Sermon Outline Pastor Fred Tow
Eternal Perspective
(Philippians 1:19-26)
1. Saul's P(revious) Life
(a) He devoted himself to be R(eligious).
(b) He depended upon his K(owledge).
(c) He sought to accomplish his O(wn) plan.
(d) He saw things from a S(hort)-T(erm) perspective.
2. Apostle Paul's C(hanged) Life
(a) He devoted himself to be G(odly).
(b) He depended on G(od).
(c) He sought to accomplish G(od's) plan.
(d)He saw things from a L(ong)- T(erm) perspective.
3. Apostle Paul's D(ilemma)
(a) Advantages of living on E(arth).
(b) Advantages of living in H(eaven).
(c) Paul's U(nselfish) conclusion.