Study Questions

Eternal Perspective

Philippians 1:19-26


Read Acts 16 for background for the book of Philippians.


(Read Acts 16:6-10) This takes place during Paul's second missionary journey.

  What do we know about Paul's plan and the Holy Spirit's plan?

  How can we apply this principle in our lives? What happens when our plans have roadblocks?

 Where did the Holy Spirit want Paul to go?

 What is the significance of going from Troas to Philippi? Please refer to your bible map.

 What kind of vision did Paul see? What is the significance of this vision?

 How did Paul respond to God's will?

 Is there a place that God wants you to evangelize? Identify two non-Christians that God might want you to witness    to. It might require you to stretch your faith.


(Read Acts 16:11-15)

 Upon arrival to Philippi, where did Paul go and why? (v.13)

 Who did Paul speak to? Why was this unusual? What is God's view of woman?

 What do we know are Lydia?

 In evangelism, what is our responsibility and what is the Lord's responsibility?

 Upon believing, what is the first thing that Lydia do?

 Identify someone who you think is unlikely to be saved. Pray for him/her this week.


(Read Acts 16:16-34)

 What do we know about the slave girl? What is her understanding of Paul?

 After Paul cast the demon out of the slave girl, what happened?

 How did Paul and Silas respond in spite of being mistreated?

 How do we respond when we are mistreated?

 What cause Paul and Silas to respond so differently?

 What caused the jailer to want to know God?

 What can we learn from Paul and Silas?

 Name one thing that we will do differently, which will draw us closer to the Lord.


(Read Philippians 1:19-26)

 Background: Paul is imprisoned as he writes the Philippians.

 What kind of relationship does Paul have with the Philippians? How is this displayed?

 What is Paul's goal in life?

 What would you like to be written on your tombstone?

 What is Paul's view of God? How does this affect his response in v. 21?

 What is our view of God? If we truly believe this, how does this affect our daily life?

 What decision was Paul struggling with? Why was it so difficult to make?

 On what basis did Paul decide on this decision?

 How can we learn from Paul as we make decisions? Identify a decision you are about to make and ask the group   members to pray for you.