們就必得著心靈的安息;” 這也是聖靈所結的果實之一。一個人靈性成熟的標誌之一就是溫柔。我待人可做到溫柔嗎﹖其次﹐3:2,
我是全然的倚靠主. 我們的靈性成熟與否要由謙卑和溫柔來衡量。第三﹐3:7, “作監督的也必須在教外有好聲譽,免得他被人毀謗,就落在魔鬼的陷阱裡。”好的聲望。我的朋友﹐特別是那些非基督徒的朋友是如何看待我的﹖很多情況下﹐教會中的朋友只能在有限時間裡看到我們的一個側面。我們的同事或者同學才是時常地與我們在一起﹐更多情況下﹐他們比其他人更能清晰地觀察我們。他們看到我們在工作中遵循的道德標準﹕是否在四週無人時就偷懶散漫﹐工作時是堅守原則還是完全為利益所驅使。他們對我們的看法和評價是怎樣的﹖
當我在準備這篇信息時, 我想起過去的一件事. 當Sean在 pre-school 時, 有一次他要將最喜愛的一個玩具或書帶到學校與大家分享. 結果他將他的二哥
和兩人一同做好的積木飛機帶到學校. 他要將他的最好, 最喜愛的, 哥哥帶給別人看.
當神要向世界介紹祂的教會, 真神之家, 真理的柱石與根基, 祂用甚麼作為他的示範, 視覺教材呢? 祂會用祂最好的, 就是教會的領袖: 長老與執事. 因此,
對在永生神的教會中的領袖會有如此高的期望. 這並不等於神在尋找完全的人. 祂仍是在尋找那些在生命中彰顯出節制, 溫柔,謙卑的標誌的人.
當別人踏入了這教會, 教會的領袖不需向他們解釋這教會的特色. 當別人看見教會的長老, 執事和牧師時, 他們就會開始體會到這是一個很特殊的地方, 因為當他們看見謙卑,
溫柔和節制的表現時, 他們就知道這是永生神的家, 真理的柱石與根基.
Date: 1/09/05
Text: 1 Timothy 3:14-15, 1-13
Title: Church Leaders: God's Visual Aid
Theme: Because the church is the household of the living God, therefore her
leaders must demonstrate high standards in personal life.
In a wedding I attended last year, the couple poured two bottles of different
colored sand into one bottle. They used this as a visual aid to demonstrate
they are now one and yet are also unique. Teachers use visual aids to help students
understand a point. When God wants to demonstrate his love to the world, he
sent his son Jesus Christ into the world. When God wants to tell the world about
his church on earth, he uses the leaders, the elders and deacons as his visual
You have already noticed that this morning in our service there is the Church
Council Installation. Every year, in this and other churches, the congregation
becomes involved in the process of nominating, voting and or affirming new elders
and deacons. Similar questions are being asked everywhere: What are elders and
deacons? How does so and so get nominated and elected as an elder or deacon.
This morning I would like to use a familiar passage to explore with you what
makes a church leader; elder, deacon or pastor. Leader is anyone who exerts
influence over others. Therefore, besides the elders, deacons and pastors, leaders
in this church will definitely include fellowship advisors, coworkers and small
group leaders. Even though the text before us directs our focus to the elders
and deacons, its principle applies to all leaders. I am also aware that one
message cannot cover all aspects of church leadership. Instead, I will focus
on the qualifications of an elder and deacon.
In the passage we have just read, Paul explained the purpose of his writing.
Vs.14,15, “14I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you
so that, 15if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household
of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth.”
He is saying the church is no ordinary place; it is the living God's household,
a pillar and buttress of truth. Therefore, there are some high expectations
for anyone who wants to be a leader in God's church.
I A Leader in God's church is to focus on the quality of being.
If we have started this passage with vs. 15, “…..you may know how one ought
to behave in the household of God…..”, one would expect a manual, a check list
telling us what leaders should do in God's church. We’ll follow the instructions
on how to lead the church.
However, as we read 2-13, we begin to realize that it is not a list of how to’s,
but about a certain quality of life. In these verses, there is no mention (may
be with the exception of teaching) of performance and skills. The entire emphasis
is on who the leader is. It is about character, about the quality of one’s being.
The focus on leaders is not merely about his/her ability, which is important,
but even more so, it is about his character, who he or she is.
Our society tend to focus on the person’s ability. If he does his job well,
then we can overlook his lack of character. We say 重才不重德. But the scriptures’
teaching on this is very clear. To be a leader in God's church, the foremost
expectation, and requirement is about this person’s character, the quality of
his being.
I remember an incident that happened last year. I was introduced to a certain
minister. Apparently he is a very effective speaker and prolific writer. So
I agreed to host a meeting here. Shortly after the agreement, I was informed
about certain character issues with this person. What should I do? Since he
is an effective minister, people in other cities have responded well to his
message, can I just overlook this aspect of his life? Eventually I decided that
it is not right so the meeting was cancelled.
Our society is very pragmatic. As long as we see results, we can overlook everything
else. But God's word tells us something very different. Yes, you may be eloquent
and talented. Your message and ministry are very effective. However, what really
matters is who you are as a person. It is about your character, your quality
of life.
II. A Leader in God's church emanates the observable quality.
In vs.2-13 is a listing of expectations from anyone who desires to be an elder
or deacon. What do you think is common among them? They are all observable behaviors.
The individuals’ character, quality of life are observable. A leader is to manifest
his quality of life. It can be seen by others.
When I get invited to speak at different churches or retreats, usually one person
is assigned to pick me up at the airport. This is what I often hear: So and
so will take you out to dinner tonight. He is a very kind, gentle and humble
person. Later, my experience would confirm this. Then there are other times,
I was told that So and So may appear to be rude (meaning he doesn’t talk much),
粗心 (he is not very sensitive, or he would not know how to serve you in the restaurant),
or 性情很急(this usually means: watch out, he has a temper), but deep inside he
is a very nice person. Often I don’t have the time needed to find it out.
It’s like me telling you, this is a grizzly bear. Yet inside, it is really a
teddy bear. Don’t worry. Would you go near to find out if it is really a teddy
bear? I don’t think you would, I won’t.
Paul tells us, the quality of a leader is observable; others can easily see
it. Sometimes we say, deep in my heart, I am a very kind and loving person.
But if you can’t see or feel it, it means nothing. From time to time Karen will
say, Pastor, smile more. My response is: I do. You see, if I smile but you can’t
see, it won’t help. Or it’s like we tell our children to say hi uncle or thank
you. They said it in such a way that no one can hear. We’ll then tell them to
say louder. The same with the leaders’ qualities. It’s not to be hidden inside,
it is to be expressed, to be seen.
Of course this does not mean we have to fake it. Yes, you can, but others will
know it, and you know it too. Proverbs 27:19, “19As in water face reflects face,
so the heart of man reflects the man.” What you are outside, is a reflection
of what is within. The quality of your being must be emanated so others can
III. A Leader in God's church is to manifest that quality of spiritual maturity.
What kind of quality are the leaders expected to manifest? vs.6, “…6He must
not be a recent convert,….” In other words, an elder or deacon must be a spiritually
mature person. From our study of the book of Philippians, we understand spiritual
maturity is a process. No one can say, I have arrived; I am mature. No, it is
a life long process. Instead, we are talking about evidences of maturity. vs.2-13
is a listing of what spiritual maturity is. I want to group them into 3 categories.
1. Family relationship. V4, “4He must manage his own household well, with all
dignity keeping his children submissive, 5for if someone does not know how to
manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?”, v12, “12Let deacons
each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households
well.” It is about the leader’s family. He is the servant leader in his family.
He is to be respected by his/her spouse and children. This is tough, isn’t it?
It is not that difficult to gain others’ respect. Only our wives, husbands,
children, parents see us 24/7. They see the good and bad in us, the ugly and
the pretty. And in spite of what they see, they still love and respect us, this
is true success. You want to be a leader in the church? The scripture says,
begin at home. Howard Hendricks once said, “If it doesn’t work at home, don’t
export it to church.” If you want to care for the church, start at home first.
2. Personal life. In this passage, vs.3 and 8, are several negative injunctions:
not a drunkard, not violent, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, not addicted
to wine, not double tongued, not greedy for dishonest gain. To summarize them,
it is a reference to self-control. Self control over: language/speech (do we
speak the truth in love), addiction (do we get addicted to alcohol, work, TV
or computer), anger/temper/emotions (do we control our expression of strong
emotions or do we let them take control of us), greed and love for money (do
we know when to stop, when to say enough).
Besides self control, there is also faith in Jesus Christ. V13, “13For those
who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great
confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” What is our faith in? So often
we have faith in ourselves: no problem, we can do it. Great confidence does
not necessarily mean that you tell God what you want and then you have great
confidence that he will give you. Our faith must be in Jesus Christ. This means
I have confidence in Jesus Christ, knowing that he will do what is best for
us and for this church.
3. Interpersonal Relationship. The observable qualities include family relationships,
personal life. And now, how we relate to others must also be visible. First
there is gentleness. 3:3, “…not violent but gentle.” Gentleness means not stern,
harsh or abrasive when we relate or talk to others. We are to be gentle to our
children, parents and spouses. We are to be gentle to the brothers and sisters
and friends in this church. We are to be gentle to our colleagues at school
and at work. This word gentleness is used in the OT to describe the King that
is to come. In the NT it is used by Jesus for self description, “29"Take
my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,…..”
It is also the fruit of the Holy Spirit. A key evidence of one’s spiritual maturity
is gentleness. We need to ask ourselves, Am I gentle with others? Secondly,
3:2, “Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,
sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach.” Able
to teach is also translated as being teachable. It is a reference to one’s humility.
To be humble is to see ourselves modestly. I am to see others as stronger than
me. I have to learn to see others’ ideas and suggestions as better than mine.
To be humble means I can do nothing by my own strength. I am totally dependent
upon God. Our spiritual maturity must be measured against humility and gentleness.
Thirdly, 3:7, “Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he
may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.” Good reputation. How
do my friends, especially those non-Christian friends view me? Most of the time
people in church see us only partially and part of the time. It is our colleagues
at school and work place that see us day in and day out. Very often they see
us much more clearly than others. They see our work ethics. They notice if we
cut corners when no one is around. They will note if we take credit for other’s
work and effort. They will also notice if we are driven by principles or by
the bottom line. What do they think of us?
You see what is happening here? It’s not just what is in my heart. What is in
our hearts, is to be expressed. As we look at these evidences of spiritual maturity,
we begin to see it as a portrait of Jesus Christ. The more we mature, the more
we are humble and gentle and the more we are like Christ. In other words, as
church leaders, evidences of our spiritual maturity is observable by others.
When they see us, they catch a glimpse of what Christ is like.
While preparing this message, an incident came to my mind. When Sean was in
pre-school, he had a show-and-tell. This occurred several times a year. It is
for the children to bring some of their favorite toys and books to school to
show to their friends and teachers. On this particular show-and-tell day, he
brought his brother, Robin, and a lego airplane they put together to school.
He wanted to show off his best, his brother.
When God wants to tell the world about his household on earth, the church, the
pillar and buttress of truth, what does he use as his show and tell, his visual
aid? He uses his best: The church leaders; the elders and the deacons. For this
reason, there is such a high expectation of leaders in the church of the living
God. This does not mean God is seeking for perfect people. Instead he is seeking
people whose lives are full of evidences of self-control, gentleness and humility.
When individuals walk into this place, the church leaders do not need to tell
or explain what this church is all about. When visitors and congregation look
at the elders, deacons and the pastors, they will begin to realize that this
is no ordinary place. When they see the evidences of humility, gentleness and
self-control, they will know that this is the house of the living God, the pillar
and buttress of truth.
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