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日期: 09/18/2011

經文:提多書 1 : 1-4

題目: 神 僕 情 懷

主旨: 蒙神恩待僕人的服事特色







但是,提多和提摩太遇到不一樣的問題。在提多的服事裡,沒有一些異端、假的老師,但是他可能遇見的是教會領袖的問題, 如一個做領袖的要求、資格,和對領袖的期望是什麼。可能因為這個原因,在這封信裡面,當保羅一寫了一般書信裡的問安之後,他馬上就進入他要的 題目:一個做長老的要怎麼樣等等。所以當我們讀這封保羅所寫給提多較短的書信時,我很期望讓我們一起來聆聽神的話,讓神的話來決定我們對教會領袖的期待、認識, 而不要讓四周人的意見來影響我們,讓神的話作為我們的指南針,要清楚的抓住神的話說了什麼?神的話沒有說什麼?又加上每年這個時候,也是我們教會確認長執會,以及提出未來一年長老、執事的事情,讓神的話來帶領我們做一些合乎神心意的決定。

今天讓我們看一下,這本書前面四句話就是問安的話,按著第一世紀的傳統,從每一封信的開始都有註明寫作人的身份, 神的僕人、耶穌基督的使徒保羅,然後跳到第四節「寫信給提多」等等。開始那句問安的話,是表明是誰寫的信,然後寫給誰?然後一句簡單的問安。這是看這段經文該有的一個大輪廓。這段經文剛開始的時候,會看見保羅提到了他的身份,馬上進入括弧那部份,讓我們來看看他說些什麼?


  •  是以神恩典為基礎的服事



我想再一次引用八月五號張博士「竭誠為主」那段話語,他說:「神給耶穌基督的使命,好像從頭到尾是個災禍,祂生在一個馬槽裡,祂的死是當時最羞辱、最沒有尊嚴的一種死刑 - 十字架上然後,耶穌在祂的生命裡,呼召了門徒跟從祂,當時所召的門徒,他們親眼看見祂受死,又將他們領到心碎的絕境裡。耶穌的一生,除了從神的觀點裡面,無論從任何一個角度裡面,都是一個失敗。可是,在人看來的失敗,在神,卻為極大的勝利!因為,神的心意、心思永遠與人不一樣!」所以,當你我跟從了神!當你我是神的奴隸時,我們唯一的目標、志向都是要從神那裡來的。神的志向、目標、心意就要成為我們的志向、目標、心意。



但是,在這句話的後面,卻也隱藏了一些非常基本的價值觀,是這裡沒有說出來的,但在其他經文裡充份的表現過。大家還記得讀提摩太前書 第一章時,保羅這樣子說:「從前我是褻瀆神、迫害人的、凌辱人的,然而我還蒙了憐憫,在罪人中我是罪魁。」保羅講到他過去是如何的糟糕。但是,他蒙了神的憐憫!然後在哥林多前書十五章十節:「然而靠著神的恩典,我得以有了今天。而且是祂賜給恩 典並沒有落空;」用我們大家熟悉的合和本,這句話是這樣:然而因著神的恩典,我今日成了何等樣的人。」何等樣的人是什麼?神的奴隸、耶穌基督的使徒。保羅說:今天這樣的我,都是神的恩典。因為是神的恩典,我才站在這一個有權柄的位置。我不曉得你們,我們是不是有時候也蠻嚮往這種的權柄?無論是在家、工作場所、教會也好。做為牧師、長老、執事的,我們有誰不希望人家能夠聽我們的話、指示、建議?按著我們說的去做。為什麼無論在那一個教會裡,我們會看見到爭執、爭吵?是不是因為每一個人都希望對方聽他的,覺得自己的是最好的,所以對方要聽的。當每一個人都這樣子想的時候,爭吵、爭執就一定會發生。




讓我們來看一下保羅有這樣 權柄,他怎麼用他的權柄?好像保羅對自己這件事也相當的敏感、敏銳,所以當他在介紹自己時,他說他是神的奴隸、耶穌基督的使徒,他有那個權柄時,他馬上就進入括孤裡面的話語,我有這個權柄,但是怎麼用這個權柄,他帶出了幾點: 這是為著神選民的信心—這是第一點,第二點是幫助選民更多的認識神的真理,第三點是選民能夠活出一個敬虔的生活。然後在第二、第三節他又說:我另外做的乃是要宣告神所應許給祂百姓的永生、永遠的盼望。所以保羅說:我這個權柄怎麼用,用在四件事上面,第一、我把人帶到基督、神那裡,第二幫助他們認識真理;第三、幫助他們過一個敬虔的生活;然後第四、告訴他們一個永生、永恆的那個盼望。當我們再仔細讀的時候,會發現,他做使徒,他所做的這四件事情,也成為了這封信四個主要分段,以後我們會繼續仔細的來看。

1. 蒙揀選者的信心


有沒有看到這一點?一方面是說,神揀選了某些人,但同時,保羅馬上說:「我也有一個責任、神給我一份託付。」一個是揀選,講到神的主權,另外一方面講到人的責任,這二個分不開 的,我們沒有辦法完全的瞭解。但是,聖經裡面清楚告訴我們這二件事,神揀選是祂的主權,但人也有他的責任。我經常記得在七零年時代,雪佛對我的影響,他時常的告訴我們,他說:一定要接受這二個觀念,一個是神的主權,另一個是人的責任。但是,你一定要維持健康的平衡,如果,你在任何一方面, 在主權上面或責任方面稍為往前多走一步時,這個平衡就會失去。當你一失去這個平衡時,在教義上面就會遇到混亂。這是我經常記住的 ,有些東西我不是完全能夠瞭解,但是,我知道主權和責任在聖經裡很清楚的告訴我。然後保羅繼續,在中文聖經的次序非常的清楚,這句話是這說:為著神選民的信心和那真理的知識,導致敬虔的生活。

2. 選民對真理的認識

第二、幫助他們認識真理: 講到真理的執事,保羅說他身為一個使徒,他有這個權柄,要幫助神的百姓—選民能夠明白這個真理。我們要知道有些基本的真理,是我們在信耶穌時要知道的。用另外一些說法的話,就是十誡是兩塊石版,我們信耶穌的時候,我們需要知道的是第一塊石版,就是講到這一位上帝是我們唯一要敬拜的,然後在這位神的面前,我們都是罪人,我們也需要知道耶穌基督代替了我們的罪,承擔了我們該承擔的刑罰,好使我們的罪被饒恕、與神和好。然後當我們來到耶穌的面前 時 ,我們生命的就要 調整,我們的目的、志向就開始跟隨祂、順服祂,越來越像耶穌,像祂一樣的柔和、像祂一樣的謙卑,這些是一些基本的真理,是每個人在認識耶穌基督的時候,都需要知道的。但是,你認識了耶穌之後,還要繼續瞭解真理其他的部份,要繼續的來學習、儘我們所能的知道神的主權、人的責任這個真理,我們要知道在這個邪惡的世代裡,神信實的真理,很多地方我們不能明白,但我們要多讀神的話語。我們也要知道神救贖的故事,是如何從創世紀一直到啟示錄,一步步向我們展開,這是我們要去讀的。也因為這個緣故,所以在這個教會和許多其他教會都有主日學、查經班,目的是幫助我們更深入認識神的真理。保羅說我這個做使徒的,我有權柄,就是把人帶進基督裡、我的權柄就是教導神的真理。

3. 選民過敬虔的生活



4. 選民將來的盼望。

然後保羅說,還有幾件事情我要做的,在第二、三節,這些都是根據永生的盼望,當然也有其他可能的翻譯,有些人「都是根據永生的盼望」與第一節連在一起,也有人說這是另一個段落,保羅做了三件事:一個把人帶到基督裡、二是真理的教導、三是過一個敬虔的生活、第四是講永遠、傳遞永生的盼望。這個責任已經給了保羅,保羅說現在是我要把它傳出來,這一個永生的盼望是在很早、很早以前就告訴了他的子民。當我們在讀聖經的時候,我們看見神跟以色列人,神怎麼將以色列民帶出來,帶出來時,神跟他們說,把你們帶到迦南地—流奶與蜜之地、安息之地。那個安息的地方,是講到以色列民知道,當他們進了那塊地,就得到了安息。但是,在神的心意裡,不錯,你們會得到安息,但是,這個安息遠超過這個國度、國家的安息—沒有戰爭等等。因為,當耶穌來了之後,在祂的話語裡面說:「凡勞苦擔重擔人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得 - 安息。」所以,當神一早告訴以色列民,我要把你們帶出為奴之地,進入安息的地方,祂是說遠超過這塊地,乃是講人的心靈。當耶穌來,說「凡勞苦擔重擔人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。」不是單單指著我們來到祂這裡心靈的安寧,祂也是指著更遠的一個—祂說你們信我就有永生,會和我一起到天堂。昨天早上,如果你們在會聽到「天堂」二個字的意思就是安息。



我們有沒有時候看到我們自己的一些痛苦,看看我們的身體,無論在那個社會,你都看見,人沒有把人好好的對待,沒有將人當作有神的形象互相尊重。因此,我們看見身體、精神、話語的虐待,不單只對那些我們不認識的人,而這些虐待進入到我們的家庭裡。因為罪的影響,我們帶著這樣一個破碎的身體,各樣的疾病,那些令人精疲力盡的癌症,或長期照顧老人痴呆症的家人。我們也聽過在美國這個國家,平均每年要用一千億的錢來買醫生配的藥方,一千億是個好大的數,讓我們用在阿拉木圖、卡薩斯坦的老華僑的話語來說:「一千億,就是十萬個一百萬塊來是用來買藥品 。」 看看我們自己的家裡有多少瓶藥,而且,要命的是有些的藥一顆最便宜就是一塊錢,每天吃一顆、就是一塊錢,有些還不止一塊錢。





然後,保羅講完了他自己所做的事之後,來到最後一句話。剛剛說的 都是括孤裡面的話,就是保羅說我是有權柄的,但馬上又說你們要知道權柄是怎麼用的。然後又回到這封信裡最主要的觀念,寫信給提多,就是在共同信仰做我真兒子的,願恩惠慈愛從父神 我們的救主基督領導裡面。保羅說,我寫這封信寫給你提多。提多是在保羅影響之下信耶穌的,保羅也稱為他為真兒子,正如保羅稱提摩太他的兒子一樣的。

讓我們稍為看一下保羅的問安:願平安。平安這兩個字是猶太 人的觀念,就是「沙龍」,不是說心裡面平安,不是說沒有打仗,乃是說一般性的完整,英文是說 well being —好的、完整的,是這樣一個平安,是以色列人最普通、普遍的一個問安。然後另外一個字—恩惠,這二個字,是希臘人文化用的話。在保羅寫的信,把希臘文人熟悉的觀念,把它基督教化了。現在恩惠這個意思就成了從神那裡來,是我們不配有的好處,保羅說:這就是恩惠。然後從誰那裡來?注意:是從父神那裡。我們今天已很熟悉這個字了,如果你看舊約聖經的話,會發現父神這個名字從來沒有放在人的身上,只有說神是以色列國民的父,從來沒有說是「你的父!」沒有人敢,因為祂太高高在上了,祂怎麼能做我的父?但在新約聖經裡,因為耶穌基督,使我們來到神的面前,祂現在成為了我的父!然後,還有另外一個一個提醒,在這裡順便帶出來,就是救主基督耶穌。在舊約聖經講到神的話,是講到神是以色列民的那位父,神是那一位救主!但是,在新約聖經中,基督耶穌是那位救主!當保羅說這句話時候,他也將基督的位格提高。很可能在提多的教會裡,有人對基督的身份有些疑問,但是,保羅一句話就將基督提到好高,祂像神一樣,是那一位救主!





Date:   09/18/2011

Text:   Titus 1:1-4

Title:   Heart of a Servant 神僕情懷

Theme: As recipients of grace, God’s servant will use his authority to help people to mature in Christ.



  Few days ago I received an email from an individual who returned to Taiwan to teach in an university. She briefly shared with me her adjustment there. At the beginning of the school year, she was told that being a professor used to be a teacher, to educate students. Then it becomes a service business, trying to meet the needs of the students. Now it has become an entertainment business. The nature of the education/educators is becoming more confused nowadays.

  Isn’t this also true with the pastoral ministry? There was a time, I used to think, pastors were considered holier than anyone, therefore when he spoke, everyone listened. Ah, that was the good old days. Nowadays, some would see pastors as the head of the household ( 大家长 ). Well, its meaning really depends on your own experience with your father. He could be a strict disciplinarian ( 严父 ) or anything goes ( 任意放纵 ) or a non-existent father. There are also those who may feel pastors are the church’s employees, here to listen and serve. This confusion also extends to our understanding of church leadership, who should be a leader and what can we expect from them? In this and other churches, when there appears to be a lack of understanding regarding pastors and church leaders, can lead to confusion.

  This morning we’ll start our study on the book of Titus. This was a letter written to Titus when he was serving on the island of Crete. From the letter, it appears that Titus, like Timothy, was also experiencing problems with church leadership. It was not much of heresy or opposition, but about the qualification and work of a leader. May be for this reason, Paul after his greeting would go right into the matter of qualification for elders.

  So as we study this book, we want to listen to God’s word, let the scripture determine what leadership, including pastors, elders and deacons is like. Each year at this time is also when we would nominate and affirm new elders and deacons. It is my desire that we learn to let God’s word drive our selection and decision on new leaders.

  Now, let’s take a look at the first 4 verses of this rather short letter to Titus. Some of the content will be similar to 1 and 2 Timothy.

I •  A ministry that finds its foundation in God’s grace.

Vs.1, “ Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, ”. T he word servant is the same as slave. Paul knew that he was a slave belonging to God. Therefore he would not have any purpose or ambition of his own. God’s purpose and desire will be his. I like to quote from Oswald Chamber’s My Utmost for His Highest. August 5 entry, “God called Jesus Christ to what seemed absolute disaster. And Jesus Christ called His disciples to see Him put to death, leading every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. His life was an absolute failure from every standpoint except God’s. But what seemed to be failure from man’s standpoint was a triumph from God’s standpoint, because God’s purpose is never the same as a man’s purpose.” Therefore being God’s slave, we are to stay close to him and be obedient to him. The more we stay close to him, the less we’ll be anxious about our purpose and objective.

Paul also recognized that he was an apostle of Jesus Christ. An apostle is someone who had seen Jesus Christ, given the mission to be His spokesman. An apostle’s words would be Christ’s words, authoritative and without error. This was how Paul introduced himself: God’s slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ. It was a position of authority.

However what was hidden in this simple sentence were some unspoken words. It was not expressed here but in other passages. We remember 1 Timothy 1:13, “ 13 though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent…… sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” And then 1 Corinthians 15:10, “ 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain.” Before I was an insolent opponent, but now I am God’s slave, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul was saying it was God’s grace that I am who I am today. It is God’s grace that I am in this position of authority.

Don’t we, at least some of us wish we had such authority? As pastors, elders and deacons don’t we want others to listen to us and follow our instructions on what to do and how to minister? Why do we experience clashes among various leaders? We each want the other person to listen to us. Now, what did Paul do with such a position of leadership and authority? How did he use his authority?

II •  A ministry that brings others to submit to the Lord..

Having stated his position of authority, Vs.1, “ for the sake of the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, ..” These words tell us that the Paul used his God given authority to bring others to Christ and submit themselves to Christ’s lordship. Let’s unpack these potent words.

  First, he helped to bring the elect, God’s chosen people to faith in God. From these and other passages, it is clear that God has chosen individuals to be his children. In many of our testimonies we shared about how God had first chosen us to come and follow Him. We also take note here Paul was sent to bring God’s chosen to faith. On the one hand God has chosen us. On the other hand, He has also sent us to tell others the good news of Jesus Christ. On the one hand it is God’s sovereignty, and on the other hand, it is human responsibility. These two go hand in hand and need to be maintained in a proper balance. If we move too much to either side, it could lead us into doctrinal trouble.

  Secondly, Paul as an apostle, helped the elect to understand the knowledge of truth. Yes, there is certain basic truth that we need to understand before we put our faith in God. We need to know that there is only God and Him alone that is to be worshipped. Before this holy God, we are sinners. We are to know and understand that Christ died for us so our sins can be forgiven and be reconciled with God. As we come to the Lord, then it is our purpose in life to follow and to become like him. These are some of the essential truth that we need to know and understand when we come to faith in Christ.

Having come to faith in God, we also need to continue to understand other aspects of the truth. We are to learn about God’s sovereignty and human free will; God’s faithfulness in adversity. We are to learn how the redemption story is being presented throughout the entire scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. For this reason, in this and other churches, there are Sunday School and bible study classes to help us understand the truth.

  Thirdly, as an apostle, Paul taught that our knowledge and understanding of truth will lead to a godly life. Godly life is not a list of do’s and don'ts, or a check list. Instead, godly life is one that is obedient to the teachings in the bible. A godly life will reflect or manifest God’s holiness, love and grace in our relationship with people around us. A godly life will demonstrate loving God and men are our core moral compass. The more we know God, the more we understand the truth about God and man, the more it will lead to a changed life. As preachers and teachers, it is rather easy to dispense knowledge. Nowadays we can just go to internet and get all the information we want. Then we organize them and teach them. This is information transfer. But true communication of truth and doctrine, will always lead to a changed life. Again, quoting Howard Hendricks, “if the students’ lives has not changed, it means that you have not taught well.” I constantly remind myself and the staff, that information must lead to transformation.

  Fourthly, as an apostle, Paul taught God’s people about the future hope. vs.2-3, “ in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began and at the proper time manifested in his word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Savior; ..” The scripture teaches us that we are living under the influence of sin. Everywhere we turn, we see the marks and consequences of sins in personal lives and in our world. Everywhere we turn we see people not treating each other as creatures made in the image of God, with dignity and value. Consequently, we witness physical and verbal abuse of people both close to us and strangers. Because of sin’s influence we also live in this broken body. We are plagued with all kinds of sicknesses; debilitating cancers, the prolonged caring of a loved one with Alzheimer’s. As a nation, every year we spend about $100 billion on prescription drugs.

  Then also take a look at the world we live in. We show little respect for our environment, even though it is better than before. The man made wars that continue to kill men and women. Then there is the famine in Somalia. These sad and painful pictures are adequately described in Romans 8: 20“ 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, …... 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved.” The entire creation is groaning because of pain. And because of pain, we are looking forward to the coming of our Lord who will redeem us from this wretched body. This is our hope. This is the hope that God has promised. If we don’t have this hope, there is really no reason to continue, right? This is the hope that Paul was sent to proclaim.

  What do we see here? Paul, because of God’s grace, was in a position of authority. What authority can be greater than a person who is God’s spokesperson, his words are God’s word, without error ? And what did Paul do with this authority? He used this authority to bring people to submit to God’s authority.

  In different places, I have heard pastors and elders complain that their congregation won’t listen to them. They feel that their authority was not respected, and therefore could not accomplish what they wanted to in their churches. Sometimes I may find myself among those who complain. There are also times when individuals will say to me, “since you are the senior pastor, your words carry weight. When you speak, people listen.” This certainly will boost my ego. If I don’t watch out I’ll really take this seriously and soon, anything coming out of my mouth will be like an edict, to be listened to and obeyed. How wrong this is. Yet time and time again, I am reminded by Paul’s example that pastors, elders and deacons have no authority in and of ourselves. Our only authority is to bring this congregation to be under the authority of God and his words.

III •  A ministry that has a heart for others.

In vs.4, “ To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. ” After the discourse, Paul continued where he left off in vs. 1, “Paul……to Titus, my true child……” Titus was Paul’s spiritual son, most likely Titus became a believer under Paul’s influence. Paul’s greeting of peace was a typical Jewish tradition. Peace is that general well-being. Grace is a Greek word but Paul has Christianized it to mean, grace, the unmerited favor from God and Jesus Christ, our savior, be with you. We will briefly note that God as a savior is quite well known in the Old Testament. In the OT, God is also known as the father of the Israelites, but never as the father of an individual. But in the NT, we see a clear change: God is called the father of individual believers. Jesus Christ is now called our savior. One reason for this is that Paul wants us to have a high view of Christ. He is the savior just like God.

From the greeting, we know that while we live in pain and agony, and await Christ’s return, we need the well-being, Shalom, and the unmerited favor from God. It is the well-being and grace that will sustain us.


   We have seen and heard of pastors and elders in positions of authority becoming angry when things don’t go their way. They’ve lost their tempers and start banging on the table. Elders and deacons are so afraid of him. We have also heard how pastors abused their authority/power intimidating their congregations, consequently yielding to the pastors. No one dared to say no to them. It is a reign of terror. How wrong this is.

The scripture clearly teaches us that even though we are in the position of authority and power, it is only to be used to bring God’s people to faith in Him. Helping them to understand the truth and leading a godly life. Our authority is to be used in proclaiming the future hope and praying for the well-being of God’s people. In other words, the proper use of authority will help God’s people to grow into spiritual maturity.

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