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日期﹕ 3/18/2007

經文﹕ 《使徒行傳》 4 ﹕ 23-31

題目﹕   能力的源頭

主旨﹕   因為神是掌管一切 , 所以我們在逆境中能得力



   人生常常不但不公平,而且充滿坎坷。我們來到這個國家是為了尋求更美好的生活,可是我們的工作環境卻變得不可忍受;我們來這里是為了更多的言論自由,但卻發現我們象廉價勞動力一樣拼命幹活,做些和我們有同等資歷的人所不願意做的事情;在工作上和對待朋友上面,我們盡力不做虧心事,然而卻被人利用、被人誤解、 虐待、甚至拋棄;我們吃飯休息都很正常,然而卻診斷出患有多種疾病;我們和人分享我們在基督裏的信仰,就是對我們來說是如此重要的經歷,可是我們得到的卻是冷漠或是譏笑。有時甚至連我們的家人對我們的行為也不能理解,對我們盡是冷嘲熱諷。


   在我們今天讀到的經文裏,我們看到使徒們正處于一個險惡的環境 面。 彼得、約翰剛剛醫治了一位生來是瘸腿的人,這人大約四十歲左右。耶路撒冷的老百姓對這件醫治充滿了興奮,而宗教領袖們卻不然。在所有人當中,他們應當為生來是瘸腿的人得到醫治而高興,相反他們卻一開始便對這兩位使徒充滿了敵意。他們逮捕了彼得和約翰,質疑他們以什麼權柄做這件事。為了不犯眾怒,這些宗教領袖們對彼得、約翰二人進行威脅,警告他們不要再傳揚耶穌,然後釋放了他們。

   假如我們是彼得和約翰,我們也許會象一個碩大的氣球一樣,當我們一切順利,飛得又高又遠的時候,突然被一根針戳破。那會很泄氣,對不對?那他們怎么回應哪? 在我們進入這段經文前 , 要重溫一下使徒行傳第一章 . 神委任門徒們在耶路撒冷 , 猶大全地 , 撒馬利亞 , 直到地極作祂的見證人 . 他們要代表神 , 反映神 . 這是神從創世以來對人的心意 . 祂要祂的兒女們在世界上 , 代表和反映祂 . 不但如此 , 祂也賜予聖靈 , 使人能有力作祂的見證人 . 他們要在友善或敵視的環境中作見證人 . 我們剛才讀的經文是有關門徒在惡劣的處境中的見證 .


I •  一個同心的團體能供應信徒所需要的能力 .

第二十三節﹕ “ 彼得和約翰被釋放了之後,回到自己的人那裡去,把祭司長和長老說的一切,都告訴他們 。” 自己的人 可能就是指耶穌升天后聚集在一起禱告的一百二十位使徒,這是一個信徒團體。在二章四十三節和四章三十二節裏,我們了解到這是一個同心的團體,一個相互禱告和相互關懷的團體。當兩位使徒被恐嚇時,他們在這個同心合意的團體裡 得到力量

三月十日美聯社報到了時尚業的一個基督徒聚會。我們知道時尚業是一個以性感、苗條為標準的行業,那也是一個幕後排對、性亂充斥的地方。這個團體叫做“ Models for Christ 。” 它的宗旨是支持與鼓勵那些在時尚業內的基督徒們,並在時尚界向人傳福音。

我也曾經向你們講到過 好萊塢 “ Master Media ” 這個機構,它的宗旨是支持和鼓勵那些在影藝界跟隨基督的信徒們, 好使他們 在電影和電視界 彰顯基督徒的價值觀念。


當我們面對生活中的困難,當我們處于少數時,我們需要一個團結互助的團體來加強我們,使我們能夠堅定不移地跟隨基督。許多人對我說,他們非常感恩,當他們處于生命的低潮而困苦潦倒時,是 這個 團體的弟兄姊妹伸出願 手來鼓勵和支持他們,給予他們繼續向前的力量。


我衷心希望和祈禱,你來這里不單只是參加主日崇拜,而且也能夠找到一個適合你的團契或小組,是你能夠從中得到鼓勵和支持。此外,也希望你能夠鼓勵、支持那些有需要的人。 當我們面對敵視或反對的處境時 , 需要一 個團結互助的團體來 支持與加力給 我們 .


II •  認識神在生命中的主權 , 能供應信徒所需要的能力

當這個團體得知所發生在彼得、約翰身上的事之後,他們 禱告. 這是使徒行傳這卷書里所記載的門徒們的第一次 禱告 內容 他們 同心向 神高聲說 這並不 一定是 說他們所有人同時禱告,這是指他們在禱告中合 。現在我們來看他們的禱告。

1 •  絕對的主

他們是怎樣稱呼神的? Vs.24 “ 主啊,你是那創造天地、海洋和其中萬物的主宰 ,” 這樣開始的禱告看來很奇怪。“主 ”在新約聖經裏只出現了五次,它指的是絕對的主人。神創造了萬物,一切事物都在它的掌控之中。當門徒們面對敵對力量時,他們向誰祈求?絕對和全能的神。不錯,門徒們是受到恫嚇、日後更被鞭打、甚至為在耶穌基督殉道。但是,即使在這些事發生的時候,一切依然是神的掌控之中,他是絕對的主。

這絕不是一個簡易的信心。在這一點上,聖經講的很清楚,對不對?詩篇 第二十九章第十節﹕ “耶和華坐在洪水之上,耶和華坐著為王直到永遠 . ” 當洪水泛濫、波濤肆虐之時,神仍在寶座上面,他仍在掌權。當我們面對生活的黑暗時刻,當生 失去意義,當我們被 待、誤解時,他依然是絕對握有主權的主。

我們深信 即使我們身處逆流之中,神依然是絕對的主。這種信念 我們安慰和力量的源泉。這個禱告還沒有結束,而且越 來越不容易

2 •  ‘神預定’的真理

門徒們在禱告中開始引用詩篇第二章一至二節﹕ “ 1 列國為甚麼騷動?萬民為甚麼空謀妄想? 2 世上的君王起來,首領聚在一起,敵對耶和華和他所膏立的,說: …” 他們對這段經文有什么樣的理解? 在第二十七節﹕ “ 希律和本丟.彼拉多,外族人和以色列民,真的在這城裡聚集,反對你所膏立的聖僕耶穌, ” 使徒們看到詩篇的這段經文是關於主耶穌的預言,這個預言在耶穌被釘在十字架上時已經實現了。 並且因他們是基督的跟隨者 , 他們也經歷了同樣的迫害 . 他們繼續講到﹕ “ 行了你手和你旨意所預定要成就的一切 。” 預定指的是預先確定的。這是說即使外邦人和猶太人使出最卑 的手段,同流合污將耶穌殺死,他們也只不過是成全了神的永久計劃而已。神 好像 是最偉大的歷史學家,他在歷史還沒有開始之前便已寫好了歷史。正如《詩篇》七十六章十節所說﹕ “人的忿怒必使你得稱讚” 即使我們是在敵對神的時候,我們也只是成全神的計劃。這會是我們感到 自己的微小 ,會不會?

當我們身處人生黑暗 的時刻,我們會對人生的一切感到沮喪。我們會感到自己被大才小用,對我們目前的處境表示不滿甚至怨恨。我們會說,要不是為了孩子們,要不是為了面 ,我們早就回國了。那末我們應從這篇禱告中學習到什么哪?

即使我們身處這種環境中,我們周圍的人也只是按著神的大手或神的計劃所預定的進行。我希望會有另外一種方式來翻譯或解釋這一段經文,但是不管怎樣翻譯,預定這個詞總會在這里。《羅馬書》八章二十八至二十九節會對我們解釋這段經文有所幫助﹕ 我們知道,為了愛 神的人,就是按他旨意蒙召的人的益處,萬事都一同效力。 因為 神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的形象一模一樣, …” 我們讀到萬事都互相效力 叫愛神的人得 益處, 甚麼 益處?那就是效法他兒子的模樣。這也是說,神會在各種情況下,即使在我們人生的最黑暗時刻,神也在我們身上動工,使我們更象耶穌。這 的觀點也許很難能夠讓我們理解和接受,但這在聖經中是很清楚地記載著的。我們也許不能解釋神為什么要這樣在我們身上動工,但我們必須接受神的話語,他對我們人生的掌控有絕對的主權。

我們很多人聽到過 Joni 的故事。當她還十几歲的時候,因一次 游泳意外 而引起脖子以下全部癱瘓。她從此便一直坐在輪椅 在她早年的康復過程中,她有很長一段時間一直很沮喪。她也許問了很多次為什么,為什么,為什么是我哪? 在最近《 徒雜誌》的一篇訪問記中,她說她期望能夠用手捏一捏先生的手,可以跪下禱告,親手給嬰孩換尿布,可以自己洗碗、剝橘子、合面,或者把手放在新割的草坪上。這些都是我們平時習已為常的動作,但她一件都不能自己做。當問道她希望每一個人都能夠讀的一本書是什么時,她的回答是 “博特納所著的 《基督教預定論》 。” 她接著說﹕ “我出院不久第一次讀到這本書 ,它給了我很大安慰。它使我認識到,雖然我 這意外 ,但神的手連 十億分之一秒都沒有離開過我的身上。

親愛的弟兄和姐妹們,我們當中也許有人正在經歷生命中的苦痛,關係的破裂,身體上的病痛,已到 末期的絕症,被人 待,或被和我們親近的人誤解,請切記﹕ 神仍然是絕對的主,他的手一時一刻都沒有離開過你。

III •  認識人的責任 , 能供應信徒所需的能力 .

我可以確定,我們對于神在我們生命中的主權還有許多問題。我們會說,既然神已經預定好了,那末我為什么還要盡力哪? 我們很容易變成宿命論者或對事 漠不關心。讓我們繼續看一看使徒們的禱告,二十九節﹕ “…叫你僕人大放膽量講你的道…” 當面對敵對和困難,他們有沒有退卻或放棄? 沒有!他們禱告說他們會繼續講神的道,宣揚神國度的福音信息。他們祈求神可以做 的事情﹕ 醫治疾病和神蹟奇事,同時使徒們也做他們該做的事情,繼續講道。我們所看到的一副圖畫是﹕ 一方面是神的主權,另一方面是人的責任。有神 的作為 ,也有人 的努 力,我們不可以將兩者分開。如果我們在神的主權方面走得太遠,我們會變得懶散、冷漠、或宿命; 如果我們在人的責任方面走得太遠,我們會變得以人為中心。聖經清楚的教導神的主權,但在同時,也講明人的責任。我們的責任就是要在二者之間保持平衡,兩者不是相互排斥的。

約妮認識道神在她生命上的主權和預定,但同時她也了解道人的責任。在她因為四肢癱瘓而被束縛在輪椅的常年累月裡,她學會了用嘴噙著油漆的刷子來 繪畫 ,她成立了專門面對 殘障者的廣播事 工和 約妮之友國際殘障中心,來事奉那些殘障者和他們的家人。

是的,聖經一方面教導我們神的主權 與預定 ,但也同時讓我們知道人的責任。使徒門 祈求甚麼 ?他們沒有祈求保護,他們也沒有祈求神把敵 的手捆起來,相反他們向神祈求他們可以放膽繼續講神的道。他們知道在那樣敵對和惡劣的環境中講神的道是他們的責任,而這種環境也將會變得越來越惡劣。他們也沒有禱告神來 改變 宗教領袖們的心 態。 他們求的是勇氣 . 何等壯闊的禱告!

我們應當向使徒們學習些什么哪?即使在我們暗淡、悲傷、痛苦的日子裡,我們應當向神祈求給我們力量,使我們可以繼續做正確的事情。不是象別人一樣,而求神幫助我們,讓我們做可以 讓他喜悅的事情。難道這不是我們生命中至關重要的事情嗎? 不是什么對我們最好,而是在神的眼光中什么是對的。有的時候神會以他的 權改變我們的環境,這是神的 特權。而另外一些時候他會賜給我們所需的力量來做他所喜悅的事情。

他們禱告之後發生了什么事情?第三十一節﹕ “ 禱告完了,聚會的地方震動,他們就都被聖靈充滿,放膽講論神的道。 ” 他們第一次被聖靈充滿的時候,聖靈象火、象風,使徒 說起別國的話來。現在,他們又一次被聖靈 充滿,聖靈象地震,神 他們膽 做正確的事情,放膽 講論神的道。因為這是耶穌在他升天之前賦予他們的使命 , 要他們作祂的見證人 現在開始面對敵人 , 神也給他們力量 , 勇氣去代表和反映祂 .


我想起在我生命裡的一個階段 . 我進入了一個我厭惡的處境 . 如果我預先知道將面臨的遭遇 , 或 自己 生命之船的船長 , 我絕不會走上這條路 . 但在一次的回顧 , 仙霞說 , “雖然所走的路是十分彎曲 , 但神一直都在其中 . ”祂的手從沒離開過我半秒鐘 . 祂的手總是在那裡引領與賜力量給我 . 幫助我作那對的並祂 喜悅的事 .

我們在惡劣的環境中, 不需要 定睛在自己身上, 把眼光轉向神。 認識到神的主權,他是 我們的世界和生命 絕對的主 . 同時也意識到 們的責任是繼續做 祂的見證人 . 不是祈求一個友好的環境使 們比較容易宣講和傳揚天國的好信息, 求的是一個在惡劣的環境中講神的道 膽量。神 已應許祂絕不會離開我們 , 並要將所需的能力賜給我們

我知道我們當中的許多人在還沒有來到這個國家、這個城市之前都有一番抱負。但是不久,你的 幻想就破滅了,變成失望和灰心。有時候我幾乎可以 聽見 你在一長天的工作之後,象泄氣的氣球那樣的嘆息。 這心態 也會導致家庭或與他人之間關係的沖突和失調。

讓我們學習定睛在神的身上。從使我們周圍的環境不友善、不健康、甚至敵對,神的手一時一刻也沒有離開過我們。 甚至洪水氾濫時 , 神仍然坐在祂的寶座上 , 在那裡管理一切 . 祂的聖靈會繼續賜 我們 勇氣 , 力量去作對的與祂所喜悅的事 , 作祂的見證人 . 這就是我們在需要的時候的安慰,我們的力量,和幫助。


Date:   03/18/2007

Text:   Acts 4:23-31

Title:   Source of Strength

Theme: Since God is in control of all, we can find strength when facing opposition.



  Life is not only unfair, but it is often unfriendly. We’ve come to this country to search for a better life but f ound our work situation unbearable. We came for greater freedom of expression, but instead finding ourselves working like a cheap laborer, doing things that others with similar qualification would not do. We try to do the right thing at work and with friends, but are taken advantage of, misunderstood, mistreated and even rejected. We eat and sleep right, but find ourselves diagnosed with various diseases. We want to share with others our faith in Christ, the experience that means so much to us, instead people either give us a cold shoulder or make fun of us. There are times, even our own family members can not understand and instead, treat us with contempt.

  What do we do in such situations? I don’t know about you, but I will complain, find someone to air out my frustrations. I want people to understand me and to be on my side. I will be discouraged, indulge in self pity and may even give up trying.

  In the passage we read today, the disciples were in a hostile and unfriendly situation. Peter and John had just healed a person who was born crippled. This person was about 40 years old. The people in Jerusalem were all excited about this healing, but not the religious leaders. Of all the people, they should be the ones to rejoice over the healing of a person who was crippled since birth. Instead, they were cynical and downright hostile to the two apostles. So they arrested Peter and John, questioned them about their authority. In order not to offend the people, the religious leaders threatened the two, warning them not to preach Jesus again, and released them.

  If we were Peter and John, we may have felt like a big balloon, just when things were going well, flying high and far, now it is pierced by a needle. It could be discouraging, right? So what did they do? Before we plunge into the passage, it is important that we remember what happened in Acts 1. God commissioned the disciples to be His witnesses to represent and reflect Him, first in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, to the end of the earth. This was his desire for his people from the very beginning of human history. That his children would represent and reflect him. He not only commissioned them, but also sent His Holy Spirit to empower them to represent Him. They were to be his witnesses in friendly and hostile environments. The passage we just read is about being his witness in difficult times.

I.   The believers can find strength in a united community.

  Vs.23, “ they were released, they went to their friends and reported what the chief priests and the elders had said to them.” Friends most probably refer to the original 120 disciples who prayed together after Jesus'' ascension. It was a community of believers. From 2:43 and 4:32 we learned that this is a united community. A community that prayed and cared for each other. When the disciples were threatened, they could find strength in their united and supporting community.

  On 3/10, AP reported a meeting of a Christian group related to the fashion industry where sex appeal and sleek bodies are the standard and where partying and promiscuity are often behind-the-scenes realities. This group is called Models for Christ. Its purpose is to support Christians to walk faithfully with Christ and to reach out to others in this fashion industry.

  I have also shared with you about the Master Media ministry in Hollywood. Its purpose is also to support and encourage believers in the movies and entertainment industry to follow Christ and reflect Christian values in movies and TV shows.

  When we face difficulties in life, when we find ourselves in the minority, we need a united and caring community to strengthen us to faithfully follow Christ. Many have said to me how thankful they are to God that during the down and out times in life, brothers and sisters in this community had encouraged and supported them, giving them the strength they needed to continue.

  It is my desire and prayer that you not come here not only to worship on Sundays, but also to find a fellowship or small group that can encourage and support you. Not only that, but you can also be the person to encourage and support those in need. When we face opposition and hostility, we need a united community to sustain and strengthen us.

II.   The believers can find strength in acknowledging God's sovereignty in life.

  When this community heard of what happened to Peter and John, they prayed. This is the first public prayer by the disciples in the book of Acts. They were united in prayer. This does not necessarily mean they all prayed at the same time, rather they all agreed with the prayer’s content. Let’s take a look at this prayer.

1.   The Sovereign Lord.

  How did they address God? “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.” It is strange way to begin a prayer like this. This word sovereign lord is used only 5 x in the NT. It means the absolute master. Being the creator of everything, he is in complete control of all events. When facing opposition, where did the disciples turn to? The absolute and powerful God. But we say, the disciples were threatened, later they were beaten, and they were killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, even while these events were happening, God was still in control, He is the absolute master.

  This is no easy faith. Yet the scripture is quite clear on this, isn’t it? Psalm 29:10, “ 10 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned as king forever.”When the flood and storm is raging, the Lord is still sitting on this throne, he is still ruling. When we face dark moments in life, when life doesn’t make sense, when we are being mistreated and misunderstood, He is still the absolute master.

  The belief and conviction that even when things are not going our way, He is still the absolute master. This is the source of comfort and strength. There is more in this prayer, and does not get any easier.

2.   The truth of predestination.

  The disciples in their prayers began to quote Psalm 2:1-2, “ 1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed,..” What was their understanding of this passage. In vs.27, “ 27 for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,..” The disciples saw that the words in Psalm were a prophesy about Jesus Christ. It was fulfilled when Jesus was crucified on the cross.” Then they went on and say, “ 28 to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” The word predestined means to determine beforehand. It is saying that God is the supreme historian who wrote all history before it ever began. Even those the gentiles and Jews had conspired together to do their worst in killing Jesus, they were merely fulfilling God's eternal plan. The disciples recognize that even the hostility before them falls into this eternal plan. Its like Psalm 76:10, “the wrath of man shall praise you.” Even when we are turning against God, we are only fulfilling God's plan. This is a very humble realization, right?

  When we are in those dark and discouraging moments in life, when we feel so unhappy about what we are doing, feeling that we are being underutilized, we fill bitter and even resentful about our present situation. We would say, if not for the children, or for FACE, we would have long returned to China. But what do we learn from this prayer?

  Even when we are in such situations, people around us are doing whatever God's hand and His plan had predestined to take place. I wish there is another way to translate or interpret this passage. But no matter how we translate it, the word predestined is here. It will also help us if we turn to that familiar passage in Roman 8:29, “ 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,..” We learn here that all things work for good, what good? To be conformed to the image of His son. That is, God works in all situations, even in those very dark moments of life, God is working in your life to help you to become like Christ Jesus. Topics like this are hard for us to understand and accept, but it is so clearly stated in the scriptures. We cannot explain God and his doing in our lives. but we have to believe in what he has told us. He is in absolute control of our lives.

  Many of us have heard of the story of Joni Eareckson Tada. When she was a teenager, she had a diving accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. She ended up in a wheel chair all her life. During the early years of her recovery, she was depressed for a long time. She must have asked many times, why, why, why me. In a recent interview in the Discipleship Journal, she expressed that she would like to squeeze her husband’s hand, kneel in prayer, diaper a baby, wash dishes, peel an orange, knead bread dough, run my fingers through the new-mown lawn. These are things we do every day, but she can’t do any of them. She was asked what book does she wish everyone would read. “the Reformed doctrine of predestination by Boettner.” “I read it when I first got out of the hospital after my accident, and it proved to be a great comforter. It helped me to know that despite my accident, God had not taken his hands off me for a nanosecond.”

  Dear brothers and sisters, some of us may be experiencing great pain in life, the breakup of a relationship, physical pain, terminal illness, being mistreated, misunderstood by someone close to us. remember: God is still the absolute master. No matter where you are, he has not taken his hands off you for a nanosecond.

III.   The believers can find strength in acknowledging human responsibility in life.

  I am certain we have many questions on God's sovereignty in life. We may say, if God determined beforehand, then why bother to do my part. We can easily become fatalistic and take a hand off attitude towards life. But let’s continue to look at the disciples’ prayer. vs.29, “…… continue to speak your word…..” Facing opposition and difficulty, did they just back off or give up? No, they prayed that they will continue to speak God's word, to proclaim the gospel message of God's kingdom. They prayed that God will do his part: healing and other miracles and the disciples will do their part: to continue to speak the word. What we see is God's sovereignty on the one hand, and on the other, human responsibility. There is the divine deeds, but also human effort. We just can’t separate the two. When we go too far on God's sovereignty, it will make us lazy and indifferent and fatalistic. If we go too far on human responsibility, we’ll be man centered. The scripture clearly teaches God's sovereignty, and at the same time, human responsibility. Our challenge to learn to maintain a balance between the two. They are not exclusive of each other.

  Joni recognized God's sovereignty and predestination in her life, but she also knew about human responsibility. During her years as a quadriplegic in a wheel chair, she learned to paint with her mouth holding the paint brush, started a radio ministry to minister to the handicapped, organized the Joni and Friends International Disability Center, ministering to the disabled and their families.

  Yes, the scriptures teach us about God's predestination, but also want us to know of our responsibility. What did the disciples pray for? They did not pray for protection. Nor did they ask God to tie the hands of the hostile authorities. Instead they pray for boldness so they could continue to do the right things. God will give them boldness to continue to speak the word. They know their responsibility to speak God's word in that hostile and unfriendly environment. And it would get increasingly hostile as days went on. They did not pray for a change of the religious leaders’ hearts. What a prayer.

  What can we learn from them? Even in our dark, sad and unhappy moments, we ask for strength to continue to do the right things. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing, we ask God to help us do what is pleasing to him. Isn’t this what is important in life? Not what is good for us, but what is right in God's sight. Sometimes God in his own sovereignty will change our environment, but this is His prerogative; other times he’ll give us the strength we need to do what is pleasing to him.

   What happened after they prayed? Vs.31, “ 31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” The first time when the Holy Spirit filled them it was like fire and wind, and the disciples start to speak in languages of foreign land. Now, when the spirit filled them, it was like earthquake, and they were given the boldness they needed to continue to do the right thing, to speak God's word. God had commissioned them to be His witness. Now facing opposition, God also gave the strength, courage to represent and reflect Him.

Conclusion :

  I think of a time in my personal life. I found myself in a situation I detested. If I would have known earlier, or if I could be the captain of my ship, I would have never travelled down that path. In reflection, Cynthia said, “The road you took was very crooked. But God was in it all.” His hands had never left me for even one nanosecond. He was always there, guiding and strengthening me, enabling me to do what is right and pleasing to Him.

  When we find ourselves in a hostile environment, instead of focusing on ourselves, we’re to turn our eyes onto the Lord. We’re to recognize God's sovereignty; being the absolute master of the physical and our world. On the other hand, we also recognize our human responsibility to continue to be His witness. Instead of praying for a friendly environment so we can more easily speak and proclaim the kingdom’s good news, we’re to ask for strength and courage so that we can continue to represent and reflect God in that hostile environment. God has promised that he would never leave us alone, and to give us the power we need. .

  I know many of us had great aspirations prior to coming to this country, this city. But in no time, you were disillusioned, disappointed and discouraged. Sometimes I can almost hear you going home after a long day’s work, your sighing and feeling like a deflated balloon. This brings conflicts and disharmony in family life and relationships with others.

  May we all learn to turn our focus on God. Even though our situation is unfriendly, unhealthy and even hostile, His hands have not left you one nanosecond. Even when the flood is raging, He still sits on His throne, He is still in charge. H is Holy Spirit will continue to give you courage to do what is right and pleasing to him. This is our comfort, our strength and help in times of need.





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